Manatee Monthly May Edition

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Jet (the gemstone, not a plane) Division is the largest division of the

nine divisions within the CNH KIWIN’S District! We are the biggest

division made up of various schools clubs throughout Orange County

including Edison, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, La Quinta, Los

Amigos, Marina, OCSA, and Segerstrom.


MAYHEM!” Hello Jet! My name is Richie Chu,

the Jet Lieutenant Governor. “Wow the Jet

Lieutenant Governor?”, you might be thinking

to yourself, but trust me, I’m not that cool I’m

weird! Yes, I’ll admit that I play games such

as League of Legends, and enjoy watching

shows such as various K-Dramas. I’m in love

with cats and binge watch cat videos daily!

And as a competitive person, I satisfy my

desire to win by serving up plenty of bagels

throughout my whole tennis career. So, don’t

be afraid if you have any questions or just

want to talk or even play some league. So,

when did my love for KIWIN’S begin? I was

only a shy sophomore as my school KIWIN’S

elections approached, and I only ran for club

secretary to be able to put it on my college

applications. I didn’t think much of KIWIN’S

and I was always so intimidated by the

outgoing members. To my amazement, I fell

in love with the organization because it

provided me not only with a second family

that immediately accepted me, but the

opportunity to be a leader, which drove

me to take on the position as club

president and now Jet’s very own Lt.G! My

home club, Edison, never had much of a

standing at the school, and I’m proud to

say that as one of my biggest

accomplishments throughout my high

school career I was able to develop the

club into one of the most active and

known club at Edison. KIWIN’S because no

matter who you are, officers or general

members, we are all important student

leaders making a difference together. From

KIWIN’S, I learned that whatever you set

your mind too, you can accomplish it.I

took the opportunity to become Lt.G

determined to do the same not only for

Jet but the Cal-Nev-Ha District as a whole,

giving back to what the organization has

done for me. And together as a district I

know that we are going to rock the

2015-2016 term! #chuflu

Helloooo Jet KIWIN’S!!

Some of you older manatees may know me as last term’s Edison Club

Treasurer, others might recognize me as the current District Treasurer of

CNH KIWIN’S, but most of you probably have never heard of me… So

hello new friends! My name is Kathy Bui, I hail from Edison High School, land of the Chargers,

and I am a proud manatee. A little bit about me first: I love eating unhealthy food, I am a guilty

impulse shopper and spender, and I surround myself with funny people because I love to laugh. I

will be a senior next year #tybg and I can say with all my heart that timidly joining this club my

sophomore year has been the greatest decision of my life, and I implore the rest of you younger

manatees to make the most out of your KIWIN’S career. This organization crosses school districts

and class boundaries like no other extracurricular offered at our high school level. Everyone

shines in a different light and has a different edge to offer to the multifaceted Jet gemstone, but

we glisten the brightest when we’re together in our Ohana. So I would like to congratulate you

on starting or continuing your tumultuous KIWIN’S journey, and I could not be more excited to

play a part in catalyzing it.

Krunk Kathy out

My name is Tiffany Nguyen, but you can call me

anytime (¬‿ ¬) I am your 2015-2016 District

Secretary and I will be a senior at La Quinta High

School, Jet Division! You can literally hit me up

about anything from MRFs to math homework and

it’ll be cool with me xD I have been told I have

occasional OCD or that I subconsciously correct

people’s grammar, but no habit can be as strange as saying “bless you” to strangers who sneeze

while walking outside of your classroom ಠ_ಠ Some things I do outside of KIWIN’S include tennis,

piano, Girl Scouts, or other clubs like NHS or CSF! Once every ten million years when I have free

time, one of my guilty pleasures is watching hours of Friends or anime at a time!! I have no shame

when I say I have watched entire seasons in one sitting (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ My taste in music ranges

from depressing ballads to EXO, so whenever people ask what kind of music I like I never know

