Magazine INSITU

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Esta es la revista que hicimos con el Programa INSITU como proyecto del diplomado en el municipio de Santuario. Cada escrito es obra de uno o dos maestros.



Writers:Irma Cecilia Gómez Monsalve

Luz Elena García AyalaAlex John Mosquera Angulo

Martha Elcy Salazar QuinteroClaudia Sofia Serna Zuluaga

Alba Patricia Gomez SernaCarmen Cecilia Noreña

Patricia Edith Aristizabal

Mary Luz Florez Orozco

Mary Luz González Montoya

Julio César Mejía Castro

Luis Fernando Suárez Suárez

Myriam López UribeAlexander Machado Guerrero

Lus Nivelly Valencia Valois

EditorJuliana Quintero Ángel

El Santuario. 2015. Copyleft 2015


What is the literature? The question appears because, sometimes the literature teaches without a context. The literature is more than the art or profession of a writer, according to the Oxford dictionary(2015) the litera-ture is the “written material such as poetry, novels, essays, etc., esp. works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression and by themes of general or enduring interest”, but the literature is also “the body of written work of a particular culture or people” (Oxford, 2015). For these reasons, the literature connects what it was with what it is, because it speaks about different times that have lived in the history of the world.

According to Gadamer, the literature follows to ask about the world, that is, it has some answers but, it has many questions too. You have to make questions when you read a text, because “the essence of knowing consist in asking” (Longo, 2014, p. 195). In addition; the literature helps to develop the linguistic skill, that is the reason why the reading has an important role in the school; however, the methods of teaching are not efficient to obtain good results, so, how to teach literature? To teach is to show a passion, it is not only to give a discourse and to give answers; to teach is to ask, is looking for many possibilities to solve a problem; therefore, the literature is teaching to understand the world. How? Reading different texts in different contexts that show history, that speaks about the past and present: texts where there are many questions and the reader can answer with critical thinking, with arguments and think about the different situations.

On the other hand, the literature follows the interaction between fiction and reality, between text and reader. Gadamer says that “the text is an infinite game” (2001) because each generation of readers reveals new aspects of the text; in others words, no one has the last word of the text, because there are new analysis for across time and space, that is, the reading is a dialogue to open new interpretations; therefore, the literature expands the vision that we have about the word and his reality.

The literature is a world to explore, it can help the student to be more critical, because the reading has different points of view and there is not a moral position, but there is a new road for development linguistic skills like reading, writing, speaking and listening. According to the multiples intelli-gences; the linguistic integrates text and images, to learn to listen, towards to the linguistic you can talk about the text, it means, to share the knowl-edge and to interact with people, in the same way; the literature and the linguistic help to the intrapersonal intelligence because the texts allows the reflection because the literature and the texts are an experience for the reader.

Martinez & Murillo (2013) say that the literature requires a different reading because it is not to try to teach, to put in alphabetical order, the literature should be a significant activity, therefore “the literature is an expression esthetic, historical, cultural (…) and human” (p.182), as a result; the literature needs a cooperative reader because it has a textual sense and a “production of discourse understanding” affirms Eco. Moreover; the litera-ture and the texts are a summons to the participation, to the dialogue, declares Gadamer (2001), in addition; the texts are pre-comprehension and appropriation, that is, they have knowledge and the reader can de-construct for interpreting and analyzing the texts according to the reading experience she or he has. A literature teacher should use different learning strategies. Some strate-gies like group interaction, hypertext, role play game, and dialogue between authors, nations, epoch and another artistic manifestation for making learning be meaningful and literature since the experience of each student: The teachers should contextualize information so as to let learners identify patters and link them with previous experience. It is no sufficient to pursue competent reading based to analysis of text. After the structural of signifié and of the signifiant it is necessary to actualize and update a literature message by connecting it with the students´ experience (Longo, 2014, p.198).

In the same way, Robledo (2013, cited by Martinez & Murillo) says that you have to assume the text like a esthetic posture, establishing a relation-ship with the experience of the reader's life, thus, there is a dialogue between the persons, an encounter since the sensibility and imagination, because the literature is the option to create possible worlds and under-standing that each culture is different and it offers other opportunities to see the things, because there is different historical interpretation according to the experience, according to the learning and to the dialogues we have had with people, with the books and with the life. The literature is the way to appreciate each thing that builds the world.

REFERENCES Diccionario of Oxford (Ed) (2015) Retreved from: September 8 of 2015.

Gadamer, G (2001). Estética y hermenética. Madrid: Tecnos. Longo, G (2014). Literature and Reading: teaching literature: how? Towards new paradigms in didactic of literature. Retreved from: September 10 of 2015. Martinez, Z., & Murillo, A. R (2013). Concepciones de la didáctica de la literatura en Colombia en los últimos diez años. Revista Grafía Vol. (10), N° 1 - enero-junio. 175-192

Picture 3. My daily life project. González M.L.2015 taken at La Inmaculada Concepción School, Guarne. My daily life project. 6 graders.

Picture 4. My daily life project. González M.L.2015 taken at La Inmaculada Concepción School, Guarne. My daily life project. 6 graders.

In the constructivist classroom, the focus tends to shift from the teacher to the students, and it is related with the meaningful because the students are urged to be actively involved in their own process of learning. The teacher functions more as a facilitator who coaches, mediates, prompts, and helps students develop and assess their understanding; in the constructivist classroom, both teacher and students think of knowledge not as inert factoids to be memorized, but as a dynamic, ever-changing view of the world we live and the ability to successfully stretch and explore that view. The classroom projects pretend that students be more active and become the following important ideas. Retrieved from

Picture 2. Taken by the teacher. Picture . Taken by the teacher.

