
The mast head’s colour is in correlation to the colour scheme shown by the text and the paint of his finger nails with this colour scheme going on throughout the front cover it gives the reader a sense of familiarity when looking at it.

The Skrillex line, again, gives the reader a sense of familiarity on the cover. The writing of the name Skrillex is in a larger font than the rest of the text making us notice that as the main attraction.

This feature is called a ‘Selling Line’. In this case it has been used to show what this issue is about, in the case it is ‘The Dance Issue’ it is in capital letters to match the rest of the cover, however the box is black, not green. This could be to match the colour of his hair/glasses.

This is here to show you who the photography is by, either just on the cover or throughout the magazine. This could increase sales from fans of his photography, or he could be famous, again, increasing sales.

Here, we are told who is featured in the magazine, other than Skrillex. They have put the biggest names of those featured such as Justice and Deadmau5 on the cover to get increased interest from electronic music fans, as these artist have a huge fan base.

This is called a cover line and in this case it is inviting the reader to buy the issue and in return they get a free Soundtrack. This will increase sales because you assume that the soundtrack is created by people in the issue, and fans of their music will be looking out for this particular issue.

The main image is of Skrillex, who’s name is the in the biggest font of the whole cover. In the picture we see mainly black clothing, which goes well with his hair, this also contrasts to his pale skin. We also have his nail polish which is significant because it is not only messy, giving a sense of informality, but it is also orange and green, Green being the main colour in the colour scheme of this magazine cover.

What you may notice, is that there is no barcode on the cover of this magazine. This may be to give the cover a hint of minimalism, or maybe just to make it look neater. The only downfall of this is that we do not know how much it costs.

The cover line on this issue invites to reader of this magazine to buy it, even more so if they are a fan of Blur because it creates and enigma, they want to find out when ‘Blur’ are recording and what are they recording. Is it an EP, is it an Album?

Here we see, the main feature of the magazine, which says ‘The Strokes’ in bright pink writing. This fits to the colour scheme that is going on, on this cover. With only black, white and pink being used. This gives the reader a sense of identity and familiarity when looking at the cover.

The use of the word ‘World Exclusive’ makes the reader feel special when buying it. Giving the impression that only THIS magazine has the information about The Strokes that everybody wants!

The mast head is fitting the colour scheme provided in this issue, it is also the same font as the text on the cover, however it looks as though the rest is using italics. It is positioned here so that when picking it up off of the shelves, NME is the first thing that you see.

The selling line of the magazine says ‘New Musical Express’ but with only ‘New Mu’ showing, this may give off the impression to someone who has never seen it before, that the magazine is well known and so good that people already know this. Also the fact that it is NEW musical express if gives the reader a sense that that they are reading about music that is up and coming, not just music that everyone already knows and is old news.

The barcode is use in every magazine, although it is not always placed in the same place. The barcode is needed in order to sell the product, but not just that it gives the buyer of the magazine information too, information on how much is costs, web addresses, contact details and issue numbers.

This cover line is abiding the colour scheme of the magazine, with the pink and white. The cover line is being used somewhat as a lure, luring readers to find out what The Strokes have to say. The fact that it is a quote suggests that there is an interview that you may want to read.

This attracts us to the magazine because we want to find out who are the weirdest band, how weird can they be?

We also have a list of bands that are featured, also continuing on with the colour scheme. This attracts readers due to the bands that are listed being popular therefore increasing the readership, because their fans are going to buy this issue.

The cover line on this issue says Revealed! Slipknot their darkest years. This is going to attract the readers because they want to be nosey, they want to know why they were their darkest days, what did they do?

This will also attract readers to the magazine, but this time they want to know how intimate was the interview with Andy Sixx? Also fans of Black Veil Brides will buy this issue.

The huge font of SKRILLEX seems to be, plastered on. Giving it an informal appearance, whilst still sticking to the uniform of the magazine with the blue text. This is going to attract Skrillex fans and Dubstep fans because they want to read about Skrillex and what he has to say.

The barcode is use in every magazine, although it is not always placed in the same place. The barcode is needed in order to sell the product, but not just that it gives the buyer of the magazine information too, information on how much is costs, web addresses, contact details and issue numbers. For example this costs £3.99 and is the November 2011 issue.

