Manifest Destiny Review. Jackson Democrat Favored strong State Govts Disliked National Banks Was pro-slavery Was pro-expansion Was pro-agriculture.

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Manifest Destiny Review


• Democrat• Favored strong State Govts• Disliked National Banks• Was pro-slavery• Was pro-expansion• Was pro-agriculture

Nullification Crisis

• Argument over whether States had a sovereign (supreme) right to ignore Federal laws.

• Congress authorized the use of force against S. Carolina.

• This established the right of the Federal government under Jackson to use armed force against states.

2nd National Bank

• Jackson prevented the 2nd National Bank from being effectively renewed.

• Many small banks were started to take its place. They printed and loaned enough money to boost the economy.

• Jackson worried that there was too much money being printed, so he insisted the government be paid in coins.

• As a result, the economy crashed.

Indian Removal

• Jackson shared the idea that the USA was destined to expand.

• He used the Army to force the Cherokee to obey a treaty requiring them to leave their lands.

• The resulting atrocity was known as the Trail of Tears.

Van Buren

• Democrat• Favored strong State Govts• Disliked National Banks• Was pro-slavery• Was pro-expansion• Was pro-agriculture• Wanted to prevent arguments over slavery


• Americans believed strongly in the importance of moving to settle the frontier.

• After Mexico gained independence from Spain, many American settlers moved to the Mexican State of Tejas.

• After a while, Tejas was overwhelmingly settled by slave owning Americans.

• Mexican efforts to stop the immigrations failed.


• Texas rebelled against the Mexican Federal Government.

• They won their independence after a short war, and became a new nation: Texas, the Lone Star Republic.

• Texas was an agrarian slave owning society.• President Van Buren would not admit Texas as a

state, because he didn’t want to renew the argument over slavery.


• Was a Whig• Favored a National Bank• Owned Slaves, but was not publicly pro-slave• Represented the frontier lifestyle• Was pro-industry and manufacturing• Died after a month in office

John Tyler

• Was technically a Whig, but acted like a Democrat. Got kicked out of Whig Party.

• Was pro-slave, pro-agriculture, and anti-bank.


• Democrat• Was pro-slavery• Was pro-expansion: the size of the USA would

nearly double in his administration.• Was pro-agriculture

Mexican American War

• Polk admitted Texas as a new state.• Sent the Army to the Mexican border to force

them to discuss selling California.• The resulting anger led to the War.• The USA defeated Mexico and took over most

of Mexican lands.

Oregon Territory

• Polk negotiated with Britain to secure a firm border between Canada at the USA.

• The current border was the result, adding a future 6 states to the Union.

Zachary Taylor

• Was a Whig• Got elected by the anti-war party because he was

famous as a hero of the Mexican American War.• Was anti-slave• Was pro-bank• Believed in a strong national government.• Worked to admit states south of the Missouri

Compromise line as Free States.• Died early in his Administration

Compromise of 1850

• Millard Fillmore became president after Taylor.• To solve the problem of how to admit Free

California as a state while not angering the South, he endorsed the Missouri Compromise.

• California was admitted as a Free State.• The Fugitive Slave Act was passed, requiring

northern citizens to return any suspected slaves to the south.

Millard Fillmore

• Was technically a Whig, but favored the Democrats.

• Terrible President.

Franklin Pierce

• Democrat• Favored strong State Govts• Disliked National Banks• Was pro-slavery• Was pro-expansion• Was pro-agriculture

Anthony Burns and the Fugitive Slave Act

• Burns was an escaped slave.• The FSA was used to return him to his master.• Pierce order the Federal Government to assist

in returning him.• This enraged the North, and increased

abolitionist feelings.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

• This anti-slavery book increased abolitionist feelings and activity in the North.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

• People were anxious to bring in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska as states.

• Slavery forces needed these to be slave states to prevent the south from being outnumbered in congress.

• The KNA allowed the new states to come in as slave or free based on a vote of the state citizens.

• This ended the Missouri Compromise

Bleeding Kansas

• Abolitionists and slavers moved to Kansas to make sure their side won.

• Voter fraud and violence was the result.

Dred Scott

• A slave sued, claiming he was freed when his master moved him to a free state.

• The Supreme Court ruled that:– Bringing a Slave to a Free State did not free that slave.– Black people couldn’t be citizens of the USA. Since they weren’t

citizens, they could not sue in court for their freedom in any case.– Slaves were property. Under the 4th Amendment, the government

had no compelling right to know what property someone owns, so the Federal Government could not regulate slavery.

– This meant that in Territories, the Federal Government could not make rules about slavery. This left Popular Sovereignty to resolve the issue.


• The Republican party formed to replace the Whigs.

• They were mainly from the North and West.• Republicans believed slavery should not be

allowed to expand further.

Election of 1860

• Lincoln was the Republican compromise candidate for president. He ran on a platform that included ending the spread of slavery, but not outlawing it.

• The democrats could not agree on a candidate, sot he party split into regional groups which each ran a different person. The result was a 4 way race.

• Lincoln won all the Northern States, while the others split the votes of the Southern States. This gave Lincoln the majority of the electoral votes and the presidency.

• Many southern states immediately seceded.


• Was a democrat.• Favored strong State Govts• Disliked National Banks• Was pro-slavery• Was pro-expansion• Was pro-agriculture

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