Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Trusted List · Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Trusted List Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l'Accréditation de la Sécurité et qualité des produits

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Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Trusted ListInstitut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l'Accréditation de laSécurité et qualité des produits et services

Scheme Information

TSL Version Identifier 4

TSL Sequence Number 19

TSL Type TL implementation of a supervision/accreditation status list of trust services from trust service providers which are

supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State owning the TL implementation for compliance with the relevant

provisions laid down in the applicable European legislation, through a process of direct oversight (whether voluntary or


Scheme Operator Name Name enInstitut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, del'Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits etservices (ILNAS)

Scheme Operator Name Name frInstitut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, del'Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits etservices (ILNAS)

Scheme Operator Address

Street Address en 1, Avenue du Swing

Locality en Belvaux

State Or Province en

Postal Code en L-4367

Country Name en LU

Street Address fr 1, Avenue du Swing

Locality fr Belvaux

State Or Province fr

Postal Code fr L-4367

Country Name fr LU

Street Address de 1, Avenue du Swing

Locality de Belvaux

State Or Province de

Postal Code de L-4367

Country Name de LU

Electronic Address en

Electronic Address fr

Electronic Address de

Electronic Address en

Electronic Address fr

Scheme Name Name en

LU:Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certificationservices from Certification Service Providers, which aresupervised/accredited by the referenced Scheme Operator’sMember State for compliance with the relevant provisionslaid down in Directive 1999/93/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on aCommunity framework for electronic signatures.

Scheme Information URI Name en

Status DeterminationApproach

Scheme Type Community Rule en

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Scheme Type Community Rule en

Scheme Territory LU

Policy Or Legal Notice TSL Legal Notice en

The applicable legal framework for the present TSLimplementation of the Trusted List of supervised/accreditedCertification Service Providers for Luxembourg is Directive1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of13 December 1999 on a Community framework for electronicsignatures and its implementation in Luxembourgish laws.The accreditation scheme for all CSPs issuing qualified, non-qualified certificates, or other services related to electronicsignature is based upon the Law of 14 August 2000, andGrand-Ducal Regulations of 1st June 2001 and 21 December2004.

Historical Information Period 65535

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Pointer To Other TSL X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 1492222081487967370426178970702310028312376

SigAlgName SHA1withRSA

Issuer DN CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - G2,O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Valid from 2013-03-20T10:05:05Z

Valid to 2015-03-21T10:05:05Z

Subject DN, O=European Commission,L=Brussels, ST=Belgium, C=BE

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ec 8e cf7e c9 35 9d da 73 d3 d2 a3 d6 e7 f7 01 0b 71 50 11 4831 d8 71 33 94 c3 4c a3 85 29 79 15 50 3f a0 38 66 cbb7 1d 69 f5 20 ea cd 47 36 c5 77 eb 7d 57 ec e5 cb 1416 b6 30 89 d4 16 a2 11 26 57 2a 23 1e f5 00 de c2 ecf6 37 b4 43 61 60 80 cb 70 e6 d2 7c c3 5e 22 be 23 4dd4 7a f4 d7 7f bb 5e 46 33 cc ac da c1 67 98 7d e2 876b 93 0a 15 47 1e 63 86 ae 62 dc 15 be 00 a5 93 46 88df ea 84 0d 91 08 2c c7 23 9a 98 b8 c1 e4 1b 6d e0 7eb6 97 4b 87 ed c1 b4 02 a0 45 ed 05 b1 51 ad f1 7e 7122 40 07 1e de d7 1c fa 56 8f bb eb ad e4 78 a3 43 b4fb a3 7c e4 12 a0 76 dc b4 c8 6b 68 35 85 0c 40 ac d842 fc de 0c cb 3f 35 f9 34 e4 7c 4d cf 05 46 fe d1 0b 995f 9a e0 2f e9 4a bf 2f 30 93 30 1e 17 46 2a 9f 26 d824 06 8e cd 10 0b 28 e7 1e 72 27 48 f5 c8 31 23 80 3302 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 5d 46 b2 8d c4 4b 74 1c bb ed f5 73 b6 3a b738 .F...Kt....s...80010: 8f 75 9e 7e .u..]


