MARION COUNTY PIONEER CEMETERY COMMISSION OCTOBER … · Kenny Thompson (Fire Chief) will do the work around the edge of the cemetery. ... Val will ask him for references of some

Post on 24-Jun-2020






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JUNE 29, 2020

Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 29, 2020 at the

Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Members present were Carl Nollen, Kent & Val Van Kooten, Steve Klein,

Janet & Dave Ritchie, Craig Agan, and Bev Jones.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call of officers was taken, Val, Bev, Janet, Steve were

present. Stephanie Micetich was absent.

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Bev passed out the minutes of October 28, 2019 meeting. Dave made a motion

to approve the October 28, 2019 minutes. Seconded by Steve. All ayes

TREASURER’S REPORT – Janet passed out the June 29, 2020 treasurer’s report. Ending cash balance was


OLD & NEW BUSINESS - Val passed out a list of all pioneer cemeteries in Marion Co. Reviewed the

cemeteries and discussed what needed to be completed at the cemeteries. Caloma, Castle, DeWitt,

Finarty, Fisher, Jelsma, Little Flock, Stotts-Whitlatch, and Wheeling need signs. Carl and Val will work on

getting these signs.

Dewitt – 4-H kids are working on the stones. The cemetery needs a gate.

Pendroy – Val had received a letter from relative that had relation buried at the cemetery, wanted name

changed on the sign and sent a donation of $250.00 to repair the sign.

Schlotterback – Needs a gate.

Stotts-Whitlatch – Cemetery was called “E. Columbia”. This name will be put on the sign.

Watkins – Needs a gate.

Next meeting will be September 28, 2020 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station.


Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Jones, Secretary

Cc: Jake Grandia




OCTOBER 28, 2019 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held October 28, 2019 at the Knoxville Rural 

Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Janet & Dave 

Ritchie, and Bev Jones.  Ryder and Angie Bates were in attendance. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of officers was taken with all in attendance.  Val, Janet, 

Larry, Steve and Bev. 


Secretary’s Report – Bev passed out the minutes of September 30, 2019 meeting.  Janet made a motion to 

approve the September 30, 2019 minutes.  Seconded by Steve.  All ayes. 


Treasurer’s Report – Janet passed the October 28, 2019 Report.  Beginning cash balance $13,358.93, Expenses 

American Fence $1,478.00 and Neuman Sign – Klein Cemetery $71.04, leaving a cash balance of $13,287.89.  


Bills – Ryder Bates has bills totaling $528.31 in restoring Klein Cemetery.  Steve made a motion to pay Ryder 

Bates $528.31.  Seconded by Larry.  All ayes. 


Old Business –  


Klein Cemetery ‐ Ryder cleaned up fence on three sides, new posts, trimmed overhead branches, new front 

fence, gate and latch.  Ryder will be installing the new cemetery sign with names of people buried at Klein 

Cemetery.  In the spring, Ryder will be cleaning the stones.  Ryder had an album of pictures of work in progress 

at the cemetery.  Steve applauded Ryder for all his work and taking on this project.  Ryder is a freshman at 

Pella High School.  In the spring, he hopes to have open house at the cemetery.  This was a Boy Scout project 

for Ryder.   


Schlotterback Cemetery – Val has visited with the Knoxville City Clerk regarding plans for the VA Hospital and 

she stated that everything is on hold at this time. 


Buwalda Cemetery – Val stated that Larry Toom has been sick, not sure when the cemetery will be cleaned up. 


Green Cemeteries – Val will be sending letters to the Township Trustees regarding if they would want their 

pioneer cemeteries to be a green cemetery and explain what qualifies for a green burial. 


New Business –  


Election of Board Members – Val Van Kooten (President) and Larry Fudge (Vice President) are up for 

reelection.  Larry Fudge stated he would not run again.   Val Van Kooten would run again.  Stephanie Micetich 

has agreed to serve on the board as Vice President.  Janet Ritchie made a motion for Val Van Kooten 

(President) and Stephanie Micetich (Vice President) to serve on the board of Marion County Pioneer Cemetery 

Commission for a term of three years.  Seconded by Steve Klein.  All ayes. 



2020 Cemeteries – Steve stated we need to work hiring help to clean up and fix fences on several cemeteries.  

Several cemeteries still need signs Castle, Concord, Caloma (check fence).  Walters and Schlotterback need 

gates.  Knoxville Township Trustees are fixing the fence in the spring at Concord Cemetery.  Steve made a 

motion to order signs for the cemeteries.  Seconded by Janet.  All ayes.  Carl will work on the names buried at 

the cemeteries for the signs. 


Next meeting will be March 30, 2020 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc:  Jake Grandia 


Mailing address  


Stephanie Micetich 

1416 110th Place 

Knoxville, IA 50138 





SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held September 30, 2019 at the Knoxville 

Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Janet & Dave 

Ritchie, Craig Agan and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of officers was taken with all in attendance. 


Secretary’s Report – Bev passed out the minutes of July 29, 2019.  Janet made a motion to approve the July 29 

minutes.  Seconded by Larry.  All ayes 


Treasurer’s Report – Janet state that a correction of beginning cash should be $9,836.93.  Received $5,000.00 

from County support, expenses $1,478.00 Des Moines Fencing, leaving a cash balance of $13,358.93 and 

budget balance of $6,022.00.  Received a thank you from Diane Gladson for fixing the fence at Stanford Doud 

Cemetery.  $71.04 bill from Newman Sign for Klein Cemetery was given to Janet. 


Old Business – 


Klein Cemetery – Ryder Bates has installed a new fence in front, new gate and fixed fence on the other three 

sides of the cemetery.  One stone is broken off and couple are leaning.  Carl will visit with Ryder on when to 

help him with stone repair.  Val has a new sign from Newman Sign Company and Ryder will install the sign.  

Ryder has some bills.  Planning an open house at the cemetery. 


Infant Stone – Stone is located at Miles Anthony house is for Lavina Lough – 1867 


Schlotterback Cemetery – Val has been contacted by Robert Jones about being buried at Schlotterback 

Cemetery.  He is a relative of Jehu Jones.  Final decision will be up to Knoxville Township.  Val will check with 

the city on status of VA being transferred to the city. 


Buwalda Cemetery – Val will check on status of Larry Toom cleaning up the cemetery. 


Dewitt Cemetery – Janet reported nothing new.  Kenny Thompson (Fire Chief) will do the work around the 

edge of the cemetery.  Steve Klein has a gate to be used at the cemetery. 


Carl looked at the stone repaired by Josiah McNeely at Greenwood Cemetery.  Josiah had installed a new base.  


New Business –  


Val – President and Larry – Vice President are up for reelection.  Larry stated that he would not run again.  

Next meeting we will have election of new board member. 



Green Cemetery – Val will do some checking on having a cemetery in Marion Co. for Green Burials.  Val will 

send letters to Townships in Marion Co., if they would be interested in having one of their cemeteries a Green 



Next meeting will be October 28th at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Respectfully submitted, 



Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia  





JULY 29, 2019 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held July 29, 2019 at the Knoxville Rural Fire 

Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Janet & Dave 

Ritchie and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of officers was taken with all in attendance. 


Secretary’s Report – Bev  passed out the report.  Janet made a motion to approve the June 24, 2019 

secretary’s report.  Seconded by Kent.  All ayes 


Treasurer’s report ‐ Janet stated that our beginning cash was $6,936.93, county support $4,750.00, total cash 

$11,686.93.  Expenses Karr Cemetery $1,750.00 leaving cash balance of $9,936.93.  Des Moines Fencing bill for 

Stanford Doud Cemetery of $1,978 had been paid.  Diana Gladson had paid $500 directly to Des Moines 

Fencing.  This bill will be on next month’s report. 


Old Business  

Klein Cemetery – Ryder Bates is working on the cemetery. Steve will take a gate to the cemetery.  Ryder is 

having work days Aug 3, 10‐11, 24 from 10‐5.  Carl will be there when Ryder cleans the stones.  Val has sent 

names buried at the cemetery to the Newman Sign Company for a new sign. 


Stone for infant buried at Merrill Anthony farm is located at Miles Anthony house.  Carl will get name and 



Schlotterback Cemetery – Cemetery is not deeded to the VA and belongs to the county.  Nothing on the 

transfer from VA to City.  State is involved.  You can drive to the cemetery.  The cemetery is being mowed and 

around the outside edge. 


New Business 

Buwalda Cemetery – Larry Toom will work on cleaning up the cemetery. 


Dewitt Cemetery – Janet will check with 4‐H Club on status of stone repair at cemetery. 


Val has contacted Josiah McNeely for reference and he gave stone at Greenwood Cemetery he repaired. 


Val will check to see if the August 26, 2019 meeting could be held at Klein Cemetery. 




Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 



Cc: Jake Grandia 



JUNE 24, 2019 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held June 24, 2019 at the Knoxville Rural Fire 

Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Stephanie 

Micetich and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of officers was taken with Val, Larry, Steve and Bev 

present.  Janet Ritchie was excused. 


Notes of April 22, 2019 was handed out. 


Treasurer’s Report – No report.  Brendan Terpstra has been paid for the fence repair at Karr Cemetery.   




Stanford Doud Cemetery – Chain link fence has been installed at cemetery by Des Moines Fencing and Carl 

had pictures of the fence.  Carl will call Dave Ritchie to see if Des Moines Fencing has been paid and if the 

check of $500 from Diana Gladson has been received. 


Klein Cemetery – Ryder Bates is repairing the cemetery for a Boy Scouts project.  Ryder and Boy Scouts are 

having clean up days at the cemetery August 3, 10, 11, and 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.   Anyone is 

welcome to help.  Ryder wants someone from the MCPCC to be at the cemetery when he repairs stones.  

Steve Klein will take a gate to the cemetery.  Carl will get names buried at the cemetery and email to Val to 

order a new sign. 


Val has contacted Josiah McNeely and he is willing to repair stones.  Val will ask him for references of some 

stones he has repaired. 




Competine Cemetery – Val noticed that there is a new sign at the road on Old 92 in front of the railroad tracks. 


Schlotterback Cemetery – Nothing new on transfer from VA to City.  State is involved now. 


Gravestone of infant has been found on Merrill Anthony (former owner) property in Franklin Township. 


Next meeting will be July 29, 2019 


Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc:  Jake Grandia 




MARCH 25, 2019 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held March 25, 2019 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry 

Fudge, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Stephanie Micetich, Dixie Roorda and Bev Jones.  Ryder and Angie 

Bates were at the meeting. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll Call of officers was taken and Steve Klein was 



Larry made a motion to approve the October 29, 2018 minutes with a correction of Marla Suter 

attended the October meeting.  Seconded by Janet. 


Treasurer’s Report – Janet stated that the budget balance was $7,500 and cash balance was 



Old Business‐ 


Schlotterback Cemetery – Carl stated that the land belonged to the Jehu Jones family in 1854 

was deeded to the county.  This cemetery is on VA ground but the cemetery belongs to the 

Marion County. 


Shirey Cemetery – Carl stated that the cemetery is not being mowed or use of weed eater.  The 

only time you can get to the cemetery is before crops are planted of after they are harvested. 


Karr Cemetery ‐ Brendan Terpstra will take old fence and put in new corner posts before July 1 

for $1,750. 


Stanford Doud Cemetery – Val checked with Brendan Terpstra if he would put a chain link fence 

on three sides and he does not want the job.   


New Business –  


Klein Cemetery – Ryder Bates was at the meeting to wants to restore a cemetery for an Eagle 

Scout Project.  Val suggested Klein Cemetery.  Val will go with Ryder to the cemetery so he can 

measure and look over the cemetery.  Ryder will have to make a report and get an OK from the 

Eagle Scouts.  Ryder will be back to the April meeting with a report. 


Hired Help – Josiah McNeely name was given to Val for a person to restore stones. 



Buwalda Cemetery – Val reported that it was not being taken.  She will contact the property 



Val did not turn in a year‐end report for 2018 to the county. 


Next meeting will be 4th Monday, April 22, 2019 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 


Respectfully submitted, 



Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc:  Jake Grandia 



OCTOBER 29, 2018 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held October 29, 2018 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry 

Fudge, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Stephanie Micetich and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll call of officers was taken with Steve Klein 



Larry made a motion to approve the September 24, 2018 minutes.  Seconded by Kent. 


Treasurer’s Report – Janet stated that the budget balance was $7,500 and cash balance was 



Old Business –  


Karr Cemetery – Brendan Terpstra was to take old fence and put in new corner posts for 

$1,750.  This was approved at our Sept meeting.  It will be in Spring 2019 before job is 



Shirey Cemetery – Carl stated he would check in the spring. 


Carlisle Cemetery – Larry had checked with Sonny Spaur and he will put another veteran’s 

marker on Charles Whitlatch stone.  His stone is lying flat by fence and another stone is located 

nearby with his wife’s name and his on the stone. 


Stanford Doud Cemetery – Val will check with Brendan Terpstra regarding installing a chain link 

fence around three sides of the cemetery. 


Schlotterback Cemetery – Val has visited with Aaron Adams, Knoxville City Manager, regarding 

the cemetery on VA grounds.  The cemetery belongs to Knoxville Township, Marion Co.  

November 9, 2018 the VA (GSA) will report to the City on what they plan to do.  City, County 

and other organizations will come up with a plan for the VA.  There is no time frame on the 

plan.  If this group does not come up with a plan, the VA will sell to be developed.  There has 

been talk of moving the cemetery.  Adams told Val to check back in the Spring on any new 

developments.  Knoxville Township should start mowing the cemetery after the first of the 



New Business ‐ Janet Ritchie, Treasurer and Beverly Jones, Secretary have agreed to serve 

another three years for these positions.  Kent made a motion for Janet Ritchie and Beverly 

Jones to serve on the board for another three years.  Seconded by Larry. 


Next meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2019 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 


Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia 



SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held September 24, 2018 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, and Bev 



Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Roll call of officers was taken with Janet Ritchie and Steve Klein 



Secretary’s minutes of August 2018 meeting were distributed.  Larry made a motion to approve the August 

2018 minutes.  Seconded by Kent.  All ayes. 


No Treasurer’s Report. 


Old Business‐ 


Overton Cemetery‐ Val & Kent reported that some pipe posts were rusted off and are in concrete and an old 

fence.  SE corner there is a mulberry tree needs to be cleaned up and also around outside.  Will monitor this 

cemetery year to year.  Larry has done some painting at the cemetery. 


Karr Cemetery – Quote of $1,750 from Brendan Terpstra to take old fence and put in new corner posts.  Larry 

made a motion for Brendan Terpstra to take old fence and put in new corner posts for $1,750.  Seconded by 

Kent.  All ayes. 


Price Cemetery – Marilyn Holmes had contacted the trustees of Price Cemetery about mowing and she was 

told they only mow two or three times a year.   


 Carlisle Cemetery – Patricia Figgens has recently been buried at Carlisle Cemetery.  Larry will contact Sunny 

Spaur regarding two stones along fence with Veterans flag and appears that stones have been moved. 


Shirey Cemetery – Carl will check to see if cemetery is being mowed after the crops are out. 


Schlotterback Cemetery – Bev stated that in the Knoxville Journal Express she noticed in the paper about 

stones being moved from the VA property if the property is sold.  Val will visit with Craig Agan. 


New Business   


Bev Jones and Janet Ritchie are up for reelection.  Bev said she would serve another term.  Val will visit with 



Stanford – Doud Cemetery – This cemetery is located N. of Bussey along the Mahaska and Marion County line.  

We have been contacted to install a chain link fence around three sides of the cemetery.  The cemetery is 1.14 

acre and approximately 20 stones. Val will contact Brendan Terpstra for a quote to install the chain link fence. 



Next meeting will be October 29, 2018 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 


Respectfully submitted, 

Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia 





Minutes of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission Monday, August 27, 2018

Present: Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Valerie Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, Dave Ritchie, Stephanie Micetich, Carl Nollen, Kent Van Kooten

Absent: Bev Jones (excused)

I. Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll of officers was taken.

II. Secretary’s minutes of July 2018 meeting were distributed. A correction of Stephanie Micetich’s name spelling. Motion made by Fudge to approve with noted correction. Seconded by J. Ritchie. Approved.

III. Treasurer’s report: Total of $11,586.93. This reflects a stipend of $4,750 from Marion County to MCPCC in July.

IV. In old business, Kent and Val checked out Karr Cemetery. It needs a total of 11 new posts. Kent recommended replacing the posts and tightening the fence instead of removing it altogether or replacing the whole thing. Both David Lovell from Melcher-Dallas and Brendan Terpstra from Pella might be interested in doing the work. Val and Kent will contact them and get a quote.

