Manisa arge temmuz 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Manisa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Ar-Ge Bülten


  • st ynetici sunuu 05

    ynetici sunuu 06

    koordinatr 07

    iyi rnekler 08

    stratejik planlama 13

    i kontrol 18

    ekys almalar 20

    ab projeleri 23

    yerel projeler 36

    maske 59

    tbitak 60

    seminerlerimizden 64

    payda ziyaretlerimiz 67

    panel 70

    ylsonu toplants 72

    basnda biz 73

    okullarmzdan 82

    iletiim 83

  • Eitim, birey ve toplum asndan

    vazgeilmez bir sretir. Bireylerin ncelikle iin-

    de yaad toplum ile btnlemesi ve sosyalle-

    mesi, toplumunda ihtiya duyduu insan gcn

    yetitirebilmesi ancak eitim yoluyla gereklee-

    bilmektedir. nsanlk tarihi boyunca bireyi eitmek

    ve yetitirmek, en nemli faaliyetlerden biri ola-

    rak dnlmtr. Bizler de bu dnce ile faali-

    yetlerimizi gerekletiriyor ve siz deerli paydala-

    rmzn beenilerine sunuyoruz.

    Milli Eitim Bakanl Strateji Gelitirme Bakanlnn 08/05/2014 tarih 184355 sayl

    Milli Eitim Mdrlkleri Aratrma Gelitirme ( Ar-Ge) Birimleri Ynergesi dorultusunda; mdrl-

    mz AR-GE Biriminin bu minvaldeki almalar Temmuz 2015 Blteninde belirtilmektedir. Blteni-

    mizde, Stratejik Planlama almalarmz, kontrol, Sreleri, Kamu Hizmet Envanteri, Eitimde

    Kalite Ynetimi Sistemi (EKYS) kapsamnda dzenlenen Mahalli Hizmetii Eitimlerimize ilikin bilgi-

    lerimiz, Yerel ve AB dzeyinde desteklenmeye hak kazanan Projelerimiz, dnem ierisinde dzenle-

    diimiz toplant, seminer ve dier faaliyetlerimize ilikin grsel ve bilgileri siz deerli paydalarmz

    ve kamuoyuyla paylamann heyecan ierisindeyiz.

    Temmuz 2015 bltenimizin hayrlara vesile olmasn temenni ediyor, hazrlanmasnda

    emei geen Mdrlmz l AR-GE Birimi yelerine teekkr ediyorum.

  • Toplumlarn huzur, mutluluk ieri-

    sinde yaamasnda ve kalknmasnda en nemli

    unsurlardan bir tanesini eitim oluturmutur.

    Eitim ok boyutludur ve sosyo-kltrel temelleri

    sz konusudur. Bu sosyo-kltrel temellerden

    birisi de aratrmak ve aratrdklarmzdan yola

    karak eitim kalitesini gelitirmek olmaldr.

    nk iyi bir insan, toplumsal becerilere sahip

    ahsiyetli bireyler, iyiyi, doruyu aratran, soru-

    turan gen nesiller yetitirmek balca hedefleri-

    miz arasndadr.

    2014-2015 eitim retim yln tamamladmz bu gnlerde yukarda deindiim bu

    hedeflerimize yaptmz almalar, projeler ile yaklaarak yolumuza devam ediyoruz. Farkndalk

    oluturan ve ses getiren almalara ve projelere, imza atan AR-GE birimimiz, bu geliim ve deiim-

    leri Temmuz 2015 Blteni ile de siz deerli paydalarmzla bir kez daha buluma imkan bulmutur.

    Hz. Mevlanann da dedii gibi; Bilmek baka, bulmak baka, olmak daha bakadr.

    ahsm ve ekibim bilmek iin aratrp bulmaya alyoruz.

    Temmuz 2015 Bltenimizin, hayrlara vesile olmasn temenni ediyor, Ocak 2016 Blteni-

    mize katk salayacak olan siz deerli paydalarmzn gr ve nerilerini de heyecanla bekliyoruz.

  • Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrl ArGe

    Birimimizce yrtlen Stratejik Planlama

    almalarmz, kontrol, Sreleri, Kamu

    Hizmet Envanteri, Eitimde Kalite Ynetimi

    Sistemi kapsamnda dzenlenen Mahalli

    Hizmetii Eitimlerimize ilikin bilgilerimiz,

    Yerel ve AB dzeyinde desteklenmeye hak

    kazanan Projelerimiz, dnem ierisinde d-

    zenlediimiz toplant, seminer ve dier faali-

    yetlerimize ilikin almalarn derlenerek

    hazrladmz Temmuz 2015 bltenimizi de

    ok byk bir heyecan ile sizlerin beenisine

    sunuyoruz. Bu heyecan paylatmz Birim

    yelerimizin ismini de zikretmek istiyorum.

    (ASKE) Mehmet AKI, Kamile TATAR, Gler


    Ebru AKGR, (PEK) Cemile ETN TURAN,

    Ahmet MORSMBL ve Burcu Meral

    TEZEREN den olumaktadr. l Milli Eitim

    Mdrlmz AR-GE (ASKE ve PEK) Birimi-

    mizce yrtlen almalar ilerleyen sayfa-

    larda sizlerle paylaacaz.

    Ayrca Temmuz 2015 Blteninin hazrlk

    almalar srecinde, deerli zamanlarn ayrarak

    grleri ile katkda bulunan Milli Eitim Mdr-

    mz Recep DERNEKBAa, Milli Eitim Mdr Yar-

    dmcmz Necmettin OKUMUa, AR-GE Birimimiz-

    deki arkadalarma teekkr ediyorum.

    2015 Temmuz Blteninde destek olan de-

    erli paydalarmza da teekkr eder, ilgilerinizin

    devamn dileriz. Blten ile ilgili gr ve nerile-

    rinizi paylamanz bizim iin nem arz etmektedir.,

    adl mail adresleri ve 0 236 232 15 05 numaral

    telefondan AR-GE Birimimize ulaabilirsiniz.

  • 22 Mays 2015 tarihinde Manisa Akhi-

    sar Kolejinde, Trkiyede ilki Avrupada ise

    onuncusu dzenlenen e-Twinning 10.Yl

    Etkinlikleri ve Avrupa Gn etkinlii Manisa

    Valisi Sayn Erdoan BEKTAn, Manisa Vali

    Yardmcs Sayn Mesut ESERin, Manisa Valili-

    i l Sosyal Ett ve Proje Mdr Sayn Hilmi

    POLATn, Akhisar Kaymakam Sayn Kaan

    PEKERin, 17 ile Mill Eitim Mdrlerinin, il

    genelinden davet edilen 280 retmenin ve

    program destekleyen Manisa l Mill Eitim

    Mdr Sayn Recep DERNEKBA ve Manisa

    l Mill Eitim Mdr Yardmcs Sayn Nec-

    mettin OKUMUun katlmlaryla gerekleti-


    eTwinning 10th Year Celebration and Europe

    Day" took place in Manisa Akhisar College, on

    May the 22 nd 2015, with participation of Mani-

    sa Governor Mr. Erdoan BEKTA, Manisa

    Deputy Governor Mr. Mesut ESER, Manisa

    Governorate Social Etude and Project Manager

    Mr. Hilmi POLAT, Akhisar District Governor Mr.

    Kaan PEKER, Mrs. Zehra SAYIN from National

    Support Service,17 district directors of national

    education, with 280 teachers were invited

    provincial-wide and Manisa Provincial Director

    of National Education Mr. Recep DERNEKBA

    with Deputy Manager Mr Necmettin OKUMU,

    as for contribution to the program.

  • Trkiye genelinde ilk olmasyla nem

    tayan program, Manisa l Mill Eitim M-

    drl AR-GE Ekibimiz tarafndan koordine

    edilerek gerekletirdi.Etkinlikte eTwinning

    Proje Stantlar yan sra, DynEd, le Kayma-

    kamlk Avrupa Birlii Proje Koordinasyon

    Ekipleri Stantlar, EuroDesk stantlar ald.

    Manisann tm ilelerinden gelen ret-

    menler proje stantlarn gezerek Avrupa Birli-

    i Projeleri hakknda bilgi edindi.

    The program, with its significance to be

    the "first" one throughout Turkey, was fulfilled

    by Manisa Provincial Directorate of National

    Education, Research and Development

    Department, Project Commission (AR-GE PEK)

    During the activity, the booths of Dyned,

    District Governorate European Union Projects

    and Eurodesk were opened, along with the

    booths of eTwinning. Teachers from all

    provinces of Manisa visited the booths and

    obtained further information about EU projects.

  • 2014-2015 eitim retim ylnda ili-

    mizde aktif bir ekilde kullanlmaya balanan

    DynEd ngilizce Dil Eitim Program Dynamic

    ve Education (Dinamik ve Egitim) kelimeleri-

    nin bir araya getirilerek yazlmasndan olu-

    makta ve Dinamik Eitim anlamna gelmekte-

    dir. Dyned en etkin yntemlerle rencileri

    baarya ulamalar iin dil becerilerinin geli-

    mesini salamaktr. ngilizceyi beynin dil be-

    cerisini edinme ekline uygun olarak reten

    tek ngilizce dil eitimi sistemidir.

    Dyned ierisindeki Tutor yazlm saye-

    sinde rencilerin almalar -12 ile +12 ara-

    snda verimli alma puan ile deerlendiril-

    mekte ve almalarn uzaktan kontrolle des-

    teklenmesini salamaktadr.

    DynEd English Language Education Pro-

    gram which was began to be used actively in our

    province throughout 2014-2015 education year

    comprises of writing together the words; Dy-

    namic and Education and it means Dynamic Edu-

    cation. Dyned provides developing language

    skills of students in order to lead them to success

    by means of the most effective methods. It is the

    unique English language education system which

    teaches English in accordance with the method

    of acquiring language skills of brain.

    The studies of the students are assessed

    between -12 and +12 efficient study points and

    the studies are provided to be supported by re-

    mote control by the help of Tutor software in the


  • 2014-2015 Eitim retim ylnda il

    genelindeki okullarmzdan, bnyesinde

    4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ve 12. Snf bulunan okullar-

    mzda Kurum bilgileri gncelleme, retmen

    Bilgilerini Gncelleme ve renci Bilgilerini

    Gncelleme ilemleri yaplm, rencilerin

    program aktif bir ekilde kullanabilmeleri iin

    gerekli almalar l DynEd Ekibi ve le DynEd

    Ekipleri tarafndan yaplmtr. 944 okulumuz-

    da 83.855 rencimizin verimli alma puan-

    lar olumu, Program zerinde dzenli bir

    ekilde alma yapan rencilerden 1.669

    renci +12 tam puana ulamtr.

