
Welcome to the California League of High Schools/ National High School Association2009 Annual ConferenceMonterey, California

Making Heads or

Tails of Web 2.0

– for School


Chinese Dragon Image

Courtesy of Newton Public Schools

Newton, Massachusetts

Ellen Faden is a former Senior Technical Writer

and current Substitute Teacher seeking a District

Internship in English at the Middle/High School

level in California. Please call (415) 342-1552

Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group

To be able to make beneficial

suggestions to your staff;

To begin considering a new

direction in the adoption of state of

the art software in your District; and

To tame the Web 2.0 dragon!

Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group


Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group

What is Web 2.0 – from an Administrator’s Point of View?

A collection of software tools, such as Blogs, Wikis, Websites,

Document Sharing and Content/Learning Management Systems

that enhance student learning and reduce costs in your District; or,

a group of programs that foster collaboration and revolutionize the

way you do business;

Most programs are free;

They do not have to be adopted all at once;

Recommending the tools or products discussed in this

presentation will not leave you in the lurch because they will not

become obsolete;

And, over the long-run, the offset in costs from adopting Web 2.0

tools will be significant. The scenario is in reducing costs of

technology while hiring a technical project manager or consultant

who can lead your District in the efficient use of these tools.

So, how can your District move towards effectively

implementing the promise of Web 2.0?


-- Discuss: if this is your District Server, what programs can users

download onto their clients?

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Basic Web 2.0 Architecture

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Many Web 2.0 applications are freely

downloadable from the Internet, unblocked by

District servers. Others, such as MySpace™,

are restricted, based on your District’s

Acceptable Use Policy. Web 2.0 client

programs are so easy to use that they do not

require helpdesk support; instead, they are

maintained on the manufacturer’s server.

Because some students and teachers are

already familiar with downloading, you may

find a variety of them already in use in your

District. This is OK because they serve the

ultimate purpose of interaction and

collaboration, and cost nothing to maintain.

Accessing Web 2.0 Applications

Web Browsers provide links from

a computer to Internet web

pages. Internet Explorer™, the

first browser, is still used on most

District servers. Mozilla Firefox™

and Google Chrome™ are two

recent Browsers. Whether your

teachers use IE, Firefox, or

Chrome is of no consequence.

Once again, the resulting access

to information is the goal of this


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The Magic of Web Browsers

Browsers enable you to find the

collaborative Web 2.0 programs

that are out there in cyberspace.

You might type something like

“teaching websites,” or “academic

wikis” into the Google™ Search

Engine to find some of them.

Recommendations are found at

the end of this slideshow.

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Content Management Systems

Web 2.0 Programs

California League of High Schools/National

High School Association Annual Conference -


Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group

A classroom teacher

may have a Website,

Blog, Wiki, or any

combination thereof.

Some Wiki development

programs (and others)

also provide Blogs,

demonstrating how the

functions of Web 2.0

tools overlap. So,

whether a teacher uses

a particular Blog or a

Wiki Development

Program doesn’t really

matter…until such time

as your District enacts

standard usage policies.

Web 2.0 Programs

Blogs –“Diaries” that

present information

by date

Wikis – Encyclopedic”

content repositories


Management Systems

May replace district records,

assessments, and more


Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group

Many staff have already begun to

create Websites with Web 2.0 tools. As

an Administrator:

Familiarize yourself with your

District’s Website and those of its

individual schools;

Suggest Website Development

Programs to begin developing

standards in your District. Suggestions

are listed at the end of this


Samples:New York City Los Angeles Berkeley

College Park High School, Pleasant Hill, CA


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“We use Dreamweaver primarily with some Flash and

Fireworks thrown in. I used a third-party vendor for the

drop-down menu…I update daily as necessary. I have one

student helper who was in the web design class last year

and so has the required skills to make edits. He does the

flash banner on the front page among other special effects.”

- High School Webmaster

To establish a common learning curve

for students, you may eventually want to

suggest one Website Development

Program to your teachers. If some

teachers are already using one, have

them discuss its pros and cons at a staff

meeting or in a Learning Community.

Free Website Development Programs

can slay computer costs. Adobe®

Dreamweaver® costs $399, while

Google Sites is free.

Further recommendations are on the

final slide.

Website Development Programs

A Blog (a contraction of the words

“web log”) is a dated diary

maintained by its owner that focuses

on topics of interest to its

subscribers. Subscribers may also

add comments, images, etc.

With a classroom Blog, students

read information, add commentary,

describe events, and upload

graphics or videos. A teacher usually

has either a Website or a Blog.

Recommendations are provided at

the end.

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A blog created by “Cordle”


Wikis provide information by topic,

like an encyclopedia. Wikipedia,

the most famous wiki is not

citable, as anyone may contribute

at any time.