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ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]]]]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: bf 85 2c a8 b6 b5 1c ed 3e fb 16 bf 02 51 10 b0.............Q..0010: 90 79 71 f3 .yq.]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=trueKeyUsage [ DigitalSignature Key_Encipherment]

Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:falsePathLen: undefined]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint fd 4b 54 cf ad 0e 8e 24 d7 be 38 c2 8f 7b aa e6 5f bae8 d5 f3 fa fe d8 31 d7 87 3f a4 dd 74 ea

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint fb d7 e6 5b 62 26 0c 0e e3 ab e0 09 cc d8 89 17 fe 53fb f2

TSL Location

TSL Type TL implementation of a compiled list of pointers towards Member States

supervision/accreditation status lists of trust services from trust service providers which are

supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State owning the pointed TL implementation for

compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in the applicable European legislation, through a

process of direct oversight (whether voluntary or regulatory).

Scheme OperatorName

European Commission

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Scheme TypeCommunity Rules URI pointing towards a descriptive text where users can obtain information about the scheme of

schemes type (i.e. a compiled list listing pointers to all trusted lists published as part of the scheme

of schemes and maintained in the form of a TL) and the relevant driving rules and policy.

Scheme Territory EU

Mime Type application/pdf

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Pointer To Other TSL X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 114

SigAlgName SHA256withRSA


Valid from 2011-11-16T15:11:07Z

Valid to 2015-11-16T15:11:07Z


Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 cc 3c f357 db c4 19 f9 12 ae b8 1d fe a9 a8 4a a7 d0 89 ed 838f 64 e4 3f 84 d8 90 4c 73 27 8e 31 81 38 5b 0b b3 56ab 3b 7e e2 8c 5f 99 a1 88 5c 3b 96 55 71 e3 64 bb 1880 e7 29 ae 9a b1 c1 7b 8a b2 12 b1 84 c6 3a d0 fa 746b 7c 38 43 90 90 6e 62 db 8c 31 4f 7c 1e eb 75 56 d56f cf 10 ed 16 a1 18 e4 3c 30 6a 82 58 e7 a9 c2 e7 f962 4b af 76 25 f5 fa 64 c7 24 fe 1f 7a 65 d2 39 c6 9068 bb 51 42 84 0e ea 02 82 51 72 f5 36 f5 4c 4f 9e 54d8 86 5a 67 ec 91 1c ba ab d3 e2 a2 e8 e9 d8 5a ab c0d9 bd e5 50 24 2c 51 a8 34 5e 22 65 07 5a ef d6 e0 8ef0 18 9c 0e 69 e1 05 e0 af fe 6c 59 98 e0 b1 ad c4 6bd3 e5 47 01 2f 3b b0 bc 9d d9 d1 13 f3 d3 50 dc 1a 4a63 99 b2 63 c7 fe 4b 02 0a 77 d3 0e aa 9e 84 75 67 af2d ca e9 02 14 2a 14 6c a1 3d 66 eb 4a af e1 42 ab bebb 02 03 01 00 01

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Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 47 ed f8 63 f0 99 af 5e fe 7e 0e 5c 58 cb fe e2G..c........X...0010: 35 37 a6 bd 57..]



ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]], PolicyQualifierInfo: [UserNotice: [ObjectIdentifier: nullExplicitText: Qualified certificate. Under the usageconditions asserted in the FNMT-RCM CPS (106, JorgeJuan street,28009, Madrid, Spain).]]]],PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: null]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:ldap://,cn=ISA%20CA,o=FNMT-RCM,C=ES?certificateRevocationList;binary?base?objectclass=cRLDistributionPoint, URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 4a 14 11 ff b4 39 ee 7d 7d 54 6c fe b5 b6 33 42J....9...Tl...3B0010: a1 9a 50 ec ..P.]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=trueKeyUsage [ Non_repudiation]

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Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:falsePathLen: undefined]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint 5d 39 e8 f1 16 69 50 e9 97 38 32 ad 26 6f 06 74 2c c4a9 48 48 69 df 61 ef cb 84 9d b2 fc 60 4a

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint a8 4e 18 97 24 1f 85 c5 55 d0 3f 48 f5 a1 95 d6 3c 6aa6 5b

TSL Location

TSL Type TL implementation of a compiled list of pointers towards Member States

supervision/accreditation status lists of trust services from trust service providers which are

supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State owning the pointed TL implementation for

compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in the applicable European legislation, through a

process of direct oversight (whether voluntary or regulatory).