    The process of updating institution infor-

    mation, updating teacher information and updat-

    ing student information were carried out in the

    schools which have 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12TH

    grades in 2014-2015 education year in the prov-

    ince, the required works to enable active usage

    of the program by students were operated by

    DynEd Provincial Team and DynEd District

    Teams. Efficient study points of 83.855 students

    in 944 schools were formed, 1.669 students from

    the students who studied on the program regu-

    larly reached +12 points.

  • Hedef kitlesi; Manisa ili ehzadeler ve

    Yunusemre lelerinden ve bu ilelerin karde

    ilelerinden Pilot Okul ve Karde Okullarn 4-5

    -6-7-9-10. snf rencileri olan Yolculuk Bala-

    sn Projesi, Pilot olarak seilen ilkokul, ortao-

    kul, lise rencilerinin, Proje kapsamnda yap-

    lacak gezilerle, ilelerinde bulunan mahalli

    idarenin, kurum, vakf, dernek, sanayi ve mes-

    lek kurulularn, ileyilerini tanmalar ama-


    The project "Let the Journey Start" aims to

    enable its target audience that is 4th, 5th, 6th,

    7th,9th , 10th grade students from the selected

    pilot model primary, junior-high schools and

    high schools in Manisa Province ehzadeler and

    Yunusemre Districts to understand the

    foundation and process of local administrations,

    non-profit and charitable organisations,

    industrial and vocational institutions in the

    districts, within the scope of project visits.

  • rencilerimiz, Karde Okullarn ziyaret

    ederek kardelik balar kurmalarn amala-

    maktadr. Bu kapsamda deinilen ilede yer

    alan okullarmz geziye katlarak elenceli ve

    verimli vakit geirdiler.

    Students aim to establish the bonds of

    brotherhood by visiting the twin schools.

    Students in the school under this project had

    great and effective time by visiting the other


    The only obstacle before journey is the threshold"

    (Bosnian Proverb)

  • 2014-2015 eitim retim ylnda baar

    ile uyguladmz Pedallar Kardelik in evrili-

    yor Projemizle; rencilerimizde dostluk, kar-

    delik, kltr ve spor bilincinin glendirilmesi-

    ne katk salamay amalyoruz.

    15-19 Mays 2015 tarihleri arasnda

    Genlik Haftas Etkinliklerinde 19 Mays 2015

    tarihinde 114 renci ile Moris inasi Kavan-

    dan balayarak Cumhuriyet Meydanna kadar

    rencilerimiz pedallarn dostluk, kardelik ve

    bar iin evirdiler.

    Manisa halknn beenisi ile cadde boyu

    rencilerimiz alklarla karland.

    There is no importance in which way you go, if you do not know where you will go.

    With our project "Cycling for

    Fraternity" which has been implemented

    successfully since 2014-2015 education term,

    we aim to promote the understanding and

    consciousness of friendship, fraternity,

    culture and sports.

    During the Youth Week activities,

    between 15-19 May 2015 and on 19th May

    2015, 114 students cycled for friendship,

    fraternity and peace starting from Moris ina-

    si Junction till Cumhuriyet Avenue, acclaimed



    Kardelik in


  • Manisa Milli Eitim Mdrl stratejik

    planlama almalar Milli Eitim Bakanl

    Strateji Gelitirme Bakanlnn 16/ 09/ 2013

    Tarihli ve 2013/26 Sayl Genelgesi ve ekinde yer

    alan 2015-2019 Stratejik Plan Hazrlk Program

    ile 2013 Ekim aynda balatlmtr. Bu kapsam-

    da l SP Koordinasyon Ekibimizce titizlikle yr-

    tlen almalarla birlikte; M.E.B. Stratejik Plan-

    lama Uzmanlarndan alnan grler dorultu-

    sunda, 17/06/2015 tarihine kadar youn bir

    alma takvimi neticesinde; Mdrlmzn

    2015-2019 dnemini kapsayan Taslak Stratejik

    Plan oluturularak MEB Strateji Gelitirme Ba-

    kanlna onaylanmak zere gnderildi.

    Manisa Provincial Directorate of

    National Education strategic planning studies

    were started in October 2013, with 2015-2019

    Strategic Plan Preparation Programme, within

    National Education Ministry , Strategy

    Development Authority's curricular dated

    16/09/2013, numbered 2013/26. Within this

    scope, our Directorate's 2015-2019 term Draft

    Strategic Plan is studiously constituted within

    an intensive work programme, until

    17/06/2015 consulting the opinions of

    National Education Ministry Strategic Planning

    Experts and sent for approval to the National

    Education Ministry, Strategy Development


  • 2015-2019 Stratejik Plan Hazrlk Prog-

    ram kapsamnda; 2014 Ocak ay ierisin-

    de le Milli Eitim Mdrlkleri ve okul/

    kurumlardan Stratejik Planlama st Kurul ve

    Stratejik Planlama Ekiplerini oluturmalar

    istenmi ve tm ilelerimize 2015- 2019 Stra-

    tejik Planlama Eitimleri l Strateji Gelitirme

    ve Koordinasyon Birimimiz tarafndan

    11.02.2014 - 07.03.2014 tarihleri arasnda 17

    oturum halinde tm ilelerimizde dzenlen-


    2015-2019 Stratejik Planlama Durum

    Analizi Eitimlerine l Geneli Toplamnda

    1511 SP Ekip yesine eitim verilmitir.

    Within 2015-2019 Strategic Plan

    Preparation Program, the district provincial

    directorates and schools and institutions were

    asked to create their own strategic planning

    teams and all of our 17 districts were provided

    with training course: 2015-2019 Education of

    Strategic Planning" by our Provincial Strategy

    Development and Coordination Department

    between 11.02.2014 and 07.03.2014 2015-2019

    Strategic Planning educational training was

    provided for 1511 SP team members.

    Everybody is looking for a road for himself. But one day a voice will scream from the sky above: "All the roads lead to yourself, do not search it elsewhere."

  • 02.05.2014-15.02.2014 tarihlerinde

    dzenlenen Stratejik Planlama GELECEE

    YNELM Eitimlerine ise bir nceki Du-

    rum Analizi eitimlerine katlan ad geen

    ekip yelerinin itiraki ile gerekletirilmitir.

    2015-2019 Stratejik Planlama

    GELECEE YNELM Eitimlerine Mdrl-

    mze bal okul ve kurumlardaki 1127 Okul

    Kurum SP Ekibi yesi katlmtr. Katlmclara

    verilen eitimlerde 2015-2019 SP Hazrlk pla-

    nnda yer alan; Misyon ve Vizyon, Temel De-

    erler, Stratejik Ama, Stratejik He-

    def,Performans Gstergesi, Faaliyet ve Proje-

    ler blmlerine deinildi.

    The boat is safer anchored at the port; but thats not the aim of boats."

    Educational training course with the title

    "Orientation for Future" within Strategic

    planning has been implemented between

    02.05.2014-15.02.2014 with the participation of

    mentioned team members.

    2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 9 S t r a t e g i c P l a n n i n g

    "ORIENTATION FOR FUTURE" educational

    training courses were carried out with

    participation of SP team members from 1127

    schools, institutions. During the training course,

    the terms of Mission and Vision, Basic Values,

    Strategic Goals, Strategic Targets, Performance

    Indicators, Activities and Projects were


  • 5018 Sayl Kamu Mali Ynetimi ve

    Kontrol Kanununun, MEB 2013/26 sayl Ge-

    nelgenin bize ykledii sorumluluun gerei

    olarak, 2015 2019 yllarn kapsayan II. Stra-

    tejik Plan Hazrlk almalar neticesinde

    Mdrlmz DURUM ANALZ raporu


    almalarda, kurumumuzun mevcut

    durumu analiz edilmi, 2015-2019 Stratejik

    Planmza yn verecek bilgi ve belgeler der-


    Neredeyiz? sorusuna, en doru

    cevap verilmeye allmtr. Bu balamda

    yukarda deinilen bilgileri derlediimiz 83

    sayfalk bir rapor oluturulmutur.

    If you have a real wisdom, befriend to another wisdom and do everything in colsultation, wisely.

    As Manisa Provincial Directorate of National

    Education strategic development team, we have

    prepared " SITUATION ANALYSIS" during the

    preparation phase of 2nd Strategic Plan involving

    2015 and 2019 according to the responsibility given

    by MEB 2013/26 numbered curricular of

    Public .Finance Management and Control Law

    numbered 5018 During the studies, the present

    situation of our institution was analyzed and

    necessary data, information and documents were

    collected and edited to direct our strategic plan 2015-

    2019 Efforts were made to give the best answer to

    the question: "Where are we?" In this regard, a

    report of 83 pages is prepared related to the

    information mentioned above.

  • 2015-2019 Stratejik Plan Hazrlk Prog-

    ram kapsamnda; 2014 Kasm ay ierisin-

    de le Milli Eitim Mdrlkleri ve okul/

    kurumlardan Stratejik Planlama st Kurul ve

    Stratejik Planlama Ekiplerini oluturmalar

    istenmi ve tm ilelerimize 2015- 2019 Stra-

    tejik Planlama Eitimleri l Strateji Gelitirme

    ve Koordinasyon Birimimiz tarafndan

    03.11.2014 - 14.11.2014 tarihleri arasnda 17

    oturum halinde verilmitir.

    2015-2019 Stratejik Planlama

    Maliyetlendirme, zleme ve Deerlendirme

    Eitimlerine l Geneli Toplamnda 1091 perso-

    nele eitim verilmitir.

    Within the scope of 2015-2019 Strategic

    Planning Preparation Program, district

    directorates of national education and school

    managements were asked to create "strategic

    planning supreme boards and in each district ,

    2015-2019 Strategic Planning Trainings were

    provided by Provincial Strategy Development

    and Coordination Department between

    03.11.2014-14.11.2014 in 17 sessions.

    2015-2019 Strategic Planning "Situation

    Analysis" trainings were provided to 1091 staff .

    In the next table, the place and date of education

    are presented.