what to say?? As for KIWIN’S, there is a special place in mi corazón for this family. I have been so

inspired and so impacted by the individuals I was blessed with the opportunity to meet through

this club, and I honestly can’t wait to see what we can accomplish!! ♥___♥

Greetings! My name is Michael Tran and I’m your appointed District

Awards & Recognition Chair for the 2015-'16 term. I’m currently a

sophomore at La Quinta High School. I take part in other

TV shows are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, and Criminal Minds. I love chicken

alfredo and boba!! I'm very thrilled to work with all divisions this year. The District Board has a lot

in mind to improve KIWIN'S this next year. My goal this year is to improve member participation

in District events by recognizing members, officers and clubs in any way possible. This year will

be filled with enjoyment and excitement!! KIWIN'S wouldn't be an ohana if it weren't for all you

wonderful members. With that being said thank you for being a part of this amazing and

life-changing organization!! Feel free to contact me!

extracurriculars such as Marching Band and Winter Drumline. My favorite

HEY MANATEES I'm Carolyn Le and I have the

honor of being your 2015-2016 KIWIN'S

District Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair!

I'm currently a sophomore at Fountain Valley

High School. I'm really weird and sometimes

too loud at events, don't worry though I'm

extremely open to meeting new people! To

be honest if someone randomly messaged me at 1AM, I'm mostly likely awake and down to talk to

them about anything! A few things about me, I'm practically addicted to boba and macaroons, I

have a really diverse taste in music, I HATE tomatoes, I was pretty sheltered as a child, and my pet

peeve is people who think it's okay to stop randomly in the road or while walking. Now that you

know how completely weird I am, I truly look forward to representing Jet Division and setting the

precedent with this new District Appointed Board position.

Why did Santa go to college for music? To work on his wrapping

skills! HAHAHHAA. Hola Jet, I’m Charissa Nguyen and I am blessed

with the opportunity to serve as your District Convention Chair for

the 2015-2016 term! I love to eat a LOT and I’m not picky at all! Currently a sophomore and

soon to be junior, I hate wasting food and I can’t handle any type of spicy. I’d like to give an

early warning that I am very forgetful and clumsy, and more likely than not, I will break my ankle

somewhere during this term, so please help your girl out! In my spare time, I am CHARI$$A THE

RAPPER and I like to rap about things I love: KIWIN'S is the apple to my pie, without this

organization, I think I would die. KIWIN'S is the straw to my berry, it's the team I want to carry.

KIWIN'S is a peach, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. (preach!) But enough about me, this year

is about YOU. What can I do to make this year the best it can be for you? My goal this term is

to incorporate as much of your ideas and suggestions as possible, so that the 40th Annual

District Convention will be successful. I am extremely excited to work with District Board to make

DCON 2016 the most memorable and rewarding experience for the members so I really hope

you will go (it will make me so so so happy and grateful)! Thank you! xoxo, Charissa Nguyen.

Hey everyone! My name is Kevin Son, and I am proud to say that I am

your District Technology Chair for the 2015-2016 term. I am currently

16 years old and finishing up my junior year at La Quinta High School.

I have been an Aztec since I was a freshman and a Manatee since I

was a sophomore, with no regrets, of course. I am so eager to serve on KIWIN’S District Board

alongside such an amazing group of individuals this year. Without a doubt, I am confident that

we will be able to bring forth great changes and innovations that will make KIWIN’S more

successful than it has ever been. To give you just a little more insight about me, outside of

KIWIN’S, I am currently a member of La Quinta’s Color Guard and Winter Guard Team. When I

am not involved in extracurricular activities, doing volunteer work, or studying, I absolutely enjoy

spending time on the Internet and my computer graphic designing, video editing, and web

developing. KIWIN’S has definitely been one of the greatest surprises that came to me in high

school. Even though I joined this organization sophomore year, I never aspired to be a leader

within my club, let alone this entire district. However, as my time in KIWIN’S continued, I got the

chance to meet my true passion for technological arts such as graphic designing, video editing,

and web development. I found the perfect way to combine what I love to do both: KIWIN’S and

technology. Therefore, I was appointed the position of Technician Chair for my home club. Later

on, I have built the confidence and skill to apply for District Technology Chair with the help of

my true KIWIN’S role model, Jennifer Ngo. I know that this year will allow us accomplish many

goals and I am so excited to work with all of you this term! With great service, Kevin Son.

