Magneteal Newsletter

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Magneteal Newsletter


    Electrc Magnetic Enetgu]'AGNE?-OAL INDUST,RINS, NC.


    frADtsoN, LoRtDA2340t\WsLTTTE9IE #8

    6l l 'V. Md. ion Street Pho.e: 904)973'217817 Octobet !97?

    I11 Gang_ - There ls l l tt le poslttve aotlon, but much exclteicent around theTea l househo ld . There l s s t l l 1 no shop money as yet , bu t nuch ' rp le -ln - the-skyr r conyersa t lon , I request tha t none ot -you comnun i a t ; - ; l t hther0, but here are sone of the open offers whtch aie ln the talklnca ta8esrMr' EuShes' ln l{onolul-u' ls lndlcat1n8 genulne lnterest. 5e ls Dresentlvcheck lng &y patent (s) , e ts . to see 1 f ha and h ls f r lena" , rnt - to" i " " " " i ] "ecause of h l s l n te res t , f an co,nE l t ted to h ln , no t to accept any otherof fer unt l1 he and I can ta lk 1 t over .l ls. Jose Reno, Callfornia, whoE many of you know, cal.!.ed.Frld.ay and tsdeter@Ined. o work her u 'ay ln , r tnrorn ia ner -o i ov coEr4r t tdent , bu tto ld . her I woul "d a tk w l th -her peop le : Snu- 'aaq ised" ne wt f f sJ t 'up"so lae th lng for nex t week. She d ld .n i t ment lon any specl f t , i " ;a fer . a; tas you know, paul , she.c1alns to have access to"ov i r 4o- ; r i r i i i ; ; : '6 ;course 6he-works fot 5fr, so she l1kes to shoot blg. pauL, you woufdget onethlng. f told her !h"!.1! !:r. Hughes aeciaes againlt 1t, and1f she.getg the backtqg, I would;nly agrEe if in.-u""r"" understood.that _she-was o AeE 54, and also sonlttrinE for iauf, As you poln;;eout r -Faul , you found her , but don! ! Ftn nE d: r , ,n ,ca 'se f ts a l . t a d. ls tantH A y O e .l l r , Stevens, l l ous ton Texas, , ca l l ed . Fr lday ln ted . a b1g g lcbure ofh ls ca !ab l11 t1es . He sa ld the shop ana operat inr ' " rp"n" " " woul -d akelo l1!9 to set up. I also exDlaln;d. 'ny.corrnr b,a!ni, 'ro nr", but talk wheneve! thev desile. f sent hln a brochurl and oioet puii l tunealn foFdat ton .1,1r. .I11l"1s Hlnters, plalnvlet Texas, was hele thls asl r.reek, ard hlsBroup ls veiy lnterested. l le has been 1n contact for o,rer two year:s,bu t th l s was h1s f l rs t r l s l t . Sone of you " i l f - r " rJ" t " , h1r0as theroall ao lnterested 1n lTrlgatlon, and 1r!o has p?esented. a plan fcT sane.I gave hl r . rdy permanent n ;gnet ,

    -Dolar l ty " "oui "u-a" " i "e, wl th the wr l t ten{and_taped. } unders tand lnq ahat h ; ( they) y111 l " t " " i - r t l n ny na le , ana lhandle a1r. promotlo's. r a8reed to 2%', whtch i" u"itu" rhan the nothlri{tha t 1t l ' as paytng, Jus t s l t t lng 1n rny 'shop, r r . s i "ve" " - f " . "CionJi - ' . i3" "1told ll le that the reverstng devlae ls irre oiry qrssfng rngre,i i ;;;- i ;*"- *' ",peraanent naglet enqlne they-have been rrorklnq on. l{ost-of you knoi{ . i ]e _I iold h1n h-- wojtld have to deal ,r1th tfr, Utniers.

  • 8/8/2019 Magneteal Newsletter


    - il ri !r ha?gf,tJ834re"iii;vfi13"+*":.$3IBi'ali"l'"il""g;IlIgr"g"gigg"g3,1ifi]rontact wlth ]!e for two of Bore yeals, lhey have asked rre to rnove ioDallas lf vre c4!! work out a aleal. No conE1ltrdent as yet, on ny part.

    l l ly past experlence wlth all thls hlgh flnance, has ended. ln nothlng,as you well know, but I feel that- sonething wll l biear very shortly.Host of ny other lnventlons wll l be d"o,,m fie a"afn,-soon, lf sonethlngdoesno happen.NgI, -naybe a1] of you unalerstancl why I sa1d 40 stock ls for sale,at eny prrce. anil no reor8anlzatron wrl1 be consld;red untrr irr inc;-- '::!!l:,g""tt.. .I. cerr-a1n1y-hope. rraventi ,ir""'d"a-Jny of you rrlth nyunvlerdlnE attltude. r feel that no progresa is-aciiievea"wrrr e 's.,riiarngout of the water.Thlnk about thls one slow1y - It could cost the 3?SO.OOaLread,y on?p9i1t for.the Falr., T an haif "on.' i"""a ii l i , . '"no,rra not pay theddltlonaf $Z50.oo or t!.e falr. . r -r,"". -i[" -"on";; il; -i-";";.;i:"i;;1f the cosr of cettlne rbere, equlpplng '.,. oJ";hi 'i iot.r", -" t" ]-.i"- ili i,,t a1 l? I be l l ave we -are cLoser to la"oedlate f ln ;nc ta l back tng than the.ate of the Fatr. Etther way, tts a gambiJ. ;iii"i. eo ro ths Fa1", Iave.11sted. nyself, Beat, .ioirn,..lirry'ana^iiof,-i" illar ttru workers athe booth, Any others or you who"rir wi"n-'io r;;";d-;";-;i "i;;