Previously, U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon has dismissed any possible World War 3 scenarios caused by the escalating tension between Russia and NATO but now admits he cannot see an end to the stand-off anytime soon.Russia is continuing to test NATO’s resolve, but we have shown we are standing firm. (Butters, 2015, sept)


This is the question posed by PEPE ESCOBAR in one of his reports.


Alexander Machado Guerrero

In a world where the climate changes have created critical conditions and Green is being decreased, there is still a corner in South America where the magic of nature is a daily wonder, that is COLOMBIA. This is already known around the world and Ecotourism could become one of the main attractions and perhaps an excellent source for Colombian economy.

The problem is that tourism is not taken into account in many important government decisions in order to create serious policies which involve this issue in education for example. Countries like Vietnam, which were devastated by the war, has developed what could be called “the war´s tourism”, that means that important decisions were taken in order to show to the world how they survived to the war, and like a Phoenix, they have created a real tourism industry, where schools teach everything about hospitality and tourism from the Primary school, as I could see in a recent trip to that nice Asian country.

Image 2. A nice view of San Andrés Village in the Aburrá Valley. Pedagogical Journey, taken by Myriam López, 2014. There are uncountable tourist attractions in our country, and some are so close …Do you know there was a “palenque” in the Aburrá Valley?...It is the San Andrés Palenque, which was located in San Andrés Village, in the rural area of the municipality of Girardota, thirty minutes from Medellín. A small and beauti-ful place which still keeps some of the hispanic traces of the Colonial time.

Beautiful and Green landscapes, orange and sugar cane crops and old “trapiches”(cane mills), can be found in San Andrés Village, a magic place where the “sainete” and the “redova”, typical cultural samples of the region (both music and dance), have put the village in an important place of the culture in the region.

Image 3. The old San Lázaro cane mill, one of the oldest which is still working in the village.Pedagogical Journey 2014. Myriam López.

Images 4 and 5. Typical houses in San Andrés Village. Pedagogical Journey with 9th graders. Myriam López, 2014.

If you want to walk around a nice green and peaceful place, with kind and smiling people, and colonial traces, rich in culture and flavors, just visit San Andrés Village, just a few minutes from Medellín, the capital city of Antioquia, in the heart of the Aburrá Valley.

Images 6 and 7. San Andrés Village landscapes . Pedagogical Journey “Look-ing for our ancestors traces”, Myriam López, 2014.

Image 8. Peaceful and beautiful sunset in the Village. Taken by Myriam López, 2014.

Image 9. Old and nice trees along the roads. Myriam López. Image 10. Pre-hispanic vestiges where you can “smell” nature freshness. Taken by Myriam López. 2014.

Images 6 and 7. San Andrés Village landscapes . Pedagogical Journey “Look-ing for our ancestors traces”, Myriam López, 2014.

Image 8. Peaceful and beautiful sunset in the Village. Taken by Myriam López, 2014.

Image 9. Old and nice trees along the roads. Myriam López. Image 10. Pre-hispanic vestiges where you can “smell” nature freshness. Taken by Myriam López. 2014.

A really green kaleidoscope where you can still “feel” the freedom dreams of our ancestors and enjoy peaceful and wonderful moments being in touch with nature.

Image 11. A typical house of the village. Taken by Myriam López, 2014.

Image 12. A fantastic view of Girardota town (at right), at the bottom of the mountains range in the north of the Aburrá Valley.Taken by Myriam López, Pedagogical Journey, 2014.

And going to the East, two and half hours from Medellín, is COCORNÁ, a small and nice town surrounded by tropical forests with exuberant vegetation and crystalline water that descends from the mountains like streams and rivers and falls down creating beautiful waterfalls and natural ponds which are fantastic pools, where lots of tourists enjoy their vacations and holidays.

Image 13. Natural waterfall in Cocorná.

Image14. Wonderful natural pool, Cocorná surroundings.

A nice weather with around 24 degrees, warm people and comfortable ecological hotels, create a wonderful ambiance for relax. The place offers a rich variety of activities, even risky sports practice, such as hang gliding, climbing, canopy, and of course ecological walks and so on. Some hotels are Eco Hotel Tierra de Aguas, Aguaturs, Eco Hotel El Encanto, among others.

Image 8. Exciting outdoor activities and wonderful landscapes in Cocorná.

Taking a ride is an excellent plan for all the different activities that we can enjoy, to know different places and cultures; living new experiences and adventures with our family, friends, couples or even alone. We invite you to visit our towns. There, you will find multiple options for having an unforgettable stay being in contact with nature.

Image 9. Map of the route from Medellín towards Cocorná town. East Antioquia is plenty of nature wonders to visit.

As you could see, enjoying is right there, at the corner, so close to our homes. There are no excuses to have a different weekend or great vacations and having the opportunity to discover our land wonders.And, don´t forget the most important message “Enjoy nature, but keep it clean! It´s our home and others deserve it as clean as you found it!”

Previously, U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon has dismissed any possible World War 3 scenarios caused by the escalating tension between Russia and NATO but now admits he cannot see an end to the stand-off anytime soon.Russia is continuing to test NATO’s resolve, but we have shown we are standing firm. (Butters, 2015, sept)


This is the question posed by PEPE ESCOBAR in one of his reports.

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