Once a subscriber receives a log-

in id to a classroom wiki, they can

freely contribute to it. Teachers

and student teams can monitor

content for relevance and

accuracy, and edit their classroom

wiki over time. Wikis are a great

application for subjects such as

journalism and history.

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Wikispaces (for educators)

and Mediawiki are two

wonderful programs. It

would be difficult to

recommend one over the


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Wiki Development Programs

Document Sharing Programsare fantastic collaborativetools for project-basedlearning and writing. Theyenable users to access adocument, spreadsheet, orpresentation at school or athome, and to update it at anytime.

One English/History teamused Document Sharing todevelop National Geographic-type brochures aboutCalifornia cities.

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-- Discuss: Lotus Notes™ story?

Document Sharing Programs

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LMS or CMS’s are the crowning jewel of Web 2.0 programs. Open Source, or

peer-developed software, is created by sophisticated users to meet particular

needs, and to share their programming prowess freely with others. Many Open

Source programs provide equal functionality (if not greater) than very

expensive ones. For example, Moodle is “designed using sound pedagogical

principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. It

can be downloaded and used on any computer and it can scale from a single-

teacher site to a University with 200,000 students.” – Moodle Website --- and,

it is free.

The main expense in implementing Open Source Software in your District is

paying the salary of the person who will manage the project. Investing in

technical project management will, over the long run, be more fruitful than

investing in expensive, outdated products.

Content/Learning Management Systems

Copyright 2009 Marin Documentation Group

Access the links to all of these sources from Slideshare

Website, Blog, and Wiki Development Programs:







Document Sharing Programs:

Google Docs™ provides a program suite similar to

Microsoft Office™. The documents reside on Google’s

server, making them accessible and sharable by

registered users. They can be downloaded to client

devices in Microsoft (and other) formats. Users log in to

Google and access documents from anywhere: at home,

in school, or on a trip. Google Docs is highly

recommended for teachers and students, because it

effects collaboration and saves time and lots of paper!

More importantly Google Docs eliminates the

dependency on paying to upgrade Microsoft applications

on individual computers.

Content/Learning Management Systems:

Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also

known as a Learning Management System, (LMS), or a

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It's a free Open

Source web application designed to help educators

create effective online learning sites.


Ms. Faden is a Moodle Consultant

The first and only strategic solution for connecting K-12

communities: (not Open Source)

Schoolwires (Alameda County)

Resources I.

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Google for Educators

Clear and Understandable Applications for

Students, Educators, and Administrators

Online Magazines:

Education Week

Important News regarding Campus Technology and


T.H.E. Journal is dedicated to informing and

educating K-12 senior-level district and school

administrators, technologists, and tech-savvy

educators within districts, schools, and classrooms

to improve and advance the learning process

through the use of technology.


California Educational Technology Professionals


Advanced K-12 Technology Leadership

PBS for Teachers

Technology in Education:

For Teachers:

AVG Personal Antivirus

School Technology Funding:

Technology Grant News and Index

Marin Documentation Group Resources:



Ellen Faden Resume

Web Browsers:




Resources II.

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Non-Academic Content Management System

Joomla Information

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS),

which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online

applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and

extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software

available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely

available to everyone.

What's a content management system (CMS)?A content

management system is software that keeps track of every piece of

content on your Web site, much like your local public library keeps

track of books and stores them. Content can be simple text, photos,

music, video, documents, or just about anything you can think of. A

major advantage of using a CMS is that it requires almost no

technical skill or knowledge to manage. Since the CMS manages all

your content, you don't have to.

What are some real world examples of what Joomla! can do?

Joomla is used all over the world to power Web sites of all shapes

and sizes. For example:

Corporate Web sites or portals

Corporate intranets and extranets

Online magazines, newspapers, and publications

E-commerce and online reservations

Government applications

Small business Web sites

Non-profit and organizational Web sites

Community-based portals

School and church Web sites

Personal or family homepages

Who uses Joomla?

View these Joomla sites to understand the “look and feel” of Web 2.0


United Nations (Governmental organization) -

MTV Networks Quizilla (Social networking) -

L.A. Weekly (Online publication) -

IHOP (Restaurant chain) -

Harvard University (Educational) -

Citibank (Financial institution intranet) - Not publicly accessible

The Green Maven (Eco-resources) -

Outdoor Photographer (Magazine) - (Cultural) -

Senso Interiors (Furniture design) -

More examples of companies using Joomla can be found in the

Joomla Site Showcase Forum.

Resources III.

I hope this presentation

has pointed you in the

successful direction of

Making Heads or Tails of

Web 2.0!

Ellen Faden

(415) 342-1552

Marin Documentation Group Image

Courtesy of artist, Lexi Rubin,

College Park High School

Pleasant Hill, CA


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