LV Book 1 How to Walk With God

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Six BiBLe STudy LeSSonS

    for Group diScipLeShip



    Hw Wwh G

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Hw W wh G

    Six BiBLe STudy LeSSonSfor Group diScipLeShip

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    HoW to Walk WitH God

    cgt 2004-2006, 2013 b ev nat pts

    fst t 2004. S t 2013.

    pbls b eVery nATion producTionS

    p.o. B 12229 otgas ct, pasg ct, pls

    mal: ts@vat.g.

    All gts sv. n at ts blat ma b tasmtt

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    a mat stag a tval sstm, wtt mss wtg meVery nATion producTionS.

    All St qtats, lss tws at,

    a tak m t hl Bbl, nw itatal Vs

    cgt 1973, 1978, 1984 itatal Bbl St.

    us b mss Zva. All gts sv.

    pt t rbl t pls

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    hw t us

    ts MatalIn Victory, the primary venue for discipleship

    happens in a small group. It is called a Victory group.

    We strongly encourage everyone to be involved since

    these grups are speccall desged t help dscples

    grow spiritually.

    A Victory group meeting has three sections: Cc,

    W, and P, and ideally lasts from forty to

    sixty minutes.

    ConneCt (5-10 mts)

    Victory group meetings begin with a time to relate with

    one another. Depending on the people who comprise

    the group, this can be done through a variety of ways:

    Fusuch as a cebreaker actvt

    Aswered praerssharg f testes

    and updates Questssuch as thse prvded the

    material, learning each others personal stories,

    ad sharg feedback fr the weekl essage

    Eective Questions During the Connect Portion:

    Are delberatel fredl t rst-ters

    Ask fr p r expereces Requre Bble kwledge

    Have rght r wrg aswer

    Are t ctrversal

    Are preferabl cected t the eetgs tpc

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Word (20-30 mts)

    Teach the truth and relevance of Gods Word for life application. The

    Vctr grup eetg s t prarl a Bble stud. Althugh teachg

    and explanation of Scripture is involved, the goal is to minister, not

    sh a ateral.

    There is no need teach all the points in a material.

    Wth ths sect, we lk at what the Bble sas, ts relevace t us

    today, and its application in our lives.

    Wh: What does the Bible say?

    Communicate and impart biblical truth clearly and concisely

    16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,

    correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God

    may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.2 TimoTHy 3:16,17

    Tips for Sharing the Word Eectively

    Let the Bble speak fr tself.

    Use llustrats ad tell stres t expla Bble verses.

    Whe etertag clarcats, be watchful t t allw the

    dscuss t g -taget.

    The prar gal s t ster t the eeds f the peple, t t

    sh a Bble less. Be led b the Sprt whe usg the ateral.

    S Wh: What is the relevance of the Word to my life?

    Give participants the opportunity to discuss how the Word impacts

    the way they live.

    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but betransformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test

    and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will.

    RomAnS 12:2

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    nw Wh: How do I apply the Word to my life?

    our prar reas fr sharg the Bble s s that peple wll kw

    wh Gd s ad what He has de. i dg s, the partcpats wll

    begin to discover who they are and what they should do.

    If it is a promise, teach them to claim it. If it is a command or a

    principle, encourage them to put it to action by Gods grace. If it is a

    truth, let them embrace it willingly and not under compulsion. Allow

    Gods grace and love to win them by the way

    you teach Gods Word.

    Ecurage specc, easurable act steps that are csstetwith the life change that the Scripture is bringing about. We do not

    command people, but we spur them on toward love and good deeds.

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.

    Do what it says.JAmES 1:22

    Tips for Life-Changing Application yu a chse e f the S What ad nw What quests

    or you may add your own.

    A eectve stadb applcat quest s: What e act

    step are u gg t take as a result f what u heard tda?

    Desgate wh wll be the rst t aswer the quest asked.

    D t allw see t argue r be crtcal f thers.

    Red evere t appl the less t ther w lves, t tsomeone elses.

    Ask Gd fr wsd t kw whe t balace r crrect strage

    or unbiblical applications. Insensitive correction or criticism can

    kll the grup, as ca uchecked heres.

    Red evere that trasfrat s Gds wrk, t urs, ad

    ur bedece s a respse t wh He s ad Hs lve fr us. it s

    Gds grace that eables us t appl ad be Hs Wrd.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Pray(15-20 mts)

    Praer s the st prtat part f the Vctr grup eetg. make

    sure you have plenty of time left so your prayer time is not rushed. This

    s t a clsg praer, but a te fr evere the grup t take

    specc requests t Gd. Ths s where the act s. The gal s t createa venue where people will see God move on their behalf.

    Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you

    ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.mATTHEW 18:19

    Tips for Powerful Prayer

    Lste t the Hl Sprt carefull durg the Cect ad Wrdsections for things that may need prayer.

    Sped ur te prag fr e ather, t sharg ad

    dscussg praer requests.

    Keep ur praers sple, scere, ad shrt. mst -belevers

    have ever heard a rdar Chrsta just talk t Gd ad wll

    be touched by the sincerity and simplicity of the prayer.

    Pra, dt preach. Pra sple ad shrt seteces, t lgser praers.

    Use cversatal praer, t cplcated r prfud,

    intercessory prayer.

    Expect Gd t aswer ur praers.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    G s Lv ...................................... 1

    T Lv a fat........................ 7

    T Aba Ga ...............13

    T L fat ..............................19

    Mta-Mvg fat ..................23

    T Sl fat ..........................27








  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God





    G s Lv1

    Describe yourself in one word. Why did you

    chse that wrd?

    Hw d u shw see that u

    lve h r her?

    What s e f the greatest sacrces u

    have ever ade? Was t wrth t?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Gs v s vsg.I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn

    you with loving-kindness.JEREmiAH 31:3

    it s qute c tda fr peple t fall lve ad

    a few shrt ears, weeks, r eve das, the fall ut f

    love. Soon enough, they fall in love again. In contrast to

    human love, which is often only temporary, Gods love iseternal. It lasts forever. It does not fade with time.

    Gs v s f ss.But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While

    we were still sinners, Christ died for us. RomAnS 5:8


    17I pray that you, being rooted and established

    in love, 18may have power, together with all the

    saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and

    deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love

    that surpasses knowledgethat you may be

    lled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    EPHESiAnS 3:17-19

    Paul praed that Chrstas wuld kw ad uderstadthe agtude f Gds lve. Few peple ever reall

    comprehend how much God loves them. One of the

    cetral thees f the Bble s Gds lve fr a. B

    studg the Bble, we ca uderstad the heght,

    depth, width, and breadth of Gods love for us.




    2 hw t Walkwt G



  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    ma tes, we thk Gd l lves us whe we are

    properly performing our religious duties. We assume

    that the more religious we act, the more God loves us.

    The Bble teaches just the ppste. Gds greatest

    demonstration of love was not in response to ourrghteusess. Rather t was respse

    to our rebellion.

    Gs v s g.How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that

    we should be called children of God! And that is what

    we are!1 JoHn 3:1

    Tragically, many have grown up in families where one

    chld was shw re lve tha the thers. The t-s-

    favred chld a have felt se degree f lvejust

    not as much as the other children. Gods family is not

    lke that. Hs lve s t great tward se ad barel

    exstet tward thers. Rather, Hs lve has bee rchl

    lavshed all Hs chldre.

    How does

    God lavish

    His love on you?

    What is

    a sinner?


    G s Lv 3

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    4 hw t BlStg fat

    What circumstances

    did Paul experience

    and how did

    he respond

    to these, knowing

    the constancy of

    Gods love?

    4 Gs v s cs.35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

    Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or

    nakedness or danger or sword? . . . 37No . . . 38For I am

    convinced that neither death nor life, neither angelsnor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any

    powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in

    all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of

    God . . . RomAnS 8:35,37-39

    It is easy to feel that God loves us when things are

    gg well tes f prspert, health, ad peace.But what abut tes f lack, persecut, ad

    dubt? Durg tugh tes, a f us wrgl feel

    that we are separated from Gods love. We must settle

    ce ad fr all that Gd lves us. The prf f Hs lve

    is not found in our present circumstances, but in what

    He dd the crss fr us 2,000 ears ag.

    4 hw t Walkwt G

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    So WhATHw des Gds lve der fr ur lve? Hw des

    Gds lve ake u feel?

    Wh d u thk Gd lves us, eve thugh we are

    sers? What des Hs lve sa abut wh He s?Hw des the cstac f Gds lve ake u feel?

    Hw des ths aect ur lfe, ad hw des ths

    challege ur vew f lve?

    Thak Gd fr Hs great lve expressed thrugh

    Jesus death on the cross. Express your gratitude for

    Gods love.

