Mark Adrian Langtry - Photography: Hand / Product

Post on 22-May-2015






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RMIT University; Commercial Photography- Practical approaches when photographing hands with / without products for commercial applications






Image 1. PIVOT – Hand with seedling image.


Talent: Paid “Hand” talent. Even though limited depth of field, choice of appropriate hand talent really important. Hand/Nail manicure a MUST!

Lighting: Lighting on hand and product, electronic Flash - 1 grid from back RHS plus reflector positioned on LHS- no gels. Note use of “Back / side lighting”. There was no soft fill light above camera, as “Dramatic feel” was requested. Also shadow area underside of hand a MUST for aesthetic reasons, (narrows hand). A light with a grid was then directed into a strategically placed small mirror to light soil at base of seedling stem.

Background lighting – Blue gelled light “Mottled” through tree leaves / branches to create “Mottled background”. “Warm / amber” gel on spot positioned appropriately for hand. Note spot with “warm” gel for “glow” around stem.

Camera: Sinar 5x4, 150mm lens. ‘Movements’ used to attain limited focus and to accentuate “narrow depth of field effect”. A process that required patience and a critical approach to composition and lighting.

81A + Sinar soft, (OD3 from memory) filter on lens.

Technique: Talent’s arm / elbow set up on support to enable stability and to control composition.

Set this shot up the night before actual shoot and used Lindsay’s hand for practice. Exposed some sheets to ascertain exposure and lighting relationships.

Client requested an “Arty”/ “Rustic - Earthy” feel to the image. Definitely did not want a “slick” result. (Consider market for product!) When final result on 5 x 4 sheet film was achieved, we then had it printed onto a textured stock and then rephotographed it to “degenerate” the “quality”.

This image required somewhere between 10 - 15 sheets of 5 x 4in filmto be shot to obtain final image.


Image 2. UEComm Prospectus front cover


Talent: Used Lindsay’s hand for this image. We often use his hands, as they are quite good! Shot on location. Ensured he had had manicure before shoot!

Once again, even though limited depth of field. Hand manicure a MUST!

Lighting: Lighting on hand and product; electronic Flash - 1 grid spot from top, back LHS plus reflector positioned on RHS- Amber gel. Note use again of “Back / side lighting”. One grid spot from side LHS – Amber gel also, (allowed this to spill onto background also – RHS, to de-saturate blue in that area)

Background lighting – Blue gelled spot, top RHS.

Camera: Mamiya RB, 50mm lens with extension tube #1. Shot this image stopped down considerably. CROPPED! As hand quite ugly and over prominent on bottom LHS if not done so. Often find that cropping when working in close will facilitate nicer shapes and add to the aesthetic. Need a medium to large format or large file size to work with though! (6x6, 6x7)

No filters on lens.

Technique: Talent’s arm / elbow set up on support to enable stability and to control composition.

Client requested an “Edgy”/ “Electronic feel” to the image. They also wanted a sense of immediacy also. They actually requested “Cross process as a means of creating an almost posterised effect. This image was shot using Kodak 100D and then processing it C41.

A single colour print (Pegasus) from CPL was supplied to client.


HAND / HANDS ON OWN (Similar concept to “VicDEAF Annual report)

Image 3. TOLL Annual Report front cover.


Talent: Used Lindsay’s hands for this image. Hand / Nail manicure again a MUST!

Lighting: All references to Left or Right refer to “Camera Left or Right”.

Lighting on hands; electronic Flash - 1 grid “Square” from top, “Side” RHS (1/4 Amber gel), plus reflectors positioned on either side of camera. Note use again of “Back / side lighting”.

Cutter positioned to keep this lighting off suit! (background).

Background lighting, (suit) – Electronic flash. 1/4 amber gelled spot grid, top RHS. Very carefully positioned! to rake across suit and tie. Cutter positioned to put shadow on area where type would later be placed.

Camera: Mamiya RB, 127mm lens. Shot this image around f8 to allow suit to drop out of focus so type, when positioned, would stand out.

81EF filter on lens.

Technique: Talent’s arm / elbow set up on support to enable stability and to control composition, (Camera right).

Lower hand had elbow resting on purchased bench top that was set up in studio to simulate Jarra, (perceived as expensive timber) boardroom table. - CRUCIAL THAT GAP BE LEFT FOR TYPE TO BE DROPPED IN, (in a dark area of suit).

Initially client, (Design company), requested CEO of TOLL, Paul Little to act as Hand talent, (not a good idea!) We had to comply with this request, (having pointed out the problems associated with this before initial shoot, - broken fingers from previous car racing accident, manicures etc!) He decided very quickly he did not want to do it and then in our own time we manufactured & engineered a successful image.

This image required 3 attempts, (including 1st with Paul Little), to create image where type fitted exactly where it needed to. Although 1st attempt with Lindsay was really to nail down lighting and composition with the 2nd version a “Polished” result of this.


Image 4. RMIT “TRAINING” Brochure.


Talent: Booked professional hand talent for this job. Had casting with Designer client to establish who was suitable! Hand / Nail manicures again a MUST!

Lighting: All references to Left or Right refer to “Camera Left or Right”.

Lighting on hands; electronic Flash “Tungsten Modelling Lights + controlled available light!”

Used available light as “base lighting” near a window and then accentuated , (Rimmed / side lit) hands / grey shirt with lighting provided from 3 strategically positioned tungsten modelling lights from 3 Elinchrom 3000 pack heads, (grid spots attached). Used these as against using conventional tungsten lights due to ease of grid spot capability and that they would be positioned reasonably close.

This was done to produce a natural, “un-studio like feel” even though it was shot in the studio. Positioned large hinged flats either side of camera to produce soft fill.

Camera: Mamiya RB, 250mm lens. Shot this image, (and all from brochure), aperture wide open to allow backgrounds to drop out of focus.

Orange filter on lens to lighten skin tones on hands and to slightly increase contrast.

Technique: On this front cover image, LHS talent’s arms / elbows positioned on “X” marked spots on table to facilitate him being able to move them for a rest if necessary.

Deliberately sought to use dominant / strong diagonal lines of composition to create image(s) that were graphic and structured. Often, the camera was “Dutch tilted” to facilitate and accentuate this. This, to support a “Feeling” of “Energy” and “Movement”.

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