Scheme OperatorName

European Commission

Scheme TypeCommunity Rules URI pointing towards a descriptive text where users can obtain information about the scheme of

schemes type (i.e. a compiled list listing pointers to all trusted lists published as part of the scheme

of schemes and maintained in the form of a TL) and the relevant driving rules and policy.

Scheme Territory EU

Mime Type application/vnd.etsi.tsl+xml

List Issue Date Time 2014-03-18T00:00:00Z

Next Update dateTime 2014-09-17T00:00:00Z

Distribution Point

List of Trust Service Providers

TSP 1 Information

TSP Name Name en LuxTrust S.A.

TSP Trade Name Name en VATLU-20976985

TSP Trade Name Name fr TVALU-20976985

Street Address en IVY Building - 13-15 Parc d'Activités

Locality en Capellen

State Or Province en

Postal Code en L-8308

Country Name en LU

Street Address fr IVY Building - 13-15 Parc d'Activités

Locality fr Capellen

State Or Province fr

Postal Code fr L-8308

Country Name fr LU

Street Address de IVY Building - 13-15 Parc d'Activités

Locality de Capellen

State Or Province de

Postal Code de L-8308

Country Name de LU

Electronic Address URI en:

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Electronic Address URI fr:

Electronic Address URI de:

Electronic Address URI en:

Electronic Address URI fr:

Electronic Address URI de:

TSP Information URI URI en

TSP Information URI URI fr

TSP Information URI URI de

List of Services

TSP 1, Service 1

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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DigitalId X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 1003

SigAlgName SHA1withRSA

Issuer DN CN=LuxTrust root CA, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU

Valid from 2008-06-05T09:25:24Z

Valid to 2016-10-18T10:40:34Z

Subject DN CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA, O=LuxTrust S.A., C=LU

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c9 b1 57cc 0f bc 44 d9 ef 94 27 7e b1 9f 01 9c 7e 96 3b 72 e668 b8 b8 d7 d6 20 77 d5 41 61 c2 30 2e 63 31 f4 a8 0028 5d ee e0 1f 3b 1d e7 b9 34 be 17 be 19 bf 07 d0 ee0d 41 f9 38 66 77 3f 60 f0 7f ba 6e b5 51 2f 01 3b d6f2 3c d8 ab a0 b3 6a b5 2d 87 36 fd bb 1f 8a 4d d4 d3f9 de 32 ea d9 20 56 08 32 f4 30 5e f9 bc fa df 9a 199b 63 cf 41 3f 64 ce 84 78 f1 10 4d ef 7d 0a 03 f3 0921 ad 12 6b b6 43 a6 12 f7 ed 61 d2 03 8f d3 5a 1f 45d7 f2 c1 45 51 82 d0 5e 0c 83 58 54 fe ef a4 a2 f1 7999 3b 94 2b e9 dc 53 bf 85 4b 47 10 46 10 03 f8 2e 167c b2 3f 5a ec ee 13 e4 fa 66 e6 7a 22 a8 3a fa fa a0 7fa8 8a c0 be a2 55 99 b0 2a 42 4f bd 5d fe dd 68 32 df3a b9 b6 90 ef b0 81 a3 e2 45 dd d6 b8 90 18 ab 04 7837 cd f3 2e f5 0c 6d ce 74 1a 85 d5 87 7b b9 ee f3 8b02 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: dd 8a d7 30 f1 f9 91 71 e9 47 70 0c 25 e5 ac a1...0...q.Gp.....0010: 8d df 8c 25 ....]