Hi are you lost? Well that's okay you can follow me on instagram

@yobetchadidntnoiztamnhi Just kidding! My name's Tamnhi, people call

me Tamnhi but YOU can call me tonight ;) I am a current junior and an

upcoming Senior at Fountain Valley High School (cries). My favorite KIWIN'S events are Concerts in

the park, Relay for Life, Fall Rally, and District Convention. A little secret about me is I have a huge

obsession with the Lord of the Rings trilogy (books and movies) my favorite character is Legolas

holla at cho girl she gonna be an elf queen soon. I love going on roller coasters and anything that

gives me thrill cos I'm a wild child ;---)))) ;p I also enjoy sketching, swimming, and just having fun

with fam, franz, and most importantly manatees (sup widdit).

I hope to bond with all you cute manatees and create fluffy shining memories!!! ARE YOU READY

READY TO HAVE A supercalifragilisticexpialidocious YEAR?????? COS I FEEL GOOD OH I FEEL SO


Btw, don't be afraid to say hi to me I'm weird, you're weird....we make a good match :)

Joseph Nguyen has been appointed for

Jet KIWIN's Divisional Board Projects

Chair. He is currently a junior at Marina

High School, spending his thrifty days

with his stunningly cute girlfriend,

Thao-Vy, socializing with friends, and

playing tennis endlessly. He is on the

Varsity tennis team for Marina, and he also has a passion for music, banging his head on the piano

for the orchestra at HBHS. He aspires to become a Pokémon gym leader in the future, but as his

parents probably want him to make money he will probably study Pediatrics or Neurobiology when

he attends college. He is weird, naive, awkward, but very fun to talk to! He loves making new friends

so if you ever see him around, scream at him, "HOW DO YOU FEEL" and he might say he's ok. Or

chant Awooga and dance around like he's crazy. But hey, they say crazy people are never sad ;) AND

they make events about 10x more lively.

Hi friends !! I’m Carol and I’m your ’15-’16 Divisional Bulletin Editor.

Currently, I’m a Sophomore at Fountain Valley High School and I also

serve as the Vice President of FV KIWIN’S. Last year, I was the

Technology Chair for my club and I loved that position so much.

So of course, I had to take the opportunity to run for Bulletin Editor. It’s almost the same thing !!!

Kinda. Making computer graphics and techy stuff is really gr8 I love it. I also really really REALLY

like cake and bread !!!!!!!!!! I also get scared easily… and I guess I cry easily too. T_T BUT

ANYWAYS, if you see me at an event you should say hi to me! Feel free to send me a message on

FB if you ever need someone to talk to ♥

Hello! My name is Erinn (yes, with two n's)

and I'm one of your 2015-2016 Spirit

Captains!! I'm really looking forward to the

year ahead and absolutely ecstatic to serve

this term cheering my heart out for our

service! As you can see, I really like using

exclamation points!! I am an incoming

junior at OCSA as a cellist, but I also enjoy dancing and picking up other instruments like drum set

and guitar slightly/very-below-averagely. This term I am serving as OCSA KIWIN'S vice president as

well, and I'm excited to get to know my division better so don't hesitate to come up and chat with

me as it'll bring me joy! Some other things that I love include all puns and terrible jokes, caps lock,

yelling, and grilled cheese sandwiches. And of course all my family members (you!). I'm pumped

for another great year of #Jetsupremacy, so let's put some service in it!!!