    Golden name of a humankind who does not speak to his compeers, turns gradually into a vile coin (Seyrani)

  • Kamu mali ynetim sistemimizi ulusla-

    raras standartlar ve Avrupa Birlii uygulama-

    larna uygun bir ekilde yeniden dzenleyen

    5018 sayl Kamu Mali Ynetimi ve Kontrol

    Kanunu; hesap verebilirlik ve ynetim sorum-

    luluu, kaynaklarn etkili, ekonomik ve verimli

    kullanm, stratejik planlama, performans

    esasl bteleme, ok yll bteleme, mali

    saydamlk, tahakkuk esasl muhasebe, mali

    istatistiklerin ve faaliyet raporlarnn yaym-

    lanmas, i kontrol sistemi, etkin bir i dene-

    tim ve d denetim gibi yeni kavramlara yer

    vererek ynetsel sorumluluun temel olu-

    turduu salam bir yap kurmay hedeflemi-

    tir. Strateji Gelitirme Birimimizde de bura-

    dan hareketle mdrlmz ve bal birim-

    lerinin rutin almalar ve dier faaliyetlerini

    ne aamada olduunu bilmek iin eylem pla-

    n, i takvimi ve ynerge oluturdu. kontrol

    ve ynetim sisteminin tantm amacyla da

    bir bror de hazrlanmtr.

    "Internal Control" Studies Public Finance

    Management and Control Law numbered 5018

    rearranging our public finance management

    system according to the international standards

    and European Union implementations; aim to

    build a strong scaffold for which administrative

    responsibility, including the terms such as

    accountability, strategic planning, effective usage

    of sources, performance-based budget, financial

    transparency, accruals accounting, broadcast of

    the financial statistics and activity reports with

    internal and external control system.In this sen-

    se, our strategy development department has

    created an action plan, a work calender and

    instruction in order to be informed about the

    routines and activities of the directorate and

    other organisational units. In order to present

    the internal control and administrative system, a

    brochure has been prepared.

  • 5018 sayl Kamu Mali Ynetimi ve

    Kontrol Kanunu; kapsamnda yukardaki tab-

    loda deinilen hususlar Manisa l Milli Eitim

    Mdrlnn 2015-2016 eitim retim

    ylnda uygulayaca Kontrol Standartlar

    emasn oluturmaktadr.

    The sceme of Internal Control Standarts"

    to be implemented by Manisa Provincial

    Directorate of National Education for 2015-2016

    education term according to Public Finance

    Management and Control Law numbered 5018 is

    indicated in the table...

    Tomorrow is surely ours, surely the sun risen and the sunset,

    the posteternity are ours .!

  • Mdrlmz Ar-Ge Birimimizde g-

    rev yapan retmenlerimiz, 11-15 Mays 2015

    tarihinde Strateji Gelitirme Bakanl Kalite

    ve Performans Gelitirme Daire Bakanlnca

    Afyonda dzenlenen Eitim ve retimde

    Yenilikilik dlleri Deerlendirici Eitimi Se-

    minerine katldlar.

    Teachers, in charge of Research and

    Development Department, participated in

    Innovation in Education Award Evaluation

    Seminary, organized by Strategy and Quality

    Development Administration , between 11-15

    May 2015, in Afyon.

    The wise is the one who is happy for what he has, sad for what he has not.

  • Seminerin ardndan Eitim ve retim-

    de Yenilikilik dlleri kapsamnda tarafmza

    gnderilen projeler birim yelerimizce deer-

    lendirildi. Eitim ve retimde Yenilikilik

    dlleri" ne lke genelinde 5 kategoride 1047

    bavuru yaplmtr.

    MEB Strateji Gelitirme Bakanlnca

    grevlendirilen uzmanlar tarafndan yaplan

    deerlendirmeler neticesinde 123 Projenin

    saha ziyaretine kald duyuruldu. limizden de

    Yunusemre Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi-

    nin ait projenin bu listede yer almas bizi de

    gururlandrd.Bakanlk Saha Deerlendiricileri

    tarafndan okulumuz ziyaret edildi.

    After the seminary, the projects sent to our

    department were evaluated in scope of

    "Innovation Awards in Education" by our

    department members. Country-wide, 1047

    applications were made in 5 categories for

    Innovation Awards in Education.

    As a result of the evaluations by experts

    appointed by the Ministry of National Education

    Strategy Development Administration, it was

    announced that 123 projects were awaited for

    field-visit. And Yunusemre Technical and

    Vocational Anatolian High School, that is on the

    list from our province, has elated us.

  • Eitim ve retimde Yenilikilik dl-

    leri" ne lke genelinde 5 kategoride 1047 ba-

    vuru yaplmasndan sonra;

    Deerlendirme kriterleri gerei 123

    Proje saha ziyaretine kald bakanlmz ta-

    rafndan duyuruldu.

    MEB Strateji Gelitirme Bakanlnca,

    Birim Koordinatrmz Samet NALBANTOLU

    1. Blge de yer alan okullar deerlendirmek

    zere grevlendirildi.

    Yaplan deerlendirme kapsamnda zi-

    yaret edilen okullara ait fotoraflar yanda g-


    Upon the application for "Innovation

    Awards in Education" by 1047 applicants in 5

    categories, country-wide, it was announced by

    the ministry that 123 projects were selected to be

    on the list.

    De p ar tme nt Coo r din a tor Sam et

    NALBANTOLU was appointed to evaluate the

    schools on the first district list by Ministry of

    National Education Strategy Development


    In regards to the assessment visits, the

    photos of the schools visited can be seen.

  • 2014 yl Ekim aynda Rusyann Nizhny

    Novgorod ehrinde SFERA kurumunun koor-

    dinatrlnde Trkiyeden Manisa l Milli

    Eitim Mdrlnn ortaklnn yan sra

    Yunanistan, ngiltere, talya, Romanya, Uk-

    rayna, ek Cumhuriyeti ve skoyann da bu-

    lunduu Time Bank, Zaman Bankas isimli

    workshop etkinliine katlm salandktan

    sonra; ehrimizde de bir ilk olan Zaman Ban-

    kas 2015 yl ocak aynda kurulmutur.

    AGEDER Time Bank was established as

    the first time bank in our province in January,

    2015 after ensuring as a partner participation in

    behalf of Manisa Provincial Directorate of Na-

    tional Education from Turkey to workshop activ-

    ity named Time Bank along with the partner-

    ship of Greece, England, Italy, Romania, Ukraine,

    Czech Republic and Scotland with the coordina-

    tor of SFERA in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia in

    October, 2014.

  • Ulusal Ajans 2015 yl ubat dnemi

    Yenilik Transferi ve Stratejik Ortaklk Projeleri

    kapsamnda bavurular yapld, sonular bek-


    Bavurulan projelerde konular Ulusal

    Ajansn ncelikler listesinde de yer alan evre

    bilinci ve engelli haklar gibi nemli konular-

    dan seilmitir.

    Proje bavurular esnasnda okullar,

    niversite gibi kurumlarn yan sra dernekler

    ve belediyelere de yer verilmitir.

    A Project can be predicted as completed

    only when it Works for you, not when you

    work for it

    Applications were made within the context

    of Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange

    of Good Practices Projects of National Agency of

    the February term of 2015, the results have been


    The subjects of the applied projects were

    chosen among the initial issues taking place on

    the list of priorities of National Agency such as

    environment consciousness and disability rights.

    Municipalities were chosen as local part-

    ner along with the institutions such as schools

    and universities during the project applications.

  • 19 ubat tarihinde zmirde gerek-

    letirilen AB Sreci ve Trkiyenin Yeni

    Stratejisi adl toplantya l Milli eitim

    Mdrl adna PEK Birimi yelerimiz

    katlm salamtr. Toplantda Ba Mza-

    kerecimiz ve AB Bakan Volkan BOZKIR, AB

    sreci ve Trkiyenin yeni stratejileri konu-

    sunda katlmclar bilgilendirmitir. Ulusal

    Ajanstan gelen yetkililer Erasmus+ proje-

    leri hakknda katlmclarn sorularn ce-


    The Unit of Projects Commissions mem-

    bers ensured participation in behalf of Manisa

    Provincial Directorate of National Education to

    the meeting named as The Process of EU and

    The New Strategy of Turkey in zmir on the date

    of 19 February. Chief negotiator and Minister of

    EU Volkan BOZKIR gave information to the par-

    ticipants about the issues of the process of EU

    and the new EU strategies of Turkey. The au-

    thorities from National Agency answered the

    questions of participants about Erasmus+ pro-


  • Trke karl "herkes iin yeterlilik-

    ler" olan genlik alanlar eitimi projesi

    hareketlilii 22-28 ubat 2015 tarihleri ara-

    snda Romanyann Sinai ehrinde gerekle-


    Projenin odak noktas yaygn ve sargn

    eitimde kullanlabilecek eitli renim me-

    totlar ve genlik almalarnda kullanlmas

    amalanan, Avrupa Birlii Komisyonu tarafn-

    dan da kabul grm olan sekiz temel yeterli-

    liktir. Bunlarn youthpass ve europass gibi

    aralarda bu yeterliliklerin genlik deiimle-

    ri, ve stratejik ortaklklar faaliyetlerinde z

    deerlendirmeye ynelik kullanlmas hedef-


    The mobility of youth workers training

    projects named as Competences for All took

    place on the dates of 22-28 February 2015 in

    Sinai province of Romania.

    The focal spots of the project are eight

    basic competences which are admitted by Euro-

    pean Union Commission and aimed to be used

    for youth works and various education meth-

    ods which can be used for non-formal and in-

    formal learning. The competences were tar-

    geted to be used in strategic partnership and

    youth exchange activities in vehicles such as

    Youthpass and Europass aimed at self-


  • 19-20 Mart 2015 tarihinde Manisa l

    Milli Eitim Mdrl Arge Birimi Avrupa

    Birlii Projeler Ekibi olarak Manisa Ticaret ve

    Sanayi Odas Blent Komaz Hizmet Binasn-

    da dzenlenen Avrupa Birlii Gnleri ne


    Programda, AB -Trkiye likileri, AB

    Btnleme Politikalar, Gmrk Birlii ve Sa-

    nayi Politikas ve Kobiler gibi konular Avrupa

    Birlii Delegasyonu uzmanlar tarafndan anla-

    tld ve katlmclar tarafndan yneltilen Avru-

    pa Birlii ile ilgili sorular uzmanlar tarafndan


    As Projects Commission Unit of Manisa

    Provincial Directorate of National Education, the

    participation was ensured to the meeting

    European Union Days which was held in Manisa

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry Blent Ko-

    maz Service Building on the dates of 19-20

    March, 2015.

