Market the Hyperloop!

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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In my application presentation for Cambell & Mithun's Lucky 13 internship, I explore how sassy old ladies can help market the Hyperloop to new audiences.


H Y P E R L O O PH Y P E R L O O Psweet dreams aboardsweet dreams aboard

commuting sucks.

commuting sucks.stop and go...

commuting sucks.stop and go...

dirty subways...

commuting sucks.stop and go...

dirty subways...

busy airports...

commuting sucks.stop and go...

dirty subways...

busy airports...


commuting sucks.stop and go...

dirty subways...

busy airports...


commuting sucks.stop and go...

dirty subways...

busy airports...

noise...lines... he touching my butt on purpose?



the de-stress express!


HYPERLOOP IS...HYPERLOOP IS...The Future! like sci-fi, but real!

Elon Musk’s thing he’s cool. Gotta love Iron Man!

New & Exciting yay engineering and stuff!

Basically, every Silicon Valley-ite under thirty will be super pumped to give Hyperloop a go

(so that they can blog about it later, of course)

...But what about everyone else?


Quick LA. to San Fran in 30 min.

Quiet like an electric car, but really fast! Also, without the incessant Californian honking war.

Private only six people to a pod, and then there’s the car pod option...

These features are highly attractive to older groups, especially ladies!

This campaign’s target audience is potential Hyperloop riders, specifically females.

Meet Dawn.Meet Dawn.“I’m trying to commute here!”Dawn is approaching 60, but she’s young at heart. Dawn knows what she wants. She’s the long-time personal assistant to a Hollywood producer, so she can hold her own around big egos. For her job, Dawn spends a lot of time in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Dawn decided to try out Hyperloop after her car overheated once while waiting in traffic on I-5. Ever since, she’s been hooked. She uses her half hour commute on the Hyperloop as much-needed “me-time.”

In a series of brief TV spots, Dawn is shown making the pod-space her own, relaxing and being a fabulous, hilariously pampered older lady (Lucile Bluth meets Donna Meagle).

1. Dawn reclines in a Hyperloop seat with cucumbers over her eyes. She’s wearing a pink fluffy robe. Her ipod is audibly on, but only a low beat can by clearly heard.

2. Dawn realizes that someone is staring at her, jerks up, and catches one fallen cucumber. Her sassy look says “excuse me?!” She says “I’m trying to commute here!” She takes a bite of the cucumber.

3. Chewing, Dawn settles back into her chair as the pod doors close. Through windows, we see her speed off, and her ipod music becomes clear. She’s listen-ing to some bad ass hip-hop.

Why Dawn?Hyperloop hype will be big, especially on the internet, where the idea solely lives today. The on line hype will reach mostly young males. Featuring an older female in a marketing campaign will work to spread the word to older female audiences, but it will by no means alienate younger groups. Due to their natural lack of giving a damn, old ladies are the original hipsters. Every 20-something female cannot wait to become a sassy, eccentric old lady herself.“Love yourself,” “don’t care what the haters think,” and “age is just a number” have become dominant themes in American culture. 50-something Dawn embodies these cultural attitudes in a humorous, exaggerated way, much like sassy television characters Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development) and Donna Meagle (Parks and Recreation), both of whom are adored and emulated by large young audiences of both genders.

“I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona”

“Treat. Yo. Self.”

Why Dawn?

-Donna from Parks and Recreation

-Lucille from Arrested Development

“The question, ‘how old are you?’ is never uttered in this city [...] People who move to San Francisco seem to have both a Peter Pan complex and a very adventurous spirit. These brave young adventurers, regardless of age, will meet up and participate in all kinds of activities...

-Lewis Krell, for Huffington Post“San Francisco: Where Age is Just a Number”

Print ads carefully placed near bus stops and on billboards along I-5 are imperative to any Hyperloop campaign in California. This fun, easily iterated print ad campaign features a series of not-so-cute photos of people asleep or deeply relaxing in Hyperloop seats like they’re right at home or perhaps at a spa. Cute, oversized typography overlays these images with slogans about how nice it is to chillax during your commute on the Hyperloop. Comedic visual contrast is what we’re going for here. Riders are encouraged to tweet about how they spent their half hour. #tubetime

LA is just a nap away.


Like a newborn in the backseat.

Like a newborn in the backseat.


Powered by dreams.Powered by dreams.And the sun.(mostly the sun.)

LA is just a nap away.

electromagnetic me-time

Experts say, the ideal length of a power nap is 20 - 30 minutes.

LA. to San Fransiscoon the Hyperloop is a 30 minute ride.

Coincidence? We think not. Dreaming of

San FransiscoTreat yourself to some quality tube time.

U n w i n d at 800 mph

A few more print ad slogans...

HYPERLOOP HYPERLOOPthe is Awesome,and marketing it can and will be easy as pie a piece of cake

like a day at the spa...


It’s really easy to build a campaign that relies on Hyperloop’s inherent california tech

coolness factor.

But it is important that this campaign not only displays cool;it must alsoCREATE


New cool that appeals and applies to new people.

Meet the new cool.

T hank you

Happy Valentine’s

Day! About the author: Shannon FletcherShannon just graduated from the University of Minnesota, where she studied poetry and philosophy and other lovely things that have no lucrative ends! She is a mostly self-taught designer and one day, she would like to be paid to think un-thought thoughts and make pretty stuff. She really likes collaboration and esspresso. According to a Buzzfeed quiz, if she were a pop-star, she’d be Beyoncé. Finding that out was a big moment for her. She has a pet bunny.


email fletc153@umn.edutwitter @shannonjeanne_3portfolio

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