Hey Jet Division! My name is Julie Quan and I am so honored to be

one of your Spirit Captains for the 2015-2016 term! I’m sure that

with the help of my co-captain, Erinn, and the future Spirit

Committee, we can win back the Spirit Stick at Fall Rally 2015! I have

so many ideas and plans for Spirit Committee so please look forward to future spirit battles! In

addition to being on divisional board, I am also the Club Vice President for Marina KIWIN’S as

well as serving as Marina’s ASB:Commissioner of Clubs. As you can tell, my life revolves around

clubs. KIWIN’S has brought so much into my life and I’m so honored to be working with such

wonderful leaders this term. I’m currently a Junior and since next year will be my last in KIWIN’S,

I want to be as active as possible in our division. I can’t wait to get to know you all and to

participate in spirit battles together! To reiterate from the May DCM, I loveeeee nutella and

potatoes, but I hate sketchy taxis rides. Nutella is basically my life in a container <3 Fall Rally is

still months away but tbh, I’ve already started thinking about cheer ideas and stuff. :) I’m so

excited for Fall Rally 2015, and I hope you manatees are too! Shamelessly advertising, but Spirit

Committee Applications will be released a couple weeks before Fall Rally and I hope you guys


We are one of the biggest divisions of CNH KIWIN’S so we will be needing a lot of voices to

help lead everyone else. Plus, you get to hang out with Erinn, me, the Spirit Chairs, and some

other cool spirited people! Shout out to Marina KIWIN’S for supporting me in my decision to

run for Spirit Captain! Manatees, I hope you’re ready ready for a great KIWIN’S year!

P.S Marina KIWIN’S : Please do not make a flag with my face on it for Fall Rally. That should be

for #chuflu :P

P.P.S Sorry this intro is so disorganized...I’m an AP Eng. student I swear!

I was always a shy girl, and honestly I was never really spirited.

Throughout half my sophomore year and my junior year as club vice

president I was never really was able to put my all into KIWIN’S

although I wanted to. However, this all changed after one fateful

DCM, when Richie and Kathy left me alone at Fusion Tea Bar with a

girl I barely knew. I didn’t know what to do; I couldn’t leave because that would be rude, so I forced

myself to talk to her. She was genuinely nice. We went outside, and I saw more people that I always

saw around but never talked to. I talked to them. They were all genuinely nice, hilarious, and quirky,

and we talked for hours. This was the day I realized that KIWIN’S is truly an ohana that will not only

accept anyone but also cherish every single individual, and this was the day I fell in love with

KIWIN’S and became the person I am today. Awww. Now after my sappy story, I’m just going to tell

you a little more about myself. Hi! I’m Michelle Hwang, incoming senior, and I am now the Club

President of Edison KIWIN’S. Although I am what some would call a good student, I now find myself

staying late nights procrastinating by doing KIWIN’S work. If I don’t have any KIWIN’S work, I make

it up (yeah). In addition, I like to play tennis, League of Legends, and with boys’ hearts. I like to

draw, read, write, and do pretty much anything creative, but I don’t get to do it as much as I would

like to. I’m always down to talk, and don’t be afraid to smile and say hi! Finally, I will also be in ASB

for the first time next year as Commissioner of Clubs, and I look forward to using my experiences

from KIWIN’S to improve student life and school spirit at Edison. However, my one true love will

always stay with my ohana and I am excited to have a fantastic year with Edison KIWIN’s, Jet

Division, and CNH KIWIN’S!