Larry Fudge checked out Overton Cemetery. The north and west sides of the cemetery are full of brush and need to be cut back 3-4 feet. If we can’t get permission to do that, at least the overhanging branches need to be trimmed. The east side is bordered by timber and pasture. The fence line leans to the east. The corner posts appear to be solid. The north side needs 2-3 posts and one wood post need to be replaced.

The arch with sign is only about 8’ tall with letters made of ½” iron. Larry is going to paint the letters. The west side needs supports.

Carl went out to Gibbens and scythed it. He is going to Tordon a tree that continues to grow there.

V. In new business, Val received a phone call from Marion County attorney Ed Bull who wanted to know about a recent burial at Carlisle Cemetery…specifically, did we sell a plot? Val told him we didn’t but that he should contact township trustees. Larry said the woman buried was Patricia Figgens.

Val received an email from a Marilyn Holmes who had visited Price Cemetery on Aug. 18 and was upset about the weeds and grass, which she said were more than waist high.


Summit Township Trustees usually keep this mowed; Stephanie was going to go out and see what shape it is in. Val gave Marilyn the names of the Summit Township Trustees, and she was going to call them and then report back to Val.

VI. Next meeting is Monday, September 24, 2018.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Van Kooten, MCPCC Chairperson





JULY 30, 2018 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held July 30, 2018 at the Knoxville 

Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, David & Janet Ritchie, Larry 

Fudge, Steve Klein and Bev Jones.   


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll of officers was taken and all officers were present. 


Larry made a motion to approve the June 25, 2018 minutes with correction 20 buried graves to stones at 

Greenwood Cemetery.  Seconded by Janet. 


Treasurer’s report is unchanged from June.  Balance of $6,836.93. 


Old Business 

Karr Cemetery – Val, Kent, Carl, Larry, Bev and Steffany Micetich worked at Karr Cemetery July 7, to clean up 

cemetery.  Three trees were cut down, stones were cleaned, fence row cleaned up.  Discussion was held on 

what else we need to do at the cemetery.  Will have another work day to work on the fence.  Val & Kent will 

evaluate the fence and will have another work day in September. 


Overton Cemetery – Janet reported that Marilyn Rice would like the sign painted black.  The sign is an arch.  

No one wants to get on a ladder and paint the sign.  Larry will look at the cemetery check on the sign and 

perimeter fence for what needs to be worked on.  He will report to Janet and she will call Marilyn. 


New Business 


Caloma Cemetery‐ Some of the road around the cemetery has been rocked because a house has been built on 

the road. 


Shirey and Gibbons Cemetery – Carl will check to see if they are being mowed. 


Watkins, Klein and Schlotterback cemeteries need to have gates installed. 


Next meeting is August 27, 2018 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Respectfully submitted, 

Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia 





JUNE 25, 2018 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 25, 2018, 

at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, 

David & Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge, and Bev Jones.  New Member Steffany Micetich.  Steve Klein 

was absent. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Roll of officers was taken. 


Larry made a motion to approve the April 23, 2018 minutes.  Seconded by Kent. 


Treasurer’s report is unchanged from April.  Balance of $6,836.93. 


Old Business –  

Overton Cemetery – Marilyn Rice had visited with Janet regarding painting the sign at Overton 

Cemetery.  Larry had looked at the sign and it is over the arch.  Not sure if Marilyn wants a new 

brown sign and paint the sign that is there.  Janet will visit with Marilyn and report back at next 



Last meeting it was discussed on what our focus was for the MCPCC.  Do we want to work on 2‐

3 cemeteries a year such as work in fences (repair or remove), clearing brush and cleaning 

stones with D‐2?  If we install new fencing use 2‐3 strand wire.  It was decided to work on Karr 

Cemetery Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.   


New Business – 

Larry has checked on the cemetery that Janet had talked about at the March meeting.  The 

cemetery is Caulkins/Davis Cemetery. 


Bev Jones reported that Carl had found 20 buried graves at Greenwood Cemetery.  Would like 

names of people that repair stones. 


Next meeting is July 30, 2018 at Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 



Cc:  Jake Grandia 



Minutes of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission Monday, April 23, 2018

Present: Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Valerie Van Kooten

Absent: Bev Jones (excused), Janet Ritchie (excused)

I. Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll of officers was taken.

II. Secretary’s minutes of March 2018 meeting were read. Motion made by Klein to approve, Fudge seconded. Approved.

III. Treasurer’s report is unchanged from March. Balance of $6,836.93.

IV. In old business, Klein gave a report on the cemeteries he looked at in regards to fencing. Both Karr and Klein Cemeteries have rotten posts and sagging netting. What do we want to do for a long-term solution? There are trees right on the fence line in many of these. One solution would be clearing a 10-foot path around the perimeter of the cemetery and rep-fencing. Another solution might be to take the fence out altogether, if there is no farming or livestock around it.

Should our guide on fencing be what’s surrounding it and whether it’s seen from a road?

We decided to revisit this situation next month with more board members there. Klein suggested that we focus on 2-3 cemeteries a year in working on fencing (repairing or removing), clearing brush, and cleaning stones. A solution called D-2 is supposed to work well and be environmentally friendly. Val will contact a couple she met in Chariton who fences to see what their services include.

V. In new business, Janet said the caretakers of Overton want a sign painted. We were unsure what the sign was and what needed to be done. Will work with Janet on this. Fudge will stop by the cemetery and take a look.

VI. Next meeting is Tuesday, May 29, a day later than usual because of Memorial Day.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Van Kooten, MCPCC Chairperson



Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission 

March 26, 2018 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held March 26, 

2018, at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Members present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, 

Carl Nollen, Steve Klein, Marla Suter, Dave Ritchie, Janet Ritchie, and Kent Van Kooten 

Val called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll of Officers present were Valerie Van Kooten, 

Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, and Janet Ritchie. Bev Jones was excused. 

Carl made a motion to approve the October 20, 2017, secretary’s report. Seconded by Larry. All 


Treasurer’s report was given by Janet. Budget balance is $6,836.93.  

Old Business: 

No old business to conduct. 

New Business: 

Val met a couple at a recent seminar who are starting a fencing business in Chariton. 

This would be any kind of agricultural fencing. We discussed which cemeteries need to 

be fenced. Steve asked what our goal was in fencing cemeteries, and we agreed that it’s 

basically 1) to delineate boundaries so that farming doesn’t encroach on the cemetery 

grounds; 2) to keep animals out; and 3) to fix fences that are an eyesore, especially if 

they are close to a road. We have funds to have some fencing done. 

Steve Klein is going to go scout out some cemeteries to give a fence report at our next 

meeting. Carl and Val will send him some names to go look at.  

Janet asked if we could start doing some cleaning of stones since we have a lot of the 

major work done. 

Janet mentioned a possible cemetery that we may not have platted. It’s south on Hwy. 5 

in the English Ridge housing development, on land owned by J.P. Carnes. Janet is going 

to talk with the Carnes’s about it. 

Legislation that is currently pushing through the Iowa Statehouse would change the 

definition of pioneer cemeteries. Currently, a cemetery is defined as one if there are 12 

or fewer burials in the past 50 years. New legislation would raise that threshold to 24 

burials in the past 50 years. Carl says that four cemeteries in Marion County—Sandridge, 


Fairview, Asbury, and Ridlen—could become pioneer cemeteries. Currently, Sandridge 

and Asbury have a board of directors. 

Next meeting will be April 23, 2018 (change of usual date). 

Respectfully submitted, 

Valerie Van Kooten, Acting Secretary 

Cc: Jake Grandia 





OCTOBER 30, 2017 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held October 30, 2017 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Carl Nollen, Steve Klein and 

Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll of Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve 

Klein and Bev Jones.  Janet Ritchie was excused. 


Larry made a motion to approve the September 25, 2017 secretary’s report.  Seconded by Carl.  All ayes. 


Treasurer’s report was given by Val.  Bill $52.77 had been paid to Kent Van Kooten.  Budget balance was 

$7,382.31 and cash balance was $9,464.68. 


Janet had received a bill from Larry Davis for $6,085.00 to repair 44 stones at DeWitt Cemetery.  In August, 

MCPCC had agreed to pay up to $2,500 for this repair.  Carl made a motion to pay $2,500 for the repair at 

DeWitt Cemetery.  Seconded by Larry.  Janet will send a request to Auditor’s office to pay the $2,500.  4‐H 

Club and Knoxville Township will pay the balance. 


Old Business 

Wheeling Cemetery‐ Carl and Steve repaired approximately 20 stones. 


New Business 

Carl made a motion reelect Steve Klein for another three years.  Seconded by Larry. 


Schlotterback Cemetery located on the VA grounds is deeded to the county or city.  The cemetery is not part 

of the VA deed.  VA is mowing the cemetery.  The VA will let us back to the cemetery any time. 


Spring 2018 –  

Gregory Cemetery – Stones down and clean up 

Karr Cemetery – Look at the cemetery 

Caulkins/Davis – Look at the cemetery 

Finarty Cemetery – Repair around the fence 

Shirey – Look to see if being mowed 

Watkins and Schlotterback cemeteries need gates. 


Next meeting will be March 26, 2018. 


Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia 




SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held September 25, 2017 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet Ritchie, 

Carl Nollen, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   


Roll of Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. 


Secretary’s Report – Janet made a motion to approve the August 28, 2017 minutes.  Seconded by Steve. 


Treasurer’s Report – Our cash balance is $9,517.45.  Val had a bill of $50.00 that she will send to Janet. 


Old Business –  


Dewitt Cemetery ‐Larry Davis will start this fall on repairing the stones.  Larry will work with the  

4‐H Club on the repair. 


Spurgeon Cemetery‐ Val had called Erin Hardman regarding items disappearing and told her it was an active 



New Business – 

Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – Tom Caulkins had contacted that he would be at the cemetery for a visit.  The 

cemetery is not being mowed. 


Stone Repair – Carl has repaired some stones at Wheeling Cemetery.  Steve, Carl and Larry will work on the 

stones on Thursday, September 29 at 1:00 p.m.   


Steve Klein term is up in 2017.  Steve agreed to serve for another three years. 


Next meeting will be October 30, 2017. 


Meeting adjourned. 


Respectfully submitted, 


Beverly Jones, Secretary 


Cc:  Jake Grandia 





Marion County Cemetery Commission

Monday, August 28, 2017 Knoxville Rural Fire Station

Present: Dave Ritchie, Janet Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Valerie Van Kooten, Kent Van Kooten, Patti Vander Hart (visitor).

I. Val called the meeting to order.

II. Roll of Officers—Janet, Steve, Larry, and Val present. Bev excused.

III. Secretary’s Report—Larry Fudge made a motion to accept the minutes of the June meeting; seconded by Kent Van Kooten. Motion carried.

IV. Treasurer’s Report—We had one bill paid in the last month to Carl Nollen for $64.92. Our cash balance stands at $9,517.45.

V. Old Business—Patti Vander Hart from Friendly Guys and Gals 4-H Club made a presentation about De Witt Cemetery. They have been working on it for several years and are at the point where they need help to finish. Larry Davis has agreed to come down and finish this one, even though he’s officially retired. He had given a quote a year ago of $6,085 to fix 41 stones and will honor that price.

Knoxville Township and the 4-H Club will both pay toward the repairs. Steve Klein made a motion that MCPCC pay up to $2,500 toward repairs at the cemetery. This was seconded by Larry Fudge and the motion carried.

VI. New Business—Josh Schneider obtained a roll of antique wire from the Liberty Center Cemetery. It was going to be dumped. Josh is storing it if we need it.

In other new business, Kent received a phone call from Erin Hardman about Spurgeon Cemetery. Family members tell her that things have been disappearing there. She’s wondering who is in charge. We determined that Spurgeon is an active cemetery and she will have to contact the township trustees to find out who mows/maintains the cemetery. Val or Kent will call her.

In other new business, Graceland Cemetery in Pella has also expressed concern about having someone fix stones.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting Sept. 25, 2017

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Van Kooten, Chairperson, MCPCC




JUNE 26, 2017 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 26, 2017 at the Knoxville 

Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet Ritchie, Carl 

Nollen, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.   Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, 

Steve Klein and Bev Jones. 


Secretary Report for May 30, 2017 was handed out.  Larry made a motion approve the May 30, 2017 minutes.  

Second by Janet. 


Treasurer’s balance stands at $4,582.37, the same as last month. 


Bills – Carl Nollen had a bills for 1 quart epoxy – 48.20, bucket stakes 10.37 and sand 6.35 for a total of $64.92.  

These items were for the commission to repair stones. 


Old Business 


Timber Ridge Cemetery – Kent gave Charlie Rus three‐top rails and posts to repair fence at Timber Ridge. 



Karr Cemetery – Larry reported that someone has been mowing the Karr Cemetery. 


Price Cemetery – County map is wrong for location of Price Cemetery.  Val has sent a note to Bill Buttrey. 


New Business   


Wheeling Cemetery – We will have a work day to repair the smaller stones.  Larry Davis has repaired the 

bigger stones.  Val will send a note regarding the date that we will repair the stones in July.  Our first cemetery 

to repair the stones ourselves. 


Dewitt Cemetery – Patty Vander Hart will be at the July meeting. 


Next meeting will be July 31, 2017 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Bev Jones, Secretary 


Cc: Jake Grandia 




MAY 30, 2017 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held May 30, 2017 at 

the Knoxville Rural Five Station.  Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, 

Dave & Janet Ritchie, Carl Nollen, Marla Suter, Steve Klein and Bev Jones.  Charlie Rus was 



Val called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.  Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, 

Janet Ritchie, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. 


Secretary’s Reports were handed out for March 27, 2017 and April 24, 2017.  Larry made a 

motion to approve the minutes.  Second by Steve. 


Treasurer’s balance stands at $4,582.37, the same as last month. 


Old Business: 

Gates from Greenwood Cemetery are located at Val’s residence.  Watkins Cemetery was 

suggested to place one of the gates. 

Stone Repair – Larry Davis was at the April meeting to discuss how he repairs the stones.  

Discussed working on a cemetery that has simple stone repair.  John Pierce has been working 

on stones at Columbia cemetery.  Val will order some supplies and call when we can work on a 

cemetery.  Janet stated that the supplies needed to be paid before June 30, 2017.   

Karr Cemetery – Larry mowed the cemetery twice before Memorial Day. 


New Business 

Timber Ridge Cemetery ‐ Charlie Rus was at the meeting to discuss Timber Ridge Cemetery.  

Charlie’s grandparents owned the farm where the cemetery is located.  One bad tree had fallen 

on the fence.  His son cut down two trees and cut into pieces and the fallen one.   Two rails and 

four posts need to be replaced.  Kent stated that he had some supplies for the fence. 

Tickel Cemetery – Janet had been to the cemetery and it looked nice and the stones were very 



Next meeting will be June 26, 2017 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Bev Jones, Secretary 


CC: Jake Grandia 


Minutes of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission 

April 24, 2017 

Present: Steve Klein, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Dave Ritchie, Val Van Kooten Guest Larry Davis

Absent: Board member Bev Jones

I. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

II. There were no minutes of the previous meeting to present.

III. Treasurer’s balance stands at $4,582.37, the same as last month.

IV. Old Business:

Val and Kent and Bev picked up the old gates from Greenwood Cemetery at Bob Crozier’s house. They are currently at Van Kootens. Talked about where to put them…maybe Watkins Cemetery west of Knoxville?

Steve went out to Gregory Cemetery to assess the stones. Only one stone there is legible; the others seem to have no writing on them. Several are also loose in the base.

Larry Fudge will mow Karr Cemetery before Memorial Day.

V. New Business:

Larry Fudge assessed Carlisle Cemetery and noted that several stones have fallen over and some stones have only initials on them. The cemetery is well-mowed.

Larry Davis went through the tools and products he uses for repairing pioneer cemetery stones. He talked about repairing and manufacturing bases, how to lift heavy stones, and the epoxies used. The commission decided to do some work on stones at several of our cemeteries this summer and then have Larry come do a workshop for us in the fall that would help answer questions.

 Next meeting is Tuesday, May 30 (due to Memorial Day). Respectfully, Valerie Van Kooten, MCPCC Chairperson






MARCH 27, 2017 


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held March 27, 2017 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station.  Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet Ritchie, 

Carl Nollen, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Steve Klein, and Bev Jones.  Dave Garbett was present. 