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ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]]]]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 8d 90 a3 07 dd 1a 13 77 99 4c 92 ab 4d 43 de3f .......w.L..MC..0010: cd 29 64 05 ..d.]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=trueKeyUsage [ DigitalSignature Non_repudiation Key_CertSign Crl_Sign]

Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:truePathLen:0]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint fe 5d 1f de 82 82 0a c6 9f 02 65 80 8c 4e 69 4a cf 0a fa05 6b 56 a4 ea 84 98 4d 52 a8 5b f7 d7

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint 77 b1 b1 97 27 94 56 f5 16 3a 89 ca 41 4a ca 7c 7e aca2 aa

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2013-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 1, History N.1

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Qualified Certification Authority

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Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2008-07-29T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 1, History N.2

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status accreditation assessment has been performed by the Accreditation Body and the service is found to be in compliance

with the provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC.

Status Starting Time 2009-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 1, History N.3

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status validity of the accreditation assessment has lapsed without the service being re-assessed.

Status Starting Time 2013-10-12T23:59:59Z

TSP 1, Service 2

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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DigitalId X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 1003

SigAlgName SHA1withRSA

Issuer DN CN=LuxTrust root CA, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU

Valid from 2008-06-05T09:25:24Z

Valid to 2016-10-18T10:40:34Z

Subject DN CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA, O=LuxTrust S.A., C=LU

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c9 b1 57cc 0f bc 44 d9 ef 94 27 7e b1 9f 01 9c 7e 96 3b 72 e668 b8 b8 d7 d6 20 77 d5 41 61 c2 30 2e 63 31 f4 a8 0028 5d ee e0 1f 3b 1d e7 b9 34 be 17 be 19 bf 07 d0 ee0d 41 f9 38 66 77 3f 60 f0 7f ba 6e b5 51 2f 01 3b d6f2 3c d8 ab a0 b3 6a b5 2d 87 36 fd bb 1f 8a 4d d4 d3f9 de 32 ea d9 20 56 08 32 f4 30 5e f9 bc fa df 9a 199b 63 cf 41 3f 64 ce 84 78 f1 10 4d ef 7d 0a 03 f3 0921 ad 12 6b b6 43 a6 12 f7 ed 61 d2 03 8f d3 5a 1f 45d7 f2 c1 45 51 82 d0 5e 0c 83 58 54 fe ef a4 a2 f1 7999 3b 94 2b e9 dc 53 bf 85 4b 47 10 46 10 03 f8 2e 167c b2 3f 5a ec ee 13 e4 fa 66 e6 7a 22 a8 3a fa fa a0 7fa8 8a c0 be a2 55 99 b0 2a 42 4f bd 5d fe dd 68 32 df3a b9 b6 90 ef b0 81 a3 e2 45 dd d6 b8 90 18 ab 04 7837 cd f3 2e f5 0c 6d ce 74 1a 85 d5 87 7b b9 ee f3 8b02 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: dd 8a d7 30 f1 f9 91 71 e9 47 70 0c 25 e5 ac a1...0...q.Gp.....0010: 8d df 8c 25 ....]


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ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]]]]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 8d 90 a3 07 dd 1a 13 77 99 4c 92 ab 4d 43 de3f .......w.L..MC..0010: cd 29 64 05 ..d.]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=trueKeyUsage [ DigitalSignature Non_repudiation Key_CertSign Crl_Sign]

Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:truePathLen:0]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint fe 5d 1f de 82 82 0a c6 9f 02 65 80 8c 4e 69 4a cf 0a fa05 6b 56 a4 ea 84 98 4d 52 a8 5b f7 d7

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint 77 b1 b1 97 27 94 56 f5 16 3a 89 ca 41 4a ca 7c 7e aca2 aa

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2013-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 2, History N.1

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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Service Status accreditation assessment has been performed by the Accreditation Body and the service is found to be in compliance

with the provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC.

Status Starting Time 2009-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 2, History N.2

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status validity of the accreditation assessment has lapsed without the service being re-assessed.