Hello fellow Jet Manatees! My name

is Angela Nguyen, the president of

Fountain Valley KIWIN’S for this

term, 2015-2016. I have been a

member and a board member since

I was a tiny little freshmen. I always

hear stories from T.V. shows and

friends how high school is the time where you learn what it’s like to fall in love and possibly

find a significant other. Lucky enough for me, I was able to experience it myself and was able to

find my one and only true love, KIWIN’S!!! I fell head over heels fast and hard. My first year in

KIWIN’S was a blast and my love for it grew more and more these past few years. My whole

journey so far feels like it was all just a dream. Who knew that when I got freshmen

representative, in 3 years, I would be the president. Sorry, I have been getting freaked out lately

about how quickly time is flying by right now. Okay, that’s enough about my love life! Some

facts about me, I am currently a junior at Fountain Valley High School. I have black hair, brown

eyes, and 5’2.75’’(almost 5’3’’!!!) I play volleyball and do track for my high school team; they are

my other lovers besides KIWIN’S. I am a pizza fanatic. I could eat pizza everyday if I could and

not get sick of it. I love rainy days and being able to feel the raindrops on my face. BUT, I also

love warm and sunny days where I could just feel the sun embracing me. However, I don’t want

to be out too long or else I’m going to get dark, which can happen very fast. I get light and

dark so fast that it’s scary! These past few years, my fellow members have made fun of me and

even gave me different aliases like the Dark Publicist, the Dark Secretary, and the girl hidden in

the shadows. Whenever I attend an event that goes on until the evening, they even pretend to

not be able to see me. Another addiction that I have is watching Hulu. I literally have about 13

different T.V. shows that I watch. My favorite of all time has to definitely be Psych. Best show

ever hands down. I don’t know why, but I find walks on the beach or bike rides on the beach

incredibly relaxing. It makes me feel like I’m in my own little bubble, away from reality, where I

have nothing to worry about for a few moments.When I am older, I want to be able to take a

backpack, leave everything and explore other countries. I honestly just want to travel around as

much of the world as possible before I settle down. Well, I hope you don’t die from boredom

after reading this. Hope you have a wonderful and spectacular day! I love meeting new people,

so feel free to come up and talk to me!

Hey guys my name is Natalie Nguyen. I am Garden Grove High

School KIWIN'S President. I remember coming into high school

wanting to join KIWIN's because I've heard about it from other

schools. When we didn't have one I never had to push to start

one, till last year. Now I am the founder of KIWIN'S at my school. Honestly from the start it seems

like a lot of work to start out a new club but in the end it was definitely worth it. Our goal is to

now increase membership, have more active members than the amount of members in the

club, & to have multiple fundraisers so we can give members the opportunity to participate in Fall

Rally & DCON & to be able to donate to our causes such as PTP, Live2Learn & Project Eliminate.

So I am an upcoming senior, yay for class of 2016 omg. I am also in other clubs such as Animal

Safeguard Society & Class of 2016 (we do skits/dance sets for Homecoming & Winterfest). A side

hobby I enjoy is dancing, which is why I am in c/o 2016. I was also involved in the Jet Presidents

Talent show at DCON heh. It was honestly a great experience for my first year at DCON as well.

For sports I'm in Volleyball, Basketball, and Track & Field. Haha not only that but I love going out

to support our school for other sports because of the cheer battles. I guess I really do bleed red

LOL. Can't forget about those TV shows like The 100, Orphan Black, Pretty Little Liars, & The

Vampire Diaries. 10/10 recommend you guys to watch it. Let me know if you guys ever watch it so

we can fangirl over how amazing it is & all the perfect people in it!!

Hi everyone!!! My name is Soros, but people probably know me as

the girl with the really long last name! You may think I’m

intimidating because of my puffy hair, but feel free to talk to me

because what lies inside that hair is a bundle of… well that’s a

secret for you to figure out! ;) I am a person who will try to persist in the things I do, whether it be

sports, academics, my hobbies, or a club like KIWIN’S. I would consider myself adventurous because