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Officers present Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Steve 

Klein and Bev Jones. 


Secretary’s Report was handed out for October 24, 2016.  Larry made a motion to approve the minutes.  

Second by Carla.  All ayes. 


Treasurer’s Report – Janet reported that our cash balance $4,582.37, the same as October 24, 2016.  Val has 

asked the county for $5,000 for 2017/2018. 


Old Business 

Stotts/Whitlatch Cemetery – Stones need to be repaired.  Larry Davis has retired.  Janet will call Larry and see 

if he is officially retired and if he would sell his equipment or show us how he repairs stones.  Steve is 

interested in finding a way we can repair stones. 

Jelsma Cemetery – We need names in order to make the sign. 

Wheeling Cemetery – Larry Davis has repaired the stones and Pleasant Grove Township paid for the stone 



New Business 

Gregory Cemetery – Cemetery needs stonework and fence.  Steve will look at the cemetery and see if the 

commission can repair the stones and report back for our April meeting. 

Dewitt Cemetery – Janet reported that the 4‐H Club is still working on the cemetery. 

Nepas Cemetery Sign – Marion County has mowed around the sign. 

Watkins and Schlotterback Cemeteries  ‐ Both cemeteries need gates. 

Stickle/McCoy Cemetery ‐ Cemetery needs to be mowed and stone repair. 


Val will call about picking up the gates at Bob Crozier’s. 


Any cemeteries we have repaired that need more attention before Memorial Day?  Larry will look at Karr 

Cemetery and do some repairs. 


Next meeting will be Monday, April 24, 2017.  Bev will not be at the meeting. 




Bev Jones, Secretary  


Cc: Jake Grandia 




OCTOBER 24, 2016



Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held October 24,

2016 at the Marion Extension Office, 210 N. Iowa, Knoxville. Members present were Val Van

Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet Ritchie, Carl Nollen, Marla Suter and Bev Jones. Jeremy and

Lucinda Smith were present.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge,

Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones. Steve Klein was absent.

Secretary’s Report was handed out for July 25, 2016 and August 29, 2016. Janet made a motion

to approve the minutes. Second by Carl. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet stated that as of October 24, 2016 our budget balance was

$5,906.10 and cash balance was $4,582.37.

Old Business –

Walters Cemetery – Val and Kent have installed the new sign. The cemetery needs to be


Monster Cemetery – The rail fence has been completed and new sign installed.

Stotts/Whitlatch Cemetery – Larry, Carl and Craig Agan trimmed and mowed the cemetery.

Stones need to be repaired. Larry Davis needs to be called to see if he would repair the stones.

Wheeling Cemetery – Larry Davis will repair the stones this fall. Pleasant Grove Township will

pay for the repair.

Val is going to send letters to the township trustees regarding that it is their responsibility to

mow the cemeteries.

New Business

Jelsma Cemetery – The cemetery is West of Pella approximately seven graves. Carl will get

names of people buried there and Val will order sign for cemetery. Carl made a motion for sign

to be ordered. Second by Marla. All ayes.


Spring Plans for Work -

Gregory Cemetery – Stone work and fence.

Stotts/Whitlatch Cemetery - Stone Work and make sure being mowed.

DeWitt Cemetery – 4-H Club still working on cemetery. Janet will call leader to check on status.

Watkins and Schlotterback Cemeteries – Need gates

Work on all the cemeteries that we have previously restored. Karr, Hughes, Shirley,

Overbergen cemeteries.

Election of Officers.

Val Van Kooten, President and Larry Fudge are up for election. Janet made a motion to reelect

Val Van Kooten, President and Larry Fudge for three years to the board. Second by Bev. All


Next meeting will be Monday, March 26, 2017


Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia



JULY 25, 2016


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held July 25, 2016 at the Knoxville

Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet

Ritchie, Carl Nolen, Rebecca DeYoung, Jacinda Shafer and Bev Jones.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie

and Bev Jones. Steve Klein was absent.

Larry made a motion to approve the June 27, 2016 minutes. Second by Carl. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet reported that beginning cash July 1, 2016 was $3,676.27, county support $5,000.00

for a total cash balance July 25, 2016 of $8,676.27. Expenses Newman signs 223.90 and Larry Davis $2,860.00

final payment Price Cemetery repair stones. Cash balance July 25, 2016 of $5,592.37. Budget balance is just a

number and does not have a cash value. Cash balance is cash and it does not go away and is the figure we

should use.

Bills – Val had a bill from Larry Davis of repairing stones at Monster Cemetery for $1,010.00.

Val read a letter from Larry Davis that he is retiring the end of 2016. She wondered if we knew of anyone that

would do stone repair.

Old Business

Signs for Walters Cemetery will be put up when crops are out in the fall. Monster Cemetery – Kent is working

on a way to install the sign on the rail fence.

Bellamy Cemetery – The sign is up at the cemetery and a gate has been installed.

New Business

Gregory Cemetery – Larry had some pictures of Gregory Cemetery which is by Tracy. Approximately seven

burials and little stones piled up by a tree. The cemetery is being mowed.

Stotts/Whitlatch Cemetery – This cemetery is east and south of Columbia. It is being mowed and needs some

fence repair.

Wheeling Cemetery – Carl stated that some pillar stones needs to be repaired.

Finarty Cemetery – Carl stated that the cemetery is located close to a business and new landowner. The

cemetery is being mowed. If we put up a sign, we have to get permission from the landowner.

Indiana Cemetery – This cemetery is not a pioneer cemetery. The cemetery had some vandalism but no

stones were damaged.

Talked about having a tour of different pioneer cemeteries on a Sunday afternoon. Carl will decide what

cemeteries we will visit and date and let Val know of his decision.


Next meeting will be Monday, August 29, 2016.


Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia



JUNE 27, 2016


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 27, 2016 at the Knoxville

Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Dave & Janet

Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carl Nolen and Bev Jones. New member Rebecca DeYoung was present.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie

and Bev Jones. Steve Klein was excused.

Larry made a motion to approve the May 31, 2016 minutes. Second by Janet. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet reported that our Budget Balance is the same as May 31, 2016 - $2,116.94 and

Fund Balance is the same as May 31, 2016 - $3,676.27.

Bills – The new signs for Monster and Walters cemeteries have been received but a bill has not been received.

Bill from Larry Davis to repair 24 stones at Price Cemetery for $2,860. This the final stage of repairing stones

at Price Cemetery.

Old Business

Walters and Monster Cemetery – Val and Kent will put up the signs.

Parson/DeHamer Cemetery – Cemetery has been repaired.

New Business

Stotts/Whitlatch Cemetery – Cemetery needs to be looked at.

Gregory Cemetery – Larry will look at and report back at the next meeting.

Finarty Cemetery – Cemetery needs to be looked at.

Summit Township is responsible for mowing the cemeteries in their township. Three of the cemeteries are

Gibbons, Karr and Price and the township does not do a good job of maintaining the cemeteries.

Schlotterback Cemetery – Val is planning a tour later this year.

State Restoration Meeting in Amana on Jul 9, 2016.

Next meeting will be Monday, July 25, 2016 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station.


Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia



MAY 31, 2016


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held May 31, 2016 at the Knoxville

Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein, Larry

Fudge, Dave & Janet Ritchie, Marla Suter and Bev Jones.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein,

Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones.

Larry made a motion to approve the April 25, 2016 minutes. Second by Janet. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet reported that our budget balance April 30 was $3,515.72, expenses 1,398.78 with a

budget balance May 31 of $2,116.94. The expenses were Walters 359.63 and Monster 1,039.15. Fund

balance April 30 $5,075.05, expenses 1,398.78, with a fund balance May 31 of $3,676.27. We will use the

budget balance. July 1st we will receive $5,000.00 for 2016-2017. Larry made a motion to approve the

treasurer’s report. Second by Steve. All ayes.

Bills – Val will check with Larry Davis on the bill for stone repair at Price Cemetery.

Old Business

Parson/DeHamer Cemetery – Steve Vander Hart has completed the stone repair around the cemetery. Val

had a picture of the cemetery.

Monster Cemetery – Val, Kent, Steve, Carl and eight Central students tore out the old rail fence and installed a

new rail fence. Some of the old fence was donated to the Pella log cabin and rest was fire wood. A sign has

been ordered for the cemetery. Val had a picture of the cemetery.

Walters Cemetery – Sign has been ordered. The sign will be installed after the crops are out in the fall.

New Business

Monster Cemetery – Val had an estimate to repair the stones at Monster Cemetery from Larry Davis for

$1,010.00. Discussion was held on who should pay for the repair. The ground around the cemetery belongs

to Central College. Marla made a motion for the MCPCC to pay S1, 010.00 for Larry Davis to repair the stones.

Seconded by Janet. All ayes.

Gates – Carla & Bev tried to look at the gates at Bob Crozier’s put the door was locked.

Stickle Cemetery – The road to the cemetery is closed and gate is padlocked.

Next meeting will be Monday, June 27, 2016 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Steve will be excused.


Bev Jones



Cc: Jake Grandia


APRIL 25, 2016


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held April 25, 2016 at the Knoxville

Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Val & Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein, Larry

Fudge, Carl Nollen and Bev Jones.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein

and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie was excused.

Larry made a motion to approve the March 28, 2016 minutes. Seconded by Carl. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report – Janet left the message that the account balance was the same as 2/29/2016 of $5,075.05.

$1,398.78 and $2,860.00 Larry Davis to repair Price Cemetery would leave a balance of $816.27. July 1 we will

receive $5,000.00 for the new budget year.

Bills – Kent presented bills of $359.63 to build new fence at Walters Cemetery and $1,039.15 for new rail

fence at Monster Cemetery for a total of $1,398.78. These bills will be given to the County and should be sent

to Kent.

Old Business

Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – The landowner has installed a rail fence around the cemetery and will paint the

fence white. Tree has been removed. When at the cemetery be sure to close the gate.

Walters Cemetery – April 16, 2016 the MCPCC build a fence around Walters Cemetery. Pictures will be put on

web site.

New Business

Monster Cemetery – Eight people from Central College and members of MCPCC will build the new rail fence at

Monster Cemetery. Val and Kent have been working at the cemetery removing the old fence. Kent will check

on selling the old fence. Val has a quote from Larry Davis on repairing the stones at the cemetery.

Signs – Carl made a motion to purchase signs for Walters and Monster Cemeteries. Second by Kent. Carl will

get information to Val on people buried at the cemeteries.

Gates – Bev reported that Greenwood Cemetery has two gates that the commission can have and the gates

are located at Bob Crozier barn. Val will see what gates we need and size.

Hull/Dewitt – The 4-H club has worked at the cemetery last Saturday. Patty VanderHart is the 4-H leader.

Patty had a quote of $6,000 to repair the stones. Patty has been told that the commission would help them.

Possibly we could ask the 4-H club to attend one of our meetings.


Gregory Cemetery – Gregory is located on old Hwy 92 toward Tracy. There is a fence with about 6 burials.

Stickle Cemetery – The MCPCC will take a look at the cemetery.

Karr Cemetery – There has been some vandalism at the cemetery. Carla looked at the cemetery and reported

that spray paint was on back of signs and no vandalism to stones. Small tree has fallen in driveway.

Hughes Cemetery – Val reported that someone told her that Hughes Cemetery had a lot of stones down. The

cemetery is in Red Rock Township. We will check the cemetery out.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station.


Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia


MARCH 28, 2016 



Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held March 28, 2016 at the 

Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville.  Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Carl 

Nollen, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Dixie Roorda, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Mike 

Montgomery and Bev Jones.   


Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Officers Present:  Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Val Van Kooten, Janet 

Ritchie and Bev Jones. 


Larry made a motion to approve the October 26, 2015 minutes with the removal of Greenwood has bought 

additional ground.  Seconded by Carla.  All ayes. 


Treasurer’s Report‐ Janet stated that the balance 1/1/15 was $5,304.06 with income of $6,255.27 and 

expenses of $6,484.28 with a balance on 2/29/16 as $5,075.05. 


No Bills 


Old Business 


Year‐End‐Report.  Val passed out the 2015 Report/2016 Budget that was sent to the Marion County 



Bridges & Walters Cemetery – Need to clean up around the fence at Bridges Cemetery and Walters Cemetery 

needs a fence.  Hope to work on them before crops are planted. 


Price Cemetery – Larry Davis will work on 3rd and final phase of the stone repair for a cost of $2,860 this 



Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery‐ Val sent a letter to the landowner and visited with him.  The landowner is going 

to build another fence and should be complete in two weeks.  April 1 should be able to take some pictures. 


Hull/Dewitt Cemetery – Janet reported that the 4‐H Club is having a workshop on April 23rd to work on the 

cemetery.  The 4‐H club had contacted Larry Davis on repairing the stones and it would cost approximately 

$6,000.  Janet has told them that Knoxville Township could help with that cost. 


New Business 


Monster Cemetery – Mike Montgomery stated that the Monster Cemetery is located by the development 

where he lives NE of Knoxville and property around the cemetery is owned by Central College.  Mike has been 

mowing the trimming the cemetery and replaced one side of the fence.  The fence is a split three rail fence 

and needs to be replaced.  Several stones have fallen over.  Kent and Mike will measure the cemetery for a 

new split two rail fence and get quotes.  Kent made a motion that when quotes are received, the board will 


vote by email to approve.  Seconded by Janet.  April 26th, Val is having 6‐8 Central students to work on 

replacing the fence.    Anyone is welcome to help them at 9:00 a.m.  Val will contact Larry Davis to get a quote 

on fixing the stones.  Cemetery Sign will be made with people buried at the cemetery. 


Karr Cemetery – Val reported that there was some vandalism in the cemetery.  She had reported to sheriff’s 

office they need to stop if they see a car in the driveway. 


Gregory Cemetery – Larry reported that we need to look at the cemetery. 


Mulky Mill/Glenn/Stickle Cemetery – The cemetery is located on the White Breast Bottom between Knoxville 

and Dallas back in a field.  There are approximately 11 graves. 


Next meeting will be April 25, 2016 at 7:00 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 




Bev Jones 



Cc: Jake Grandia 








Oct 26,2015

The Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM

Roll call showed the following people present: Val VanKooten. Carl Nolen, larry Fudge, Steve Klein &

Janet & Dave Ritchie.

larry Fudge moved to accept the previous minutes, Seconded by Carl Nolen MC. The Treasurer's report

was then given. Tom Caulkins liked the sign & donated $200.

A bill from larry Davis will be coming for his work on the stones at Walter & Bridges cemeteries.

Old Business:

Carl-Parsons cemetery nothing has changed, the weeds are still high. Do we need to send a letter to the

landowner to get it done. Val said she would send the letter.

Bridges cemetery -The renter thinks he owns the land. He was upset where the grass was thrown

larry Davis will finish work on the Walters cemetery this week.

Signs for Caulkins/Davies, Rid land & Ruckman are here and ready to be placed.

A 4-H club is still working on Hull/DeWitt cemetery

Bev & Janet's term will expire at the end of this year larry moved & Carl seconded that they be

reappointed for another term. MC.

Work for this coming spring was discussed. Price-stage 3 on the stones, Bridges-fence, Walters needs a

fence. Carlise has a new sign up. Kline -gate & sign, Huii/DeWitt-4-H club working on it. Greenwood has

bought additional ground.

Respectively submitted

Dave Ritchie, Secretary Pro Tern

RE _F~ lED Uti 0 3 2015




SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 



Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held September 28, 

2015 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W Main, Knoxville.  Val called the meeting to order at 

7:00 p.m. 


Officers Present:  Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones.   


Others Present:  Carl Nollen, Dixie Roorda and Dave Ritchie 


August 31, 2015 minutes were approved as written. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Janet reported that our budget balance 7/2/15 was $10,000.00.  Bills paid 

were Larry Davis $2,385.00 (Price), Newman Traffic Signs $114.95 (Caulkins/Davies) and Ken 

Smith $801.20 (Old Ruckman).  Budget Balance August 31, 2015 was $6,698.85.  Our cash 

balance Aug 31, 2015 was $3,058.18. 


Bills:  Newman Traffic Signs $208.13, two for Carlisle Cemetery, one Bellamy, and 1 Old 

Ruckman.  Larry made a motion to pay Newman Signs $208.13 for four signs.  Seconded by 



Old Business: 

Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – Carl will contact John Renaud. 

