M A Y 2 0 1 8 MISSION LINK - gp-email.brtapp.comgp-email.brtapp.com/files/gpconnect/.2018/05.09.18/mlmay2018draft.pdf · One highlight of my recent week in Jordan was giving the sermon

Post on 02-Aug-2018






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M A Y 2 0 1 8

MISSION LINK Rev. Dr. David Upp “The World IS My Parish”

“Arab World” needs

Christian Missionaries

& Arabic Evangelists

Several Thousand Christian

Missionaries are needed

NOW to spread the Gospel of

Jesus Christ across the 22

Arabic-Speaking Nations and

Speakers of many more

Languages across the heavily

Muslim areas of the World.

Language Schools are over-

flowing with people Rising

to this Challenge. Please,

pray on how God could use

YOU to address this critical

need. Scholarship $$ and

Stipends can be funneled to

the Volunteers (IF you can’t

Go yourself)… I can refer you

to several new Missionaries!


Preaching at Amman, Jordan’s

Sudanese/Arabic Church, 4/20 One highlight of my recent week in Jordan was giving the

sermon at the Arabic-Speaking Congregation from Sudan and

South Sudan. Pastor Yagup Kuku invited me to preach and

Abeer translated! Matthew 5:21-48 was my assigned text, the

“Antitheses of Jesus” in His Sermon on the Mount. It all

flowed with Spiritual Challenge, Good-Humor, High Energy!

Consecration Text on the wall is God to Solomon: I Kings 9:16.

JORDAN is an amazing Country which has been receiving

myriad Refugees from many troubled lands. Right now, the

biggest groups are from Syria & Iraq. Jordanian Christians

meet weekly with Christians who have fled from ISIS & Civil

Wars. I also heard accounts of Excruciating Sorrows from the

Refugees from Turkish Genocide against Armenians, General

Bashir’s EVIL Crimes; & Palestinians & Dargins & Chechens.


x 3



The Christian Middle–East! BEFORE Arabs Attacked & Ravaged the Middle–East &

North–Africa, these Regions had had Overwhelmingly

CHRISTIAN Populations for up to Half-a-Millennium!

Jordanian Church Ruins: Gadara & Medaba

Above Left: two colors of columns from two “Downtown

Churches” in Gadara [where Jesus healed a Demoniac,

now called Umm Qays, Jordan; near the Sea of Galilee &

Golan Heights]. Left: Mosaic Map of the Holy Land in an

Orthodox Church in Madaba, near Moses’ Mount Nebo.

Oldest “Purpose-built” Church in the world may have been

found in Aqaba, Jordan [near Eilat, dated before AD 300].

Right: Two Baptisteries in the ruins of

Sbeitla, Tunisia (one with steps [death

to life imagery] & once a roof; another

hypercycloid in shape w/ Dolphins)…

The Sunlight-Dappled Baptistery is a

1901 Version at St. George’s Anglican

Church, Downtown Tunis, where I

worshipped on April 29 (yes, it’s being

used for Believer’s Baptisms now) …

Our Traditions Continue Today

Far Right: Our Methodist Houses

in Tunis are still serving well,

though founded back 130 years ago!

They host refugees, Church

Leaders, ecumenical study, creative

Ministry. Roman Catholic St.

Vincent de Paul Cathedral has

mosaics and fills up. Participants at

all of the Churches are over-

whelmingly Africans, not folks

from Europe nor from America

which offers a Powerful Witness to

all. Jesus Christ also lived in Africa!

3 Tunisian Churches with Deep Baptisteries



Attention: Seminary Professors Searching for a

Sabbatical Term or a New Theological College… and by his Failure to perform

assigned duties (skipping MANY

classes, shifting some to evening

hours when off-campus students

can't attend, failing for months to

submit grades). He'd also failed to

make any Progress towards his

Doctorate & was therefore still

UN-Qualified to teach Courses at

our Master of Divinity level. We

are recruiting Profs for our new August—May 2018-19 Academic

Year, especially Fields of Church

History and Theology and Ethics.

Come Join Me, in this

intriguing Field of Global


"Tell! Tell Me Do!" "Tell! Tell Me Do!" is to be sung to The Beatles' melody "Love!

Love Me Do!" /Tĕl˙mīdū/ in ARABIC is the main verb in Jesus'

Great Commission = Make Disciples! This Command is

Cognate/related to Semitic/Hebrew verb LMD = to teach & learn

UN–fortunately, our UMC General Conference Sessions Team failed

to correctly PARSE the Great Commission: assuming a Sub-ordinate

Participle 'Going' was a Main Verb. This is False. Here Jesus gave

one Imperative/Command: "Make Disciples!" Yes, I wish more UM's

would "GO!" into Missions, but "Therefore Go!" fails to focus our

Denomination on Christ’s PRIMARY Requirement for each of us!