    The issues such as EU-Turkey Relations, EU

    Integration Policies, Customs Union, Industry Pol-

    icy and SMEs were analyzed by European Union

    Delegation authorities and the questions asked by

    the participants about European Union were an-

    swered by the authorities.

  • 22 Nisan tarihinde ehzadeler lesi

    Belediye Bakan sayn mer Faruk ELKi

    Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrl ARGE Birimi

    olarak Manisa Valilii l Sosyal Ett ve Proje

    Mdr sayn Hilmi Polat ile beraber maka-

    mnda ziyaret ettik. Ziyaret srasnda ki kuru-

    mun ortaklaa yrtebilecei projeler hakkn-

    da bilgi paylamnda bulunuldu.

    Along with Manisa Governorate Social

    Etude and Project Manager Mr. Hilmi POLAT ,

    Projects Commission Unit of Manisa Provincial

    Directorate of National Education visited to the

    Mayor of ehzadeler District Mr. mer Faruk

    ELK in his office. Information about the pro-

    jects which can be carried out by these institu-

    tions collectively were shared during the visit.

  • Erasmus+ Ana Eylem 1 Mesleki Eitim

    kapsamnda kabul edilen Hayat Boyu Beceri

    Eitimi balkl projeye ynelik bilgilendirme

    toplants 12.05.2015 tarihinde, Manisa l Mil-

    li Eitim Mdrl Ek Hizmet Binas toplant

    salonunda ube Mdr smail Ko ve 16

    proje katlmcs meslek dersi retmeninin

    katlmyla Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrl

    ARGE Birimi PEK ekibimiz tarafndan gerek-


    Toplant kapsamnda katlmclarn

    Hayat Boyu Beceri Eitimi projesi hakknda

    detayl olarak bilgilendirilmesi, kltrel ve

    pedagojik hazrlklarn tamamlanmas faali-

    yetleri gerekletirilmitir. Toplantnn sonun-

    da katlmclarn sorular yantlanmtr.

    The contact meeting aimed at project

    named as Lifelong Competence Education

    which was admitted within the context of Eras-

    mus+ Key Action 1 Vocational Education and

    Training was held by Projects Commission Unit of

    Manisa Provincial Directorate of National Educa-

    tion in 25 May, 2015 in Manisa Provincial Direc-

    torate of National Education assembly room with

    the participation of Deputy Manager smail KO

    and 16 vocational high school teachers as project


    The activities of giving detailed informa-

    tion about Lifelong Competence Education to

    participants and completing cultural and peda-

    gogic preparations were carried out within the

    context of the meeting. At the end of the meet-

    ing, the questions of the participants were an-


  • Mill Eitim Bakanl ve Avrupa Birlii

    ve D likiler Genel Mdrlnn 11 Hazi-

    ran tarihinde dzenledii; Manisada l Mill

    Eitim Mdrl Avrupa Birlii Proje Ekibi

    tarafndan yrtlen Bana AByi Anlat ko-

    nulu yarmalarda resim kategorisinde Mesir

    Ortaokulundan Branur SARGIN, slogan

    kategorisinde Ahmetli Allahdr Ortaokulun-

    dan Trkan SOLAK ve ksa yk kategorisinde

    ehzadeler Kz mam Hatip Lisesinden Mer-

    yem DLEK il birincisi olup Manisay temsi-

    len Ankara Congresium Salonunda dzenle-

    nen dl trenine katld.

    Branur SARGIN from Yunusemre Mesir

    Secondary school as the winner of picture category,

    Trkan SOLAK from Ahmetli Alahdr Secondary

    school as the winner of slogan category and Meryem

    DLEK from ehzadeler Imam Hatip High School for

    Girls as the winner of short story category in the con-

    tests named as Explain me EU which were carried

    out by Projects Commission Unit of Manisa Provincial

    Directorate of National Education ensured participa-

    tion to award ceremony organized by Ministry of

    National Education and Directorate of European Un-

    ion and External Affairs in Ankara Congresium Inter-

    national Convention and Exhibition Centre on the

    date of 11 June 2015 to represent Manisa.

  • Dereceye giren rencilerimizin eserle-

    ri Ankara Ticaret Odas Congresium Sergi Sa-

    lonunda sergilendi.

    rencilerimizin Danman retmen-

    leri Cansu ETN, Fatma AKALP, Eda Seil

    BAYINDIRL, Okul Mdrleri Kadir YELYURT,

    Nadir TEKE ve Nihal GRKAN a ve rencile-

    rimize teekkr eder, baarlarnn devamn


    The works of the ranking students were

    exhibited in Ankara Congresium International

    Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    We thank and wish a continued success to

    Cansu ETN, Fatma AKALP and Eda Seil Bayn-

    drl as advisors of the ranking students and to

    Kadir YELYURT, Nadir TEKE and Nihal GRKAN

    as headmasters of the ranking schools.

  • 25-29 Mays tarihlerinde Polonyada

    gerekletirilen Enerji yoluyla sinerji olutu-

    ralm isimli ulus tesi projeye Manisa l Milli

    Eitim Mdrl ARGE Birimi PEK yemiz

    Burcu Meral TEZEREN katlm salamtr.

    Uzun sreli ortaklklar ve kalc iletiim

    alar oluturulmas Erasmus+ program kap-

    samnda byk bir nem arz etmektedir.

    "Enerji Yoluyla Sinerji Oluturalm"

    Erasmus+ Program kapsamnda nasl bavuru

    yaplabilecei ve stratejik ortaklklar ieren

    Ana Eylem 2 (KA2) ye ilikin bilgi kazanlmas-

    na ilikindir.

    Bu proje sonrasnda edilen paydalk

    sayesinde yeni proje dneminde gvenilir

    ortaklar edinilmitir.

    In behalf of Projects Commission Unit of

    Manisa Provincial Directorate of National Educa-

    tion Burcu Meral TEZEREN ensured participation

    to international project named as Energy by

    Synergy carried out in Poland on the dates of

    25-29 May.

    Long-term partnerships and perpetual

    communication webs are significant within the

    context of Erasmus+ program.

    Energy by Synergy was about making

    application for Erasmus+ projects and gaining

    information about Key Action 2 contained stra-

    tegic partnerships.

    Trustful partners were obtained for the

    next project term by the partnerships gained

    during the project.

  • 01/06/2015-09/06/2015 tarihleri ara-

    snda Vratsa, Bulgaristanda gerekletirilen

    ulus tesi seminere Manisa l Milli Eitim M-

    drl ARGE Birimi Avrupa Birlii Projeler

    ekibinden Burcu Meral TEZEREN katlmtr.

    Katlmclar, Bulgaristan, spanya, talya, Por-

    tekiz, ngiltere, Trkiye, Azerbaycan, Grcis-

    tan, Ermenistan, Moldova ve Rusya dan 11

    lkeden katlan genler, genlik alanlar,

    karar alclar, temsilcilerdir.

    On behalf of Projects Commission Unit of

    Manisa Provincial Directorate of National Educa-

    tion Burcu Meral TEZEREN ensured participation

    to international seminar carried out in Vratsa,

    Bulgaria on the dates of 01/06/2015,09/06/2015.

    The participants are youth, youth workers, deci-

    sion makers and representatives from 11 coun-

    tries; Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Portugal, England,

    Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Moldavia

    and Russia.

  • Dou ve Bat sizlie Kar balkl

    proje, ARAT-KORITEN tarafndan gerekleti-

    rilen pek ok baarl projenin ardndan, b-

    yk lde istihdam yaratma ihtiyac esas

    alnarak, yaratclk ve giriimciliin artrlmas

    yoluyla, krsal alanlardaki genlerin pasif kal-

    mamasnn ve isizlik sorununun nne geil-

    mesi, yaratclk ve istihdam gibi olumlu un-

    surlara katkda bulunulmas amacyla baary-

    la uygulanmtr.

    The project named as East and West

    against Youth Unemployment was carried out

    successfully by ARAT-KORITEN with the aim of

    making contribution to positive factors such as

    creativity, employment, preventing unemploy-

    ment problem and not let youth in rural areas

    remain passive by grounding on increasing em-


  • Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrl Avru-

    pa Birlii Proje Ekibinde yer alan eTwinning l

    Koordinatr Ahmet MORSMBL ve Avrupa

    Birlii Proje Uzmanlar Cemile ETN TURAN,

    Esra VURAL ve Burcu Meral TEZEREN tarafn-

    dan eTwinning projelerini, ye saysn artr-

    mak, Kalite dl bavurusu yapan ret-

    menlere destek salamak ve yeni dnem

    Erasmus+ proje dnemleri hakknda bilgi ver-

    mek, yeni dnemde proje yapmak isteyen

    okullarla birebir almalar yapmak amacyla

    15-25 Haziran 2015 tarihleri arasnda

    Yunusemre, ehzadeler, Turgutlu, Saruhanl

    ve Salihli lelerindeki retmenlere eitimler


    Ahmet MORSMBL as eTwinning Prov-

    ince Coordinator, Cemile ETN TURAN, Esra

    VURAL and Burcu Meral TEZEREN as the mem-

    bers of Projects Commission Unit of Manisa

    Provincial Directorate of National Education

    provided trainings with aim of increasing

    eTwinning projects and members, providing

    support to teachers who made quality prize

    application and informing about new term

    Erasmus+ projects and ensuring a face to face

    communication with the schools which planned

    to make application for the Erasmus+ projects

    on the dates of 15-25 June, 2015 in districts

    such as Yunusemre, ehzadeler, Turgutlu,

    Saruhanl and Salihli.

  • Celal Bayar niversitesi Fen-Edebiyat

    Fakltesi ngiliz Dili ve Edebiyat blmnde

    okumakta olan 32 niversite rencisi pilot

    olarak belirlenen 6 Anadolu lisesinde hafta-

    da bir gn yardmc (stajyer) retmen ola-

    rak ngilizce derslerine girmilerdir. Bu faali-

    yet ile niversite rencilerinin yerinde uy-

    gulama yaparak retmenlik deneyimi ka-

    zanmalar, snf ierisinde derslerde geri ka-

    lan rencilere destek olup, rencilerin ba-

    arlarnn arttrlmas amalamaktadr.

