
Marine PollutionBy Rachel

What is marine pollution?

Who is affected?- Animals- Plant life- Humans

How many animals die?

How much garbage is there really?

What can we do to help?

Facts about marine pollution

● Animals like turtles can think plastic bags are jellyfish and try to eat them which can cause blockage in the stomach and will result in death

● If someone eats a fish contaminated because of pollution they may become fatally ill

● The biggest source of marine pollution is land

● Excessive nutrients from sewage outfalls and agricultural runoff have caused “dead zones”, places with very little amounts of oxygen which can not support marine life and may result in ecosystems collapsing

● There are close to 500 dead zones covering more than 245,000km2 which is about the size of the UK

● Annually about a million seabirds are killed due to plastic debris and about 100,000 marine animals

● Scientists believe that if we keep on how we are, our children may never see dolphins and certain fish

PSA made by me.

Bibliography: First image:,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNFkSoED4q7CsfNXYflq1m3vy7tNNQ&ust=1431795854023587Second image: image: image:,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNH9TOlH9m_eI-J_ITwUJAxr_mg3eg&ust=1431797093412432Fifth,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNGUElJvKrpvF_zhXmrXvjFvEe4Kng&ust=1431798194743636Sixth,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNH2EuQV7M1lTuca_ie6Uzm47Hq9Vg&ust=1431798524996003Facts & info: &

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