UNfortunately, BHTS has had

to FIRE one of its Professors. He

was a bad example for the students

in his UN-redeemed Lifestyle

(Alcoholism & making our Chapel

Sermons into a perverse game [Dare

You: to Preach on the most obscure/

seemingly-contradictory of Texts!!]),

by his Abuse of Students (e.g.

making them write his Exam from

2--11 PM, and appropriating for

himself 24 hours in our Final Exam

schedule (each limited to 3 hours

by our Faculty Council’s action);



What does “Horizon-Less” [Aorist in Greek]

REALLY MEAN in our Biblical Greek Texts?

the Street amidst all that activity}!

Next, the Verbal Aspect of

various "Tense-Forms" of NT Greek,

is Classified. Future & Aorist are

both "Perfective" (seeing the whole

Parade as 1-Event, while 4: Present,

Imperfect, Perfect and Pluperfect

are all "Imperfective" (focusing on

smaller segments of the Parade).

Present is describing our Parade

from the Curbside [Campbell's

Proximity], Perfect is Walking

along in the Street [Con's

Heightened Proximity], Imperfect

is from up on the Rooftop [his

Remoteness], finally Pluperfect is

from a Helicopter [his Heightened

Remoteness]. Narratives may be

conducted in Present or Imperfect;

or in Aorist... but Discourses

within them would tend to be in

Perfect or Pluperfect; or in Future.

We have more nuances when we

move from Indicatives to Non-

Indicatives, & we still have the

varieties of Aktions art {Punctiliar,

Progressive, Iterative, Static, plus

Ingressive, Gnomic, Conative &

even "Summary"}. He covers both

these 1st & 2nd Order Topics. This

Scots Son of two Scholars of Greek

also provides a full set of Exercises

using Bible Verses, to help us

practice these helpful Distinctions!

One of my Discoveries [at BHTS]

in Biblical Languages this term has

been Basics of Verbal Aspect in

Biblical Greek by Constantine

Campbell, in which he moves

beyond the odd observations made

when I first studied Greek ['Aorist

Tense is not really about time-past;

it's more about simple once-and-for-

all Actions.'] towards a much fuller

description of both Aktionsart &

"Verbal Aspect". Campbell feels

that this dimension was missed,

because it is not present in Latin &

most Greek Grammars were written

by scholars who had first mastered

their art through Latin Grammars.

His main analogy relies heavily

upon different ways a person might

view a Parade {but stumbles along

with terms too-similar to different

features of verbs}. If you watch a

Parade from a Helicopter, you see

the whole sequence ["perfective'],

but if you watch from the curb you

attention is on each float/band/

troupe passing by ["imperfective'].

He later adds two dimensions each

of "proximity" & "remoteness" {&

I'll recast his terms}: Remoteness

{Rooftop}, Heightened Remoteness,

{Let's call this from a Helicopter},

Proximity {On the Curb}, &

Heightened Proximity {Walking in



APRIL TQ: Has the USA lost more people in its Wars or to AIDS?

A: More died of AIDS than in all the battles of all our Wars! Globally,

AIDS deaths = Grand Total World War II Deaths... 45 MILLION

SOULS extinguished by this Plague of Sexual Perversity & Immorality.

Biblical Sexual Morality is The CURE!

Christians & People of ALL Faiths simply need to OBEY God's Laws,

Honor their Marriage Covenants, & Practice Sexual Purity. That's all it

takes… & … That’s what nearly Every Religion/Culture has always taught!

MAY Trivia Question: HOW were Methodism in The Philippines and

Methodism in India originally connected? MAY…Bonus Trivia Question:

In The Philippines' United Methodist Church… What is a "Home Missioner"?

Captions: Al Kitab Al Muqqadesh [“The Holy Book” [Bible, in Arabic],

Umm Ar-Rasas [actual Pillar of Ascetic Christian “Stylite” >UNESCO!],

Evangelical Free’s “Chapel” in Amman, St. George’s Anglican in Tunis…

worshippers, Congolese Preacher [Jesus says: “I will never forsake you!”].





Des églises réformées Alert Readers recall my many praises for the

explosive growth of the Francophone UMC. I

was blest to meet with a UM Pastor from DR

Congo [& his wife from Brazzaville-Congo]

leading our “Post Arab Spring” era work in

Tunisia, as part of The Reformed Church of

Tunisia. This alliance mirrors the merger of

France’s Lutheran & Calvinist Evangelicals

into new Église Protestante Unie de France!

Recognize Praise-Song? YOU, Light [of the world],

Who has seen our darkness:

Open my eyes let me see.

Grace and Beauty that made

My heart adore You

My Soul Hopes to follow after You.

≈ French Lyrics modified from the

original English by “Plus One”!


I wouldn’t want to leave you with the false impression

that “All Work & No Play makes David a DULL Man!” In

addition to visiting Churches ancient & contemporary,

I also rode a Dromedary in the Sahara, held a Fennec,

and visited the Desert Planet Tatooine: exploring “Star

Wars Canyon”, Mos Espa & Luke’s Troglodyte Home!

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