Making Content Marketing the Star of Your Marketing - A Content Marketing World eBook

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Joe Pulizzi

A Star is Born! Can you imagine if the movie Pretty Woman starred Molly Ringwald instead of Julia Roberts? Or if John Travolta had played Forrest Gump?

It’s hard to imagine our favorite classic movies without the stars that helped make them a box office hit. Success in marketing without content marketing as the star is just as hard to believe. Great movies like great marketing need to be believable and content marketing delivers on the promise of marketing success through useful, meaningful content that inspires action.

To help you make content marketing the star of your marketing, we’ve partnered with TopRank Online Marketing to feature some of the top content stars speaking at Content Marketing World in Cleveland, September 8-11, 2015.

Join us, we’ve reserved the best seat in the content marketing theatre just for you! Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute & Content Marketing World

Content Marketing Triple Feature

Learn to be a content marketing star! In this series of eBooks, you’ll learn content marketing strategy, integration and measurement from experts like Carlos Abler, Justin Levy and Rebecca Lieb. You’ll also gain first-hand insights from brands like LinkedIn, Zendesk and IBM.

We’ll release a new eBook each week in June, along with special features interviews, infographics and more.

June  8   June  15   June  22  









“Marketers can earn content

marketing stardom by creating

quality content with a clearly

defined voice.”

-Ann Handley

Ann Handley

Ann Handley @annhandley

Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs

#CMWorld Presentation:

Good Content Vs. Good Enough Content: A Fight For Sore Eyes

Favorite Movie:

The Princess Bride

We Don’t Need More Content. We Need Better Content.

Like Hollywood, the content marketing world is full of aspiring stars, each competing for a moment on the big screen. Unfortunately, showing up for auditions is no more likely to land you a starring role than is publishing another white paper or blog post. If you want a star on the CMWorld Boulevard, here are 4 things you’ll need to do: 1. Create quality content. Good content is table stakes for marketing today, so it is incumbent upon marketers who are using content to raise the bar on quality. 2. Find your company voice. The voice of your company reflects your culture. Content marketers should be communicating it externally, but also (importantly) internally. 3. Communicate results. Are you excited about creating ridiculously good content? Me too! Share your enthusiasm internally by highlighting results organization-wide.

Ann Handley

Ann Handley @annhandley

Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs

#CMWorld Presentation:

Good Content Vs. Good Enough Content: A Fight For Sore Eyes

Favorite Movie:

The Princess Bride

We Don’t Need More Content. We Need Better Content.

4. Be a leader in your organization. As companies evolve from a focus on old-school websites towards becoming publishers, it is more important than ever for content marketers to take a leadership role. This is our moment! Like an actor breaking through to a box office busting role, content marketers need to lead with a strong voice, focus on the best quality possible, and share the good news of great performances. Competition in the content marketing world is relentless and to earn your stardom, you’ll have to rise to the occasion. Break a leg!

It’s more important than ever for content marketers to take a

leadership role. This is our moment!  

Jeffrey Rohrs

Jeffrey Rohrs @jkrohrs

VP, Marketing Insights Salesforce

#CMWorld Presentation:

101 Ways to Grow Your Audience

Favorite Movie:

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Create Scene-Stealing Content Marketing to Raise Performance

If you were to ask me for my "Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time," the vast majority would be comedies. And each of those has something in common -- a scene stealer, a.k.a. an actor who nails their role with such energetic perfection that their character becomes legendary. Think Zach Galifianakis as Alan in The Hangover, Melissa McCarthy's Megan in Bridesmaids, or the GOAT (Greatest of All-Time), Bill Murray's groundskeeper in Caddyshack. Drive Positive Outcomes with Content Marketing Done right, these scene stealers don't really "steal" anything; instead, they raise the performance of everyone around them such that their movie becomes all the more enjoyable. And therein lies what the best content marketing should do. You don't create content for the sake of creating content. You create content to drive positive outcomes for your business.

