

Firstly carry out a visual check. You must make ensure that:

That there are ten CCT Fresnels in the rig. CCT Fresnels are found in the back of the hall to the right under the lighting shelf.

That all lights a gel frame if required. Gel frames are found in the back of hall, hung on the wall to the right. Gels are found in the back of the hall in a draw to the right. Gels must be cut to fit light and slotted in at the top.

All are lights are assembled correctly. For example the lamp tray must be attached to the bottom of the light correctly.

That the safety chain must be attached the rig by going under the arm and clipped over the top of the arm.

That the G clamp must be attached with the light going under. That all plugs are fully placed in the plug.


When setting up the sound desk you must ensure this is all in place:

That all cables are plugged into where they are needed. For example: That the kettle leads must be plugged into the speakers and desk. That the output of the speakers must be plugged into input of the desk. That the laptop must be plugged into the mains. That the mini jack must plugged into the laptop from the sound desk.

(All cables can be found in the technician’s office at the back of the hall in labelled boxes.)


For the projection ensure all appropriate cables are plugged in. For example the VGA must be plugged into the laptop.

The visual check list for the drama studio must take place every two weeks or before any production this may be taking place.

How to step up the lighting desk

1) Plug in the 32 amp plug as this is used to power the lighting desk.

2) Ensure all lights haven’t tripped and that each switch is to the left. Lights will trip if too much power is going into the desk.

3) Plug in the DMX.

4) Turn on the desk using the switch found at the back.

5) Turn up fader A, B and the grand master.

Lighting Maintenance

This is photo evidence of me cleaning a light. I'm unscrewing the lamp trap of the light to get to the bulb and cleaning it with a cloth. This process will have to take place every year or so unless there is a problem with the light which is unable to be solved by the visual check.

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