mag janne 2

Post on 20-Jul-2016






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SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN agama (p) kangar perlis

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh ..

Happy new Year to all of you! Alhamdulilah, praise to Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. For the love and opportunity from Him, the new Edition of Al-Jannah magazine has been released successfully. A high appreciation also to the crew and members of Al-Jannah who worked very hard in order to ensure that this magazine will be accomplished successfully.

Our edition for this January is focusing more to the aesthetic value that really admired by people nowadays which is the value of beauty. Well, what is the meaning of beauty and why people so passionate when they talk about beauty? And how to take care of our beauty? Is the

traditional method is more preferable

rather than the modern


Or is the beauty is more important than healthy? The issues from this latest magazine will provide you the answer for the above question.

In addition, this edition also will help students to choose the best product that offer the effectiveness to their skin beauty as well as provide the affordable price.

As this is the first edition of this year, we also have provided to the reader the special issue which is the secret beauty

of Korean women where it has been written by our crew, Miss Jannah during her visit to that

country. Therefore, it is hoped that you will enjoy reading

this magazine and keep on supporting us.

Thank You and

Happy New Year!

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Words fromAuthor


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Beauty and itsRelation

Beauty and its relation

Page: 4

Beauty and cost

Page: 5

Traditional Vs Modern

Page: 6

Beauty Secret of Korean Women

Modesty the truly beauty of

womenPage: 11

Personality for today

Page: 9-10

“Allah is beautiful and He

loves beauty”





Definition of beauty

Slim body Beautiful faceHigh intellectual Good attitude

When we talk about beauty, definitely we know it brings different meaning to different people. Some people say, beautiful is depending on the personality of people. If the personality is good, means that the one who own it is beautiful and vice versa . Therefore, in order to get some opinion about the definition on beauty, a survey has been done on 25 students from IIUM. This survey also including the opinion from male students where it took place around Institute of Education, IIUM

Hence, based on the result, it is obviously stated that 64 percent of the students opined that beautiful means good attitude. This opinion is actually paralleled with the opinion from Al-Farabi which said that the goodness is the beautiful and the beautiful is the goodness of attitude.





Expenses for beauty product per month

RM10 and belowRM 50 and belowRM 100 -RM 200More than RM 200

This survey also is purposely done in order to survey the expenses that spent by the students of IIUM relating to the beauty product.

Therefore, based on the result, it is clear that more than half students tend to spend almost RM 50 and below for their beautiful product. This amount is considered as reasonable category since they are still students and some of them are not getting any loan and scholarship.

Besides, based on the survey, it is shown that most of the products that they used are not so expensive and suitable for students. For instance, the products like Shurah, Safi Balqish, Alaisyah and Fair and Lovely.

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Figure 2

Figure 1

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The preferable method in

maintaining health and beauty

Traditional method Modern method

The survey also asked about their

preferable method in maintaining their beauty and

health. The result shows that almost more than half

of them are supporting the modern method rather

than traditional method.

It might be happened due to lack of time in

using the traditional method for their beauty.

Although the effectiveness of using the traditional

way is undeniable but it took a very long time to

see the effect compared to the modern product.

However, most of respondents also stated

that they have the experience in trying the

traditional method to beautify their skin. For

example, by eating ginger and garlic juice, using

oat, Tamarin and Guava leaf for face mask and

also white egg to remove the blackhead.

Besides, some of them claimed that by

using the tea bag, it will help them to reduce the

black circle around their eye as well as can be used

as scrub for removing the dust on the face.

Traditional versusModern

Kak In,one of the modern cosmetic salers in IIUM

The famous product in IIUM, Cocoa Collagen

Figure 3

A survey also done in IIUM Online,

Facebook in order to see students’ opinion on

the product especially cosmetic that effective

and affordable for students. Some of them

claimed that the products from Silkygirl and

Silkyman are good for students due to its

effectiveness towards the skin as well as the

affordable price that definitely suitable for


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Milky Rice Soap

One of the beauty products from Thailand that very well-known among IIUM students. Effective to beautify the face and body. It only costs RM1

per piece.

Milky Rice Soap




Dr. Adibah:

Besides, also drink


you share that you

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Dr. Adibah Abdul RahimLecturer Department of Usul al-Din &

Comparative Religion, IIUM

Our personality for this January edition is Dr Adibah Abdul Rahim, a lecturer from Kuliyyah Usul al-Din & Comparative Religion, IIUM. In this session, the crews from Al-Jannah magazine have got the opportunity to meet and to interview her on how she is taking care about her beauty and her health.

Al-Jannah: Assalamualaikum Dr,how are you?Dr.Adibah: Alhamdulillah, I am fine. Thank

you.Al-Jannah: So,first of all we would like to thank

you very much for spending your precious time for us.

Dr.Adibah: Your welcome.




Dr. Adibah:

Besides, also drink


you share that you


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Dr. Adibah: Well, I don’t use any traditional method but I just use Total Olay Cream day

and night for maintaining my skin

Al-Jannah : Well, did you go to any Spa or place to relaxing and ease yourself?