Status Starting Time 2013-10-12T23:59:59Z

TSP 1, Service 3

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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DigitalId X509 Certificate

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----

Version 3

Serial Number 3223

SigAlgName SHA256withRSA

Issuer DN CN=LuxTrust Global Root, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU

Valid from 2011-11-22T09:34:24Z

Valid to 2017-11-22T09:34:24Z

Subject DN CN=LuxTrust Global Qualified CA, O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 a8 d0 297d c9 e9 36 db 16 5b d8 f3 59 37 48 08 83 1d ba aa 0402 84 a2 77 6b 3f eb fa a8 40 bf f7 7f 8d 50 4b 67 2e66 42 f2 91 40 5a ef 9c b6 69 e6 06 39 47 3a e0 21 c332 67 10 b0 0a 2b 50 f8 cc 8b 3e 25 18 67 89 a0 fe 552b 1d f3 9f 85 64 63 61 a2 58 e0 3c fe 33 af 62 71 dcc0 b0 ab 95 ad fb 2e ac 9f d4 12 66 88 90 6b e0 8c 1cde 09 dd 2a 77 c0 57 62 79 ed e8 60 13 f5 b0 2c 27 b561 f2 50 f2 4e 1a 38 0f 59 9b b9 d7 ba 8e 6b a9 05 344d a9 6d 53 aa 7b b3 78 97 28 a0 8f 09 01 69 16 67 45f8 80 65 f3 1b 48 99 94 2e 22 ac 89 41 fd a6 90 88 9a28 fb c4 15 af 9d 75 4f ec c0 25 22 6f d8 2a 4f 4b af 1da4 be c0 64 14 f0 ef f7 e1 b3 21 7c e0 77 01 7f 8b 421f b4 21 97 dc c5 ad d6 96 19 da ab 66 27 9b 48 ce 1279 30 40 9e eb 8a 51 d6 2e b9 9c a3 a0 01 c5 9e 38 f702 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 17 15 85 89 09 2f 24 87 6f 3f 1d 1b e4 f2 96 79........o......y0010: 83 48 13 ce .H..]


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ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]]]]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 34 16 1b f1 d3 64 67 62 4c a3 34 bc 0d b3 53a4 4....dgbL.4...S.0010: 7c a1 f1 17 ....]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=falseKeyUsage [ Key_CertSign Crl_Sign]

Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:truePathLen:0]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint db 87 94 17 ec 14 24 e4 e5 7a 3c 91 ec 80 4c 5d e4 c6fd e7 3c c8 28 1c d2 f5 ba ed 76 dd 65 48

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint d5 0c f3 89 87 71 d6 31 bd 29 9b 46 94 01 74 29 c2 6ef5 3a

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2013-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 3, History N.1

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2012-08-01T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 3, History N.2

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status accreditation assessment has been performed by the Accreditation Body and the service is found to be in compliance

with the provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC.

Status Starting Time 2012-11-30T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 3, History N.3

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Qualified CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status validity of the accreditation assessment has lapsed without the service being re-assessed.

Status Starting Time 2013-10-12T23:59:59Z

TSP 1, Service 4

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Timestamping CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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DigitalId X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 3803

SigAlgName SHA256withRSA

Issuer DN CN=LuxTrust Global Root, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU

Valid from 2012-08-28T13:07:47Z

Valid to 2021-03-17T09:51:37Z

Subject DN CN=LuxTrust Global Timestamping CA, O=LuxTrustS.A., C=LU

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ba d8 4eed 01 e2 06 a0 b3 37 c5 17 38 48 da 5d 6f df 8c 79 e8cb ab dd 55 3d e7 2f 07 cb 15 1e 2e 12 90 c5 13 21 e6d6 1b 5d c7 26 a1 8b 29 c9 fd a5 a3 ba e7 43 de 85 7584 6e 09 b6 69 42 91 35 28 a6 33 be 29 34 18 58 074b 1a d2 b4 2e 8b c9 e9 65 ba 75 c7 98 a5 0f 0a a2 4e42 75 88 5b 55 e5 b6 2b 1f c8 49 d1 0a 57 ea ee 1c 9541 26 3b d8 7f 02 8f f8 79 75 b6 c1 2f 21 4a 1c 03 81cd 1e 36 ef b8 49 1a 17 33 e9 e0 3e ba 99 7a d2 98 0fa6 c4 54 5c 34 3d 22 df 08 9a 46 c7 cd 89 53 af fb f8c9 74 bc 1e 98 fc 93 1c 53 ac 47 e6 ee 97 75 4c 9a ca32 2f 06 62 98 19 20 51 09 e2 fb 62 b2 4a 9c 1b 3c 842b ab 1d ff 29 98 09 53 0d d4 78 f3 57 58 90 85 a0 2986 3a c6 ae 15 e4 8b 83 48 80 91 70 01 f6 59 44 50 723c 85 8b fb 3a 93 12 4c bf 3b 80 6c 7f 28 c6 ec bc 1c5c 8d 02 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseAuthorityKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: 17 15 85 89 09 2f 24 87 6f 3f 1d 1b e4 f2 96 79........o......y0010: 83 48 13 ce .H..]