    Pray that you would have a greater understanding of

    ad cdece based Gds lve fr u.

    Ask Gd t use u t express Hs lve t thse

    arud u, especall thse wh d t kw H

    et. Pra fr specc peple s that the wuld kw

    that God loves them.


    noW WhAT

    Are u cvced that Gd lves u? All the te,as uch as He lves thse arud u? What ca u

    d t kw ad experece Hs lve re ths week?

    Hw d u respd t Gds lve? Hw d u

    express ths ever da?

    Are u curretl a dcult stuat? What ca

    you do to further understand the constancy and

    greatess f Gds lve fr u?

    G s Lv 5

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God





    T Lv

    a fat


    What is one of your best memories

    as a chld?

    Hw d u celebrate specal hldas r

    fal lestes?

    What discipline did you sometimes hate as

    a chld but have w ce t apprecate?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    dscp shu b gh, shu b cus f scugm.My son, do not make light of the Lords discipline, and do

    not lose heart when he rebukes you . . .HEBREWS 12:5

    Se Chrstas ted t take Gds dscple t

    lghtl. others receve Hs dscple as reject ad

    feel lke cplete falures. As we grw up Chrst, we

    must learn to avoid both of these dangerous extremes.


    5And you have forgotten that word of

    encouragement that addresses you as sons:

    My son, do not make light of the Lords

    discipline, and do not lose heart when he

    rebukes you, 6because the Lord disciplines those

    he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts

    as a son.HEBREWS 12:5,6

    Because f Gds great lve fr us, He prtects us ad

    prvdes fr us. He saves ad blesses us t because

    f hw uch we lve H, but because f hw uch

    He lves us. Whle we jfull accept these expresss

    f Hs lve, we fte suderstad ather prtat

    manifestation of divine love: Discipline.

    How do people

    make light of the

    Lords discipline?


    8 hw t Walkwt G


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    dscp s pf f Gs v.11My son, do not despise the Lords discipline and do not

    resent his rebuke, 12because the Lord disciplines those he

    loves, as a father the son he delights in.PRoVERBS 3:11,12

    The rebuke, crrect, ad dscple f the Lrd ur

    lves s prf f Hs lve fr us. He lves us t uch

    to tolerate sinful habits and ungodly attitudes that will

    ultimately destroy us.

    dscp s pf f Gs ccpc.. . . the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punisheseveryone he accepts . . .HEBREWS 12:6

    Gd dscples evere He has accepted as Hs w

    child. Therefore discipline is a sign of acceptance,

    not rejection.

    What does



    How has God

    rebuked anddisciplined you?


    T Lv a fat 9


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    10 hw t Walkwt G

    How did your

    father discipline

    you? What does

    it mean to be

    Gods child?

    4 dscp s pf h w Gs ch.Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son,

    so the LORD your God disciplines you. DEUTERonomy 8:5

    (SEE ALSo HEBREWS 12:7,8.)

    yu cat dscple ur eghbrs chldre,

    atter hw uch the eed t. Wh? Because the are

    not in your family. Discipline is for family members only.

    Lkewse, dve dscple s l fr thse wh are part

    of Gods family.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    So WhATHw des ur vew f dscple der fr Gds?

    Wh d u thk dscple s a dve afestat

    f Gds lve?

    Hw ca u be careful t t take the Lrdsdscple t lghtl r get dscuraged b t?

    Hw d u feel abut Gds lve? Hw d u feel

    abut Hs dscple? Hw des Gd wat u t vew

    Hs lve ad dscple?

    Thak Gd fr Hs lve, acceptace, ad

    dscple, eve thugh Hs dscple a be paful

    or inconvenient.

    Ask Gd t help u respd t Hs dscple a

    gdl aer. Pra that He wuld trasfr u dal

    t bece the pers He has called u t be.

    Pra fr thse u kw wh are t part f Gds

    fal et. Ask the Lrd t draw the ad pra fr

    ther salvat. Beleve Gd fr pprtutes t shw

    them Gods love.prAyer

    noW WhATi what area d u thk the Lrd s dscplg u?

    What d u thk He wats u t lear

    r uderstad?

    Hw ca u respd t Gds dscple a wa that

    hrs H?

    D u beleve Gd has accepted u as Hs chld?

    Wh r wh t? What ca u d t uderstad adapprecate Hs lve re ths week?

    T Lv a fat 11

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God





    T Aba



    Tell us about your favorite movie. What do

    u lke abut t?

