Market Research Analytics

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Data & Analytics



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Project Funny Munny

Market Research Analytics

Team members:1) Devawrat S. Bhave - A150102) Kamalika Some – A150122) Soumyadip Majumder - A150273) Varun Gopathi - A150304) Vibhu Singh - A15032


• Customer profiling of loan-takers.• Customer behavioural profiling of loan-takers.• Customer attributes driving Satisfaction &

Hierarchy of Attributes.• Customer Psychographic Segmentation.

Customer profiling of loan-takers• Sample size= 1164

Zone wise Profiling

Zones North South East West Overall

Grand total 17.7% 26.5% 33.8% 22.2% 100%

Educational Level (Figures in %)

Educational Level North South East West Overalllliterate 1.53 1.56 1.45 1.3 5.84

Literate, but no formal education2.29 2.34 1.93 6.17 12.73

Up to Class 42.29 2.73 2.9 1.62 9.54

Class 4 – Class 912.98 23.44 12.56 11.36 60.34

SSC/HSC26.72 28.91 22.22 25 102.85

HSC+, but not graduate (Diploma etc.)17.05 11.33 16.43 19.48 64.29

Graduate / Post graduate (General - BA, MA, B.Sc.etc.)

31.3 28.13 37.68 31.17 128.28Graduate / Post graduate (Professional –

B.E, B. Tech, M.B.B.S, etc.)

5.85 1.56 4.83 3.9 16.14Grand Total 100 100 100 100 400.00

Customer profiling of loan-takers Occupation Level (Figures in %)

Occupation TypeEast West North South Overall

Unskilled manual worker 1.53 1.17 6.76 2.68 12.14Skilled manual worker

15.27 8.59 12.08 11.89 47.83Small trader 16.79 22.36 6.76 8.34 54.25Shop Owner 3.31 6.25 5.8 3.59 18.95

Businessman / Industrialist -with no employees

11.7 23.05 9.18 8.81 52.74Businessman / Industrialist -with less than

10 employees8.65 7.81 6.76 11.24 34.46

Businessman / Industrialist -with more than 10 employees

2.8 2.34 0 2.92 8.06Self Employed Professional 32.77 20.79 38.64 42.56 134.76

Clerk / Salesman 1.78 0.78 0.97 0.34 3.87Supervisor

1.78 0.78 0.97 0.34 3.87Officer / Executive – Junior level

2.54 1.56 2.42 2.92 9.44Officer / Executive – Middle / Senior level

1.53 3.52 9.66 4.47 19.18Grand Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00

Customer profiling of loan-takers Regular Income (Figures in %)

Income Earned East West North South OverallYes

79.9 81.64 95.65 72.08 109.02No

20.1 18.36 4.35 27.92 70.73 Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Annual House-Hold Income (Figures in %)

Income Group East West North South OverallLess than 75,000

5.85 4.69 4.83 3.9 19.2775,000 – 1,50,000 15.52 20.7 14.98 18.18 69.381,50,001 – 3,00,000

37.66 37.89 37.68 40.58 153.813,00,001 – 5,00,000

27.23 26.95 28.02 26.3 108.5More than 5,00,000 13.74 9.77 14.49 11.04 49.04Grand Total 100 100 100 100 400

Customer profiling of loan-takersImmovable property

(Figures in %)

Agricultural Land East West North South OverallYes

52.16 40.63 33.82 43.18 169.78

No 47.84 59.38 66.18 56.82 230.22Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Immovable property

(Figures in %)

Residential Plots East West North South OverallYes

37.37 35.16 29.47 47.73 147.73

No 64.63 64.84 70.53 52.27 252.27Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Customer profiling of loan-takersImmovable property

(Figures in %)

Pucca House East West North South OverallYes

51.65 51.56 59.42 31.49 194.12

No 48.35 48.44 40.58 68.51 205.88Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Immovable property (Figures in %)

Kutcha House East West North South OverallYes

0.76 1.95 6.28 2.6 11.59

No 99.24 98.05 93.72 97.4 388.41Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Customer profiling of loan-takersImmovable property

(Figures in %)

Shops East West North South OverallYes

5.09 1.95 4.83 6.17 18.04

No 94.91 98.05 95.17 93.83 381.96Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Immovable property (Figures in %)

Others East West North South OverallYes

3.05 9.77 3.38 3.9 20.1

No 96.95 90.23 96.62 96.1 379.9Grand Total

100 100 100 100 400

Customer behavioural profilingCustomer Loan-taking behaviour (Figures in %)

Parameter East West North South

Which loan did you taken in last 2 years?