Jeffrey Rohrs

Jeffrey Rohrs @jkrohrs

VP, Marketing Insights Salesforce

#CMWorld Presentation:

101 Ways to Grow Your Audience

Favorite Movie:

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Create Scene-Stealing Content Marketing to Raise Performance

Business Benefits of Content Marketing Business benefits that are a result of content marketing can include immediate sales, improved brand awareness and loyalty or expansion of your direct audiences (email, mobile, and social). Just as the scene-stealing actor, scene-stealing content relies on collaboration with others to succeed. Sales must be enabled to activate your content. Marketing must be aligned to promote it, and Operations must be empowered to track, optimize, and report its performance. The best scene stealers know that they cannot shine without the help of others. If your content isn't yet the star of your marketing department, perhaps the issue is as much one of collaboration as it is the script in hand.

Juntae DeLane

Juntae DeLane @juntaedelane

Digital Brand Manager University of Southern


#CMWorld Presentation: Smart Content: Using Big Data

to Inform Your Content Marketing Strategy

Favorite Movie:

Jerry Maguire

Use SEO to Align Content Marketing with User Intent

You should ALWAYS consider SEO when developing content. This enables you to create content marketing for consumers who stumble across your content via search engines and those that have intent. They usually have a question or problem that needs solving and are searching for more information about your product or service. By considering SEO when developing your content, you’ll become a part of that process. You'll place your business in the middle of that consumer’s path-to-purchase. That's how you make content marketing the star of marketing.

To be a star in search, you MUST consider SEO when developing content.


“Always focus on measuring & communicating the business value

of the content you’re creating.”

-Justin Levy

Justin Levy

Justin Levy @jus5nlevy  

Director, Social Marketing Citrix

#CMWorld Presentation:

Legal & FTC Issues Related to Your Social Content Programs

Favorite Movie:

The Fast & Furious

Content for Marketing is No Mystery, It’s Content Marketing

The fame and celebrity of Content Marketing can make it seem unreachable for many marketers. The irony of considering how content can earn the starring role within overall marketing is that most marketers are already implementing content marketing programs - they just don’t realize it. Most marketers create content to attract and retain customers. For example, at Citrix we have a full demand generation team creating a wide variety of content. We also have a full communications team creating content and a social team doing the same. Content is already a star. Marketing, communications and social media teams create content every day, from emails to eBooks to webinars to newsrooms and social content – all part of the overall marketing mix. They just don’t always carry the "content marketing" label.

Justin Levy

Justin Levy @jus5nlevy  

Director, Social Marketing Citrix

#CMWorld Presentation:

Legal & FTC Issues Related to Your Social Content Programs

Favorite Movie:

The Fast & Furious

Content for Marketing is No Mystery, It’s Content Marketing

To help content marketing get more of the spotlight, marketers need to realize that the content they’re creating already has the spotlight. What marketers often don’t have are the metrics to prove the value of the content they’re creating. Focus on measuring and communicating the business value of the content you’re creating. There’s no substitute for box office success when it comes to becoming a star in the content marketing world.

Marketers need to realize the content they’re creating already has

the spotlight.  

Jay Acunzo

Jay Acunzo @Jay_zo

VP of Platform & Content NextView Ventures

#CMWorld Presentation:

The Content Wheel: Sustaining Momentum with Greater ROI

While Punching Unicorns in the Face

Favorite Movie:


The Content Marketing Wheel of Publishing & Promotion

Changing your team’s muscle memory can be a huge barrier to becoming a content-centric company. To get the boulder rolling takes momentum and effort – and ROI. To help, try running the playbook I call, ‘The Content Marketing Wheel.’ Use a Hub & Spoke Model for Content Marketing This is the process of creating one single core resource and then doing lots of typical marketing activities to drive traffic to it. That resource is the “hub” and the marketing tactics are the “spokes” of the wheel. The core resource’s content type is determined by your goals – infographics are better for syndication and sharing, but PDFs might be better for lead-gen. The resource’s topic is determined by your buyer – what’s their biggest problem or emotional need you can address in the content?