I always love trying new things. For example, instead of joining track to do sprints, I decided to go

with hurdling because it seemed different, and I wanted to challenge myself to overcome that

literal obstacle, and I have never regretted ever since. Friendship and family is something I highly

value because they both make life a whole lot better, so I always try to be there for anyone’s

troubles. Ever since I’ve joined KIWIN’S as a freshman, I’ve experienced many cherishing moments

from 4 AM events to the craziest spirit battles, and I want everyone to experience KIWIN’S the

same way I did. These moments did indeed shape the person I am today, someone who is willing

to lead for the sake of others’ fulfillment, to change their opinion of service, and to make them feel

accepted into our family. As cheesy as it is, I really do think that we can, and we do make a

difference together, so no one should ever be excluded. I really love not only meeting new people,

but also actually getting to know them because I think everyone is super interesting in their own

way! At the same time, I am a big believer in taking opportunities because you should never let

that chance slip, so if you ever see me, just say, “Hi”! <3

Hello, my name is Tam Tu and I am the president of Los Amigos

High School KIWIN'S. I have dedicated two years to this club and it

allowed me to grow from a shy freshmen to a confident leader.

KIWIN’S, to me, has always been about developing leadership skills,

reaching out to the community, and helping a variety of charities. My goal is to reach out to

younger teenagers who are trying to discover their passions and identity in order to provide

opportunities for them to give back to the world and gain leadership skills. I have witnessed the

compassion that every KIWIN’S member has when they are pouring their hearts into chanting

cheers and volunteering at service events and I have been inspired by their excitement about the

club. I took on the role of president because I want to bring Los Amigos KIWIN’S to greater

heights—to transform a small underdog club on campus to a greater ambitious club. My goal this

year is to have an increase in membership, more participation in fundraising for Project Eliminate,

and participate in school events to provide the school with greater service. With help from my

board and members, these goals are attainable. I am looking forward to an exciting year of service

and impacting younger teenagers’ lives.

Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Le,

and I'm the president of Marina

High KIWIN'S. Who am I? I'm that

girl that makes lame jokes in the

corner, then laughs to herself. Three

things I love are fried chicken,

KIWIN'S, and sticky notes. I'm also

awkward and prone to dropping

things and tripping, but I'm also very

optimistic. Before high school

started, I messaged my friend because I was nervous about going into a new environment. Were

the upperclassmen going to bully me like in the movies? Did they really push people into lockers?

What if they threw pennies at me? I have no idea why those thoughts occurred to me, because

none of them were true at all. Well, maybe a few coins were thrown at me out of complete jest by

my friends, but anyways, my friend told me to join KIWIN'S, which was the best advice I ever took. I

immediately fell in love with the club, and supposedly told the president at the time that I wanted

to run for president at my very first event, which was a beach clean up. I don't remember saying

that at my first event, but finally, here I am. Becoming president of a club is something I never

would've guessed I had the capability to do before entering high school, and I'm thankful to

KIWIN'S for all the opportunities it has given me. I'm very excited to work with everyone for the

new term to better something that we all love.

Hi everyone! I’m Renee Su and I’m the president of Orange County

School of the Arts (OCSA) KIWIN’S. (Jeez I wish my high school’s

name was shorter sometimes.) This term I’m super excited to be

leading my club to newer and higher heights much to the

dissatisfaction of my neglected Netflix queue. (I’ll be back for you Doctor Who, I promise.)

I am a sophomore and have been a part of KIWIN’S since freshman year. However, I knew I’d be a

part of this organization since middle school when all my friends were raving about how cool.

KIWIN’S members are (because c’mon we really are). I fell in love with KIWIN’S and couldn’t get

up when I realized how much of an accepting ohana we really were and how dedicated each and

every member in the ohana was. It was within KIWIN’S that I met some of the most hardworking

people I have ever known and I aspire to be just like them. It’s no surprise why KIWIN’S members

are so hardworking though, because they are working for an amazing cause. A cause that doesn’t

just benefit their college transcripts but also benefits people all over the world. It was under this

admiration for other hard working members and more importantly the causes they were working

for, that I ran to be the president of OCSA KIWIN’S and it was with great honor that I accepted

the position. Looking forward, I’m excited to put in as much hard work as I can to drive my home

club to higher heights. Since the creation of OCSA KIWIN’S a mere 2 years ago, our club has

stayed small but mighty. This year I’m looking to expand our numbers while keeping up our spirit

and dedication to service. Besides KIWIN’S my loves include my aforementioned Netflix queue,

watermelons, dogs, the beach, writing, and (on the down low) video games. I run a gaming

YouTube Channel with my boyfriend and will never be seen without at least one, super cool pen.