    What is one bad habit you wish you can

    break? Wh?

    Who is one of the most gracious people

    u kw? Recall a specc stace

    explaining this.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    W sv b gc.8

    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God9not by

    works, so that no one can boast. EPHESiAnS 2:8,9

    (SEE ALSo RomAnS 11:6.)

    The victorious Christian life begins when we accept

    that salvation is only by the grace of God, not by

    ur gd wrks. Grace eas we are saved becausef what Gd dd fr us, t what we d fr H.


    For if, by the trespass of the one man, death

    reigned through that one man, how much more

    will those who receive Gods abundant provision

    of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in

    life through the one man, Jesus Christ. RomAnS 5:17

    The Christian should not live a life of constant

    ppress, depress, ad hpelessess. Because

    Gd has gve the abudace f Hs grace, we ca reg

    over whatever adverse circumstances come our way.

    Because f Hs grace, we ca ad shuld lve vctrus

    lves Chrst. Fllwg are fur beets f Gds grace

    in our lives.

    What did God do

    for us that ensures

    our salvation?

    What did we

    do for God to

    deserve salvation?


    14 hw t Walkwt G


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    W c vcm wss hugh gc.But he said to me, My grace is sucient for you,

    for my power is made perfect in weakness.

    Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about

    my weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me.2 CoRinTHiAnS 12:9

    W c hv vc v s hugh gc.For sin shall not be your master, because you are not

    under law, but under grace. RomAnS 6:14

    11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared

    to all men. 12It teaches us to say No to ungodliness and

    worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and

    godly lives in this present age. TiTUS 2:11,12

    What s a aster? Wh shuld s t be ur aster?

    Wh s ur aster?

    What are your


    How has Gods

    grace been

    sucient? What

    does sucient



    T Aba Ga 15

    What does grace

    teach us to say

    no to?


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    16 hw t Walkwt G

    What does it

    mean to have all

    that you need?

    a u s c b m hugh gc.And God is able to make all grace abound to you,

    so that in all things at all times, having all that you need,

    you will abound in every good work.

    2 CoRinTHiAnS 9:8

    Hw has Gds grace suppled ur eeds?


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    So WhATAccrdg t the Bble, what s grace? Hw des Gds

    grace der fr ur uderstadg f grace?

    Hw des grace eable u t verce weakess

    ad s? Hw d u thk a pers full f Gds gracelks lke?

    Wh d u thk Gds grace s descrbed as

    abudat, rch, ad all-sucet?

    Thak Gd fr Hs all-sucet, abudat, ad

    saving grace.

    Apprprate Gds grace ver ur lfe ur specc

    stuat. Whether t s a weakess, s, r a dcult

    crcustace, ask Gd fr Hs grace t d ur lfe

    ad ll u t the verwg. Beleve that ever

    eed u have wll be et thrugh Hs grace.Pray for your family and friends who have not yet

    received Gods saving grace for their lives. Pray for

    their salvation and that they would surrender their

    lives to Jesus Christ.prA


    noW WhATHave u bee saved b Gds grace? if t, wuld

    u lke t receve Hs grace ad gft f eteral lfe,

    ad beg lvg fr H tda?

    Are there sinful habits, actions, or attitudes in your

    lfe that u eed Gds grace t sa t? Hw

    ca u walk repetace ad fath t verce

    these ths week?D u have a bblcal uderstadg f grace? What

    ca u d t apprecate ad further uderstad Hs

    grace ths cg week?

    T Aba Ga 17

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God





    T L



    Tell us about one person you really admire.

    What d u lke ad respect abut h

    r her?

    What s e thg u wat t be kw

    fr? Wh?

    Who is one of the people you are closest

    t? What d u apprecate abut

    ths pers?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    W sv b fh, b g ws.That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord,

    and believe in your heart that God raised him from the

    dead, you will be saved. RomAnS 10:9

    We are not saved by what we do, but by trusting in what

    Christ has already done for us. Eternal salvation is based

    on what we believe, not on what we do. This is thestarting point of Christian faith.

    W hv pc wh G b fh, bbg gus us.Therefore, since we have been justied through faith,

    we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    RomAnS 5:1


    For in the gospel a righteousness from God is

    revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from

    rst to last, just as it is written: The righteous

    will live by faith.RomAnS 1:17

    We can stand righteous before a holy God because

    f what He dd fr us, t what we d fr H. Real

    rghteusess s based fath, t wrks. Fve

    hudred ears ag whe a frustrated Gera k

    gured ut that the rghteus wll lve b fath ad t

    b wrks, the whle curse f church hstr chaged

    draatcall. Lkewse, whe we lear t lve b fath

    ad t b wrks, ur sprtual lves wll ever be the

    sae. Fllwg are three fudats f lvg b fath.