Jay Acunzo Incorporate KPI-Based Content Marketing Activities Once you’ve determined your core piece, it begins to feel like marketing, with the one caveat that all activities serve to drive traffic to that core piece, which is desirable to the reader and built to hit your KPIs. So, activities like blogging, social, and email all feel topically similar to the core piece (or is an outright excerpt the piece). You can use partners, paid, press, and syndication to help promote the piece directly or refer traffic to blog posts. And best of all, it doesn’t feel like a huge departure for your team, but they feel some momentum and start to morph into a true content marketing machine.

Jay Acunzo @Jay_zo

VP of Platform & Content NextView Ventures

#CMWorld Presentation:

The Content Wheel: Sustaining Momentum with Greater ROI

While Punching Unicorns in the Face

Favorite Movie:


All activities serve to drive traffic to core content marketing pieces.


The Content Marketing Wheel of Publishing & Promotion

Amy Higgins

Amy Higgins @amywhiggins

Senior Manager of Social Media Zendesk

#CMWorld Presentation:

101 Ways to Repurpose Content

Favorite Movie: Two for the Road

Follow Your Content Marketing Compass for a Successful Reel

As marketers, when we hear “launch plan,” we think about product launches. However, your content also needs a launch plan. On a small scale, our blogs have a built-in launch plan. Draft, edit, add graphics, publish, share… Simple, right? But what about your larger content? Do you have a plan in place? Or are you planning to fail? It’s time to stop the vicious cycle of running around like a chicken-with-its-head-cut-off after you publish a piece of content. Time to plan for success with a simple checklist. Incorporate the 5Ws As simple as it sounds, a checklist can help keep everyone on the same track. Plus, you’ll be able to see what’s missing before the content goes live. To start, write down the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why). Most you already know in your head, but by actually writing them down, you can see the bigger picture and start designing your launch plan checklist.

Amy Higgins

Amy Higgins @amywhiggins

Senior Manager of Social Media Zendesk

#CMWorld Presentation:

101 Ways to Repurpose Content

Favorite Movie: Two for the Road

Think Beyond the Content Marketing Launch I learned the hard way that in a B2B company, sales enablement should ALWAYS be on that list. There’s nothing worse for sales than talking to a customer who has read an amazing report on why your company does XYZ, but your sales person gets the statistics wrong or has zero idea about the data in the report. One simple example, the COMPASS launch plan checklist: •  Copy •  Other content to link to/from it •  Metrics •  Promotion •  Artwork •  Sharing •  Sales Enablement

Follow Your Content Marketing Compass for a Successful Reel

“Good content marketing should appeal to your customers’ rational &

emotional sides.”

-Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson @BlackBerry

Senior Vice President, Marketing


#CMWorld Presentation: How to Build Content Programs

That Create Distinguishing Brand Experiences

Favorite Movie:

Being There

Add B2C Sizzle to Boost B2B Content Marketing

B2B marketers, are guilty of focusing all their marketing efforts to appeal to the rational, left-brained side of enterprise decision makers. The reality is, decision makers use both sides of their brain. That’s true of consultants running their own one-man shop and it’s true of technocrats investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually over a 5 -10 year roadmap. Appeal to Customer Emotion Just as your content needs to target customers at every step of their journey with you, it also needs to appeal to their rational and emotional sides. Every customer needs to have their interest piqued, engagement provoked and confidence built. To win a bigger part for content within overall marketing, look carefully at the face your website shows, whom your YouTube videos appeal to and the ratio of white papers to billboard ads you create.

Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel @mitchjoel President


#CMWorld Presentation: Why Content Falls Flat (Hint: it’s

Not You...It’s Them)

Favorite Movie: The Matrix

There is No Content Marketing Kingdom Without Distribution

Content distribution is both king and queen. I am often asked about why I chose to write business books. Why do I blog so frequently? Why do I contribute to Harvard Business Review or Huffington Post? Podcast so often? Do a radio hit every Monday morning? What’s the point? Strategically Distribute Content Marketing In a word: distribution. In order for great content to be effective, you need to ensure that your thinking is distributed far and wide… and to different types of audiences in different states of circumstance. That’s the true success of content marketing. If your brand is trying to identify why the content isn’t working, please take a much closer look at what the distribution strategy is of your content.

Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel @mitchjoel President


#CMWorld Presentation: Why Content Falls Flat (Hint: it’s

Not You...It’s Them)

Favorite Movie: The Matrix

The sad reality is that many brands still struggle with a consistent editorial calendar, and haven’t really thought all that much about what the distribution model looks like (and what it can become) beyond posting it on their own sites. Make Time for Creating Content Marketing Some of the best content producers that I know spend 2-3 hours for every hour of creating a piece of content, working on the distribution of it - within their own channels and beyond. So, content marketing will never be the star of marketing, unless the brand really knows how to distribute it properly.

Proper distribution is the true success of content marketing.


There is No Content Marketing Kingdom Without Distribution

Amanda Todorovich

Amanda Todorovich @amandatodo  

Director  of  Content  Marke5ng  Cleveland Clinic

#CMWorld Presentation:

How Content is Transforming & Integrating Marketing at

Cleveland Clinic

Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde

Use Content Hubs & Data to Make Content the Star

It is absolutely critical that you share metrics and data with influential stakeholders – not just within your marketing department, but stakeholders from across the entire organization. This is how you garner support and resources for your content marketing efforts and ultimately doing this will set the stage for content marketing to become a rock star for your organization. Use Content Hubs to Fuel Initiatives How do you do this? First, show the impact that even one piece of content can have on achieving business goals. Then, build up a practice of regularly sharing this type of information. At Cleveland Clinic, Health Hub started as a pet project blog in digital marketing. Yet, it has grown to be the fuel for so many exciting initiatives across the enterprise.

Amanda Todorovich

Amanda Todorovich @amandatodo  

Director  of  Content  Marke5ng  Cleveland Clinic

#CMWorld Presentation:

How Content is Transforming & Integrating Marketing at

Cleveland Clinic

Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde

Share Data & Impact on Business Objectives One major factor in this growth is our practice of sharing the data: Since the launch of the blog, we have provided weekly updates to the marketing team and stakeholders. This includes data about what is working, what’s not, and how the site has continued to generate new brand awareness for Cleveland Clinic. The excitement, and the support for resources, is sustained by keeping your efforts top of mind and continuously demonstrating the impact you are having on meeting business objectives.

Earn support for content marketing resources by sharing metrics and data with influential stakeholders.


Use Content Hubs & Data to Make Content the Star

“To capture audience

attention, combine real

people, compelling stories and

quality video content.”

-Maggie Burke

Maggie Burke

Maggie Burke @maggieemctv  

Senior  Director,  Corporate  Marke5ng    

EMC Corporation

#CMWorld Presentation: Building a Better Video Team for

Broadcast & Storytelling Success

Favorite Movie:

To Kill a Mockingbird

Content Marketing Should Take a Lead From Reality TV

The rule of television these days is that ordinary people can become stars. Consider this… on Monday night; more people are tuning in to watch Kaitlyn Bristowe than any other star on TV. Clue…she’s the former Canadian dance instructor and star of the The Bachelorette. The Formula for Creating Content Marketing Stars So what does this have to do with making content the star of marketing? The formula is simple: real people, with compelling real stories, well-told and high-end video production will capture the audience’s attention. Where do you find your company’s reality stars and how do you tell their stories?

Maggie Burke

Maggie Burke @maggieemctv  

Senior  Director,  Corporate  Marke5ng    

EMC Corporation

#CMWorld Presentation: Building a Better Video Team for

Broadcast & Storytelling Success

Favorite Movie:

To Kill a Mockingbird

Content Marketing Should Take a Lead From Reality TV

1. Connect your company to a person or news story that is current and impactful. EMC is working with John McGuinness, the fastest motorcycle racer in the world, to gather hundreds of data sets and run analysis on his performance, showing how Big Data can impact the world of athletics. 2. Use professional broadcasters to train and develop on-camera talent within your company to act as reporters, anchors, panel moderators and hosts for online shows, content and messaging. They are the human face of your company. 3. Take advantage of global events such as International Women’s Day to create an inspiring video profile of real employees and their contributions to a cause. So find your reality stars and showcase them in content that helps them shine!