Dewitt Cemetery – Janet will talk with the 4‐H club. 

Bellamy Cemetery – Janet will visit with the Petersons and took the sign for Petersons to hang. 

Old Ruckman Cemetery – We will hang the sign on October 12th. 

Carlisle Cemetery – Mike at County Engineers Office will hang the two signs for Carlisle 

Cemetery.  We might have to pay for new posts.  Larry took the two signs to give to Mike. 


New Business: 

Secretary, Bev Jones and Treasurer, Janet Ritchie, terms expire at the end of 2015.  Both have 

agreed to stay on the Board for another three years. 


Clean‐Up Day – Work day October 12, 2015 to clean‐up Bridges and Walters cemetery and put 

sign up at Caulkins/Davies cemetery.  We will meet at McDonalds at 8:00 a.m. on October 12th 

for coffee.  Leave for cemeteries at 8:30 a.m.  Carl will call to make sure crops are out by that 




Ridlen Cemetery – Wayne Travillion has donated a sign for Ridlen cemetery.  We will put up the 

sign on October 12th. 


Monster Cemetery ‐ Wait until they ask for help. 


Nepas Cemetery – Dave will clean‐up around the sign. 


Pendroy/Pendry Cemetery – Someone has inquired about who is buried at the cemetery. 


Next meeting will be October 26, 2015 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. 


Meeting adjourned. 


Bev Jones 



Cc:  Jake Grandia   



AUGUST 31, 2015


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held August 31, 2015

at the Knoxville Public Library in the Genealogy Room, Knoxville. Val called the meeting to

order at 7:10 p.m.

Officers Present: Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Val Van Kooten and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie absent.

Others Present: Carl Nollen

Carl made a motion to approve the June 29, 2015 minutes. Seconded by Larry. All ayes

Treasurer’s Report – Val stated that July 1, 2015 our balance would have been $10,000.00. No


Old Business

Parsons/DeHamer – Carl and Val will check with John Renaud.

Caulkins-Davies – Sign is ready to be put up at the cemetery.

Carlisle, Bellamy, Old Ruckman Signs–When the signs are ready to be installed, Val will call the

County about putting up the new signs at Carlisle cemetery, Val will call Petersen family about

putting up the Bellamy Cemetery sign and Old Ruckman MCPCC will install the sign.

Monster Cemetery – Val has heard nothing from Eunice Folkerts regarding needing help to

install the new fence. Val will call the county about Eunice selling lots at the cemetery.

Price Cemetery – Larry Davis will not complete phase 3 until spring 2016.

Watkins & Price Cemeteries – Need to install gates. Steve has some gates.

Carlisle Cemetery – Larry Davis had one stone to repair at the Carlisle Cemetery. Larry F

reported that there are some other stones that need to be repaired. Larry made a motion for

Larry Davis to repair any stones that need repaired when he is at Carlisle. Seconded by Steve.

All ayes.


New Business

Bridges and Walters Cemeteries – Larry Davis has requested that we do some clean-up before

he works on the stones at these cemeteries. Set a date of October 12, 2015 to clean-up Bridges

and Walters Cemeteries. Next spring we will have to put up a new fence at Walters Cemetery.

Carl will check on when the crops are out around the cemeteries.

Schlotterback Cemetery – Next spring we hope to have an open house. Val will start the first of

the year to get approval from the VA. The cemetery still needs a front gate.

Next meeting will be September 28, 2015, 7:00 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station.

Meeting adjourned.

Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia


JUNE 29, 2015


Regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 29, 2015

at the Knoxville Rural Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers Present: Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Steve Klein, Val Van Kooten and Bev Jones

Others Present: Carla Huebler, Marla Suter, Erin Gravett, Carl Nollen, Kent Van Kooten, Dixie

Roorda, Ken Smith and Dave Ritchie

Minutes of the April 27 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report shows budget balance June 29 of $4,200.69 minus pending payment to

Newmans $114.95 leaving a budget balance of $4,085.74. Cash balance June 29 of $6,359.35.

Effective July 1, 2015 our budget balance will start at $10,000. July 1, 2015 our cash balance

will be $6,359.33 + $5,000.00 = $11,359.33, but we are limited to the smaller of the budget or

cash balance.

Bills – Larry Davis repair 2nd phase Price Cemetery $2,300.85 (approved prior meeting). Ken

Smith $801.20 replace fence at Old Ruckman Cemetery (approved April meeting). Both bills will

be sent to the Auditor’s Office to be paid.

Old Business

Price Cemetery – Larry Davis has completed 2nd phase and have Larry start 3rd phase which was

$2,860 and approved.

Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – Val reported that John Renaud is still working on the cemetery.

Caulkins-Davies – Val has the sign but will have to wait until crops are out in the fall to put up

the sign.

Schlotterback Cemetery - We were not able to have the open house in May. Dates will be

changed on the form, resubmitted to VA and hopefully will be able to have the open house in

the fall.

Nepas Cemetery – Dave stated that the brush had grown up around the sign and he would

spray around the sign.


New Business

Bridges, Walters & Carlisle Cemeteries – Larry Davis has submitted a proposal to repair the

stones at Bridges, Walters & Carlisle cemeteries for $2,975.00. Val will send to the officers the

bid amount and for approval.

Carlisle Cemetery – The two signs at the cemetery has a word misspelled. Carla made a motion

to purchase two signs for Carlisle Cemetery. Seconded by Dixie. All ayes.

Old Ruckman Cemetery - Larry made a motion to purchase a sign for Old Ruckman Cemetery.

Seconded by Ken. All ayes.

Monster Cemetery – Eunice Folkerts had contacted Val and she has ordered a new fence and

Mike Montgomery will install new fence. Mike will call if he needs help to install fence. Eunice

is selling lots.

Bellamy Cemetery – Ken made a motion to purchase a sign for Bellamy Cemetery. Seconded by

Carl. All ayes. Jim Petersen still needs to build a new gate and fill in some dirt around posts.

Cowman, Hughes, Donahue, Wagner Cemeteries – These cemeteries are located Red Rock

Township. In 1847, this was Perry Township. Cowman is an active cemetery. Hughes is

pioneer cemetery, Donahue was moved to other cemeteries, and Wagner was not located in

1976 Marion County Cemetery Book. These cemeteries will be checked out at a later date.

Next meeting will be August 31, 2015, (No meeting July)

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted

Bev Jones


Cc: Jake Grandia

Minutes of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission Monday, April 27, 2015

7 p.m. Rural Fire Department, Knoxville, IA

Officers Present: Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Steve Klein, Valerie Van Kooten

Officers Absent: Bev Jones (excused)

Others Present: Marla Suter, Dixie Roorda, Dave Ritchie, Kent Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Kenny Smith, Shannon Smith

Minutes of the March 30 meeting were approved with corrections. Larry Fudge was not to be involved with contacting the Monroe County stone repairer. On the entry on Old Ridlen, it should read “approximately 24 stones have been moved from Old Ridlen.” We are uncertain whether bodies were also moved. On the budget, the MCPCC balance as of March 30 was $4,200.69. Motion made to approve by Kent, seconded by Steve. Ayes carried.

Treasurer’s Report shows an April 27, 2015, balance of $4,200.69 with no bills presented.

In Old Business…

• Walters, Carlisle, and Bridges Cemeteries need stone repairs. Carlisle has one large stone and two smaller stones that are flat, along with several large “slabs” in the weeds that have only initials on them. Walters has 19 stones that need to be repaired. Bridges has 20-24 stones that need to be repaired. Val contacted Rosalie Mullinix of Albia for a recommendation on using Larry Shelford to repair stones in these three cemeteries. She said she could not recommend him. Val will contact Larry Davis to see if he can look at these three cemeteries and give a quote.

• Carlisle Cemetery also has two signs along the road with “Cemetery” spelled wrong on them. Larry Fudge will measure them to see what size they are, and we will need to order new signs that are brown (in accordance with state regulations on cultural sites), and not green as they presently are.

• Parsons/DeHamer is still being worked on. Val spoke with John Renaud who said they had had some setbacks due to equipment not working but that he and Steve Vander Hart were going to get going on it in the next week or two.

• Price Cemetery: Larry Davis will begin Phase 2 of the stone repair out there sometime the end of April/beginning of May.

• Caulkins-Davies: Vermeer Corporation went out and chipped all of the brush, A sign has been ordered for the cemetery. Val and Kent will go out and put up a pole and the sign when it comes in. They will also take the firewood that’s stacked up in the cemetery.


• Watkins and Klein Cemeteries: Both of these need some sort of gate and have large openings. Steve Klein has gates that are 8- to 10-feet long that he will donate. Kent and Val are going to try to get out there in the next month and put them up.

• Janet reported that the Petersons are still working on Bellamy Cemetery. They need to put dirt around the posts and build a gate.

• De Witt Cemetery is still being worked on by the Friendly Guys and Gals 4-H Club. The fire chief has volunteered to come out and chip brush around the cemetery. They might need some help from the MCPCC.

• Schlotterback Cemetery: An open house has been scheduled for Sunday, May 24, from 1-3 p.m. The county has given us a certificate of insurance which has been submitted to the VA; we are now waiting for final approval. Val will contact VA officials to see if they can make sure the cemetery is mowed before the open house. We will enter on W. Pleasant Street (Old 92) just west of the main VA entrance. Val will get publicity out about the open house.

In New Business…

• Kenny and Shannon Smith met with the MCPCC about fencing the Old Ruckman Cemetery, which is between their property and Gary and Deb Goodnight’s property. Originally, Bill and Jean Vande Kamp were going to take care of this but did not get it done. Smiths presented three possible fence types, and the MCPCC voted for the “medium” price range one, which will amount to approximately $756 for four sides. Kent made a motion to accept that bid, seconded by Janet, all ayes. In addition, Kenny will take down the tree in the cemetery which is mostly dead. We had concerns about it needing to come down later once the fence is in and agreed it should come down now before work on the fence begins. Smiths will do the work on the tree and the fence and then submit receipts when they are finished.

• A request came in from Ruby Hoekstra looking for Amsterdam Hill Cemetery. We think

that might be Timber Ridge Cemetery, but the names do not match up.

• A request came from JoAnn Vestal via email to Val and by phone to Janet. She is looking for the location of a cemetery at 609 S. Attica Road. We believe this was formerly a monument company that disposed of old stones behind the building, and not a cemetery.

Meeting adjourned.

• Next meeting Tuesday, May 26 (to accommodate Memorial Day).

Respectfully submitted, Val Van Kooten, MCPCC Chairperson


MARCH 30, 2015

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held March 30, 2015, at the Knoxville Rural Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Val and Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Dave & Janet Ritchie, Erin Gravett and Bev Jones. Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones. Secretary’s Report- Larry made a motion to approve the October 27, 2014 minutes with the correction under new business the gates will be at Watkins and Klein cemeteries. Seconded by Carl. All ayes. Treasurer’s Report – Balance in our account October 24, 2014 was $7,204.06. Expenses Larry Davis $1,900 (Mikesell/Yowell Cemetery) and Income $1,055.27 (Indiana Twp. Carlisle Cemetery Arc) leaving a balance of 6,359.33 March 30, 2015. Our budget balance was $6,100.69, October 27, 2014, Expenses $1,900.00, Income $1,050.27, leaving a balance $5,255.96 on March 30, 2015. Bills - None Old Business – Parsons/DeHamer – Work in progress. Bellamy – Val has put new photos on the web site. The cemetery still needs a gate, sign and stone repair. Repair still needs to be completed around the fence posts. Janet will call James Petersen to see if we can help him complete the fence. Monster – Central College owns the ground around the cemetery. The cemetery is blacked out on the plat map. Val has visited with Russ Benedict (Central College) and Eunice Folkerts (property owner). Central College and Eunice will give access to the cemetery. Eunice Folkerts family mow the cemetery and they have the posts and equipment to put in a new fence. Price - Val has not heard any more on the vandalism. Josh Schneider filled in the cemetery and has not sent a bill.


Caulkins-Davies – Kent will visit with Randy Spaulding (property owner) regarding chipping the piles of limbs and getting access. Val will send a message on work day at the cemetery. Hopefully before the crops are planted. Watkins and Klein – Steve Klein has donated gates for both of them. Price – Larry Davis submitted a bit in March 2014 to repair the stones in three priorities. 1st priority – 40 gravestones $3,065 which was completed in 2014. 2nd priority 27 gravestones $2,385 and 3rd priority 22 gravestones $2,860. Carla made a motion for Larry Davis to complete 2nd priority 27 gravestones $2,385 in 2015. Seconded by Kent. All ayes. (Bid filed in March 2014 minutes). Bridges, Walters, Carlisle – These cemeteries need some stone repair. Val and Larry will contact gentleman in Southern Iowa that does stone repair. Carl will visit with property owner (John Smith) of Walters to get access. Mikesell/Yowell - Val will take pictures of the cemetery. Schlotterback – Open House is scheduled for Sunday, May 24, 2015 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Val has information to contact the VA regarding the open house. Val will check size of gate we need. Dewitt - The cemetery needs a lot of work. Local 4-H Club is working on the cemetery and has applied for a grant. Janet will check and see if the 4-H Club needs any help. Old Ridlen/Orey and New Ridlen – Approximately 24 stones and bodies have been moved from Old Ridlen and new Ridlen back in the 1970’s. Some people have witnessed the bulldozer moving stones to a ditch several years ago. Carl stated that there is one stone standing at the old Ridlen cemetery. Next meeting will be April 27, 2015. Bev stated that she would not be at the meeting. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones, Secretary CC: Jake Grandia


OCTOBER 27, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held October 27, 2014, at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Val Van Kooten, Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein, and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie was excused. Secretary’s Report: Larry made a motion to approve the August 28, 2014 minutes. Seconded by Carl. All ayes. Treasurer’s Report: Balance in our account October 24, 2014 was $7,204.06. Our Budget balance was $6,100.69. Bills: Val had a bill of $1,900.00 from Larry Davis to repair stones at Mikesell Cemetery. Kent made a motion to pay Larry Davis $1,900.00 for stone repair at Mikesell Cemetery. Seconded by Larry. All ayes. Old Business: Carlisle Cemetery: Larry is working with Indiana Township Trustees to pay the bill for the sign at Carlisle Cemetery. Parsons/DeHamer: Still work in progress. Caulkins-Davies: Need to clean more inside the cemetery and chip the brush piles outside of the cemetery. Need to rent a chipper or borrow one. Val will let us know when a chipper is available and crops are out, to work some Saturday for a couple hours. Larry was going to do some checking on the cemetery. Bellamy Cemetery: Carl is going to take some new pictures to put on the web site. Monster Cemetery: The ground has been donated to Central College and they want MCPCC to do the fence and stone repair of the cemetery. Price Cemetery: Vandalism at the cemetery. Someone dug a hole 2’x 3’ and 3’ deep. Josh Schneider filled in the hole. Kent made a motion for Val to pay the bill when received from Josh. Seconded by Steve. All ayes.


New Business Steve said he had two metal gates. We will use the gates at Schlottterback and Klein cemetery. Projects 2015 Caulkins-Davies – New sign and finish cleaning cemetery Watkins Cemetery – Install gate Price Cemetery – Larry Davis repair Phase 2 of the stones Parsons/DeHamer – Repair Walters Cemetery - Fence and 18 stones repair Klein Cemetery – Install gate Schlotterback – Install gate Carlisle Cemetery – Stone Repair Bridges Cemetery – Repair stones and cemetery Larry had a name of a gentleman that does stone repair. Val was going to contact him about stone repair at Walters, Carlisle and Bridges cemeteries. Steve Klein was filling out the term of John Thomsen as Vicar and that term is up in 2014. Steve agreed to serve on the board for another three years. Val will turn his name in to the Marion County Board of Supervisors. Our next meeting will be in March, 2015 Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones, Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


AUGUST 25, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held Aug. 25, 2014, at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville. Members present were Howard Pothoven, Carl Nollen, Kent Van Kooten, Valerie Van Kooten, Dixie Roorda, Shirley Borgman, Janet Ritchie, Dave Ritchie, Carla Huebler, Larry Fudge, and Steve Klein.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Janet Ritchie, Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, and Steve Klein. Bev Jones was excused.

Secretary’s Report: Janet Richie made a motion to approve the June 30, 2014 minutes and seconded by Larry Fudge. All ayes.