    32 students who have education in Celal

    Bayar University Faculty of Science and Letters

    department of English Language and Literature

    worked as intern (assistant) teachers of English

    in 6 Anatolia High Schools which were deter-

    mined as pilot. By means of the activity, it was

    aimed to give a chance to have experience of

    being teacher in place to students and increas-

    ing success of lagging students by giving support

    to them.

  • ehrim Benim Evim projesinin

    amac Manisa limizin Milli tarihini ve Mlli

    kltrn bilen, onlara sahip kan ve gele-

    cek kuaklara aktarabilecek rehber renci-

    ler yetitirerek tarihi ve kltrel deerlerimi-

    zi tanmak ve tantmaktr.

    Proje kapsamnda Nihal Akura Otel-

    cilik ve Turizm Meslek Lisesinde okuyan 35

    renciye, Manisa l Kltr Turizm Mdrl-

    ne bal olarak alan, turist rehberi tara-

    fndan Manisa ilinin tarihi ve deerleri 6 saat

    teorik - 6 saat pratik bilgi olarak verildi.

    rencilere, teorik bilgiler 12er

    saat ngilizce ve Almanca dillerinde retildi.

    The aim of the My province is My Home

    project are learning and introducing our history

    and cultural values by training guide students

    who have knowledge about national history and

    national culture of Manisa province, protect and

    convey them to next generations.

    History and values of Manisa province

    were explained 6 hours practically and 6 hours

    theoretically to the 35 students who have edu-

    cation in Nihal Akura Hotel Management

    and Tourism Vocational High School by

    tourist guides who work depending on Ma-

    nisa Provincial Culture and Tourism Director-

    ate within the context of the project.

    Moreover, 12 hours English and German

    languages were taught to the students.

  • ehrim Benim Evim projesi kapsa-

    mnda ilimiz genelinde rencilerimiz, pro-

    fesyonel turizm rehberi koordinatrlnde;

    Manisa merkeze 3 kez, Salihli Kula ileleri-

    ne 1 kez gezi dzenlenerek rencilerin bu

    yerler hakknda detayl bir bilgi almalar sa-

    land. Bu vesile ile ilimize gelen yerli ve ya-

    banc turistler iin rehber ihtiyacna da -

    zm bulunmu oldu.

    Within the context of My province is

    My Home our students were provided to take

    information about the places by organizing trips

    once to Salihli, Kula and three times to city cen-

    ter of Manisa with the coordinator of profes-

    sional tourism guides. By means of the project,

    solution was found to the problem of guide

    need for the domestic and foreign tourists who

    come to our province.

  • ehrim Benim Evim Proje Faaliyeti,

    ilimizdeki ortaokullarda okuyan 5.snf -

    rencilerinin, Manisa ilelerini ziyaret ederek

    tanmalarna, yaadklar evrenin tarihi ve

    doal gzelliklerinin farkna varmalarna kat-

    kda bulunmay amalamaktadr. Manisa ili-

    nin tm ilelerinden sadece 5.snf rencile-

    rinin faaliyete katlmas kouluyla; toplamda

    299 okul, 18.643 rencimiz hareketlilie


    My province is My Home project activity

    aims to contribute to 5TH grade secondary school

    students who have education in our province for

    acknowledging Manisa, noticing historical and

    natural beauty of the area in which they live by

    visiting the districts.

    Totally 299 schools, 18.643 students en-

    sured participation to mobility on condition that

    just 5TH grade students who have education in

    all districts of Manisa could participate.

  • Faaliyet kapsamnda her renci gru-

    bu farkl gnlerde 3 farkl gzerghtan olu-

    an gezi planna katlarak Manisa ilinin tarihi

    ve doal yerlerinin tantlmas planlanmtr.

    Bu sayede rencilerimizin yaadklar ilin

    tarihi ve doal zenginlikleri hakknda bilgi

    sahibi olup, yaam boyu renme felsefesi-

    nin yerlemesine katkda bulunulmutur.

    Introducing historical and natural places

    of Manisa province was planned by participation

    of each student group to trip plan which con-

    sisted of three different routes in different days

    within the context of activity. By this means,

    students had information about historical and

    natural wealth of the province in which they live

    and it was contributed on lifelong learning phi-


    Whoever comes is welcomed heartily,

    whoever leaver is seen off peacefully.

  • Okullarmzda yaplan sosyal etkinlikler ile;

    Sorumluluk ve gven duygusu,zsayg,Sosyal

    zek, Szl ve szsz iletiim becerileri, Paylam,

    bakalaryla iyi ilikiler kurma, anlalabilme, Ba-

    kalarna kar saygl ve drst olma, Tek ve toplu

    olarak alma alkanl, Karar verme ve kuralla-

    ra uyma, Zaman iyi ve doru kullanma, Kiisel

    seim ve hedeflerini belirleme, Grup nnde ko-

    numa becerisi, Arkadalar ile iyi geinme, Dinle-

    meyi renme, evresine uyum salama, Dn-

    me, aratrp kefetme zevk ve sevinci, Hayal g-

    c ve yaratclk duygusu, lgili olduu alanda ken-

    dini gelitirme, Bedensel hareketlerle beden geli-

    imi, Kabul edilmek ve kabul etmek duygular,

    Kendi yeteneklerini, zelliklerini renerek kendi-

    lerinin farkna varma ve bylece bir birey olarak

    hareket edebilme duygular gelimitir.

    The social activities carried out in our

    schools have enhanced sense of responsibility,

    trust, self-respect, verbal and non-verbal

    communication skills, sharing, social and civic

    competence, respect others, habit to study

    individually or in group, decision making,

    following the rules, using the time well,

    identifying individual choices and targets, ability

    to speak before public, effective listening, getting

    on well with friends, adaptation to the society,

    effective thinking, reflection on research, sense

    of imagination and creativity, sense of happiness

    to search and discover, physical development,

    feeling accepted and accepting the feelings of

    other people, realising one's competences thus

    acting as an individual, in the target groups.

  • Etkinlik Bizimprojesi kapsamn-

    da;bata rencilerimize ve retmenlerimi-

    ze ynelik olmak zere, velilerimizin de kat-

    labilecei bir Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimlerinin

    Farkndal oluturmak amacyla 14.04.2015

    tarihinde bir etkinlik dzenlendi. Etkinlik saat

    16:00 da balayan 30-45 dklik seminerin

    ardndan da teleskoplar ve zel gne filtre-

    leriyle Gne gzlemi yapld.

    An activity, within the project "The

    Activity is Ours" took place with the

    participations of parents of our students, on

    14.04.2015 for raising Awareness in Astronomy

    and Space Science. The activity started with an

    initial seminar for 35-40 minutes, at 16.00,

    subsequently special Sun-observation was

    carried out, through telescopes and special sun


  • TOPLAM OKUL SAYISI (Numbers of School in Total)

    98 Okul

    ETKNLE KATILAN RENC SAYISI (Numbers of students participating in activity)

    12879 renci

    ETKNLE KATILAN RETMEN/DAREC (Teachers-School Manager participating

    10404 retmen/ dareci

    ETKNLE KATILAN VEL SAYISI (Numbers of parents participating in activity)

    5673 Veli

    TOPLAM ETKNLK SAYISI (Numbers of Activities in Total)

    84 Etkinlik / Gsteri

  • Dilimizin gelimesi ve korunmas iin,

    rencilerimizden balayarak toplumun tm

    kesimlerinde mr boyu okuma alkanln

    kazandrmak amacyla 2014-2015 eitim -

    retim ylnda tm okul ve kurumlarmzda

    uygulanan projemizle tarafmza iletilen ra-

    porlara gre;

    Ktphanesi olmayan okullarmza

    toplam 9.842 kitap temin edildi. 11 okulu-

    muzda ktphane ve snf kitaplklar olutu-

    ruldu. 155.559 renci 1.288.240 kitap oku-

    du. renci bana den kitap okunma say-

    s 8,28. Ayrca 16.901 renci ve 208 ret-

    men 28 air ve yazarla bulutu. Okuma al-

    kanln kazandrma yollar konulu seminere

    13.656 rencimiz ve 4.759 velimiz katlm




    The project is implemented in all of our

    schools and institutions in the educational term

    of 2014 and 2015, with the aim of encouraging

    the reading habit that lasts for a whole life

    starting from the school years. According to the

    reports given to our institution within this


    9.842 books have been provided to our

    schools without a library. In 11 schools, school

    and classroom libraries have been

    created,155.559 students have read 1.288.240

    books,the rate of reading books per student

    has increased to 8,28. 16.901 students and 208

    teachers have met 28 poets and authors, 13.656

    students and 4.759 parents have provided

    participation in the seminar with the title "the

    effective ways to enhance reading habits"

  • 2014-2015 eitim retim ylnda tm

    okul ve kurumlarmzda uygulanan Okuyan

    ehir Manisa Projesi kapsamnda okullar-

    mzda belli bir zaman diliminde kitap okuma

    etkinlikleri gerekletirildi.

    Okuyan ehir Manisa Projesi kapsa-

    mnda ;ehzadeler Gazi lkokulunun koordi-

    natrlnde, Gazi ortaokulu, Gediz Anadolu

    Lisesi, mam Hatip Lisesi rencilerinin katl-

    myla, Manisa Tren Garnda Okuma Etkinlii


    During 2014-2015 term of education, the

    activities within the project "Manisa, the

    Reading Province" have been continued within a

    predetermined time period.

    The activity Reading at the Train Station

    have taken place in coordination of ehzadeler

    Gazi Secondary School, with participation of

    Gediz Anatolian High School and Religious

    Vocational High School students.

  • Okuyan ehir Manisa Projesi kapsa-

    mnda; 8 Eyll lkretim Okulu ve Mehmet

    Suphi Egemen Okulu rencileri tarafndan

    Uluparkta Okuma Etkinlii dzenlendi. Et-

    kinlie Milli Eitim Mdr Recep

    DERNEKBA, Milli Eitim Mdr Yardmcs

    Hilmi POLAT, renciler ve ok sayda gnl-

    l velimiz katld.

    Within the project, "Manisa the Reading

    Province" reading activity has taken place in

    Ulupark, by 8 Eyll and Mehmet Suphi Egemen

    Secondary High Schools. Manisa Provincial

    Director of National Education Mr. Recep

    DERNEKBA , Deputy Manager Mr. Hilmi POLAT,

    students and various voluntary parents have

    provided participation in the activity.

