Magazine annotations

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Double page spread:

This cover has a variety of features relevant to magazines. There are Pull quotes in the middle of the columns of text. They are used to get the reader’s attention to the main quote. There are a lot of Attention to it, its white bold, in capitals and highlighted dark colours.

The words at the top of the double page spread shows names highlighted and in bold drawing more attention to them.The headline is mid-way down the page, and its bug and bold in capitals, to get more attention. This is what the story is on therefore it’s been highlighted and made explicitly clear. The background is standard white so you can read off it more clearly. The main image is on the right hand side its quite big taking up the 2 page of the double page spread. The image is seductive, the subjects positioning is facing sideways. As well as her eye contact facing the camera, she’s slanted not facing fully forward. As well as her makeup is minimal and her costume isn’t overpowering or drawing attention, it’s a plain black t-shirt. The position of her hands

show of her small tattoos and her jewellery is vivid, she’s wearing a few earrings and rings.

The columns are the same font as the rest of the words, however some are bolder or underlined. The columns are neat separating the information clearly to read. The same house style is used throughout. The article uses Drop caps to draw attention to the first line of each new paragraph this article does it twice. This allows the reader to analyse and see where the important information is. At the end of the article on the last column there is by line name and information, this shows the journalist and information of people who created or participated in making this article. The intertextual reference all the information is related and topics are all similar. The page numbers are clear in each corner as they are bright. The colour scheme is dull with blacks and blues, however oranges used on page numbers and small information. As well as the column in the box of information on post- break- up- recs. This has a title and mini explanations under each. This double page spread uses a variety of features to make there magazine successful.

Double page spread 2: The women in the background is dancing I notices that straight away

that the colour was black and white as I was instantly attached to the closest of the women. Different shots of the women in different positions across the top of the page showing a fun side making the article fell more investing. The 4 lines between the pictures across the top of the page and were the article beings separating them making the layout look clean.

The title of the text is in bold. But the name is in blue so that it stands out and shows what the article is about. As well as the small title isn’t noticeable with ought the bold blue colour. The layout is neat and tidy as a article should be looks funky and different not just plain and boring.

Stereotypically pretty girl wearing a short dress and appropriate to male audience, who would be attracted to the sexual representation of her costume.

The text that is in dark black and bold shows the most important parts of the article making it sound interesting and appealing. The shot of the women is a full body shot and covers up most of the page she is looking directly at the camera to make you feel as if she is looking at you. Her posture shows the innocence that she may have with the hand behind her back but this may also represent a sign of confidence. The artist name being in blue draws the concern to that section because of the name contrasts against the white background, and willing so the audience will instantly know who this article will be about. The pictures represented acting the top of the double page spread allows the reader to get an insight into her life. The background shoes different shots of the subject. The connotations of the colour suggest: romance, sexiness, anger. They represent the personality. What she is wearing is considered fashionable which attract the audience because most young women like to be up to care with what celebrities are wearing and the latest friends.

The bold grey text informs the reader perhaps what the article is about. It doesn’t distract the main attention away from the page and blends in well with the rest f the colour scheme. Florence is looking straight into the camera making the reader feel a connection. The pose fits perfect with the layout and it has been placed overlapping ‘USA’ to add extra emphasis on the photo. The reader should also be able to work out that it says ‘USA’ clearly and therefore not be a problem. The page is very plain and only very few colours has been used the red stands out against the rest of the colour scheme. I feel that the double page spread tracts good proportion of the audience that would want to read the article however I would perhaps change the ways the main story has been designed and make it look like less effort to read as some of the audience who are interested in this particular music artist may not bother reading it and it only aims at an older teen and onwards market. This is very appropriate heading as it is a line from her song. The big bold font stands and grabs the reader’s attention quickly the font

used is different from the other fonts on the page and so makes it look more interesting.The font is very formal and suits with the layout of the article. It’s all one colour and is clear to read. However his may be off putting to some readers of a young age group as there is a lot of writing and very little pictures and range in font.

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