Treasurer’s Report: Janet stated the beginning balance on June 30, 2014, was $5,884.41. We received our yearly allotment from the county on July 1 of $5,000. Our expenses in the past month have been Carlisle Cemetery soda blasting sign, $405.42; Bellamy Cemetery new fence materials, $328.89, and Price Cemetery stone repair, $3,065. This gave us an ending balance on July 30 of $7,085.10. In August we had expenses of $100 for painting the Carlisle arch. Ending balance on August 25, 2014, was $6,985.10.

Old Business:

• Carlisle Arch is in place. This was put up on Aug. 13. Janet will get the bills for the arch to Larry Fudge, who will then present them to the Indiana Township trustees to see if they will pay some or all of the expense.

• Price Cemetery stone repair (First Phase) is finished and paid. A motion was made by Dixie to ask Larry Davis to put us on the list to begin Phase Two next spring. This was seconded by Howard. All ayes.

• Work on Parsons/DeHamer has stalled as John Renaud is waiting for the landowner, Steve Vander Hart, to come in with equipment and do dirt work.

• Caulkins-Davies will be worked on again once the crops are out there. The land is in the process of being sold and the new owners want to be able to bury someone there. The Knoxville Trustees will work with them on this.

• Bellamy Cemetery was repaired by James Petersen and looks good. The cemetery still needs a gate.

• Sweem Cemetery had a fence and sign replaced when the renters of that property hit the cemetery with their farm equipment. The renters paid the expenses for this.


• Val spoke at the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Preserve Iowa Summit in Cedar Rapids on Aug. 21 and noted what some other counties are doing in preservation of their pioneer cemeteries.

• Val was interviewed by Dr. Bob Leonard about the MCPCC. This was aired on Aug. 21.

New Business:

• Carl reported a problem with landscaping at Pendroy Cemetery. He had planted wildflower seeds there, and they were subsequently sprayed and killed by the landowners. Val talked with Mary Beyer, one of the landowners, and they agreed to let Carl re-plant. They have concerns about wildflowers spreading into their crops. Val also discussed planting lilies there and why that may not be a good idea.

• Maxine Chambers of Columbia contacted Val and wanted to know the name of a cemetery near the Marion County Park. She said she had visited there several years ago and it was in bad repair. We determined that this is Hull-DeWitt, the cemetery that the Friendly Guys and Gals are currently repairing. Val will contact Maxine and let her know.

• Janet received a call from Mike Montgomery about the upkeep and repair of Monster Cemetery. He wanted to know about doing some fence and stone repair. The land the cemetery was on was donated to Central College several years ago, while Eunice Folkerts and family had taken over care of the cemetery from the Knoxville Township Trustees many years ago. Val is going to speak with Russ Benedict, biology professor at Central, to see who actually is in charge of upkeep.

We will NOT be meeting in September. Next meeting is Monday, Oct. 27, 2014.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Van Kooten, Chairperson

Cc: Jake Grandia


JUNE 30, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held June 30, 2014 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Janet Ritchie, Marla Suter, Dixie Roorda, Howard Pothoven, Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein, Larry Fudge and Bev Jones. Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Janet Ritchie, Val Van Kooten, Larry Fudge, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. Steve Klein is our new board member to fill out the term of John Thomsen, Vicar. Secretary’s Report - Larry made a motion to approve the May 27, 2014 minutes and seconded by Carl. All ayes Treasurer’s Report- Janet stated that the beginning balance May 27, 2014 was $5,884.41, with no activity and ending balance June 30, 2014 was the same. Janet will check with the Auditor’s Office to see when we will receive our money of $5,000.00 for the new budget year 2014-2015. Old Business – Carlisle Cemetery Arch – Kent has contacted Mr. Slycord of Wally’s Blasting and he quoted a price of $300 using plastic. The posts need to be blasted. After the arch and posts are blasted they have to be painted. Janet made a motion for Mr. Slycord to blast the arch and posts for approximately $300 and seconded by Kent. All ayes. Indiana Township might pay for the repair of the Arch. Kent will contact someone regarding painting the arch. Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – John Renaud has not started on repairing the wall. Price Cemetery – Larry Davis is working the 1st part of the bid which is 40 stones. VandeKamp (Old Ruckman) Cemetery – It was reported last meeting that the fence has been replaced but it has not been replaced. Bellamy Cemetery – We did not have a work day on June 28th because of the weather. Janet reported that James Petersen has taken out the old fence and installed the new fence with a gate. The old size of the new cemetery was 10’x8’ and new size is 15’ x 24’. James will turn in a bill. He was going to dig up the cement or a foundation in the cemetery to see if it is a grave stone. A sign will have to be made for the cemetery.


Sweem Cemetery – The tenants of the farm where Sweem Cemetery is located has fixed the fence and a new sign has been purchased and installed. New Business – Mikesell/Yowell Cemetery – Larry Davis has given a quote to fix 26 stones for $1,900 at the cemetery. Carl made a motion for Larry Davis to fix the stones and seconded by Dixie. All ayes Val had an e-mail from Mr. Caulkins and was pleased with the way the Caulkins /Davis cemetery looked after we had cleaned it up. This fall we will have another work day to finish cleaning the cemetery. Next meeting will be Monday, August 25, 2014. No meeting in July. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


MAY 27, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held May 27, 2014 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Janet & Dave Ritchie, Marla Suter, Dixie Roorda, Howard Pothoven, Carl Nollen, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Carla Huebler, Steve Klein and Bev Jones. Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Janet Ritchie, Val Van Kooten and Bev Jones. Larry Fudge was absent. Carl made a motion to approve the April 28, 2014 minutes and seconded by Janet. All ayes CORRESPONDENCE – Thank you from the John Thomsen family. TREASURER’S REPORT - Janet stated that balance May 2, 2014 was $5,584.41, with no activity and ending balance May 27, 2014 was the same as beginning balance. OLD BUSINESS Carlisle Cemetery – Kent had contacted Mark Vos about sandblasting the arch for the cemetery, but Mr. Vos has health issues. Kent will contact someone else to do the sandblasting. Price Cemetery – Larry Davis will begin work on the first part of the bid which is 40 stones to repair next week. Mikesell Cemetery – Larry Davis will give a quote to Val on Mikesell Cemetery. Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – John Renaud gave a quote of $1,200-$1,500 to fix the wall and pull tree at cemetery. John was not sure of how much mortar and more stones it would take. John has worked for projects at Central College. Carla made a motion to have John Renaud to repair the wall at Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery for $1,200-$1,500 and seconded by Janet. All ayes VandeKamp (Old Ruckman) Cemetery – Val reported that she had heard that the fence had been replaced. Bellamy Cemetery - Janet reported that she had visited with Jim Peterson and he would like the new fence to be 15 feet wide and 24 feet long, with wooden posts (4 x 4 8 ft. post) and fence


with 5 ft. gate. Janet will let Jim know to order the supplies. We will work on the fence Saturday, June 28, 2014. Meet at the WalMart parking lot in Knoxville at 8:30 a.m. NEW BUSINESS – Val reported that people are looking at the MCPCC site and asking for information. Sweem Cemetery - Arleen Ensor told Val that her renter had hit the sign and fence at the Sweem Cemetery. She is willing to pay for the repairs. Val is ordering a new sign. Discussion was held on people being buried in the green, pine box or wrapped in a sheet. It was decided that this was up to the individual pioneer cemeteries. Election of new Vicar – Kent nominated Steve Klein to fill the term of John Thomsen as Vicar. Steve accepted the position. Val will send his name to the Marion County Supervisors to approve. Next meeting will be Monday, June 30, 2014. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


APRIL 28, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held April 28, 2014 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Janet & Dave Ritchie, Marla Suter, Dixie Roorda, Howard Pothoven, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Val & Kent Van Kooten and Bev Jones.

Val called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge, Val Van Kooten and Bev Jones. Our Vicar, John Thomsen, passed away.

Larry made a motion to approve the March 31, 2014 minutes and seconded by Marla.

Janet gave the Treasurer’s Report with the balance being $5,884.41 as of April 28, 2014.


Nepas/Ritchie Cemetery – The County installed the sign on the county right-of-way property.

Carlisle Cemetery Arch – Kent had contacted Mark Vos about sandblasting the arch. Kent has not heard back from him. After the arch is sandblasted it will have to be painted.

Price Cemetery- Val contacted Larry Davis and he will repair the stones of the 1st priority of the bid. Val will paint the gate.

Mikesell Cemetery – Larry Davis will look at the cemetery and give us a price.

Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – Val & Kent Van Kooten, Steve Klein, Carl Nollen and Bev Jones worked Saturday, April 26 for about two hours. There is several piles of brush, fire wood and more trimming needs to be completed at the cemetery. Larry had been out there earlier and trimmed around the stones. There are 9 – 10 graves at the cemetery. In the fall we will go back and use a chipper and finish clean-up. Parsons/DeHamer – After looking at the cemetery, two sides of the stone wall needs to be repaired. Val has contacted John Renaud to look at the cemetery. Bellamy Cemetery – Janet and Bev witched the cemetery and found one grave to the north of the fence and a body three feet from the Petersen fence line on county right-of-way. Petersen’s would like the fence replaced with a wood fence at about 14 ft. x 24 ft. Janet will tell Jim Petersen to order the material and the MCPCC will work on the fence in June. On the cemetery sign we will indicate that there is a body outside the fence.


NEW BUSINESS Walters Cemetery – Carl stated that the cemetery needs to be weed whack about couple times a year. Corner posts need to be installed at each corner of the cemetery. A new board member will be appointed to replace John Thomsen. It will have to be a man. Next meeting we will have an election. Gibbons Cemetery – Carl is going to weed whack the cemetery. Carlisle Cemetery – Someone has contacted Bybee & Davis Funeral Home about being buried at the cemetery. Larry is going to visit with the Liberty Twp. trustees. Schlotterback Cemetery – Val is going to set up a time to have an open house at the cemetery. Arian Cemetery - Located northeast of old part of Dallas Cemetery. Larry is trying to locate the cemetery. Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 27, 2014 (because Monday is Memorial Day. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


MARCH 31, 2014

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held March 31, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Carla Huebler, Kent Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Dixie Roorda, Steve Klein, Marla Suter, Howard Pothoven, Jo Anne Schrader, Mary Lou Van Roekel, Joshua Beal and Bev Jones. Larry Fudge called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten and John Thomsen were excused. Janet made a motion to approve the October 28, 2013 minutes and seconded by Carl. Correspondence – Thank you was received from Scott Visser for flowers sent to Steph Visser service. Treasurer’s Report – Janet gave the treasurer’s report with a balance on December 31, 2013 of $5,884.41. OLD BUSINESS Carlisle Arch – Arch is in Kent’s garage and posts have been primed. Janet had contacted James Washington and he is too busy to work on the arch. Kent will contact a person in Pella and get back at next meeting with a bid. Price Cemetery – Larry Davis had submitted a bid to repair the stones at Price Cemetery. He had listed three priorities. 1st priority – 40 gravestones $3,065; 2nd priority 27 gravestones $2,385; 3rd priority 22 gravestones $2,860. Marla made a motion to do the 1st priority and seconded by Dixie. All ayes Bellamy Cemetery – Janet has visited with Jim Peterson and he would like to enlarge the cemetery. The north line is a barbed wire fence. Need to grave witch to find all the graves there and also dig up the stone. Jim is willing to help install the fence. A work date will be finalized at the April MCPCC meeting sometime in May.


NEW BUSINESS Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – Needs to be dry and before the crops have been planted for us to work on the cemetery. We will work Sat. April 26. Meet in the yard of the owner at 8:30 a.m. Reminder will be sent out on the meeting date and address. Parsons/DeHamer Cemetery – Carl, Larry, Joshua and Ken will meet at S. Casey’s in Pella, April 16, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to see what is needed to repair the cemetery. Anyone is welcome to go to the cemetery. DeWitt Cemetery – Janet reported the 4-H club is working on the cemetery. Stones on south side of cemetery are stones that need to be repaired. Stones on north side need to be hauled away. The 4-H club members are repairing the smaller stones and Larry Davis will repair the larger stones. Posts will be installed on the outer four corners of the cemetery. Gates are locked because of vandalism. Walters Cemetery – Small cemetery by Attica on John Smith property. Need to put some posts at the corners of the cemetery to mark the boundaries and mow the cemetery twice a year. Ron & Margaret Gee did take care of the cemetery. Nepas/Ritchie Cemetery – Janet has visited with the property owner and he does not want a sign at the cemetery. She will visit with county about putting the sign along the road right-of-way. Janet made a motion for meeting to be adjourned and seconded by Kent. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


OCTOBER 28, 2013

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held October 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Carla Huebler, Val Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Dixie Roorda, Steve Klein, Marla Suter, Howard Pothoven, Linda Burton, Erin Gravett, Marty Duffy, and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge and Bev Jones. John Thomsen was excused. Minutes for September 30, 2013 meeting were read and approved. Janet gave the treasurer’s report with a beginning balance October 1, 2013 $6,434.26 and no activity and ending balance October 31, 2013 of $6,434.26. OLD BUSINESS Price Cemetery – New fence on East and South sides of the cemetery should be completed in a couple weeks. Shirey Cemetery – Larry Davis will repair the stones after the crops are out. Linda Burton will check to see if crops are out and if it has been mowed and report to Bev and she will call Larry Davis. Watkins Cemetery – Open house was held on Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Brendan Finan talked about the cemetery restoration which he did as an Eagle Scout project. Val & Kent Van Kooten, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Davis, Bev Jones, Pat Finan & Laura Hollinrake, Mr. & Mrs. Hollinrake and Brendan Finan attended. Refreshments were served. Signs have been installed. Fence needs to be installed at the entrance to the cemetery possibly a chain link fence. Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – Val had sent our report on the investigation that the Caulkins had deeded the ground for the cemetery. Jim Kingery had called Val that he had received calls from Mr. Caulkins about the name switch on the Marion County site. Jim was to visit with Bill Buttrey about switching the names on the site with Caulkins being the first name. Carla Huebler made a motion to order a sign and seconded by Janet Ritchie. Carl will send Val a list of all names to put on the sign. Val will send a list of the names to Mr. Caulkins before ordering the sign to see if there are any other names that need to be added before ordering the sign. Mr. Spaulding is selling the property. Carl suggested that we leave the big oak tree because it is not in the area of the stones. Nepas/Ritchie Cemetery – Janet will visit with Jim Colwell about going through his property to get to the cemetery and check back on when we can put up the sign. There are no stones. Carlisle Cemetery – Larry Fudge, Ken & Val Van Kooten picked up the arch and took to Pella. It will cost $550 - $600 to repair the arch and two letters. Dixie Roorda made a motion to repair the arch and seconded by


Janet Ritchie. All ayes. After it is repaired the arch will have to b cleaned up and painted. Maybe James Washington could to that work. Parsons/De Hamer Cemetery - Carl reported that the property owner has not repaired the cemetery. Price Cemetery – Val will visit with Larry Davis about repairing approximately 50 stones at the cemetery. Might have to repair some each year. Will ask Summit Township if they would share the cost. Mikesell Cemetery – Val will visit with Larry Davis about repairing the stones at the cemetery. NEW BUSINESS President and Vice President are up for election. Val and Larry are willing to serve another three years. Val asked for additional nominations from the floor for these positions. Val Van Kooten will be President for another three years and Larry Fudge will be Vice President for another three years. Aryan Cemetery – The cemetery was between Fairview and Dallas Cemetery across the road from William Nolte. Janet has visited with Jerry Haselhuhn and he does remember any cemetery being there. Larry Fudge has walked around in that area and could not find a cemetery. Triage of work for 2014 – Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – Clean up cemetery and not remove big oak tree Carlisle Cemetery – Trim some limbs, 3-4 stones need to b repaired and arch put back up. Bridges Cemetery – Stones reset Bellamy Cemetery – Replace fence and make cemetery bigger Price Cemetery – Fence finished and stone repair Mikesell Cemetery – Stone repair Watkins Cemetery – Chain link fence or cattle pens Schlotterback Cemetery – Gate Marty Duffy – He is working on getting a Memorial of Veterans at the Bellefountaine cemetery which is in Mahaska County. Several ideas were given to him on getting money for the project. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


SEPTEMBER 30, 2013

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Commission was held September 30, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Carla Huebler, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Dixie Roorda, Steve Klein, Marla Suter, Howard Pothoven and Bev Jones. Brendan Finan was a guest. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge and Bev Jones. John Thomsen was excused. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the August 26, 2013 minutes and seconded by Kent Van Kooten. All ayes Treasurer’s Report – Balance September 1, 2013 - $1,585.00, received $5,000.00 from Marion County, Expenses Newman sign/Watkins Cemetery $150.82 and ending balance September 30, 2013 $6,434.26. Report will be filed for audit. OLD BUSINESS Price Cemetery – Larry Fudge pulled the fence, Vermeer’s chipped up everything and pulled two posts. C & D Sales will get started on the fence in a couple weeks. Summit Township has agreed to pay for the new fence on the East and South side. Val is working with Larry Davis for a quote to fix the stones at Price. Piles of old fencing needs to be thrown away. Shirey Cemetery – Larry Davis needs to repair the stones after the crops are out. Caulkins/Davies Cemetery - Carl Nollen reported that he had a copy of the deed for 1865 when Caulkins deeded 1 ¼ acre for a grave yard to Knoxville Township. On the Marion County site the cemetery is listed Davies/Caulkins Cemetery. Tom Caulkins would like the cemetery to be listed Caulkins/Davies Cemetery. Cemetery book the cemetery is listed Davis Cemetery. Janet will visit with the Knoxville Township Trustees about the name change and report to Val. Val will then send our recommendation to Ed Bull to change the Marion County Site to read Caulkins/Davies Cemetery. Spaulding owns the property. Top priority in 2014 will be to work on this cemetery. Mikesell Cemetery – Ron and Sue Yowell from Sylva, NC came to the cemetery on September 10, 2013. Doug, Joyce and Preston Van Wyk were there, property owners and several MCPCC members. Ron’s Great Great Grandfather, William Yowell was in the War of 1812 and the MCPCC handed Ron a memorial marker and flag to put on the grave. He is willing to pay for the stones to be repaired for his great great grandparents. Larry Davis needs to give us a bid for fixing the stones at the cemetery.