Crop 11.95 6.64 2.90 8.76Livestock 0.25 0.39 0.48 0.65Vehicle 79.13 81.25 77.78 59.74

Gold 1.01 0.78 2.90 13.96Education 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.32Housing 5.60 3.52 10.62 8.44Personal 1.27 3.52 3.38 7.14Others 0.29 3.90 1.93 0.99

Total % 100 100 100 100

Loan amount taken

<=1,00,000 10.94 6.25 19.32 19.801,00,001– 3,00,000 25.44 26.56 25.12 25.64

3,00,001 – 5,00,000 23.15 20.70 19.81 20.78

5,00,001- 10,00,000 20.61 30.85 22.22 21.43

>10,00,000 19.86 15.64 13.53 12.35Total % 100 100 100 100

Repayment tenure

<3 yrs 32.06 16.80 24.15 34.743 – 5 yrs 58.01 68.36 64.25 51.94

5 – 10 yrs 7.12 12.50 6.28 8.11>10 yrs 2.81 2.34 5.31 5.21

Total % 100 100 100 100

Loan-taking behaviour by North India vs South India

* Cells highlited in Yellow Color:Those cells are of range where there is a significant difference and no overlapping ( At 95% CI)

Loan-taking behaviour by North India vs South India

* Cells highlited in Yellow Color: Those cells are of range where there is a significant difference and no overlapping ( At 95% CI)

Customer attributes driving Satisfaction & Hierarchy of Attributes


Customer attributes driving Satisfaction & Hierarchy of Attributes

• Model I shows that the 5 independent variables explain 84.02% variation in the dependent variable

• The estimate for Q19 A-Time taken for your loan application processing is the highest at 70.42% indicating it is the most imp factor

• For Q19 B-Documentation and proof requirements the P value is 0.153 indicating it is not that significant in our model so we need to build a model removing this variable

Ques No Attributes EstimatesHierarchy of Attribute


19 ATime taken for your loan application processing

0.70402 I

19 BDocumentation and proof requirements

0.02638 V

19 CTimely disbursement of funds

0.06347 III

19 DLoan collection process

0.05444 IV

19 ECustomer service

0.15091 II

Customer attributes driving Satisfaction & Hierarchy of Attributes


Customer attributes driving Satisfaction & Hierarchy of Attributes• Model II shows that the 4 independent variables explain 84.01% variation in the dependent variable • Attribute Q19 B-Documentation and proof requirements the estimate is off loaded from the model. • The estimate for Q19 A-Time taken for your loan application processing has increased to 71.35%• The Overall Rsquare is .8406 and Multiple R squared is .8401 indicating no significant drop of the model fit.

Ques No Attributes EstimatesHierarchy of Attribute


19 A

Time taken for your loan application processing

0.7135 I

19 CTimely disbursement of funds

0.07075 III

19 DLoan collection process

0.05719 IV

19 ECustomer service

0.15295 II

Customer Psychographic Segmentation•Optimal number of components or factors to retain , through Eigen Values and Parallel Analysis.

5 Optimal Factors Extracted through the Scree Plot.

Customer Psychographic Segmentation5 Segmentation Breaking up of Factors.

Factor 1: 1.76. Factor 2: 1.82. Factor 3: 1.42. Factor 4: 1.39. Factor 5: 1.29.

Clustering can be done and data can be segmented based on factors we have derived

Customer Psychographic Segmentation



Full Nest I

Full Nest II

Empty Nest

Customer Psychographic Segmentation Attributes & 5 Factor Explanation.

End of Presentation

Thank- You!

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