The Free Posters and Stickers lure, draws in a reader because they will want free posters of their favourite bands. This again sticks to the colour scheme.

This shows a brief contents of who is in this issue. They use the biggest names that are in it to gain the most readership possible.

This offer is giving away 15 songs from over 5 different bands. This will increase sales because you assume that the songs are created by people in the issue, and fans of their music will be looking out for this particular issue.

The fact that it says ‘His name is Skrillex’ gives Skrillex fans who are reading this a sense of irony. Due to his EP ‘My Name Is Skrillex’. This pun will increase readership because Skrillex fans will want to know what they have to say about him.

The main imagine again, is sticking the uniform of the magazine. You can see that he is only really wearing black, which not only contrasts with his pale skin, but also matches the font colour used on the cover.

This lure is being use throughout the magazine. The word FREE is used 3 times over the cover, using the rule of three and is more likely to imprint into the readers mind. This will increase sales because the reader will want the free stickers and posters, and the Exclusive Free CD makes the reader feel special. Like nobody else will ever have this CD as it is exclusive to the magazine.

This Q can be seen throughout the Q Magazine. This gives it informality with it always being there. It gives the reader something familiar on every page.

This is telling us what issue number the magazine is.

By using quotes, it gets the reader intrigued by what it means and who said it. They are more likely to buy this magazine if they are flicking through it in a shop because they want to know what it is about.

The language used here is clever. By saying Q Review, it rhymes. This may make it easier for the reader to remember what is in Q or it could just be a simple bit of word play.

This shows what is being reviewed, also that Q is not just a music magazine, it also features best films, books and ever crosswords. Which reaches out to many readers, from young to old.

Magazines will often have famous musicians on their contents page, they also make them the main attractions, for instance here we have Bono singing. This gives us the impression that there are exclusive interviews with him and we can find out thing we never knew before.

This shows us when the magazine was published, in the case it was published in the Summer of 2001.

We can see that the layout of Q’s contents is rather messy. This gives it a more informal look about it, with the numbers on the pictures always being in different places. This contrasts to the formality of the Q in the top left corner and before the review.

We can see that around this area the pictures being to get very messy and clumped up together, This again, gives an informal look about it, whilst the Q keeps the overall look in check.

This is trying to get the readers of this magazine to subscribe, thereby making the magazine more money. They claim to save you over £45.

The use of the word UK’s No 1 Gig Guide makes the reader buy the magazine because they want to have the best, not settle for second best.

We can see here the main article in this issue of NME. The p6 is keeping the red colour scheme of the contents and the text’s background is a block of white, which makes it look like more of a newspaper rather than a music magazine. This may give it an element of formality whilst making the reader thing they are reading about the latest musical news.

This shows us the news and what the magazine contains, it will often feature famous bands to increase readership from fans of them, as well as the mainstream. You may also notice that there are general news featured here as well.

Here we can see the reviews of albums and tracks, which will often be of big albums that are soon to be released and everyone wants to know how good it will be.

Here we can see the NME logo, which is setting the uniform for this contents with it being red, and all the main text corresponding to this colour scheme.The band index here is not

usually found in the contents, usually you would find the them in the back. This is useful for the magazine because readers can look down the list and find their favourite band, and then they will want to buy the magazine to see what is said by them.

The features section let’s us know what the main features in the magazine are, we usually flick straight to this section as this is where we are most likely to see our favourite bands.

Here we can what the key features of the magazine are, this directs the reader to what they will most likely want to read.

This directs the readers most interested in fashion to the fashion section.

This informs the reader of what issue number this magazine is, this one is October 2008

This shows us who designed the clothes in which Beyoncé is wearing, giving credit to the designers. The fact that the text is placed here gives the magazine a sense of informality, but the black writing fits to the colour scheme, so whilst being informal, it gives the magazine a sense of uniformity.

The V that is shown here, at first glance, makes Beyoncé look like she has been strung up like a puppet. This could give clues as to what the article is about, maybe her Label is playing her about?

The title of the contents page is again, informal. With the writing being uneven, but it still sticks to the black and white colour scheme, which gives the reader familiarity with this magazine.