Trust me, I’m the girl you want to ask if you’re ever looking to borrow a pen.

I’m super excited for the 2015-16 term because I know it’ll be a term of amazing service

accomplishments and growth, just like every other year in KIWIN’S. I’m Renee Su, and I’m super

excited to be meeting all of you! (Yes that was an intentional rhyme.)

Hi, I'm Nha Dang and I'm ecstatic about

serving as Segerstrom KIWIN'S 2015-2016

President! First off, I am really bad at

introductions... BUT ANYWAYS, I am

currently a sophomore, and last year, I

served as Vice President. I'm

co-president/founder of Girls' League at

my school as well! Quick fact, KIWIN'S.

isn't the first club board I've been apart of; I was on Red Cross board as Member Liaison last year!

A few things about me: my favorite number is 13, and my favorite color is green. I like reading my

horoscope and about my zodiac sign a lot, and I like long walks on the beach... just kidding, I don't

really like the beach at all actually... OH! & I really, really like KIWIN'S! KIWIN'S welcomed me in

freshman year as it was family oriented and had open arms for everyone. With this, I'm looking

forward to creating the same environment for members during my term. I hope to stress the

importance of service and giving back while also helping us all grow to new heights as leaders. I

want to show that old or young, everyone can make a difference. On that note, if you ever see

me, be sure to stop by and say hi! I would love to be able to meet you all! Let’s live up to our

motto of "One family. One mission. One word: KIWIN'S." See y'all soon!

What is Project Eliminate?

MNT, Maternal and neonatal tetanus, is a

deadly disease that causes newborns to

suffer painful convulsions stealing the lives

of nearly 49,000 innocent babies and

women every year. Kiwanis International and

UNICEF have joined forces and started

Project Eliminate in order to eliminate MNT.

This will require US$110 million to get the

vaccines, syringes, safe storage, and more

with the help from the Kiwanis family and

UNICEF. The goal is to remove MNT from

the face of the earth to give birth to a new

generation of health families.

Eliminate Week!

Eliminate Week is a week dedicated to

educating the general public on what

Project Eliminate by participating in the

various days throughout the week including

wearing blue to represent Project Eliminate

or fundraising for it! Here are what the clubs

in Jet are doing


At the first DCM of the term last Sunday May

17th, clubs participated in an activity

organized by the Lt.G and divisional board.

The activity was Project Eliminate Jar

Decorating where schools teams up and

competed to make the cutest jar in which

schools will then take back and use to raise

money for Project Eliminate!


This Eliminate Week, Edison KIWIN’S

helped raise awareness for the Eliminate

Project! Board members painted their faces a

different shade of blue each day, and, when

asked by teachers and students about their

spirited appearance, we educated others

about the Eliminate Project and

maternal/neonatal tetanus. Eventually, this

led to students asking to get their faces

painted too to spread awareness, and we

were happy to oblige! In addition, we sold

Eliminate buttons on Wednesday for a dollar

each, and buttons began popping up on

people’s backpacks and clothing everywhere.

Even some teachers wore them! We sold out

within the first day, but luckily we were able

to get a second batch done by Thursday. In

all, Eliminate Week has been successful in

raising awareness for MNT at our school!