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ObjectId: Criticality=falseCertificatePolicies [[PolicyInformation: [CertPolicyId: [PolicyQualifierInfo: [CPSuri: [object identifier:]]]]]]

CRL DistributionPoints

ObjectId: Criticality=falseCRLDistributionPoints [1 CRL Distribution Points:

Distribution Point: [Distribution Point Name: [URIName:]Reason Flags: nullIssuer: null]]

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: f5 bf 22 c6 1d fe f2 06 83 23 5d 5e c2 25 91 94................0010: 19 1d 3c 87 ....]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=falseKeyUsage [ Key_CertSign Crl_Sign]

Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=falseBasicConstraints:[CA:truePathLen:0]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint 53 0b 1d 74 9b e7 ad 3a 7b b7 83 26 b2 81 db cc 5d f6ea 5f 41 4a 7b 29 b9 70 b6 54 8b 04 49 07

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint db 5c ea 71 c0 1f da d8 59 5a 57 65 51 ec 2a 00 a9 8651 94

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2013-10-13T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 4, History N.1

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Timestamping CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

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Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2012-10-03T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 4, History N.2

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Timestamping CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status accreditation assessment has been performed by the Accreditation Body and the service is found to be in compliance

with the provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC.

Status Starting Time 2012-11-30T00:00:00Z

TSP 1, Service 4, History N.3

Service Type Identifier

Service Name Name en LuxTrust Global Time Stamping Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=LuxTrust Global Timestamping CA,O=LuxTrust S.A.,C=LU

Service Status validity of the accreditation assessment has lapsed without the service being re-assessed.

Status Starting Time 2013-10-12T23:59:59Z

TSP 2 Information

TSP Name Name en SeMarket Certification Authority S.A.

TSP Trade Name Name en NTRLU-B0132166

Street Address en Parc d'Activités "Syrdall", 6

Locality en Munsbach

State Or Province en

Postal Code en L-5365

Country Name en LU

Electronic Address URI en:

Electronic Address URI fr:

Electronic Address URI de:

Electronic Address URI en:

TSP Information URI URI en

List of Services

TSP 2, Service 1

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en SeMarket Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=SeMarket CA Root,O=SeMarket CA S.A.,C=LU