  • rencilerimizin; kendine gven, so-

    rumluluk, farkl grleri bir arada yaatabil-

    me ve empati kurma duygularnn gelimesi-

    ne, toplum veya topluluk iinde kendini ra-

    hat ifade edebilmelerine, fikir retme ve -

    zm bulma, antitezler retme yeteneklerinin

    gelimesine, herhangi bir konudaki farkl g-

    rleri mantk yrtme, aratrma yapma,

    dncelerini savunacak kantlara ulama,

    tezler ve istatistik bilgiler yoluyla savunma

    becerilerinin gelimesine katkda bulunmay

    amalayan Manisa Liseler Aras Mnazara

    Yarmas 2014-2015 Eitim retim yln-

    da pilot olarak iki merkez ilemizde

    (ehzadeler ve Yunusemre) uygulanmtr.

    Manisa Inter-high School Competition

    which aims to promote the enhancement of

    students' disputation skills, defending different

    opinions through creating thesis and statistical

    information, reasoning, effective research and

    reaching the evidences advocating, and also to

    improve their senses of responsibility, self-

    confidence, expressing oneself before public, self

    -confidences has taken place twice during 2014-

    2015 Education Term in two central districts as

    pilot models. (ehzadeler and Yunusemre)

  • Yunusemre lesinden 14 okul, 56

    yarmac renci, 18 danman retmen,

    toplamda 13 ayr yarma gerekletirilmitir.

    ehzadeler lesinden 5 okul, 20 yarmac

    renci, 8 danman retmen, toplamda 4

    ayr yarma gerekletirilmitir. Yaplan et-

    kinliklere toplamda 1250 renci katlmtr.

    27 Nisan 2015 tarihinde saat 10:00 da

    Manisa l MEM-Eitim Aralar Binasnda

    yaplan Manisa Liseler Aras Mnazara Yar-

    mas l Finalinde ehzadeler lesinden Gediz

    Anadolu Lisesi takm birinci olmutur. Yap-

    lan trenle okul takmn oluturan tm -

    rencilerimize ve danman retmenlerimize

    dlleri Milli Eitim Mdrmz Recep

    DERNEKBA tarafndan takdim edilmitir.

    13 different competitions in total have

    been performed with participation of 56

    competitor students, 18 advisor teachers from14

    schools in Yunusemre District and in ehzadeler

    district, 4 different competitions have been

    performed with participation of 20 competitor

    students, 8 advisor teachers. Totally 1250

    students have participated in the activities.

    In the provincial final of Manisa Lycea

    competition among high schools,which took

    place on 27 th of April 2015 at 10:00, in Manisa

    PDE -Educational tools building, Gediz Anatolian

    High School had become the winner. In the

    following celebration ceremony, Manisa

    Provincial Director of National Education Mr. Re-

    cep DERNEKBA has presented the awards to all

    of the students and the advisor teachers who

    built up their teams for the competition.

  • Deerler Eitimi Projesi kapsamn-

    da; ehzadeler Gazi lkretim Kurumlarmz-

    da sporun deiik dallarnda il , blge ve ulu-

    sal msabakalarda derece yapan baarl

    sporcular dllendirdi. ehzadeler Gazi l-

    kretim Okulunda yaplan trene Manisa

    Milli Eitim Mdr Recep Dernekba, l Mil-

    li Eitim Mdr Yardmcs Hilmi Po-

    lat ,Manisa Genlik Hizmetleri Spor Mdrl-

    ehzadeler Mdr Ekrem ztrk, ehza-

    deler le Belediye Bk Yrd.Sleyman o-

    ban,renciler ve retmenler katldlar. Ga-

    z i l kret im Okulunda; vo ley-


    ketbol,tenis,halk oyunlar,jimnastik gibi spor

    alanlarnda toplam 133 sporcu dllendirildi.

    Under The Project of Values Education,

    successful sportsmen who rank in the provincial ,

    regional and national competitions of different

    branches were rewarded in the ehzadeler Gazi

    Primary Institutions. Manisa Provincial Director

    of National Education Mr Recep Dernekba, The

    Assistant Manager of Manisa Provincial Director

    of National Education Mr Hilmi Polat, ehzadeler

    District Director of Youth Services and Sports Mr.

    Ekrem ztrk, The Assistant Manager of

    ehzadeler Municipality Mr. Sleyman

    oban,students and teachers participated to

    ceremony in the ehzadeler Gazi Primary

    Institutions.In the ehzadeler Gazi Primary

    Institutions. Totally 133 sports players were

    rewarded in the branches of volleyball, football,

    badminton, judo, wushu, futsal, basketball,

    tennis, folk dances and gymnastics.

  • Deerler Eitimi Projesi kapsamn-

    da; l Milli Eitim Mdrmz Recep

    DERNEKBA, ehzadeler Kz mam Hatip Lise-

    si rencilerine seminer verdi.

    Under The Project of Values

    Education,Manisa Provincial Director of

    National Education Mr. Recep Dernekba

    gave a seminar to students in the ehzadeler

    Imam Hatip High School for Girls.

    Deerler Eitimi Projesi kapsamnda;

    Yetkili Sendika olan, Memur Sen Manisa ube

    Bakan Mehmet Emin SOFUOU, ehzadeler

    Murat Germen Ortaokul 7. Snf rencilerine

    seminer verdi.

    Under The Project of Values Education,

    Manisa Branch President of Confederation of

    Public Servants Trade Unions Mr. Mehmet Emin

    SOFUOU gave a seminar to students in the 7th

    Grades of ehzadeler Murat Germen Secondary


  • Deerler Eitimi Projesi kapsamnda

    ehzadeler Kaymakam Sayn smail

    ORUMLUOLU smet nn Teknik ve Mes-

    lek lisesindeydi. Kaymakammz kendi yaa-

    mndan verdii kesitlerle alkanlk deeri-

    ni vurgulad. Seminere, rencilerimiz tara-

    fndan youn katlm saland.

    Under The Project of Values Education,

    District Governor of ehzadeler Mr smail

    orumluolu was in the smet nn Technical

    and Vocational High School. He stressed the value

    of hard work with the sections that gave his own

    life. The seminar was attended intensive.

  • Deerler Eitimi Projesi" kapsamnda

    "Farkl Kltrlere Hogr" bal altnda

    Manisa retmenevinde Merkez Efendi

    Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi rencileri-

    ne ve ayn okulda eitim gren Somalili -

    rencilere kahvalt program dzenlendi. D-

    zenlenen kahvalt programna l Milli Eitim

    Mdrmz Sayn Recep Dernekba, ve dai-

    re amirlerimiz katld.

    Under The Project of Values Education,

    Breakfast Program was organized for students from

    Somalia and students in the Merkez Efendi

    Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in

    Manisa Teacher Facility under the title of Tolerance

    for Different Cultures. Manisa Provincial Director of

    National Education Mr Recep Dernekba and Heads

    of Department participated in this program.

  • Mesleki teknik eitimin nemi konu-

    sunda toplumun her kesiminde farkndalk

    yaratmak, meslek lisesi rencilerine yetenek-

    lerini sergileme, zgven, sorumluluk duygu-

    larn glendirme ,mesleki ve kiisel geliim

    imkan salamak,topluma yararl ilerde al-

    arak ,rencilerimizin mesleklerini iin mut-

    fanda renmelerine yardmc olmay ama-

    ladmz projemizle; daha nce okullarda ei-

    tim gren ihtiya sahibi rencilere sa kesim

    ve bakm hizmeti devam ediyor. Bu kez smet

    nn Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi kua-

    frlk blm rencilerimiz tarafndan yap-

    lan sa kesimi ve bakm iin Vakfbank

    Trkbirlii Ortaokulu rencilerimizi ziyaret


    The Project Both Professional and Support

    With The Project which we aim to help to create

    awareness in all sectors of society, exhibit talents

    for vocational high school students,

    reinforcement self-confidence - a sense of

    responsibility, to provide an opportunity for

    professional - personal development, learn to

    work in the kitchen of their professions by

    working in jobs that benefit the community

    About the importance of vocational technical

    education; Hair Cutting - Care Service go on for

    students who are in need - continue school.

    Students from the Department of Hairdressing in

    the smet nn Vocational School For Girls

    visited Vakfbank Trkbirlii Secondary School for

    hair cutting and care.

  • Hem Meslek Hem Destek projesiyle

    mesleki eitimdeki genlerin, Manisann ehir

    merkezine uzak mahallelerinde bulunan okul-

    larda renim gren ihtiya sahibi ocuklarn

    sa bakmlarnn yaplmas hedeflendi. 28

    okulda yaklak 4.000 rencimize sa bakm

    ve sa kesimi hizmeti verildi.

    With The Project Both Professional and

    Support, we aim that young people in

    vocational training cut and care hair for children

    who go to school in the neighborhood away

    from the centre and are underprivileged

    financially, Cutting and Caring Hair Service were

    served to almost four thousand students in 28


  • Manisa Genlik Hizmetleri ve Spor l

    Mdrl, Manisa Milli Eitim Mdrl

    Ar-Ge Birimi ve 75. Yl Genlik Merkezi ibirli-

    iyle Yunusemre Belediyesi,ehzadeler Bele-

    diyesinin katklaryla hayata geirdiimiz

    Sevgi arklar projesi kapsamnda ehir

    merkezinden uzak mahallerde yaayan maddi

    imkanlar kstl ocuklar lunapark ile bulu-

    turduk. Hayatlarnda ilk defa lunaparkta ele-

    nen baz ocuklar byk sevin yaa-

    d.Etkinlie okul idarecileri,retmenleri ve

    renciler katld.

    Under The Project The Wheels of Love which

    was performed with the collaboration of Provincial

    Directorate of Manisa Youth Services and Sports, R& D

    Unit in the Provincial Director of Manisa National

    Education, 75th Year Youth Center with the support of

    the municipality of ehzadeler- Yunusemre.; we took

    the children who lived in the neighborhood away from

    the centre and were underprivileged financially, to

    amusement park. Some children who had fun at the

    amusement park for the first time in their lives had

    great joy. In this activity, School Managers, teachers

    and students participated.