Fountain Valley

Fountain Valley KIWIN’S had their Eliminate

Week from May 11th – 15th. They helped raise

awareness for Project Eliminate through various

activities including their successful

Souplantation Fundraiser! On Monday, their

club pledged to eliminate MNT by writing their

name on a sticky note, which was put on their

Eliminate poster. Throughout the week they

sold goodies like cake pops and Baby Bottle

Pops to raise money. In the spirit of Eliminate

Week, they also posted baby pictures, a picture

with their mothers, and they even had a

blue-out at school.

Garden Grove

This was our first ever Eliminate week and its

going pretty well so far. On Tuesday we went

around spreading awareness about MNT &

asking for donations to put in our eliminate

mason jars. On Wednesday & Thursday we

decided to make a video having people say

why they want to eliminate MNT or if they

pledge to eliminate MNT.

For Friday we decided to have members post a

picture with their mother or a special female

figure hash tagging #EliminateWeek


La Quinta

Members from both LQ KIWIN’S and LQ Key Club

gathered in the lyceum, ready to watch our

informational video based on eliminating

Maternal Neonatal Tetanus. Shortly after, they

prepared to answer the questions based on

Eliminate Week in our Quiz Bowl to receive


Los Amigos

Los Amigos KIWIN’S will be hosting our Eliminate

Week from May 25th to May 29th. Our members

will participate by carrying boxes around campus

to ask for donations and the member who raises

the most money will be given a prize. Our goal

this year s to fundraise $100 during Eliminate

week. Board members will also be selling

boba after school to raise funds to save the

lives of mothers and babies. All proceedings

will go to Project Eliminate. A poster will be

hung outside of our advisor’s classroom in

order to raise awareness and members will

be given the chance to write their pledge on

the poster. Members who participate the

most will also be given a prize.


On Wednesday, before school and during

lunch, we tied blue ribbon around wrists to

show that we pledge to Eliminate MNT. As

more and more people got ribbon tied

round their wrists, more and more people

became interested in the blue ribbon and

wanted to support the cause as well. We

briefly explained what Project Eliminate was

while we tied the ribbon, which piqued a lot

of interest, and more people were willing to

donate to the cause. This was a great way to

get people who weren't in KIWIN'S involved

and aware of Project Eliminate, and we were

so successful, that although we came with

four rolls of ribbon in the morning, we had

to make a quick run for more rolls before

school even started!


For this term's Eliminate Week, Orange

County School of the Arts KIWIN'S sought to

spread the word about Maternal Neonatal

Tetanus through face painting and post-it

pledging involves writing about why you want

to support project Eliminate and pledging to

spread awareness and donate to the cause.

One of the highlights of the week was when we

were able to fill out our entire poster with

post-its. Some of the reasons students wrote

for pledging included "not wanting to break

the special bond between a mother and baby"

and "to prevent destroying families." With a

total of 50+ post-its our members were able to

reach out to not only the students, but several

staff members, teachers, and even the

vice-principal. Face painting was also a huge hit

as students lined up to get a blue heart or

"MNT" painted on their face. While being

painted members would explain to them the

cause behind the Eliminate Project, to eliminate

maternal neonatal tetanus. OCSA KIWIN'S

board members were also extremely supportive

on social media by posting pictures of

Eliminate Week and explaining what the

Eliminate Project was all about. Overall this

week was a great success for OCSA KIWIN'S

and a good project to start the term off with as

it helped advertise not only KIWIN'S' presence

on the campus but also the importance of the

causes we support.


During Eliminate Week from May 4th to May

8th, Segerstrom KIWIN'S hosted a variety of

events to help raise awareness for MNT. One of

the events were Penny Wars against Key Club,

which was held on Thursday, May 7th. For

Penny Wars, members from both clubs were

asked to bring in their pennies to donate.

They could also bring in dollar bills and

other types of coins to donate as well

(which would end up canceling out

the opponents pennies). Members from

both clubs quickly came up with a game

plan in order to win this event. There was

lots of laughing, screaming, and donating of

pennies and other coins. In the end,

everyone was able to raise a large amount

of money for Eliminate Week. They all had a


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