Dr. Adibah: Yes..That’s is the important thing that I never missed to do. I usually go to

Spa in Taman Melawati in order to do some treatment and relaxing for my mind and body after work. I can feel the different before and after doing the treatment at Spa especially my skin that become very soft and I also feel very relieve after doing the treatment. It makes me feel very refreshing and energetic. But you know, for me whatever you did, you must be happy. That is how your beauty will

appear. If you are not happy then you will be look gloomy and dull by people around you.

Al-Jannah: Do you implement any versus of Quran or any recitation for maintain your health and beauty?

Dr. Adibah: Well, basically for the purpose of beauty, no..i don’t have. But I usually recite this doa from Majmu’ Al-Sharif. This ayah is very good. It just like we ask from Allah S.W.T to light our

life and bring the Nur (lightness) to us in many ways. I will read

it everyday.

Al-Jannah: Alright ,thank you Dr, Adibah for sharing your tips with us.

The recitation that shared by Dr Adibah taken from Majmu’ Al-Sharif

Do you know?

Al-Farabi, one of the Muslim Scholars said that the goal of

human’s existence is to achieve perfection and the

highest perfection is to attain the happiness.

Tips to reduce scar

Use the inside of banana skin and apply it to the scar for a week.

Then gradually you will see the scar turn to visibly reduce day by day.

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As we know, South Korea is one of the important countries that exported the cosmetic products around the world. The citizens from this county also famous with their beautiful, fair and healthy skin. Despite of modern technology and their controversy in the usage of cosmetic surgery, some of them are still implementing the traditional method in maintaining their healthy skin.

One of the crews from Al-Jannah magazine had got the opportunity to go to South Korea in order to discover how people there maintaining their health and beauty.

She said that, most of women there are still looking healthy and young although they are old. One of the main secret there probably because of the food that they consumed which are fulled with vegetables and seafood. They only consumed the plain water and rarely drink sweet drink.

Kimchi is also one of the main dishes that taken regularly by Korean people for maintaining their health. It is actually a vegetable that mixed with milk, garlic and vinegar. It is believed that this dish can help the digestion problem and provide anti-oxidant to people who consumed it. As it is spicy and sour, this food also helps the consumer to lose their weigth.

Besides, they also regularly eat the ginseng for health. Usually this ginseng is not eating rawly,but it is mixed with other food like chicken and nooddle

The crew of Al-Jannah with one of the elders there. Although they have reached 50 years

old but they still looking young and beautiful.

Kimchi is a Korean traditional food that provides a lot of benefits for human’s

health and beauty.

Chicken soup mixed with ginseng and noodles.

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Korean Fisherwoman or known as Haenyo just coming back from the sea

The crew also got the chance to taste the different type of seaweeds that provide many benefits for maintaining good health

Boiled food are usually served in South Korea. They rarely fry their food

Our crew also got the opportunity to visit

Jeju Island where most of women are working in

this region.

One of the things that have impressed the

crew is the strength of women here. Surprisingly,

some of them still work at the age of 60 as

fisherwoman or known as Hanyeo. They will dive

into the sea early in the morning to find the marines

lives to sell at the morning market. They looked

very energetic and strong although they work at

this age.

Some of them claimed that seaweeds that

regularly eaten by them are also food that provide

many benefits to their health. One of them is to

help digestion and become anti-oxidant to the


Besides, they also consumed the honey bees

for their supplement in order to have extra energy

for working.The citizens here are also regularly

boiling their food instead of frying it in order to

avoid in consuming too much oily food in their

daily life

There are many different type of honey bees with different shape that we can find in Jeju


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However, in some of Arab countries, they belief

that the bigger you are, the more beautiful you

will be. Consequently, some of them are end up

as obesity patient and suffering from other high

risked disease like Hypertension, Heart disease

and Diabetes.

Islam and the meaning of beauty

Islam is a religion that really emphasizes

on the moderation to the followers where you will

not doing something at the lower or excessive

level. Besides, the concept of beautiful is also

strongly related with the element of moderation

and also modesty.

Therefore, as modesty is a quality that is

loved by Allah, the Muslims especially women

must take care properly on their modesty and not

following those women who show themselves off

to the world. Besides, it is seen that one of the

most important things to implement the modesty

in our life especially women is to govern our

awrah properly and also wearing Hijab.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty.” [Sahīh Muslim (911)]

Based on the hadith above, it is clear that the value

of beauty is also acknowledged by Allah S.W.T

since this attribute is also a part of Him.

However, beautiful or beauty means

differently for some people. Some of them claimed

that you will be looking beautiful if you have a

beautiful skin, beautiful body and beautiful smile

while some of them opined that beautify must be

accompanied with intellectuality, otherwise, it is

nothing for women or men to have a well-looking

without brain.

The definition of beautiful also might be

understood differently by some different people

form different places. For instance, some European

might suggest that the skinnier you are, the more

beautiful you will look. This trend is actually has

turned the lifestyle of many people especially

women to highly risky in terms of their health. It is

because, due to their strong belief on this doctrine,

some of them were suffering from Anorexia and

also Bulimia that somehow cause them to death.

The Prophet P.b.u.h, said: "Allah is modest and covering. He loves modesty and privacy." [Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa'i Al Bayhaqi, Ahmad].


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