    . ';;; ;;"",fter 2pM each day, 1f I know ln adTance;The SZ50.OO outd be the star t o f the new englne. I be l leve Ient loned, 1n e prev lous le t ter , th4t r t " r i i u" " i7 [ the s lze of thexlsttng englnes. and even-rooreporrertui-. -ii *if i. iu only a 4 roagnetoCel. I thtnk that la !ore. lrcplrta:rt tn"n-if""-iif i, but qhat ls ontylly op1n1on, paut, I w111 Jr?t."it""lt to "s"""" if,! 'rew etoc*rrolders .ehave, for any amount.. fhe;6*has uJ6n .^rritr-.i"ii ir"" on alt our parts.I serLously nged to hear fror each of you, as to your thoughls on! :y l :1 t l : addtt lonaL ?50.oor or_ rre r i i r i - - i i i r i "ora" by rhe wlshes! l :1e naJor l ty . I fee l Dret ly . r , 'e l_ lcer ta ln t f , " i - l f r " nevrenElne w11] beonpteted. ln ttloe. pavnei! 1s aue, no iaier iir"n, -i llolr.rte4, so theresnr t nuch t1!0e o k lck l t around. ' i - t . i i - i ' i ' " i ' r i r tn" pendlng proposaso you would rea l lze th lngs are.nov lng.I have agked Mr, !{uqhes. thai he thLnks about lettlnE F.LU. take thenqlne, as a najor oro leJr , but have " l i i y " t - "J l r r i lu h1" " r r " * " " . r haveneard. f ro4 Dr . s tory , i tnce r .wrote n i i , " " t i " i - " r r i i " tney have lu n1nd, sor not yet under pressrf,re on that po1nt. ..losi rrrasrost ej.lphatlc 1ntatlnE that we should "t"{-:l:", if t},.t "r".rr8.u;int. She satd, as wehave dlscussed, that the Covernrrent},,ould. e 14io1vea, and. would be Justoo danserous. she ls nor - lnvo lved_wl tn ,_ , " , i ' ; ; ; ; 'bx t I w1t l l t s ten to,, advlce fron anyolre. r rrawesiaiJa" irilt ru rootea llke our.lly route, but I a!! berlnnlng to Eonder.. - -i -rJfy"f,u""1ly on advlce fronesat_ 'llnds, such as rr. HughJs. w1li h;;p you"ii"i".a.f have taped, or Ifrltten detalls of all the above proposaLs. Any ofcu-Tay feel free, at a4y tltre, to ccrde ry ana reaa-or hear the!. yoxI.:-1111?: I. a! always reaCy !o talk ..rlth y"". I-r,iif 'u"pfaln 4y offer to, ]y back the colb lned 222 of_-s t ck or+nea- ly -af f o i icu. Bel leve ne, 1ti c i - r l d pu t no c lsh th Ey pocKer .

  • 8/8/2019 Magneteal Newsletter


    - *el'I ball-a4ced or-rt the books (?) a few nlghts ago, and I wondgr howthe heck I have doae 1t. As any of you are free to see, Just t4rls Dastyear, slnce so]ne of you have doaated. tc the carfse, I have put Just 'atoutone do1lar, to 'ratch each do11ar donated. by yo:r" I feel t iat jne of if ielnvent lons has Just got ta s tar t pay lnE of f socn. Once Just one of thenstar ts lc pay of f , t he res t shou ld be downhi l l "I have another iBlgr (I hope) lnventlon ln the b111, vhlch soEe ofyou iday becolae lnvolved 1n, In the not too dlstant future. I dld.nrt harethe cash_fgr a.patent I so_I aln_ avlng lt drawn up by a coEnerclal artlstrto rrhon I aiE Elvlng 5F. f w111 then copyrlght the drawlngs, and take aLiposs lb le ac t lons I can, w l thout a pa tent , anC try to get i t -novlng. 1can.l f,elI you nuch about lt, except that lt ls ln constant denani, and.w111"be as lonE as rnan surTlves. It ls one of the nost expenstve ltensln the 1lves of fa!"dll les eveTywhere, and the dernand1s Horldwlde- livconoept wou ld cut the cos i r . to the purchaser , to about 1 /4 the ex ls t i ngprlces. More about that later.I lm sure ! t l s obv lous to a l l o f you that the EnElne ls ny b lgdrean. Al"1 olher lnventlons are secondary, and lust ionetir lng- t9 [eep

    ny-braln 9999p1ed.. I a:! fre:rt lc to. get the monet to get 1t reatLy rnoirlngwh1 le I -s t l t " l have ny hea l th . I l n tend to see. t i l t s one through, - to ine ' 'vety end.There 1s constant, r0lnor, _llopro?enent on the exlstlng englnes, Alsoexpense, - l have spent about -9500,00 ln Jus t the pas t coup le o l weeks .flv nhoae b111 nas over jl1oo.oo, last nonih, and tha! 1s ait- englne reiatea,but that 1s not lnct-ud.ed ln the above 500.:

    - posslbly I tel l too nuch, but f f lEure you are al1 entlt led to ,(noir1 ' |ha t 1s go lng on. . At l "east unt l1 1{e star t n ;k lng sohe noney,."ryfrp;H

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