The image of Beyoncé is with her with her legs up in the air pulling a V shape. This V stands for Vibe which is the magazines name.

The large image of Lady Gaga is taking up half of this double page spread. This is because when flicking through the magazine in a shop, they want you too see that they have big names in the magazine, making you more likely to buy it. The fact that she is touching herself makes it seem informal and seductive, with the black and white picture aiding that.

This big L represents ‘Lady Gaga’. The Fact that it is red is fitting to the colour scheme of the magazine, with it’s red, black white colour pallet. The text saying Lady

Gaga is placed here, so that when a reader is flicking through, it is the first thing that they see.

The text in the double page spread is layed out as more of a new article than a general music article. This makes it look more formal, which contrasts with the picture and the Big L.

The Q logo in the bottom right corner is featured throughout the magazine, giving a sense of familiarity and it also shows us what page it is, and what issue it is, the case being April 2010.

The large S featured here is called a Drop cap. This makes us more aware of the text and makes us more likely to read it. It also makes the magazine look more professional and better layed out.

The image featured is large and is taking up half of this double page spread. This is because when flicking through the magazine in a shop, they want you too see that they have big names in the magazine, making you more likely to buy it. She has a super smiler, smile as seen in the Male Gaze. With the super smiler effect you will find that the models have a lot of teeth showing when they do a huge grin or smile but can sometimes be done subtly and will often be a close shot with their heads tilted forwards or backwards and their hair quite wind swept. In this case we can see her ‘Poofing’ up her hair.

Here we can see the page number, this is quite unusual, due to the fact that it is in the bottom left corner. Usually you will find the page number on the bottom right corner.

Here we can see the red colour scheme coming into play when looking at the interview. We can see that the names are written larger than the other text and is in red. This makes it stand out as we want to know who is being interviewed, and who is doing the interviewing.

Here we can see the subtitle, written in burgundy, again fitting the red theme. This separates the main title from the block of text, that that we have a more distinct Idea of where the texts starts and the title ends.

The title here attracts the reader because they may not know who ‘Bronte’ is and how she made her ‘Climb to fame’ The text is written in plain black writing until the word Fame, this makes it stand out and intrigues the reader

The offer of a new single from Bronte makes the magazine, and Bronte more money, from text charges, plus gives the reader a bonus of a song. The text Bronte 1 and 80880 is highlighted in red to make is stand out more from the other text, attracting the readers attention to it.

Here at the top right of the double page spread, we see ‘Bronte The Voice Of 2011’ This will be one of the first things the reader will see. If this is the case then they will want to read on, why was she the voice of 2011?

Here we have an image of the band being featured in this double page spread. The image is taking up a whole page, half of the double page spread. We see them quite relaxed and looking very casual, one even has his hand in his pocket and his other arm resting his head, they are dressed as if it is an normal day in their everyday life. This could be done to reflect their genre of music.

This box is linking to the colour pallet used within the magazine. The blue white and black is featured throughout this double page spread. The box says NEED TO KNOW: this grabs our attention, what do we need to know?

This article has been written in blocks, making it seem like more of a newspaper than an actual music article, this gives it the impression that we are reading about the latest in the their music.

Alex Turner has been featured to gain readership. We have fans of Arctic Monkeys wanting to know what he has to say about ‘The Rascals’ who are his new favourite band. We now know that Alex Turner then went on to form a duo with the lead singer Miles Kane of the Rascals to make ‘The Last Shadow Puppets’

Here we have an extract of what they have said. This is used to make the article look more interesting than just a block of text. Yet again. This is sticking to the uniform of the contents page’s colour scheme, with it being blue, white and black.

The title of the page ‘The Teenagers’ lets the reader know what the page is about. The text is large so you cannot miss it. Also it says ‘NME loves’ which makes the reader want to know what it is about this band that they love. This again, is sticking to the colour scheme of the contents with it being blue and black.

Here it says ‘Everyone’s talking about…’ this makes the reader want to read this section because they want to know what every is talking about, and why.

In the top left of the corner we have the title of the page RADER in a large font. This is placed here so it is one of the first things that the reader reads when flicking onto this page.

The background of this article is a different colour so we know that it is not relating to the main article.

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