NEW BUSINESS October 2013 Terms/Elections – Val Van Kooten term is up 2013. She is willing to serve again for three years. John Thomsen has one more year on his term. Val has visited with him and he said he would like to fill out his term. Teter Cemetery – Val received a note from Susan Eggert regarding a stone of her great great grandfather William Walker that the stone was backward. The message was forwarded to Bev Jones and she responded that she would look into fixing the problem. Attica/Mormon Cemetery – Val and Kent fixed the gate on Labor Day. Carlisle Cemetery – Val, Kent and Larry picked up the arch for the Carlisle Cemetery. Kent will get an estimate to repair the arch. Poles will have to be replaced. Watkins Cemetery – Brendan Finan was at the meeting. The two new signs for Watkins were presented to Brandan. Open House at the cemetery will be October 20, 2013 from 4-6 p.m.. Email will be sent out to remind and directions to the cemetery. Brendan was told to purchase the post for signs and send the bill to the Knoxville Trustees. Nepas/Ritchie Cemetery – Janet will visit with Jim Colwell on putting the sign at the cemetery. The commission would like to take a picture if permitted. Schlotterback and Klein Cemeteries- They both need gates. Next meeting will Monday, October 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


APRIL 29, 2013

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held April 29, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, Linda Burton, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, John Thomsen, Carolyn DeCora, Charlie Rus and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, Larry Fudge, John Thomsen and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the October 29, 2012 minutes with the correction of new way to clean stones should read, ‘A new way to read the stones is to cover the stone with foil and use soft bristle brush.’ Seconded by Carla Huebler. All ayes. Treasurer’s Report – Janet Ritchie reported that as of April 29, 2013 the balance was $4,167.51. Bills were submitted for $173.78 to Kent Van Kooten for arch at Attica Cemetery and Travis Gosselink $300.00 new web site for MCPCC. Larry Fudge made a motion to pay these bills and seconded by Linda Burton. All ayes OLD BUSINESS RITCHIE/NEPAS CEMETERY – Janet reported that she had been to the cemetery and visited with Jim Colwell, who farms the ground, and owner is a Dr. from South America who lives in Des Moines. The cemetery is located on S-45, west of the Ritchie corner and back in a field. All there is a fence line with trees back in a field. Janet had pictures of the cemetery. She witched and found seven men, two women and four little boys. There is not a cemetery on the property plat. We can put up a sign but can not put a fence around the cemetery. Janet is going back to the cemetery, get OK from tenant, re-witch and get approval for the sign before we order the sign. BELLAMY CEMETERY – Janet had pictures of the Bellamy Cemetery and there are two people buried inside the fence and a women buried outside between the wooden fence and the wire fence. The fence needs to be replaced. James Peterson owns the land where the cemetery is located. James Peterson would like the fence replaced with a wooden fence, walk in gate, cemetery made larger and his daughter would like to do the repair for a 4-H project. Jessie Bellamy is buried there and he was in the War of 1812 rather than the Civil War. Janet has been to the Court House and received a new sign for his grave that reads War of 1812. Val will order a sign. SHIREY CEMETERY - Larry Davis bid to repair the stones at Shirey was $610.00 and Union Township will pay for the stone repair. NEW BUSINESS VANDER LINDEN/TIMBER RIDGE CEMETERY - Charlie Rus was at the meeting to discuss the cemetery and had signage information of people buried at the cemetery. Val, Carla and Marla had been there earlier to witch the cemetery. Will need to be two signs and Charlie agreed to pay for the second sign. Val will order the sign for the cemetery and have Charlie approve the proof. PROPOSED BY-LAWS – Minutes of the Board Meeting regarding the By-Laws was read. Val handed out the new By-Laws. Howard made a motion to approve the new By-Laws and seconded by Carolyn. All ayes.


NEW WEBSITE – Travis Gosselink has completed the new website. Kent showed the new website. Carolyn will update the website and new information and photos should be sent to her for updates. WORK FOR 2013 - Arch installed Attica/Mormon Cemetery Price Cemetery – Tear out old fence and install new fence and stone repair Bellamy Cemetery – Replace old fence Parsons/DeHammer Cemetery Caulkins/Davies (Spaulding owner) Need to be dry WORK ON CEMETERIES BUT NOT URGENT Walters Cemetery – needs a fence Klein Cemetery – fence needs to be tightened MOWING CEMETERIES – Knoxville Township will be mowing Schlotterback Cemetery. Val has tried to contact the trustees of Indiana Township regarding mowing Attica/Mormon and Summit Township regarding mowing Gibbons Cemetery. They will not return her calls. Larry will visit with the trustees of Indiana Township to see if they included Attica/Mormon cemetery in their budget to mow the cemetery. SIGNAGE – Signs will be ordered for Bellamy, Kelly ( Ritchie Farm), Pendroy and Vander Linden. Ritchie/Nepas will wait until cleared with the property owner. ARCH ATTICA/MORMAN – Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. we will meet at Kin Folks to install the Arch. Larry will get eight-five gallon buckets of ¾” road stone, check with Ensor of availability of backhoe. We will have to enter the cemetery from the road south of the cemetery. Next general meeting will be Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Addendum: Board Meeting was held by email to approve (1) Larry Davis to repair stones at Shirey Cemetery - $610; (2) to hire someone to install new fence on north side and west side of Price Cemetery $1,971. MCPCC will tear out the old fence. Val V, John T, Larry F and Bev J voted yes on both items. Cc: Jake Grandia


OCTOBER 29, 2012

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held October 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, Linda Burton, Jack Sterling, Larry Fudge, Dixie Roorda and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Val Van Kooten and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie was excused. John Thomsen was absent. Carla Huebler made a motion to approve the September 24, 2012 minutes with a correction in the spelling of Huebler and seconded by Howard Pothoven. All ayes. In the absence of the treasurer, Bev Jones reported that the beginning balance October 1, 2012 was $6,783.18, expenses – Kent Van Kooten –fence Schlotterback $136.06 and Attica/Mormon - $147.71, with ending balance October 29, 2012 $6,499.41. Kent Van Kooten made a motion to approve Treasurers report and seconded by Larry Fudge. All ayes. Bills presented were Kent Van Kooten – welding arc Attica/Mormon (Precision Pulley) $479.20 and Larry Davis repair stones Schlotterback- $1,730.00. OLD BUSINESS ATTICA/MORMON CEMETERY - Kent Van Kooten and Don Roorda have been working on the arch on the cemetery. Precision Pulley rolled the metal for the arch and Kent and Don are installing the lettering. SCHLOTTERBACK CEMETERY - October 20, 2012 – Val & Kent Van Kooten, Marla Suter, Linda Burton, Carl Nollen and Bev Jones worked on the fence at the cemetery. We need to find a small gate for east side of the cemetery. Stones are all repaired. In the spring, we plan to have an open house for the public to view the cemetery. Signs have been ordered for Price and Attica/Mormon cemeteries. Signs to be ordered are for Pendroy and Timber Ridge (Vander Linden). TIMBER RIDGE (VANDER LINDEN) – Howard Pothoven reported that the cemetery is north of the North Overlook. There are no stones but some bodies are buried there and some bodies have been moved and there is a new fence. Howard and Val have visited with some people on who is buried at the cemetery. It was decided to wait until spring to order a sign to make sure we have all the names of the bodies that are buried there. KARR CEMETERY - The fence is in bad shape and needs to be completely replaced or repaired. NEW BUSINESS Cemeteries to work on next spring Caulkins/Davies Cemetery – First on list, 6-7 bodies buried at the cemetery and will need 4-wheeler to get to the cemetery. Price Cemetery – North side of the cemetery the fence is down and 50-70 stones need to be repaired.


Carlisle Cemetery (Northeast of Attica) – Front fence is good, W, N, S side of the fence needs to be repaired and cemetery needs clean up. About 40 stones are there. Bridges Cemetery – 13 stones on Hollingshead property. Wheeling Cemetery – Stone repair Hughes and Pendroy cemeteries do not need any repair. Val Van Kooten is going to check to see if anyone is mowing Attica/Mormon Cemetery and contact Larry Davis about stone repair at Shirey cemetery. OFFICERS Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones terms are up. Larry Fudge made a motion to reappoint Janet Ritchie (Treasurer) and Bev Jones (Secretary) for another three-year term and seconded by Kent Van Kooten. All ayes. Stephanie Visser (Vice President) has resigned and we need a man to fill her two-year term of office. Bev Jones made a motion for Larry Fudge to fill out the two-year term and seconded by Carla Huebler. Val Van Kooten will give the names to the Board of Supervisors for approval. Marla Suter reported that she had gone to a genealogical meeting at Oskaloosa and the government will replace stones of veterans in cemeteries. The government will contact monument companies in the area of the stones to be replaced and possibly the cemetery would have to pay to have installed. A new way to clean the stones is to cover the stone with foil and use soft bristle brush. Val Van Kooten reported that there are 53 pioneer cemeteries in the county and her son hopes to have the web site completed by spring 2013. Bev Jones thanked Kent Van Kooten for all the extra volunteer work he has put in to repair the fences and brackets for signs for the cemeteries. The officers will have a meeting Monday, January 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. to work on By-Laws. Next general meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Location will be determined later. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


SEPTEMBER 24, 2012

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held September 24, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Janet Ritchie, Val Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, John Thomson, Linda Burton, Jack Sterling, Larry Fudge, Dixie Roorda and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, John Thomson and Bev Jones. Stephanie Visser was excused. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the August 27, 2012 minutes and seconded by Carl Nollen. All ayes. Janet Ritchie, Treasurer, reported that the beginning balance Sept 1, 2012 was $7,070.71, income $100, expenses Newman Traffic Signs - $108.21-Karr; $184.04-Schlotterback, Kent Van Kooten $95.28-Hardware, ending balance Sept 24, 2012 $6,783.18. Bills presented $147.71 – arch Attica/Mormon, $136.06 gate Schlotterback for a total of $283.77 payable to Kent Van Kooten. OLD BUSINESS ATTICA/MORMON CEMETERY – Kent Van Kooten and Don Roorda will be assembling the arch and then it will be ready to hang at the cemetery. SCHLOTTERBACK CEMETERY - September 8, 2012 – Val & Kent Van Kooten, Janet & David Ritchie, Carla Heubler, Marla Suter, Linda Burton, Howard Pothoven and Bev Jones worked on the fence and installing gate on the west side of the cemetery. Andy Shives mowed the cemetery inside and around the outside. Larry Davis has been working on the stone repair. October 20, 2012 8:30 a.m. we will have another work day at the cemetery to fix the wire on the north and part of the west sides of the cemetery fence. After the cemetery is completed, we will have an open house for the public to view. KARR CEMETERY – Sign has been installed. Val will visit with Summit Township Trustees regarding mowing at Price, Gibbons and Karr cemeteries. SPRING 2013 – The Commission will work on Caulkins/Davies, Price and Hughes cemeteries.


OLD RUCKMAN CEMETERY - VandeKamps will be installing the new fence next spring. NEW BUSINESS WEB SITE - Val’s Son would like pictures of all the pioneer cemeteries to put on the web-site. Carla Heubler made a motion to order signs for Price, Pendroy and Attica/Mormon cemeteries and seconded by Dixie Roorda. All ayes. ELECTION NEXT MEETING - Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones are up for reelection. Stephanie Visser is resigning from the Board and her term has two more years. Stephanie place on the Board will have to be replaced with a man. OTHER BUSINESS Sept 9, 2012 Val & Kent Van Kooten, David and Janet Ritchie, Linda Burton, Carla Heubler, Marla Suter, Marsha Jones, Alonna & Harry Gass, and Bev Jones went to find the Eagle Rock Cemetery. Some graves were found. Went to Greenwood Cemetery and where there are stones, there are no bodies. Went to Historic Cemetery by White Breast Campground and did not find the cemetery. Howard Pothoven reported that there are some stones south of Pella and will report back later. Next meeting will be Monday October 29, 2012. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


AUGUST 27, 2012 The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held August 27, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Janet Ritchie, Kent & Val Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, John Thomson, Stephanie Visser, Linda Burton and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present – Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, John Thomson, Stephanie Visser and Bev Jones. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the July 30, 2012 minutes and seconded by Stephanie Visser. Janet Ritchie, Treasurer, reported that the beginning balance 8/1/12 was $7,565.71, no income, Larry Davis repair stones at Karr Cemetery - $495.00, ending balance August 28, 2012- $7,070.71. Bills were presented Newman Signs 1-sign Karr Cemetery $108.21 and 2 signs Schlotterback Cemetery $184.04; Fastenal $95.28 (brackets to hang signs). YOWELL FAMILY - Bev Jones received a letter and $100 donation from Ronald Yowell, Sylva, NC. Ronald had looked at the Marion County Site where old cemeteries were listed. Ronald has family buried at the Mikesell Cemetery. Janet will deposit the $100 check in the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission account at the court house. We will use the money to repair stones at the Mikesell Cemetery. OLD BUSINESS Arch for Attica-Mormon Cemetery – Quotes have been received for the arch and lettering which would be approximately $650. Don Roorda and Kent Van Kooten will do the work. Stephanie Visser made a motion to spend $650 for the arch and lettering and seconded by Marla Suter. All ayes Schlotterback Cemetery – August 15, 2012- Val & Kent Van Kooten, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, Larry Fudge, Kelly, Andy, Cody, Hunter and Ty Shives, Dixie & Don Roorda and Bev Jones dug up the rest of the bases at the Schlotterback Cemetery. Karr Cemetery – The sign has arrived and will be installed at the gate by the cemetery. Janet Ritchie made a motion to buy approx $15 material to hang the sign and seconded by Bev Jones. All ayes


NEW BUSINESS Schlotterback Cemetery Stone Repair - A bid of $2,030.00 for 23 stones has been received from Larry Davis. Larry stated that if we dug up the bases he would reduce the bid by $300.00 which would be $1,730.00 and would be completed this fall. Carla Huebler made a motion to have Larry Davis repair the stones at Schlotterback Cemetery for $1,730.00 and seconded by Carl Nollen. All ayes Schlotterback Cemetery Gate & Fence Repair – The fence needs to be straightened and fixed, new eight foot gate on back of cemetery and small gate in the front. Janet Ritchie made a motion to buy supplies to repair the fence and new gates for the cemetery and seconded by Bev Jones. All ayes. After the fence and gate are repaired, we will pad lock the big gate. Schlotterback Cemetery Work Day – Saturday, September 8, 2012 we will work at the cemetery to repair the fence at 9:00 a.m. We will clean the fence line. Caulkins-Davies Cemetery - We will work on the cemetery at a later date in the fall. OTHER BUSINESS Eagle Rock Cemetery – The Corp of Engineers moved the graves to Greenwood Cemetery early in the 60’s. It has been reported to us that there are still stones at Eagle Rock. September 9, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. we will meet at Udder’s and go to the cemetery to grave witch and look for stones. Mikesell Cemetery - In the Marion County Cemetery Book of 1976, it states that there are two graves across the road from Mikesell in the field. Officer Board Meeting – The officers’ had a board meeting and realized that the MCPCC does not have Bylaws, reminder from Auditor’s Office that all expenditures must have a paper trail – no buying or approving anything to be done without vote by MCPCC. The officers will work on Bylaws this winter. Web Site – Val reported that her son was working on the web site and would like pictures or overview of all the pioneer cemeteries in Marion County. Watkins Cemetery – An Eagle Scout will repair Watkins Cemetery and will be meeting with the Knoxville Township Trustees. Next meeting will be Monday, September 24, 2012. Adjourn Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


