ManageFlitter MasterClass - 14th May 2014 - NYC

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ManageFlitter MasterClass - 14th May 2014 - NYC Getting Maximum ROI From Your Twitter Account - Including How to Grow Your Account Presented by Evan Dunn - Twitter/ManageFlitter Consultant & Expert


ManageFlitter Master ClassWednesday May 14, 2014


1. Engagement: Tweet Analytics, @Inbox, & PowerPost2. Five Tips To Maximize ROI on Your Twitter Account3. The Ins and Outs of ManageFlitter’s PowerMode4. ManageFlitter Advanced Tips and Tricks5. Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy

5 Tips To Maximize ROI From Your Twitter Account

1. Create an Engaging Profile2. Tweet Regularly3. Tweet to Get Clicks4. Grow Your Twitter Followers5. Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:a. Profile Imageb. Cover Imagec. Biod. URLe. Location

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:a. Profile Image: 400x400 px

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:b. Cover Image: 1500x500 px

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:c. Bio: 160 CharactersGrab interestKeywordsWhat will you Tweet?

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:d. URL: begin with http:// (Twitter will remove it and make it a clickable link)

Out of ideas? Use yourLinkedIn bio URL

1. Create an Engaging Profile

The Five Things You Should Optimize:e. Location: keep it simple

2. Tweet Regularly

At least 10 times per day

2. Tweet Regularly

Schedule with PowerPost

(You can use Buffer toobut you want the datafrom MF’s Short URLAnalytics)

2. Tweet Regularly

Need help?●● ManageFlitter Tweet Search

3. Tweet To Get Clicks

What do people wanton Twitter?

3. Tweet To Get Clicks

What words to use?

3. Tweet To Get Clicks

Beginning = 1st CharacterEnd = 140th Character

~25-30% through theTweet

3. Tweet To Get Clicks

Examples:From Twitter To Close: <LINK> A repeatable social sales funnel

Fake Twitter Accounts: <LINK> Identify and remove them in 3 easy steps! via @ManageFlitter

Check this out: <LINK> incredible new iPhone cover with built-in angled camera lens

3. Tweet To Get Clicks

Templates:● [Blog Title] <LINK> [Blog Tagline or Subtitle]● (Please) Check this out: <LINK> [Description]● Huge savings: <LINK> [Description]● Check out our free trial: <LINK> [Description]● Really helpful [Thing]! <LINK> [Title or Description]● VIP deal just for you! <LINK> [Description, “Use


4. Grow Your Twitter Followers

1. What We Mean:

Systematically increase the number of targeted Twitter users following you and your content

4. Grow Your Twitter Followers

2. Why You Should:● More interactions on Tweets (clicks, retweets, favorites,

replies)● More people will follow you and add you to lists

because you have more followers

4. Grow Your Twitter Followers

3. Twitter Ads MethodTwitter Ads:

4. Grow Your Twitter Followers

3. Targeted Following+Unfollowing Method


Targeted Following Through ManageFlitter:


4. Grow Your Twitter Followers

3. Twitter Ads vs. Targeted Following+Unfollowing


Targeted Following:

2400Would you rather spend $742 or only 12 hrs/month?

Twitter Ads:

5. Maximize ROI withTwitter Direct Engagement Strategy

1. Find Prospects on Twitter2. Catalogue Prospects on Twitter3. Engage Prospects on Twitter

Up Next… (and Later)

Dave…● PowerMode for Better Targeting● List Management● Maintaining A Positive Follower RatioI’ll be back with…● Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy● Demos! :D

Q & A

Maximize ROI withTwitter Direct Engagement Strategy

1. Find Prospects on Twitter2. Catalogue Prospects on Twitter3. Engage Prospects on Twitter

Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy: Account Search (or Power Mode)

Finding Prospects:AccountSearch

Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy

Finding Prospects:


Twitter Direct Engagement StrategySelect all, then click “update list” in search results

Twitter Direct Engagement StrategyGo to & pick your list, then click “Members”

Twitter Direct Engagement StrategyClick the gear icon to the right of a user, then click “Tweet to @___”

What To Tweet?

Tweet to get clicks!

Case Study

Castaway With Purpose Documentary Kickstarter…


● Explorers, adventurers● Travel bloggers● Documentary lovers● Turkish people (he’s an icon to many)

Case Study #2

Wedding Photography


● People who Tweeted “plan wedding”, “wedding planning” near Seattle or near WA

● People who Tweeted “She said yes”, “popped the question” near Seattle or near WA


Let’s pick a Kickstarter...


Alex and Edrick’s



Venture Capital, Investors, etc


Clients for Digital Marketing

Recap: Getting Maximum ROI From Your Twitter Account

1. Defining Your Target, Finding on Twitter2. Growing Your Twitter Followers3. Twitter Direct Engagement Strategy

Defining Your Target Market

Step 1: What Problem Is Your Product/Service Attempting To Solve?

Step 2: Who Has That Problem? And How Do They Identify Themselves?

Finding Your Target Market

All Twitter Users

...also Target Location

Twitter Users who

Tweet Target


Twitter Users

with Target Interests

in Bios...

Finding Your Target Market

All Twitter Users

...also Target Location

Twitter Users who

Tweet Target


Twitter Users

with Target Interests

in Bios...

Sweet Spot

Finding Your Target Market

All Twitter Users

...also Target Location

Twitter Users who

Tweet Target


Twitter Users

with Target Interests

in Bios...

Sweet Spot

Using ManageFlitter =

ManageFlitter’s Tweet Search

ManageFlitter’s Account Search or PowerMode

ManageFlitter’s Account Search

Thanks for coming!

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