  • Yetitirdiklerimizi Tanyor Muyuz

    Projesi kapsamnda; limizde, Pilot olarak

    seilen ilkokullarda bulunan snf tabelalarn

    Manisada yetien ehzadelerimizin ve Trk

    byklerimizin, gl ynlerini vurgulayan

    afileri snf kaplarna giydirerek rencileri-

    mizin tarih bilincini glendirmek ve motivas-

    yonlarn arttrmay amalyoruz.

    Under The Project Do We Know What

    We Grow?, in our city, we aim to to strengthen

    history awareness of our students and increase

    their motivation by ornamenting the classroom

    doors with posters which emphasize strengths of

    Princes and Turkish Ancestors who grown in Ma-

    nisa, in primary schools that was selected as pilot

    schools for Project.

  • Proje kapsamnda; 102 retmen ve

    Manisa l Mftlnde grev yapan 69 din

    grevlisi eitim ald. Yaam Koumla Baarya

    Doru projesi,bu yl Saruhanl, ehzadeler ve

    Yunusemre lelerindeki liselerde 10uncu ve

    11inci snflarnda uyguland.

    Yaam Kou Eitimleri, Celal Bayar ni-

    versitesinden Yrd. Do. Dr. Aladdin DKMEN,

    retim Grevlisi Ozan ERDEM, Necmettin

    Erbakan niversitesinden Yrd. Do. Dr. Ahmet

    KURNAZ, Do. Dr. Nurten SARGIN, Do. Dr.

    Ercan YILMAZ tarafndan verildi.

    102 teachers and 69 ministers of religion

    who work in Manisa Provincial Mufti were get

    education within the context of the project. The

    project named as Towards Success with my

    Life Coach was applied on 10TH and 11TH

    grade high schools students in Saruhanl, ehza-

    deler and Yunusemre districts in this year.

    Life coach trainings were given by Celal

    Bayar University Assist. Prof. Dr. Aladdin DK-

    MEN, Teaching Assistant Ozan ERDEM, Necmet-

    tin Erbakan University Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet

    KURNAZ, Assoc. Prof. Nurten SARGIN, Assoc.

    Prof. Ercan YILMAZ.

    They do not teach me live. More preciously, they teach me that everything can be lived by learning. They do not teach me learn while living.

  • En iyi yatrm ehri seilen Manisada,

    Sayn Valimizin nclnde kurulan Mesleki

    ve Teknik Eitim-Sanayi birliini canlandra-

    cak olan fikirleri hayata geirecek Manisa

    Sanayi Koordinasyon Ekibi, Yunusemre ve

    ehzadeler le Milli Eitim Mdrlklerine

    bal 9 meslek lisemizde 13 Meslek Odas

    bakann rencilerle buluturdu. Bu ekilde

    rencilerin ilgili alan mesleklerini sevmele-

    ri,benimsemeleri ve mesleki yaamlarnda

    kaliteyi yakalamalarna yardmc olmak he-


    Manisa Industry Coordination Team;

    which was established under the leadership of

    Manisa Governor and will implement ideas that

    will stimulate Vocational and technical education

    -industry collaboration, met with students and

    13 Presidents of the Professional Chamber in 9

    Vocational High Schools in ehzadeler-

    Yunusemre District National Education

    Directorate in Manisa in which was selected the

    best investment city. In this work, the target is

    to help students in order to love their

    professions, adopt and seizures of quality in their

    professional lives.

  • Milli Eitim Bakanl ile TBTAK ara-

    snda imzalanan ve TBTAK Bilim ve Toplum

    Dairesi tarafndan yrtlen Eitimde birlii

    Protokol kapsamnda lkemizde bilim klt-

    rnn gelitirilmesine ynelik olarak 4006

    TBTAK Bilim Fuarlar Destekleme Program

    kapsamnda srasyla Salihli Ticaret ve Sanayi

    Odas Ortaokulu, Yunusemre Vestel Ortaoku-

    lu, ehzadeler Gazi Ortaokulu, Ahmetli

    Alteyll Ortaokulu ve daha birok okulumuz

    ziyaret edilmi, projeler gzlemlenmi ve a-

    lmalar raporlanmtr. Raporlama ilemleri

    sonrasnda Trkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik

    Aratrma Kurumundan sayn Mustafa

    ORHANn konumac olarak katld toplant-

    ya katlm salanmtr.

    The Protocol on Cooperation in

    Education was signed between The Ministry Of

    Education and TUBITAK. Under this protocol,

    4006 TUBITAK Science Fair Support Program is

    conducted by the Office of the TUBITAK Science

    and Society in order to to develop a culture of

    Science in our country. The Staffs of R& D Unit in

    the Provincial Director of Manisa National

    Education visited Salihli Ticaret ve Sanayi Odas

    Secondary School, Yunusemre Vestel Secondary

    School, ehzadeler Gazi Secondary School and

    Ahmetli Alteyll Secondary School observed

    Science Fairs and reported the projects in

    schools. After reporting procedures, Staff of R &

    D Unit had the meeting with Mr Mustafa Orhan

    from the Scientific and Technological Research

    Council of Turkey, as a speaker.

  • Bilim fuarlar ile her ocua bilimsel

    proje yapma frsat sunulmu, renciler ze-

    rinde yarma basksnn ortadan kaldrarak

    bilimin elenceli tarafnn n plana karlmas


    Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrl AR-GE

    birimi olarak okullarmzda yaplan bilim fuar-

    lar izleme grevi kapsamnda TBTAK adna

    ziyaret edilmitir. Bilim Fuarlarnda amatr bir

    ruhla proje hazrlayan tm rencilerimizin

    projeleri hakknda bilgi edinilmi ve renciler

    motive edilmitir.

    Each child was represented to give the

    opportunity to do scientific Project with Science

    Fairs, the foreground removal of the fun side of

    Science was provided by eliminating the pressure

    of competition on students.

    Under The mission of observing Science

    Fairs ; as R& D Unit in the Provincial Director of

    Manisa National Education visited schools on

    TUBITAK behalf. Information about the projects

    of students, who preparing the project in the

    Science Fair with an amateur spirit, were

    acquired and students were motivated.

  • 5- 12.aras snflarda okumakta olan

    rencilerimiz; belirledikleri konular zerine

    aratrma yaparak, aratrmalarnn sonular-

    n sergileyebilecekleri, elenerek renebile-

    cekleri bir ortam sunan TBTAK 4006 Bilim

    Fuarlarna, 2014- 2015 eitim- retim yl

    ierisinde Manisa ilimizden 37 okulumuz bilim

    fuar dzenleyerek deinilen fuara katlm sa-


    Students between 5th and 12th Grade

    participated in Science Fairs by researching on

    the topics students have determined. TUBITAK

    4006 Science Fairs offered an environment

    where they can learn by having fun and display

    the results of their research to students, In 2014

    -2015 Academic Year, 37 Schools in Manisa

    participated by organising Science Fairs.

  • Yunusemre ilesinde yer alan aatay

    Uluay Ortaokulu rencilerimiz, zmir Borno-

    va Belediyesi Uur Mumcu Kltr ve Sanat

    Merkezinde dzenlenen TBTAK Bilim Fuar

    zmir Sergisine katlmlardr. retmenleri-

    miz Ouz AKDA, Mustafa OBAN, Osman M.

    IIK ve Mehmet GKSU rehberliinde renci-

    lerimiz 7. Snflar kategorisinde Proje birincilii

    kazanmlardr.Bylece rencilerimizin hazr-

    lad Yamurlar Islatmasn isimli proje An-

    karada dzenlenen Trkiye finallinde ilimizi

    temsil etmitir.

    Science and Robot Fair, Izmir

    ExhibitionStudents from aatay Secondary

    School in the District of Yunusemre

    participated in Tubitak Science Fair Izmir

    Exhibition in which held in Uur Mumcu

    Culture and Art Center of Izmir Bornova

    Municipality.Students were winner in the

    category of 7 th Grade under the guidance of

    students teachers; Ouz Akda, Mustafa o-

    ban, Osman M.Ik and Mehmet GKSU. So,

    the Project of No Get Rains Wet; prepared by

    students, represented our province in Turkey

    Final in Ankara.

  • Ar-Ge Birimimizce organize edilen; Ma-

    nisa Milli Eitim Mdrlne bal okullarda

    grev yapan retmenlerimize ynelik Eitim

    Uzman Ozan ERDEM tarafndan "Kurumsal

    Aidiyet, Kurum Kltr ve Liderlik Motivas-

    yon Eitimi" verilmitir. Akabinde ehzadeler

    Belediyesinin katklaryla, ehzadeler le Milli

    Eitim Mdrl Personeline,Eitim Uzman

    Ozan ERDEM tarafndan "Kurumsal Aidiyet,

    Kurum Kltr ve Liderlik Motivasyon Eitimi"

    verildi. Manisa Milli Eitim Mdrl Ar-Ge

    Birimince planlanan, ehzadeler le Milli Ei-

    tim Mdrlnde 150 personeline ynelik

    son eitimle, Manisada toplam 11 000 perso-

    nele deinilen konularda eitim verilmi oldu.

    Katklar iin Ozan ERDEMe teekkr ederiz.

    Seminar Corporate Loyalty, Corporate

    Culture, Leadership and Motivation was given

    teachers in the schools serving at the Directorate

    of Manisa National Education by Training Expert

    Mr. Ozan Erdem. This seminar was organized by

    R& D Unit in the Provincial Director of Manisa

    National Education.Then, With the contribution

    of the municipality of ehzadeler, seminar

    Corporate Loyalty, Corporate Culture,

    Leadership and Motivation was given to Staff of

    ehzadeler District National Education

    Directorate by Training Expert Mr. Ozan Erdem.

    In conjunction with this training that was given

    150 Staffs of ehzadeler District National

    Education Directorate; Totally 11.000 staffs were

    given training, planned by R& D Unit in the

    Provincial Director of Manisa National Education

    in Manisa. Thank Ozan Erdem for their


  • Ar-Ge Birimimizce organize edilen; Kal-

    knma Bakanl,Birlemi Milletler Kalknma

    Program (UNDP),Habitat Kalknma ve Yneti-

    im Dernei ve Visa Europe ortaklnda 2009

    ylnda hayata geirilen PARAMI YNETEBL-

    YORUM PROJES kapsamnda Eitmen Mah-

    mut BELER tarafndan rencilere eitim veril-

    di.Seminerde; gelir gider dengesi,bte yap-

    ma,tasarruf ve para biriktirme,yatrm yapma

    ve borlanma gibi konular detayl olarak anla-

    tldktan sonra 350 katlmcya katlm belgele-

    ri verildi.