    If good works

    could save us,

    what should we

    do then?


    20 hw t Walkwt G



  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Peace with God means we have freedom from constant

    gult, sprtual ferrt, feelg lke we ever d

    enough, and the fear of death. Peace with God can

    ever be attaed thrugh keepg relgus rules, dg

    good deeds, or joining religious organizations. Peacel ces thrugh puttg fath the shed wrk f

    Chrst the crss. our wrks add thg t what He

    has already done for us.

    ou shp wh G s hugh fh, hugh pg h w.Not having a righteousness of my own that comes from

    the law, but that which is through faith in Christthe

    righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.

    PHiLiPPiAnS 3:9

    Paul tried in vain to establish his own righteousness

    b dlgetl keepg the law. He all cae t the

    point of accepting that no matter how hard he tried, he

    wuld frever fall shrt f Gds stadard. He realzed

    that righteousness comes through faith in Christ, not

    thrugh fath es ablt t keep the law.

    Why can

    we never be

    righteousthrough the law?

    What does it

    mean to be



    T L fat 21

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    So WhATHw wuld t lk lke t lve b fath tda? Wh d

    u thk the Bble tells us that the rghteus wll lve

    b fath?

    Wh des justcat prduce peace?Hw d se peple tr t please Gd thrugh

    ther w relgus wrks? What des the Bble sa

    abut ths?

    Thak Gd fr what Chrst dd the crssfr Hs

    lve, frgveess, redept, justcat, ad peace.

    Pray that you would live by faith, not by what you see,

    t b ur w gd wrks. Ask Gd fr Hs peace t

    ll u.

    Pra fr ur fal ad freds wh d t kw

    Chrst et, that the wll trust H re tha ther

    w gd wrks.


    noW WhAT

    Do you believe you have been saved by grace,thrugh fath? Are u stll trustg ur w

    relgus gd wrks fr salvat, peace, ad

    relatshp wth Gd? Wuld u lke t put ur

    fath what Chrst dd the crss tda?

    D u have peace f d? Hw ca u lve

    freedom from guilt, spiritual rejection, and the fear of

    death? Hw ca u have greater peace ths week?What ca u d t lve b fath ever da? Hw wll

    u put what u have leared t practce?

    22 hw t Walkwt G

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    Mvg fat


    D u lke sprts? Whch sprt d u

    ej r whch tea d u lke cheerg

    fr? Wh?

    What s e f the st dcult thgs u

    have ever had t d? What dd t feel lke?

    Tell us about a time when a friend or family

    member made a promise they could not

    keep. Hw dd u respd?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Fh bvs hg s mpssbwh G.I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard

    seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to

    there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for

    you.mATTHEW 17:20

    The real issue is not how tall the mountain is, or how

    tiny our faith is in comparison to the mountain. The real

    issue of faith is how big our God is. Even if our faith is as

    small as a mustard seed, if it is connected to a big God,

    nothing will be impossible.

    Fh bvs G s b p Hs pmss.19Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact

    that his body was as good as deadsince he was about

    a hundred years oldand that Sarahs womb was also


    For everyone born of God overcomes the world.

    This is the victory that has overcome the world,

    even our faith. 1 JoHn 5:4

    The Chrsta lfe s a ght. it s lled wth bstacles that

    we must overcome. The good news is that everyone

    br f Gd ca be a vercer! nt just the pastr r

    Vctr grup leader, but ever chld f Gd! The ke t

    victory is faith.

    What are some


    move mountains

    that you have

    faced in life?


    24 hw t Walkwt G



  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    dead. 20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding

    the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith

    and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded

    that God had power to do what he had promised.

    RomAnS 4:19-21

    The circumstances told Abraham he was too old to

    father a child. Medical experts would have told him he

    was t ld. Hs wfe laughed at the dea. But hs fath

    tld h that hs Gd was able t keep Hs prses.

    Fath fcuses the pwer f Gd, t the sze f

    the problem.

