MARKETING - AgencyBloc · Like we said, email marketing is the perfect tool to personalize your marketing messages while still reaching a large number of people. It also makes our

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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what you’ll marketing is..........................................................................................3

why it works.....................................................................................................4

how to make your emails awesome..............................................................5

how insurance agencies can use this............................................................8

introducing agencybloc’s email campaigns feature....................................9

more resources..............................................................................................12

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email marketing is...Email marketing is a tool businesses use to relay messages or promote their products/services to an audience. It is often used to send one message to a large number of people, whether it’s a one-time send or an on-going campaign.

Emails are an easy way to talk to your customers or prospects on their time. It’s a way to get in front of your customers and remain in their mind for when the need for your service or product arises. Emails can be used to acquire & nurture prospects by providing valuable content to those who opt-in to receive it, like our BlocTalk emails:

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why it works...Hubspot compiled some email marketing statistics in a recent blog. It reports that 91% of consumers check their email daily. 91%! And on top of that, 74% of us say we prefer to receive these kind of commercial messages via email. That’s a big deal. It’s an even bigger deal when we realize that 66% of people purchase based on an email marketing message they received. Basically, if you’re not taking advantage of email marketing, you’re truly missing out.

Beyond the statistics, it’s still a no-brainer. Think about it. We all hate sales calls, especially cold-calls. We want brands to come to us with relevant content we’re interested in. We want them to do the research & provide us with an easy purchase decision. We want personalized messages about things we care about. That’s exactly what email marketing does, if done right.

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91% of consumers check their email daily.

74% prefer emails for commercial messages.


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how to make your emails awesome...Like we said, email marketing is the perfect tool to personalize your marketing messages while still reaching a large number of people. It also makes our lives easier when we use tools that automate these messages for us. But before we get into that, let’s take a look at some tips for creating some really great email marketing campaigns.

Make it personal. So, we’ve said this a lot, but that’s because it’s super important. People respond the best when they’re reading something that’s relevant to their life at the moment. They also appreciate when they know you’ve taken the time to get to know their pain points and that you’ve provided a possible solution.

Put people into buckets. By this we mean, don’t lump everyone into the same group all receiving the same message. This goes with making it personal. Do your research and organize your opt-in list based on criteria you find important. Your readers will be a lot more engaged with content you send them that makes sense and is aligned with recent interactions they’ve already had with your brand. For example, you could divide your list of people up based on their engagement with you:

• Group One could include people who have shown basic interest in your agency’s content (webinars, seminars, newletter, mailing list, etc.).

• Group Two could be people who have shown serious interest. These could be people who have requested a quote, filled out a contact form, called into your office, etc.

These two groups of people should receive different content based on their recent interactions with you.

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Design with mobile in mind. This goes for both the layout and responsiveness of your email template, but also your content. You wouldn’t want to sit there scrolling and scrolling through countless paragraphs on your 5.5” mobile screen, so don’t do it to your readers. Make your emails responsive so they’re easy to read on desktop and mobile. In fact, if you haven’t heard this enough already, make everything you do responsive!

For more tips, read 5 Things to Know Before Starting Your Next Email Marketing Campaign.

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desktop mobile


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how insurance agencies can use this...Insurance agencies can use email marketing for all of the same reasons that other businesses do; however, they also have some industry-specific reasons to use automated or mass emails. We’ve put together a list of opportunities to use automated or mass email for insurance agencies that pertain to both marketing and internal operations—many relevant to both.

Marketing opportunities:• New lead development• Recruiting new employees• Newsletters• Open enrollment seasons• Events based on age (18, 26, 65, etc.)• Anniversaries (time to check life insurance protection)• Upcoming webinars/educational events• Cross-selling other insurance (Did you know it’s about 50% easier

to sell to existing customers than to brand new prospects?)

Internal operations opportunities:• Product rate increases• Policy renewal notices• Agent E&O/license expiration alerts• Open enrollment announcements• Product/carrier updates for agents/clients• Birthday greetings• Happy Holidays/Happy New Year

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introducing agencybloc’s email campaigns feature...With Agencybloc’s newest feature, Email Campaigns, you can now use all of the information already in your AgencyBloc account to send personalized, relevant emails both within your business and also to your prospects. Check out what makes this tool so powerful:

Send the right emails at the right time with industry-specific filters.Use the fields in your AgencyBloc account to target the right audience. Fields such as renewal date, birth date, term date, coverage type, and more can all be used to build the perfect list.

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Send one-time and drip emails with mass emails.Mass email campaigns are used to send one-time email communications to a list of recipients such as sending a newsletter to your current customers or sending a set of emails (drips) to perform cross-sell campaigns or to nurture prospective clients. Just filter your list of recipients and send the campaign all in one, easy-to-use software.

Set up a campaign, and let it run with automated emails.Automated email campaigns are used to send sets of emails (drips) based on date/time events such as a renewal date approaching or a customer is turning 65 as well as action-based events such as when an individual changes from a prospect to a client. Automated email campaigns are ongoing; you set them up once and AgencyBloc takes care of the rest.

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more resources...Check out these blog posts from BlocTalk for more tips on meaningful communication and email marketing:• How to Use Email Marketing to Maintain Strong Client Relationships• 5 Things to Know Before Starting Your Next Email Marketing

Campaign• Use Client Insights and Meaningful Communication to Increase


View a recording of this webinar: How to Use Personalized Communication to Strengthen Client Relationships

Check out BlocTalk for more educational content to give you and your agency a competitive edge:

What is AgencyBloc? AgencyBloc is an Agency Management System built specifically for health and life insurance agencies (Solo, GA’s, MGA’s, IMO’s, FMO’s). Check out this overview video to see how the software works:

Visit us at, or call us at 866-338-7075!

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