Doug Kessler

Doug Kessler @dougkessler  

Crea5ve  Director  &  Co-­‐founder  Velocity

#CMWorld Presentation: Developing a Documented Content Marketing Strategy

Favorite Movie: The Wizard of Oz

We've turned the corner and we're taking this sucker mainstream. Now the hard work begins. Right hand on heart. Repeat after me: "As Joe Pulizzi is my witness, I promise to serve my audience, With remarkable, important, sexy, but above all strategic content. To blog in sickness and in health. Even if my best stuff goes unshared for, like, a year. And though I be shunned by the Influencers on High, I vow to keep learning and measuring and getting better. And to ply my trade with integrity, humor and inspiration. Until my funnel runneth over, Spilling the warm goo of Opportunity across my signed copy of Everybody Writes, And earning me an invitation to keynote CMWorld ahead of Bradley Cooper. Amen."

Content Marketers Unite!

Arnie Kuenn

Arnie Kuenn @arniek  CEO  

Vertical Measures

#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Organizational Buy-in

for Content Marketing

Favorite Movie: Memento

Strategy + Customer Centric + Measurement = Success

I wrote a book called Content Marketing Works. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to succeed at content marketing. Once you do succeed, you will be the star. Here are three tips on how to go about it. Have a strategy. I don’t think every organization needs to create an 80-100 page strategy, but I do believe every organization needs to have a written plan, even if it’s just 10 pages and some checklists. Your company must understand the content marketing goals and how you are going to go about achieving them. Create content people are actually searching for. More than 90% of purchases come after a prospect has searched online for information helping them decide what products or services to buy. Therefore optimizing your content is critical to success. But it starts with creating content people are actively search for, not what you think might be fun or interesting.

Arnie Kuenn

Arnie Kuenn @arniek  CEO  

Vertical Measures

#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Organizational Buy-in

for Content Marketing

Favorite Movie: Memento

Measure and report results. Our agency often recommends our clients start with a hub and spoke content model. Create one, really useful piece of gated content, then promote it for 90 days via various forms of content including blog posts, press releases, social media and so on. You then measure how many downloads (leads) occurred and share with the company. Explain to them the value of the lead and building your email list. Often this gets the company excited as they begin to see tangible results, which leads to creating a culture of content marketing. Before you know it – content is the star of all your marketing efforts.

Strategy + Customer Centric + Measurement = Success

Ken Wincko

Ken Wincko @KenWincko  

Senior  Vice  President  Marke5ng  PR Newswire

#CMWorld Presentation:

Multi-Channel Content Marketing: Measuring Your

Promotion & Distribution Efforts to Drive Success

Favorite Movie:


The 3 C’s of Successful Content Marketing

Like a great actor, effective content captivates audiences with the story being told. You need to earn – and keep their attention. It takes a carefully orchestrated strategy to inspire buyer behavior. Focus on the 3 C’s Credible: Establish trust through a unique and authoritative point of view that is based on facts, research, and social validation. It is critical to be authentic, transparent and focused on AUDIENCE needs, not YOURS. Compelling: Develop intimacy with the audience through content focused on contextual understanding of needs throughout the buying cycle. Enrich the experience through the use of multimedia to solidify engagement.

Ken Wincko

Ken Wincko @KenWincko  

Senior  Vice  President  Marke5ng  PR Newswire

#CMWorld Presentation:

Multi-Channel Content Marketing: Measuring Your

Promotion & Distribution Efforts to Drive Success

Favorite Movie:


Consistent: Build relationships based on continuous interactions that reinforce the messages you are trying to convey, no matter where or when they occur. Synchronize content delivery across paid, owned and earned channels along the buying continuum to create one cohesive story. Manage Your Metrics Movie success is ultimately determined by box office spend. Yet, only 21% of content marketers successfully track the ROI of their content. What you can’t measure, you can’t manage. Establish tracking and attribution for content promotion across channels. Shift focus from activity metrics to impact KPIs– such as revenue and retention. Leverage analytics to optimize content flows.

The 3 C’s of Successful Content Marketing











JUNE 22, 2015



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