JULY 30, 2012 The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held July 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Janet Ritchie, Kent & Val Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, John Thomson, Dixie Roorda, Arleen Ensor, Larry Fudge, Wendell & Phyllis Robinson and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie, John Thomson and Bev Jones. Stephanie Visser was excused. Kent Van Kooten made a motion to approve the June 25, 2012 minutes and seconded by John Thomson. All ayes. Janet Ritchie, Treasurer, reported that June 25, 2012 our balance was $2,890.71, received $5,000 from the county for the year starting July 1, 2012 and left a balance of $7,890.71. $325.00 had been paid to Larry Davis for repair to the Attica/Mormon Cemetery. Val turned in a bill for Larry Davis to repair Karr Cemetery for $495.00. OLD BUSINESS Arch for Attica-Mormon Cemetery – Dixie Roorda said that her husband, Don, was willing to make an arch out of car exhaust pipes with the help of Kent Van Kooten. The sign could be attached to the pipes. No other quotes had been received. Signage for Shirey, Burch and Rees – Kent will contact Bev on an evening to install the signs. Stone Bases – Carl Nollen reported that the man in Norwalk would make new bases for $25 and would to do 20 at the time. The bases would have a cut out in the center for the stone to be attached. Carl has measured stones at Wheeling, Hughes, Watkins and Pendroy. After the bases are made it is up to the MCPCC to install the bases and attach the stones. Carl is to call Jim Kingery, Red Rock Township about the expenses for Hughes Cemetery and not to have any new bases made for Watkins Cemetery. Watkins Cemetery – Janet Ritchie reported that an Eagle Scout (Finan) has contacted her to repair the Watkins Cemetery as a project. Knoxville Township will take care of the expenses. Schlotterback Cemetery – Val & Kent Van Kooten, Carla Huebler, John Thomson, Howard Pothoven and Bev Jones dug up the bases and put some rock in the holes on Saturday, July 14, 2012. Larry Fudge had mowed the cemetery. Larry Davis has asked us not to do any more work at the cemetery until he has looked at the cemetery and gave us an estimate. The fence around the cemetery will have to be repaired. Janet Ritchie reported that she would ask the Knoxville Township trustees if they would pay for the expenses.


July SAPIC Meeting – Carl Nollen attended the meeting at Albia, Monroe Co. One person does all the repair work on pioneer cemeteries in Monroe Co. It was mentioned that signs should be put up at the pioneer cemeteries stating “Not Responsible for Accidents”. NEW BUSINESS Cemetery in the area of the marina, West of Pella, cemetery is abandoned, orange chain fence and in the area is called the circle. Some more checking needs to be completed to find the cemetery. OTHER BUSINESS Old Ruckman Cemetery - We have not heard from the Vande Kamp’s on putting new fence around the cemetery on their property. Caulkins Cemetery – Bev Jones will send a note to Stephanie Visser, if she has heard back from the Eagle Scouts repairing the cemetery. Caloma Cemetery – The cemetery is being mowed and is good shape. Spurgin Cemetery is not a pioneer cemetery. Eagle Rock Cemetery – Bev Jones will find the exact location of the cemetery. After the weather cools off, we will have another work day. Next meeting will be Monday, August 27, 2012. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


JUNE 25, 2012 The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Janet Ritchie, Kent & Val Van Kooten, Carl Nollen, Howard Pothoven, Linda Burton, John Thomson, Dixie Roorda, Stephanie Visser, Carolyn De Cora and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present – Val Van Kooten, Stephanie Visser, Bev Jones, Janet Ritchie and John Thomson. Howard Pothoven made a motion to approve the May 29, 2012 minutes and seconded by Carl Nollen. All ayes. Janet Ritchie reported that balance on hand April 30, 2012 was $3,543.09. Expenses Theisens/flags $10.17, Crow Row Antiques/gate $128.40, Newman Signs $99.51, and McCorkle Hardware $414.30 for a total of $652.38 expenses. Ending balance June 25, 2012 - $2,890.71. Janet has visited with McCorkle Hardware about the sales tax and we should not be charged sales tax because we are part of the county. Val submitted a bill from Larry Davis to repair the stones at Attica-Mormon Cemetery for $325.00. OLD BUSINESS Arch for Attica-Mormon Cemetery – Janet Ritchie has talked to James Washington and he does not have time to make us an arch but if we would wait until the school gets started at the VA that would be something the students could do to make the arch. He understood if we did not want to wait that long. Everyone is to check for pricing for someone else to the arch and report back at the July meeting. Signage for Shirey, Burch, and Rees has been received. Union Township will pay for the signs for a total of $246.70. Carl Nollen has nothing to report on the bases from the man by Norwalk. Signage for Pendroy – Val has not ordered the sign. NEW BUSINESS Karr Cemetery – Val has received a quote from Larry Davis for $495 to repair the stones at Karr Cemetery. One of the stones might be too large for Larry Davis to repair and he will adjust the quote. Marla Suter made a motion for Larry Davis to repair the stones at Karr Cemetery and seconded by John Thomson. All ayes. Website – Val has visited with the Marion County Board of Supervisors and said the MCPCC could use the money from our budget to have a website, buy tools and attend conferences. Val’s son will set us up a website for $200-$300. After we have the website, Bill Buttrey will hook up to the county website. Carolyn De Cora will update the website after it is connected to the county website. Stephanie Visser made a motion to have Val’s son set up the website and second by Dixie Roorda. All ayes. Whitlatch Cemetery - Craig Agan said that the cemetery looked pretty good and is being mowed. John Pierce (Washington Township) needs to be contacted about fixing the stones.


Schlotterback – Val has visited with the City of Knoxville and the Clerk told her the cemetery was in City limits and the VA was mowing the cemetery. The MCPCC could do any repair work we wanted to do. Several stones are in the ground and the fence is broken. Wheeling - Linda Burton reported there are approx. 158 stones, well mowed and there is a tree fence. Caulkins – Carl, Val and Kent took Tom Caulkins to the cemetery. Hard to get to the cemetery, crossing needs to be fixed, giant tree down over the graves and bad shape. Randy Spaulding will work on the crossing. Stephanie reported that Eagle Scouts had contacted her about working on a cemetery. She will visit with the scouts and take them to the Caulkins cemetery to see if they would want to clean up the cemetery. Eagle Rock – Val tried to find the Eagle Rock cemetery. Bev will do some more checking on the location. Most of the stones have been moved to Greenwood Cemetery. Marla Suter asked if anyone knew where the cemetery was close to the Marina and called The Circle. Work Day – We will work on the Schlotterback Cemetery on Saturday, July 14, 2012 and will meet at 8:30 main entrance to the VA. Thirteen stones need to be dug out of the ground. Bring shovels and probes. Stickle – Carl Nollen stated the cemetery is mowed, one stone but more buried there. Bridges – Carl Nollen visited that cemetery and was able to get permission from the property owner to look at the cemetery. Prior years the property owner would not let anyone look at the cemetery. Next meeting will be Monday, July 30, 2012. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia



The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held May 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA Members present were Dixie Roorda, Stephanie Visser, Val Van Kooten, Cameron Van Kooten, Howard Pothoven, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Janet Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carolyn De Cora, Linda Burton, John Thomson and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present – Val Van Kooten, Stephanie Visser, Bev Jones, Janet Ritchie and John Thomson. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the April 30, 2012 minutes and seconded by Dixie Roorda. All ayes Janet Ritchie reported that the balance on April 1, 2012 was $3,818.13, expenses of $275.04 with an ending balance of $3,543.09 on April 30, 2012. Val Van Kooten turned in bills for Newman Sign – Sweem Cemetery for $99.51, eight foot gate for Attica/Mormon - $138.57, McCorkle Hardware, Attica fence - $443.30. Janet Ritchie asked why we were paying taxes when we were connected with the county. OLD BUSINESS A new fence was built for Attica/Mormon cemetery and mowed on May 19, 2012 and was completed in three hours. Van and Kent Van Kooten, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Arlene Ensor, Linda Brooks, John and Bobbi Basset and son, Howard Pothoven and Bev Jones worked at the cemetery. Caulkins Cemetery – Carl Nollen is taking Tom Caulkins to the Caulkins cemetery on June 5, 2012. Carl is going to notify the time for anyone who was interested in going. Larry Fudge has mowed Karr cemetery twice and cleaned up the trees. NEW BUSINESS Janet Ritchie will notify James Washington on when we can take the gate to him for lettering. This gate is for the Attica/Mormon cemetery. New signs have been ordered for Burch and Shirey cemeteries. Pendroy needs to be ordered. Carl Nollen has visited with a man SE of Norwalk that makes bases for old stones with a place for the stone to be set onto the base. He charges $25 for the base. Carl is going to take an exact measurement for a base and watch him and find out more information.


Future Cemeteries to Work on – Wheeling – Geneva Rd & Hwy 5 – Linda Burton will look at. Schlotterback – Cemetery is in the Knoxville City Limits – Val Van Kooten will visit with the City on our proposal to straighten up the stones but the City will still mow the cemetery. Applegate – Stone there, not sure if the body is there. There is a stone at Indiana Chapel for this person. Eagle Rock Burkholder – 2 lots Leisha Tschetter is inquiring about the cemetery Caloma Stotts/Whitlatch Hughes – N of Dunreath cemetery – Carl Nollen said it needs 4- 6 bases and he will take the measurements to the man at Norwalk. Stickle – McCoy Farm MCPCC Website – Jasper and Mahaska Counties have a website. Val Van Kooten’s son said he would work on setting up the website and it would cost approximately $300 with a monthly charge. Val will check with the Supervisors if we can spend money on a website. Next regular meeting will be Monday, June 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


April 30, 2012 The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held April 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Dave and Janet Ritchie, Carl Nollen, Larry Fudge, Carolyn De Cora, Val and Kent Van Kooten, Linda Burton, Howard Pothoven, Jack Sterling and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Officers present were Val Van Kooten, Janet Ritchie and Bev Jones. Stephanie Visser was excused and John Thomson was absent. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the March 26, 2011 minutes with the correction of two name spellings and seconded by Kent Van Kooten. All ayes. Janet Ritchie stated that we had a balance of $3,818.13 in our account. Kent Van Kooten turned in a bill for $275.04 for new fence at Pendroy cemetery. Union Township is paying for the new fence at Shirey Cemetery which was $382.03. OLD BUSINESS Shirey Cemetery was cleaned up, old fence tore out and new fence built on April 25, 2012. Mark and Deb Core loaned us there tractor to tear out the fence. Carla Heubler, Marla Suter, Val & Kent Van Kooten, Connie and Daryl Jordan, John Thomson, Howard Pothoven, Larry Fudge, Janet & Dave Ritchie, Carl & Ramona Nollen and Bev Jones worked on the cemetery repair. Sign will be ordered. VandeKamp Cemetery- No report. Pendroy Cemetery – Pella High School students cleaned up the cemetery and built a fence. Sign to be ordered. Grave-sniffing Dogs – April 7th, Shelly Sedberry and her two dogs went to Jelsma, Applegate, Shirey and Gibbens Cemeteries to sniff for graves. Gibbens Cemetery – Val is checking with a Pella Sunday School class about mowing the cemetery. Val Van Kooten had some Central College students record the Karr, Mikesell, Shirey and Burch cemeteries.


Carl Nollen attended the State Pioneer Cemetery Meeting in Colfax. He stated that there were approx. 30 people there. The next meeting will be in Albia. Dewitt Cemetery – Janet Ritchie reported that it has been too wet to clean the cemetery and hopefully this coming Sunday it would be dry enough. Friendly Guys & Gals 4-H Club is cleaning up the cemetery with the help of the Knoxville Rural Fire Department. NEW BUSINESS Parsons Cemetery – Marla Suter handed out some information on the cemetery. She had been contacted by some family to take some pictures. There is a wall around the stones that is falling apart. We will not be able to replace the wall. Val was going to ask Larry Davis if he could fix the wall. Karr Cemetery – There are some broken stones and two trees have fell in the cemetery. Larry Fudge is going to mow the cemetery. Val will visit with Larry Davis about the stones. Caulkins Cemetery – Carl Nollen is going to take Tom Caulkins back to the cemetery on June 5th. The cemetery is about quarter of a mile back in a field. Orey Cemetery – Stones have been moved to Ridlen Cemetery but the graves are still at Orey Cemetery. Attica/Mormon Cemetery – Saturday, May 19th we will put up fence on three sides of the cemetery. We will meet at Kin Folks. Carla Huebler will notify Bobbie Bassett. Larry Davis will be there after Memorial Day to repair the stones. Schlotterback Cemetery – The Cemetery is on the VA Hospital grounds. We are not sure who mows the cemetery. Several of the stones are laying flat in the ground and will disappear if not taken care of. Bev will send a thank-you to Mark and Deb Core for use of their tractor. Next regular meeting will be Tuesday, May 29 at 7:00 p.m. Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary Cc: Jake Grandia


March 26, 2012

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held March 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Stephanie Visser, Dixie Roorda, Arleen Ensor, Bobbi Bassett, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Dave and Janet Ritchie, Carl Nolan, Larry B Fudge, John Thomson, Carolyn De Cora, Val and Kent Van Kooten and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present. Stephanie Visser made a motion to approve the January 30, 2012 minutes with the correction of two names and seconded by Janet Ritchie. Janet Ritchie gave the treasurers report with a balance of $3,018 on hand. Val stated that we had been approved for another $5,000 for the next year. OLD BUSINESS ATTICA/MORMON CEMETERY – Arleen Ensor stated that the cemetery is 60 x 80. Janet Ritchie reported that she had contacted James Washington and he said that he is busy for the next couple months but if we could wait until after that he could do the rod iron gate and he would donate some of the price of the gate. We will put panels around three sides of the cemetery. There is a fence on the West side of the cemetery. Kent Van Kooten will check with McCorkles and have panels delivered to the cemetery. SHIREY – Bev Jones stated that the trustees of Union Township will pay to have new fence on all sides of the cemetery. Bev will call the property owner on the North side of the cemetery to get permission to put new fence at the cemetery and call Kay Harsin to leave us access to the cemetery to work on the cemetery in May. VANDE KAMP (OLD RUCKMAN) – Janet Ritchie stated that the Knoxville Township had bought the panels years ago for the cemetery and when the panels are taken down they need to be given back to the township. Nothing to report from the Vande Kamps on the new white vinyl fence. NEW BUSINESS GRAVE SNIFFING DOGS - Val Van Kooten has contacted Shelly Sedburg about her dogs doing some grave sniffing at some pioneer cemeteries in Marion County. We are to meet at FareWay parking lot at 9:30 on April 7 to go to Burkhalter (8), Jelsma (7) and Applegate cemetery.