    Fh bvs G s w.And without faith it is impossible to please God, because

    anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and

    that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

    HEBREWS 11:6

    ma Chrstas kw Gd as Lrd, Savr, ad Father,

    but t as rewarder. Hebrews tells us that we ust

    beleve that He s a rewarder. Ths s the startg pt

    of great faith.

    What is a

    reward? Why arerewards given?

    Have you ever

    received a reward?

    What? Why?

    What is a

    promise? Why

    is it impossible

    for God to break

    His promise?

    Mta-Mvg fat 25


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    So WhATHw des ur vew f Gd aect ur stuat? Hw

    d u thk ur vew f Gd eeds t chage? D

    u beleve that thg s pssble wth H?

    Hw d Gd as a prse-keeper der fr u adthse wh have ade prses t u? Hw des

    Gds uchagg ad fathful ature ake u feel?

    Wh d u thk the Bble tells us we ust beleve

    that Gd s a rewarder?

    Thak Gd fr wh He s, that He s fathful, all-

    pwerful, ad a prse-keepg Gd.

    Beleve Gd fr Hs prses t be fullled ur

    life, for your family, in your job, and through your

    str. Pra speccall fr ur curret stuat.

    Ask Gd fr uta-vg fath. D t gve up!Pra fr thse u kw wh are facg tugh

    stuats. Ask Gd that the wll be stregtheed

    ther fath ad see Hs prses fullled ther lves.prA


    noW WhATD u have uta-vg fath? Hw d uthk u ca have greater fath? Whe u face a

    mountain, how can you respond in a way that

    hrs Gd?

    What are se pssble stuats u are

    facg? What are se prses u are stll watg

    Gd t fulll? Are u full persuaded that Gdhas eugh pwer t d what He prsed? What wll

    you do while waiting and to help you not give

    up hpe?

    D u kw see wh s facg a bg

    uta ad eeds great fath? Hw ca u be a

    ecurageet t the ths week?

    26 hw t Walkwt G

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God





    T Sl



    Hw d u d ut what s the ews?

    What or who is your source of current

    aars r breakg ews?

    What s e f the st recet bks u

    have read? Wh dd u read t?

    What is one thing you hope will happen in

    the ext twelve ths?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Fh HpNow faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of

    what we do not see. HEBREWS 11:1

    Fath s the pwer that akes ur hpes ad dreas

    bece realt. Hpe wthut fath causes great

    frustrat. Fath wthut hpe s lke a dart plaer wh

    des t kw where the dart bard s. He s dagerus

    because he randomly throws darts all over the place.

    Fh h WConsequently, faith comes from hearing the message,

    and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

    RomAnS 10:17

    Why is it that some people seem to have great faith and

    thers lttle fath? Gds Wrd s the ke t strg fath.

    Just as proper diet and exercise produce a stronger

    bd, readg, studg, ad beg the Bble cause

    faith to grow strong.


    Take up the shield of faith, with which you can

    extinguish all the aming arrows of the evil one.

    EPHESiAnS 6:16

    Fath s a tegral part f the arr f the Chrsta.

    The shield of faith has the power to protect us from

    ever attack f the devl. i rder t eectvel use ur

    sheld f fath, we ust uderstad hw t wrks

    conjunction with hope, the Word, love, and action.

    What is your

    greatest hope?

    Are you sure it

    will become a

    reality? Why?


    28 hw t Walkwt G



  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    Fh lvFor in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor

    uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts

    is faith expressing itself through love.GALATiAnS 5:6

    Fath that expresses tself thrugh arrgace,

    selshess, ad ager s t true fath at all. Fath s

    founded on Gods love for us. It grows as our love for

    God grows, and it spreads as we learn to love others.

    Fh acIn the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied

    by action, is dead. JAmES 2:17

    iactve fath s false fath. Fath s l as alve as t s

    actve. Fath that l stas the d, but s ever

    traslated t real lfe, s t Bble fath. But whe fath

    is put into practice, it becomes a powerful force.

    How does faith

    express itself

    through love?

    How does

    faith come?


    T Sl fat 29


    How can

    you know if

    something is

    dead? How can

    you know if

    faith is dead?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 1 How to Walk With God


    . . . A wat s t L q ? T at jstl a t lv m

    a t walk mbl wt G.MicAh 6:8

    Hw W wh G s a ss

    s matals g slssg t l sls walk wt G

    ssttl a gw lats wt hm.

    TopicS incLude:

    God is Love The Love of a Father

    The Abundance of Grace

    The Life of Faith

    Mountain-Moving Faith

    The Shield of Faith

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