    Training was given to the students by

    Trainer Mr. Mahmut Beler under The Project I

    Can Manage My Money . Training was

    organized by R& D Unit in the Provincial

    Director of Manisa National Education. This

    Project was launched in 2009 with partnership

    of Ministry Of Development, United Nations

    Development Program( UNDP), Habitat

    Development and Management Association,

    Visa EuropeThe Certificates of Attendance were

    350 Participants in the seminar after Topics like

    the balance of income and expenditure,

    budgeting, savings, investment and loaning

    were told detailed.

  • l Milli Eitim Mdrlmz ve Anado-

    lu Eitim Vakf ve Sosyal Yardm Vakf birlii

    ile 15 -16 Nisan tarihlerinde retmen ve ida-

    recilere ynelik Polinas Endstri Mes-

    lek Lisesinde ve 20-21 Mays ve 24-25 Haziran

    2015 tarihlerinde de retmen ve rencileri-

    mize Salihli Sardes Otelde Sosyal Giriimcilik

    Semineri dzenlendi. 319 retmen ve 319

    idareci olmak zere toplam 748 eitim perso-

    neline bu proje kapsamnda eitim verildi.

    Social Entrepreneurship Seminar took place

    for teachers and managers of school in Manisa

    Polinas Technical and Industrial Vocational High

    School on April of 15-16th 2015 with the

    collaboration of Manisa Provincial Director of

    National Education and Anadolu Education and

    Social Assistance Foundation. 238 education

    personnel ( 119 teachers and 119 managers of

    school ) received training. Anadolu Foundation

    General Manager Mr. Selim Gven, The Assistant

    Manager of Manisa Provincial Director of

    National Education Mr. Hilmi POLAT, teachers

    and managers of school participated in seminar.

  • Bilgi paylammz arttrmak iin Aydn

    l Milli Eitim Mdrl Ar-Ge Birimi ziyaret

    edildi. Aydn l Milli Eitim Mdr Sayn Per-

    vin TRE, Mdr Yardmcs Ycel MAV ve Ar-

    Ge Biriminde grevli retmen arkadalar-

    mzla Manisa ve Aydn ilinde eitim alannda

    almalar hakknda bilgi paylamnda bulun-

    duk. Toplantda ki ilin ortaklaa uygulayabile-

    cekleri yeni eitim projeleri zerinde konuul-

    du. Misafirperverlikleri iin teekkr ederiz.

    To increase the sharing of Information, we

    made a visit to the R& D Unit of Aydn Provincial

    Directorate of National Education. we have been

    sharing information about working in the field of

    Education in Manisa- Aydn with Aydn Provincial

    Director of National Education Mrs Pervin Tre,

    The Assistant Manager Mr. Ycel Mavi and the

    members of R&D Unit. New educational projects

    that two cities can apply in collectively were

    discussed in the meeting. We would like to thank

    for hospitality of Aydn Provincial Director of

    National Education and R&D Unit.

  • Bilgi paylammz arttrmak iin ikinci

    ziyaretimiz, Ktahya l Milli Eitim Mdrl

    Ar-Ge Birimine oldu. Ktahya l Milli Eitim

    Mdr Cokun ESEN ve Ar-Ge Biriminde g-

    revli retmen arkadalarmzla Manisa ve

    Ktahya ilinde eitim alannda almalar hak-

    knda bilgi paylamnda bulunduk. Toplantda

    ki ilin ortaklaa uygulayabilecekleri yeni ei-

    tim projeleri zerinde konuuldu. Ktahya

    Milli Eitim Mdrl ve Ar-Ge Biriminin

    gsterdii misafirperverlik iin teekkr ediyo-


    To increase the sharing of Information,

    we made a second visit to the R& D Unit of K-

    tahya Provincial Directorate of National

    Education. we have been sharing information

    about working in the field of Education in Mani-

    sa- Ktahya with Ktahya Provincial Director of

    National Education Mr Cokun ESEN and the

    members of R&D Unit. New educational projects

    that two cities can apply in collectively were

    discussed in the meeting. We would like to

    thank for hospitality of Ktahya Provincial

    Director of National Education and R&D Unit.

  • Bilgi paylammz arttrmak iin n-

    c ziyaretimizi, zmir Karyaka Bilim Mzesine

    yaptk. Ziyarete Manisa Vali Yardmcs Mesut

    ESER, l Sosyal Ett ve Projeler Mdr Hilmi

    POLAT, l Milli Eitim Mdrmz Recep

    DERNEKBA, l Milli Eitim Mdr Yardmcmz

    Necmettin OKUMU ve birim yelerimiz iti-

    rak etti.

    251 Bin Dev renci Projesi kapsamn-

    da ina edilen Planeteryumun bir blmn

    Bilim Mzesine dntrlebilmesi iin neler

    yaplmas gerektii konular bu ziyaretin en

    nemli gndemi olarak yer ald.

    To increase the sharing of Information,

    we made a third visit to the Science Museum of

    zmir Karyaka. Our visit to Science Museum

    participated in Manisa Deputy Governor Mr Me-

    sut ESER, Manisa Governorate Social Etude and

    Project Manager Mr Hilmi POLAT, Manisa

    Provincial Director of National Education Mr Re-

    cep DERNEKBA, The Assistant Manager,of Ma-

    nisa Provincial Director of National Education

    Mr Necmettin OKUMU and the Members of

    Manisa Directorate of national education R & D


    The most important agenda of this visit

    was the issues of what needs to be done to

    convert Planetarium( under built in the Project

    of 251 Thousand Giant Students to the Science.

  • Manisa Milli Eitim Mdrl AR-GE

    Birimimiz, Celal Bayar niversitesi (CB) S-

    rekli Eitim Uygulama ve Aratrma Merkezi

    ve TK Manisa Blge Mdrl, ibirliiyle

    ilimizin eitim kalitesini iyiletirmek maksady-

    la statistikler Inda Manisada Eitim Ana-

    lizi konulu panel dzenledik. Panel Sabah ve

    le Oturumlar olmak zere 2 oturumdan


    Manisa Directorate of National Education

    R & D Unit organised a panel, titled Education

    Analysis Panel in Manisa with the Light of

    Statistics, in order to improve the quality of our

    education of city with the collaboration of

    Continuing Education Application and Research

    Center,Celal Bayar University(CBU) and Turkish

    Statistical Institute Manisa Regional Directorate.

    The panel occurred in two sessions ;

  • Dzenlediimiz panalde, CB ktisadi ve

    dari Bilimler Fakltesi Dekan Prof. Dr. Musta-

    fa MYNAT moderatrlnde dzenlenen

    panele TK Manisa Blge Mdr Dr. Meh-

    met AKYOL, Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdr

    Recep DERNEKBA ve CB Srekli Eitim Mer-

    kezi Mdr Do. Dr. Mahmut KARIN pane-

    list olarak katld. Panelistler, Manisa eitimini

    istatistiki deerler, dn, bugn ve bilimsel

    olarak deerlendirdiler. Panelin ardndan

    farkl grup oluturduk; bu gruplar ile panelde

    sorulara cevap aramak iin bir altay dzen-

    ledik. Akabinde altayda n plana kan ne-

    rileri bir rapor haline getirdik.

    To panel that organized by Moderator,

    Prof. Dr. Mr. Mustafa MYNAT, Dean of the Fac-

    ulty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,

    Celal Bayar University. Turkish Statistical Insti-

    tute, Manisa Regional Director Dr. Mr Mehmet

    AKYOL, Manisa Provincial Director of National

    Education Mr Recep DERNEKBA, The Director of

    Contiuning Education Center of CBU Do.Dr. Mr

    Mahmut KARIN participated as a panelist.

    Panelists evaluated Education in Manisa with

    statistical values, past and present Education in

    Manisa scientifically. After paneL, we have

    created three different groups, with these

    groups we held a workshop to seek answers to

    questions of the panel. Subsequently, we

    made it into the report on the recommendations

    that emerged at the workshop.

  • 2014-2015 Eitim-retim ylnda Ar-

    Ge Birimimizce uygulanan proje, faaliyet, se-

    miner ve almalar deerlendirmek zere,

    TBMM Milli Eitim, Kltr, Spor Komisyonu

    yesi, Manisa Milletvekili ve Trk Dil ve Ede-

    biyat Dernei Manisa ubesi Bakan Sayn

    Seluk ZDA, Milli Eitim Mdrmz Recep

    DERNEKBA ve Ar-Ge Birimimizde grev ya-

    pan retmenlerimiz ile bir araya geldik. Ayr-

    ca TDED Manisa ubesi ile ortak yrtlecek

    olan projenin ieriini grtk.

    We came together with GNAT National

    Education, Culture, Sport Commission Member,

    Parliament Member of Manisa and Manisa Branch

    Chairman of the Turkish Language and Literature

    Association Mr. Seluk ZDA, Manisa Provincial

    Directorate of National Education Mr. DERNEKBA

    and teachers who work in R&D Unit to evaluate

    projects, activities, seminars and studies carried out

    by R&D Unit throughout 2014-2015 Academic year.

    Moreover, we discussed the content of the project

    which will be carried out together with Manisa

    branch of TLLA.

    The insurance of the future is based on solid based education, and education is based on teacher .

  • Adres

    Niancpaa Mahallesi Atatrk Bulvar

    No:2 MANSA


    0 236 231 46 08

    0 236 232 32 59

    0 236 234 84 44

    0 236 237 00 32

    0 236 238 86 10


    0 236 231 12 51


    Strateji Gelitirme Birimi

    Necmettin OKUMU Milli Eitim Mdr Yrd.

    Samet NALBANTOLU ARGE Koordinatr

    Mehmet AKI ASKE ye

    Kamile TATAR ASKE ye

    zden KABAK ASKE ye

    Gler ZKALKAN ASKE ye


    Ebru AKGR ASKE ye

    Esra VURAL PEK ye

    Cemile ETN TURAN PEK ye

    Burcu Meral TEZEREN PEK ye

    Ahmet MORSMBL PEK ye

    Atiye HASPOLAT Birim efi

    Cneyt YENA Birim efi

    Ela TEPE Birim efi

    Tayfun ATLI Memur


  • Tm haklar Manisa l Milli Eitim Mdrlnde Sakldr.

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