WORK DATES - We will work Saturday, April 14, 2012 at the Attica/Mormon cemetery to put up a new fence. We will meet at Kin Folks at 8:30. Val Van Kooten reported that Central College students will be recording stones at Mikesell and Teter cemeteries for the State Genealogical Society on April 24 and Pella High School students will be putting a fence (16 x 16) around the Pendroy cemetery on April 25. The MCCPC will pay for fencing. The State Pioneer Cemetery meeting is April 28, 2012 at the Colfax Memorial Building. Kent Van Kooten had a book on gates for the cemeteries which would cost approximately $60 plus shipping. Janet Ritchie reported that a 4-H Club and Knoxville Rural Fire Department were going to clean up Dewitt Cemetery. MCCPC would pay for the sign. Janet Ritchie reported that levies for the Townships were public knowledge and everyone should look at the information to see if they were using the money levied for cemeteries. If not, the townships are using the tax payer’s money for something else. Next meeting will be Monday, April 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. John Thomson made a motion for meeting to be adjourned and seconded by Carolyn DeCora. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary cc: Jake Grandia


January 30, 2012

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held January 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Carl Nollen, Val and Kent Van Kooten, Carolyn DeCora, Donna & Dwayne Betterton, Arleen Ensor, Dixie Roorda, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Josh Schneider, Nancy Dittmer, Janet Ritchie, Phyllis Robinson, Craig Agan, Ron & Margaret Gee, Bill & Jean VandeKamp, John Thomson and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present except Stephanie Visser. Janet Visser made a motion to approve the October 24, 2011 minutes and seconded by Kent Van Kooten. All ayes. Dixie Roorda made a motion to approve the December 31, 2011 treasurer’s report and seconded by Arleen Ensor. Van Van Kooten passed out the 2011 Report of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission that was sent to the Marion County Board of Supervisors. OLD BUSINESS VANDE KAMP (Old Ruckman) – Bill & Gene VandeKamp stated that this cemetery is in their front yard. The cemetery has a fence around it, there are 11 graves, no stones and the VandeKamp’s have been weed eating the cemetery for years. They had an estimate from Menards to put up a white vinyl fence. Arleen Ensor made a motion to put in a new fence 24 x 48 (dimensions by the abstract); VandeKamp’s will put in the new fence and seconded by John Thomson. There are two trees in the cemetery and VandeKamp’s are going to check to see if they need to be cut down and if they do they will cut down the trees before they put in the new fence. ATTICA/MORMAN CEMETERY – Several different type of fence was discussed for this cemetery. At one of the Marion County Board of Supervisors Meeting they discussed the fencing around the pioneer cemeteries and they decided that it would be best to let the Pioneer Cemetery Commission and landowners who have pioneer cemeteries on their property, decide how to best mark the cemeteries. There is not a clear description of the boundaries of this cemetery. Arleen Ensor will contact the property owner (Bassett’s) and meet with them to stake the boundaries for the cemetery so we can put up a fence. Janet Ritchie will check with James Washington about a black rod iron front gate and pricing. Possibly we would use cattle panels for the rest of the fence. Attica Methodist Sunday School will mow the cemetery. SHIREY – Bev Jones stated that the Union Township Trustees had agreed to pay for cattle panels for a new fence at Shirey. They will pay for the sign and mowing when the cemetery is


cleaned up. Bev had visited with Kay Harsin and he had agreed to give us access (width of a vehicle) to clean up the cemetery and keep it mowed. In early spring we will take out the fence on three sides and clean up the cemetery. We did some clean up last fall. GRAVE – SNIFFING DOGS – Carl Nollen stated that Shelly Sedberg from Des Moines had dogs that did grave sniffing. Val Van Kooten is going to call Shelly and have her come to some of our cemeteries to do some grave sniffing. We thought Applegate Cemetery would be a good place for the dogs to do some grave sniffing. NEW BUSINESS – Several cemeteries were discussed to work on in 2012 – Whitlatch is being mowed but several stones are down; Pendroy (on 163)– 16 x 16 and Carl Nollen said if we would buy the fence he would put in the fence; Davies or Caulkins; County Farm; Bridges (E of Attica) and Hughes or Elrod. Next meeting will be Monday, March 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. Carolyn DeCora made a motion for meeting to be adjourned and seconded by Marla Sutter. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary cc: Jake Grandia


October 24, 2011 The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held October 24, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA. Members present were Rich & Connie Lambirth, Arleen Ensor, John Thomson, Margaret Gee, Janet & David Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Carl Nollen, Gail Kirby, Diane Gordon, Val Van Kooten, Stephanie Visser, Dixie Roorda and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present except Nancy Dittmer. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the September 26, 2011 minutes with some spelling corrections and seconded by Stephanie Visser. Janet Ritchie gave the treasurer’s report and stated that we had a balance of $4,556.77 in the account. Val turned in a bill for Newman Sign for $114.25 (sign for Gibbens Cemetery) and Larry Davis $345.00 (repair stones at Gibbens Cemetery). Dixie Roorda made a motion to pay these bills and seconded by Margaret Gee. Janet Ritchie will turn the bills into the Auditors Office for payment. Old Business Val Van Kooten is going to contact a monument company about some kind of a marker to put at Gibbens Cemetery where we have located where bodies are buried and the gender. White and blue flags have been put at these locations for the time being. Val has sent an article about the clean-up at Gibbens and pictures before and after to the Pella Chronicle and Knoxville Journal-Express. In the article she is asking for someone to adopt the cemetery for clean-up. Clean-up at Mormon-Attica cemetery was Saturday, October 22, 2011. We had 32 workers to clean up the cemetery. It took us a little less than two hours. We met at Kin-Folks and Connie Lambirth had coffee and donuts for us. There were chain saws, weed eaters, rakes and lawn mowers. Two trees and some stumps were cut down. The brush and grass was taken to the ditch by the cemetery. SAPIC Meeting – Carla Heubler and Marla Suter attended the meeting on October 8, 2011. The speaker was from Illinois and you never put the stones flat in concrete and never use blue epoxy glue to repair the stones. Larry Davis is a new member of the board. Carl Nollen stated that he would be working on the Welle Cemetery in the next couple weeks to put up a fence. There is cattle in the field and around the cemetery. The cemetery is three miles W. of Pella on 163. The last person buried there was in 1867 and there are seven to eight graves with one large stone with all the names. The stone has been knocked over and possibly Larry Davis will have to repair Carl is to turn any bills he might have to Janet Ritchie. NEW BUSINESS Attica-Mormon Cemetery – Larry Davis will repair the stones at the cemetery in the Spring-2012. James Washington has been contacted about a rod iron arch for the cemetery. James stated that in 2012 there might be a technical college at the VA campus. If so, if we would furnish the material the college might do the labor for nothing. Marion County Engineers office has been contacted and in a couple weeks would be out to survey the cemetery and put up corner stakes. It was mentioned about planting prairie grass but that would have to be burnt every year. Attica Methodist Church youth


group volunteered to mow the cemetery. They were told to turn the bill for mowing into the Indiana Township Trustees and they would pay the bill. 2012 Projects - Shirey, Union Township, Coloma, Franklin Township, Karr needs some stone repairs and Schlotterback, Knoxville Township on VA property. Bev Jones will get permission from property owner to get to Shirey Cemetery and will notify members of a day to look at cemetery. At a later date we will look at Coloma cemetery. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Stephanie Visser, Vice President and Nancy Dittmer, Vicar terms expire December 2011. Stephanie agreed to serve another three years. By the state rule, if a new person runs for office we need to have equal gender. John Thomson agreed to serve as Vicar for three years. OTHER BUSINESS Information and map was passed out the graves that were moved to other cemeteries because of the Red Rock Dam. Articles from the Des Moines Register were passed out regarding the problems in the cemetery at Lehigh, IA. Article regarding signage for Rural Schools. Jim Kingery, Supervisor, saw the pictures of before and after clean-up at Gibbens Cemetery and commented to Val what a great job we had done. It was decided to have a meeting Monday, January 30, 2012 at the Knoxville Rural Fire Station. We will work on getting quotes for the fence and gate at Attica/Mormon cemetery and our first cemetery to clean up in 2012. John Thomson made a motion for meeting to be adjourned and seconded by Dixie Roorda. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary


September 26, 2011

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held September 26, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, and Knoxville, IA. Members present were Dixie Roorda, Stephanie Visser, Kent Van Kooten, Val Van Kooten, John Thomson, Margaret Gee, Carolyn DeCora, Carl Nollen, Mary Lou Bingham, Janet Ritchie, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler and Bev Jones. Val Van Kooten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All the officers were present except Nancy Dittmer. Janet Ritchie made a motion to approve the August 29, 2011 minutes and seconded by Carl Nollen. Janet Ritchie gave the treasurer’s report. $18.92 for gas for brush cutter has been paid for Gibbens and left a balance of $4,981.08. A bill of $378.85 for fencing for Gibbens Cemetery, $31.56 rock driveway and $13.90 for orange flags for a total of $424.31 was submitted. Old Business The fencing around Gibbens Cemetery was completed on September 10. Newman Signs will be making a sign – 2’ x 2’, brown with white letters and names of people buried at Gibbens. The price was $114 without holes to mount. Kent Van Kooten stated that there should be three holes on the top and bottom of the sign. Newman Signs will bill the County Engineers Dept., someone will have to pick up the sign at the Engineers Office and will be shipped three weeks after ordered. Larry Davis has given us an estimate to fix the stones at Gibbens - $345 and Mormon $325. Stephanie Visser made a motion to fix the stones at Gibbens and Mormon Cemeteries and seconded by John Thomson. It was decided to not have Larry repair the stones at Mormon until after the cemetery is cleaned up. Larry thought he could do the Gibbens Cemetery this fall.


New Business Mary Lou Bingham had some information regarding the Mormon Cemetery. She is relation to someone buried at the cemetery. We are going to have a work day at Mormon Cemetery on Saturday, October 22, 2011. We will meet at Kin Folks at 8:30 a.m. and go to cemetery at 9:00 a.m. Carle Huebler will get permission to reach the cemetery. Bassett’s will maintain the cemetery after it is cleaned up. We will need rakes, probes, hand lawn mower and other cleaning tools. Carl Nollen told about the Welle Cemetery in Lake Prairie Township. His family owned the land around the cemetery at one time and Carl has worked to clean up the Cemetery. Carl would like to put up a fence. Kent said there was some material left from the Gibbens fence. Kent said that 2 barbed wire should be put on top of the fence. Carl is to install the fence and turn in the bills to the MCPCC. Stephanie Visser and Nancy Dittmer are up for election to the board December 2011. Will be discussed at the October meeting. Karla Suter and Carla Huebler will be attending SAPIC meeting in Marshalltown on October 8, 2011. Next meeting will be the fourth Monday – October 24, 2011 because of Halloween. Adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Jones Recording Secretary


August 29, 2011

The regular meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held August 29, 2011 at 7:00p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, lA Josh Schneider, Nancy Dittmer, Craig Agan, Connie Lambirth, Margaret & Ron Gee, Val & Kent VanKooten, Dixie Roorda, Stephanie Visser, John Thomson, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, David & Janet Ritchie, Carl Nollen and Bev Jones.

Val VanKooten called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. by having members introducing themselves. All the officers were present.

Beverly Jones read the minutes of the July 25, 2011 meeting. No corrections.

Janet Ritchie, Treasurer, stated that she had visited with Jake Grandia on how he wanted the bills presented to him for payment. Jake gave Janet a form to fill out, attach the bill and tum into the Marion County Auditors for payment. The only bill we have is for the gas for the brush chipper. Renting the brush chipper was donated by Wayne Van Mersbergen. Bev Jones will send a thank­you to Mr. Van Mersbergen.

Old Business

Clean up day for Gibbens Cemetery was Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 9:00- Noon. Eighteen people worked on the cemetery- Val & Kent VanKooten, Marla Suter, Carla Heubler, Scott & Carole Vannoy, David & Janet Ritchie, Carl & Ramona Nollen, Stephanie & Scott Visser, Gerrit Visser, Marie White, Craig Agan, John Thomson and Don & Dixie Roorda. The stones are broken and by grave witching they were able to find the eight bodies buried at Gibbens Cemetery. A brush chipper was used and was donated by Wayne Van Mersbergen. Janet Ritchie is contacting Larry Davis, Des Moines, to do the stone repair at the cemetery and Abie Davis about a sign for the cemetery. Val would like to sign have the name of the cemetery and names of people buried at the cemetery. Our next project will be to put a fence around the cemetery. After discussion, it was decided to use panels and wooden comer posts. Kent is going to ask for permission from the land owner to put up a fence and also if she would like the fence to be just around the stones or around the whole size of the cemetery. Val has a donated gate that we can use. At a later date we will install a gate on the property owner's fence so we will not have to crawl over the fence.

A work day to install the fence will be Saturday, September 10, 2011 from 9:00- Noon. We will meet at the Otley Coop at 8:45a.m. Kent will purchase the panels and posts and mark out the location of the fence. Josh Schneider will get the equipment we need to install the fence. Reminder will be sent out by Bev Jones.



July 25, 2011

The first regular meeting ofthe Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held July 25,2011 at 7:00p.m. at Knoxville Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA Stephanie Visser, Dixie Roorda, Marla Suter, Carla Huebler, Carl Nallen, Kent VanKooten, Janet Ritchie, Valerie VanKooten, John Thomson, Myles Murphy and Bev Jones were present. ·

Val VanKooten called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. by having members introducing themselves.

Beverly Jones read the minutes of the first Board Meeting on June 29,2011.

Old Bti.siness

We have $5,000 for repair of the pioneer cemeteries from Marion County and we need to spend most of the money by June 30, 2012. If we have not spent the $5,000, the county might not budget $5,000 for 2012-2013.

New Business

We went through the Alphabetical Listing of Cemeteries from the Marion County Site and determined whether the cemeteries were Pioneer or Active.

Bellamy Cemetery in Washington Township- John Pierce has requested that the few graves in the Bellamy Cemetery be moved to the Elm Tree at Gosport. One of the men buried at the Bellamy Cemetery was a Civil War Veteran. It would cost approx. $15,000 to move the bodies and all relatives would have to be notified to get permission to move the graves. This cemetery has a fence around it, on original property farm and is being mowed. After discussion, we decided to not move the graves to Elm Tree at Gosport.

Gibbens Cemetery- Our first project will be to work on the Gibbens Cemetery, August 25, 2011 from 9:00 to noon. We will meet at the Otley Coop at Otley, at 8:45a.m. to go to the cemetery. We will have to cut up a tree, mow and find all the stones. After the cemetery is cleaned up, we will have to find someone to install a fence around the cemetery and put up a sign. Val has been contacted from relatives of burials at Gibbens and they would be willing to contribute some money for restoration.

Mormon Cemetery- Attica- Our next project will be Mormon Cemetery, W. of Attica Connie Lambirth said that the youth at the Methodist Church at Attica would be willing to help with the clean up of the cemetery. In the Marion County Cemetery Book it states that one lady died on the way to Utah, possibly the Mormon's would help in restoring the cemetery.

After the cemeteries are restored, who will make sure they are kept mowed and cleaned up. Val stated that maybe some 4-H Clubs or Boy Scouts would adopt a cemetery to keep it clean. It is the responsibility of the townships to keep up the active and pioneer cemeteries. Burning off,the cemetery once a year was discussed but that would harm the wooden stones. ·

Coffinan Cemetery, located in Knoxville North Township and Dewitt Cemetery located in Knoxville South Township were discussed as possible projects.

Van is organizing a cemetery tour on September 24, 2011 to visit Price, Karr, Teter, Red Rock, Competine,



JUNE 29, 2011

The first board Meeting of the Marion County Pioneer Cemetery Commission was held June 29,2011 at 7:00p.m. at Valerie VanKooten home. Four Commission members were present- Valerie VanKooten, Nancy Dittmer, Janet Ritchie and Beverly Jones. Kent Van Kooten, Marla Suter and Carla Huebler were present.

ORDINANCE- Valerie VanKooten passed out the Ordinance No. 2011-17 establishing a cemetery commission to be ordained and enacted by the Supervisors of Marion County.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS- Valerie VanKooten passed out Duties of Commission Officers by the County. President- Valerie VanKooten, Recording Secretary- Beverly Jones, Treasurer- Janet Ritchie, Vicar- Nancy Dittmer. Valerie will visit with Stephanie Visser about being Vice President.

MEMBERSHIP - It was decided that with all volunteer work there would not be any dues to be a member of the Commission. All meetings will be open meetings.

BUDGET- The Commission has a budget of$5,000 for July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012.

It was decided to restore the Gibbens Cemetery Sec 22 Twp 77 Range 19, Summit Twp on Saturday, August 27th for about 2-3 hours. Val is going to check with the land owner. We will need to find someone to put up a fence.

The next cemetery will be Mormon Cemetery, West edge of Attica, Sec 11 Twp 74 Range 19 - Indiana Twp.

Valerie is organizing a cemetery tour on Saturday, September 24, 2011.

We all went to the Buwaida Cemetery, 210th Ave and Elk Hom Street, Pella. This cemetery has been restored by the land owner. Valerie showed us how to grave witch.

Next meeting will be Monday, July 25, 2011 at 7:00p.m. at Knoxville Township Rural Fire Station, W. Main, Knoxville, IA.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Jones Recording Secretary




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