
  • 1. By Gail Paul

2. The Manifestation Miracle Do You Believe You Can Manifest Destiny? Are You Someone Who Can Open Your Mind? Are You Sure There Is More To Your Life But Dont Know Where To Look For It? Do You Wonder Why Some People Get The Breaks And Are More Successful Than You? Do You See Yourself As Having No Future Do You Sometimes Think Youre Cursed? 3. The Manifestation Miracle If you read those questions, what went through your mind as you were reading them? Was it Curiosity? Apathy? Distrust? Promise? How did you see the Purple words? Did they jump out? If so, what kind of tone did they ring with you? The Purple words were: Believe, Open Your Mind, Sure, Successful, Future and Think. 4. The Manifestation Miracle Its a tiny example of how Positivity can come from a statementNot everyone sees the positive words. You may be in a place, right now in your life, where everything seems to fail. Things never go the way you want them and your pretty tired of everything. Ive been there. Nothing went to plan for me. I felt I was either cursed or just an unlucky person in life. 5. The Manifestation Miracle You can read my very personal story on my blog over at GailPaul.comthe first part is not pretty reading! I had to change, I was almost 50 and my life had been one long chore. I lived a pretty miserable existence. I decided to do something about it, I feared I would go insane if things kept going the way they were. I know some people will read the following and think I did crack up and had lost the plot. 6. The Manifestation Miracle To be truthful, and its not what most people would say, but I probably did crack upand Im so glad I did! The change was steady but positive. It took around a year to completely turn my life around. Was this madness? No. In that first year, I became debt free, lived in a house and district I wanted, Holidayed on a Greek Island for a month and my health bloomed. 7. The Manifestation Miracle If thats madness, then more please! And now 4 years on, life just gets better and better. I now wake with a smile and nothing really gets me down. I no longer allow negativity in my lifeand its a natural thought, not forced. The way I did this is not uncommon. I know plenty of people who live their lives the way they were meant to. If you dont believe me, or what Im about to tell you, thats fine. 8. The Manifestation Miracle Its living the Law of Attraction. Its as simple as that, and believe me when I say there is no better way to get the life you want. You may win the lottery and feel all your dreams will come true, but they wont. Sure it will help, but things will go awry if youre mindset if out of tune. Living the Law of Attraction will tune your mind in readiness for accepting the inevitable. 9. The Manifestation Miracle What does that mean? Well, to get the things you want in life you manifest them. This does not mean you can just wish for something and poof! its there! No, thats magic and we all know magic isnt really real, its an illusion. Manifesting something you want is already there, you just have to be in tune to receive it. 10. The Manifestation Miracle Still thinking Ive cracked up, huh? Yes, I can relate to your thinking because I would have said the same 4 years ago. It was only when I opened my mind and let belief in that things changed. Your thoughts emanate from your mind as an energy. And that energy is captured by the universal law of attraction. Both Negative and Positive thoughts are relayed. 11. The Manifestation Miracle Keep thinking negative thoughts and the build up of negative energy will force the law to act upon its acceptance. Things go wrong in this mindset. You need to keep your thoughts tuned into what YOU want from this universal energy. This is where practice and belief come into it. You need to open your mind and let the belief in. It will take a little time, but should not be doubted. 12. The Manifestation Miracle Its not to be treated as a trial run with the thought process of Ill give it a month because the doubt is already there and the whole strategy will fail. You to need believe. Deep down, you have to accept that this is true and whatever you want is already there, its just waiting to be accepted. The Manifestation Miracle Manual is a great way to find out how to get this mindset. I offer my full Review here. 13. The Manifestation Miracle I already live the LOA way and my thought processes are now naturally tuned to the Universal Law of Attraction. I have to work hard to see a downside to anything, something that came natural to me 4 years ago. I shudder now when I think of those days. I can only say that the whole journey has changed my life. Not everyone will have my level of commitment, but again, thats fine. Its not about wishes, prayers or simply hoping 14. The Manifestation Miracle Its all about belief, trust and the ability to open your mind and accept there is a universal energy that tunes into your thoughts, and the result of those thoughts are the result of the way you live right now. The Manifestation Miracle Manual gives you a step- by- guide on how to apply this strategy. The only person who can change you life, and your mind, is YOU. 15. The Manifestation Miracle Heres the link to my review of the Manifestation Miracle. The manifestation Miracle is written by Heather Matthews and reviewed, by me, Gail Paul. Inside the package you will also find many bonuses including an audio version of the book, meditation mp3s, 4 PDF bonus books and a whole series of recap videos. Read my Review here.

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