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DigitalId X509 Certificate


Version 3

Serial Number 1308924811451483386725277668209257424

SigAlgName SHA1withRSA

Issuer DN CN=SeMarket CA Root, O=SeMarket CA S.A., C=LU

Valid from 2008-07-23T10:00:33Z

Valid to 2024-07-23T09:53:08Z

Subject DN CN=SeMarket CA Root, O=SeMarket CA S.A., C=LU

Public Key Algo RSA

Public Key 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 0500 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 b7 ca cf44 ff 54 1b 15 40 16 35 b3 0f 90 a5 29 d4 9c f7 16 5991 59 5d 35 ac a7 c0 1c 2e 93 6c ba 04 b6 1c f6 6c 480c 81 10 f8 c1 8c 55 fb b5 6d 8b 96 c5 e0 c3 af 2e 0798 d3 6a 1a 6c 85 57 2b e0 11 e9 30 c1 81 77 84 e0 243f ec 18 1a 8d a5 8b 80 56 26 c2 6b 45 68 00 d8 b8 3b61 d0 49 ed 30 85 6a df c6 93 d9 1d b0 d3 a7 b8 11 f0dd 95 c8 e9 fa bc 7a 33 41 46 4d 9f 7c e1 db 20 ca 7ad0 3d 3a e1 bd 1f 0c 72 f9 c1 10 8e 83 3b 71 5f 48 82a1 2b 59 1d 18 0a 62 10 f2 7d b4 25 65 f1 12 99 e5 e41b bb 1f 6a db aa 22 cd 46 c5 b7 f1 a8 84 3b 56 06 5ec5 d0 ed 26 1f 20 14 08 99 2c 35 2d a0 1d dd f8 b0 8f81 cd 88 e7 b3 4c 90 15 ab 18 7a 3e 1f 13 6a e4 14 7049 63 9f c1 92 1c 4c 71 b2 40 76 0a 05 d7 f1 ea a6 e416 a3 fe fd a6 20 6f 13 b1 d7 4b a7 cc c2 f2 cb 07 d80d 02 03 01 00 01

Authority KeyIdentifier


CRL DistributionPoints

Subject KeyIdentifier

ObjectId: Criticality=falseSubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: f3 b7 61 ca 1c f0 ab a4 a9 0d c4 09 e1 9a ba 83..a.............0010: 8f 0c 90 e0 ....]]

Key Usage ObjectId: Criticality=trueKeyUsage [ Key_CertSign Crl_Sign]

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Basic Constraints ObjectId: Criticality=trueBasicConstraints:[CA:truePathLen:2147483647]

Thumbprint Algo SHA256

Thumbprint a4 4e 8e fd 1e fc 78 f2 44 5f 1a 9f 62 63 9d 8f ba 21 209c 9e f3 1e 87 11 77 7f d2 c8 2b 07 12

Thumbprint Algo SHA1

Thumbprint ef ab 25 3d 0e 25 79 fe c0 bf 88 ed a0 24 a7 98 3e 57ca d9

Service Status been previously supervised, the trust service provider's service and potentially the trust service provider itself has

failed to continue to comply with the provisions laid down in the applicable European legislation. Accordingly the service has

been required to cease its operations and shall be considered by relying parties as ceased for the above reason.

Status Starting Time 2009-09-11T00:00:00Z

Scheme Service Definition URI en

Service Information Extension

Qualifier is ensured by the trust service provider and controlled (supervision model) or audited

(accreditation model) by the referenced Member State (respectively its Supervisory Body or

Accreditation Body) that all Qualified Certificates issued under the service identified in "Service

digital identity" and further identified by the filters information used to further identify under the

"Sdi" identified trust service that precise set of Qualified Certificates for which this additional

information is required with regards to the presence or absence of Secure Signature Creation

Device (SSCD) support ARE supported by an SSCD (i.e. that that the private key associated with

the public key in the certificate is stored in a Secure Signature Creation Device conformant with

the applicable European legislation).

Criteria Listassert="all"



Description Qualified Certificate

TSP 2, Service 1, History N.1

Service Type Identifier certificate generation service creating and signing qualified certificates based on the identity and other attributes verified

by the relevant registration services.

Service Name Name en SeMarket Qualified Certification Authority

Digital IdX509 SubjectName

CN=SeMarket CA Root,O=SeMarket CA S.A.,C=LU

Service Status service is currently under supervision, for compliance with the provisions laid down in the applicable European


Status Starting Time 2007-11-27T00:00:00Z

Service Information Extension

Qualifier is ensured by the trust service provider and controlled (supervision model) or audited

(accreditation model) by the referenced Member State (respectively its Supervisory Body or

Accreditation Body) that all Qualified Certificates issued under the service identified in "Service

digital identity" and further identified by the filters information used to further identify under the

"Sdi" identified trust service that precise set of Qualified Certificates for which this additional

information is required with regards to the presence or absence of Secure Signature Creation

Device (SSCD) support ARE supported by an SSCD (i.e. that that the private key associated with

the public key in the certificate is stored in a Secure Signature Creation Device conformant with

the applicable European legislation).

Criteria Listassert="all"



Description Qualified Certificate

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