Loyal Order of Moose #2357 · Supreme Governor, Liguori Saladin, Deputy Supreme Governor, Bill Drake visit Rancho Lodge - Sunday April 11, 2010 Rancho Cordova …

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Loyal Order of Moose #2357 Women of the Moose #1941 Women of the Moose #1941 Women of the Moose #1941 Women of the Moose #1941

Family Center

10124 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

May - June 2010

Social Quarters Phone: (916) 362-6667

Office Phone: (916) 362-2985 Fax: (916) 362-1940 Email: rcmoose2357@sbcglobal.net Website: www.mooselodge2357.org

Editor/ Webmaster: George Konsmo (gkonsmo@sbcglobal.net)

Newsletter published as a benefit from your annual dues

Supreme Governor, Liguori Saladin, Deputy Supreme Governor, Bill Drake visit Rancho Lodge - Sunday April 11, 2010

Rancho Cordova City Council member, Linda Budge, presents Liguori with a Proclamation honoring our Lodge for 21 years of service to the community, and "The Keys to the City".

Senior Regent Beverly Twedt Junior Regent Ginny Davis Junior Grad Regent Shirley Pruitt Chaplain Shirley Smith Recorder Lynda McDonald Secretary/Treasurer Alma Martin Guide Angela Russell Assistant Guide Donna Thomas Academy of Friendship Terri Samboceti Star Recorder Leila Nugent College of Regents Cheryl Parker Family Involvement Gertrude Blandford Membership/Retention Patti Templeton Publicity Gloria Masse Youth Involvement Honeylet Givens Mooseheart/Moosehaven Irene Corbett Health Awareness Clara Blandford Moose Charities Sandie Marlow Community Service Cynthia Wright Education Advancement Anne Caico

Women of the Moose Chapter 1941 - 19 - - 2 -

Loyal Order of Moose

L.O.O.M. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Governor Bob Timberlake Jr. Governor Cal Bardwell Past Governor Art Pruitt Prelate Doug Davis Treasurer Gene Humphrey Administrator John Carlson 1 yr Trustee Paul Wolf 2 yr Trustee Phil Derry 3 yr Trustee Chuck Gile

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Audit George Hannum Community Service TBD Endowment Fund Everett Snyder Govt. Relations Rep. TBD Moose Legion Art Pruitt Application Review Committee Jack Carlson Bob Calloway Carl Bardwell Fellowship Committee Jack Carlson Moose Family Activities TBD Mooseheart/Moosehaven Admit Art Pruitt Ritual Staff George Hannum Sports Ken Stier Public Relations TBD Newsletter/Website George Konsmo Jr. Bingo Chairman Paul Wolf Membership Jack Carlson Sgt Arms Jeff Barrett Inner Guard John Koenck

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MAY BIRTHDAYS L.O.O.M . W.O.T.M. Robert Calloway 5/2 Edward Schott 5/3 Carl Guimbellot 5/6 Gary Ackerman 5/9 Gordon Harrison 5/12 Pail Brown 5/14 William Mayfield 5/15 Ken Miller 5/15 Lance David 5/17 John McMillan 5/18 Joseph Ramirez 5/19 Kevin Uecker 5/19 Donald Woznack 5/20 Amit Amand 5/22 Lee Garrison 5/22 David Souza 5/22 Frank Davidson 5/23 Richard Butters 5/24 John Pratt 5/25 Larrie Norris 5/26 Joseph Boyd 5/27 Chuck Mayer 5/27 James Marlow 5/28 Michael Moeller 5/29 John Wynn 5/31

Governor's Corner

Outgoing Governor (2009-2010)

Dear Brothers & Co-Workers, Well, it is the end of another year and we have elected new officers for the 2010 to 2011 year. They are ready to go. I think our new officers and the house committee will do a fine job for the Lodge.

I would like to thank Supreme Governor Liguori Saladin, Deputy Supreme Governor William Drake, and the California/Nevada Moose Association treasurer Henry Weaver for their visit to our Lodge on Sunday April 11th. It was a good visit and they were quite impressed with our lodge and our Officers.

We are finally going to get our kitchen! The kitchen committee and new Governor are putting a lot of effort into the project in order to see it completed. Everything has been approved and now the plans are being finalized in order to submit for approval. The loan has been approved and should be funded on April 19th or 20th. Hopefully the work will have begun by the time you receive this newsletter.

Our mid-year convention went well. A lot was discussed, and new information passed on to the Lodges. We must put this information to good use to better our Lodge and increase our membership.

I want to thank my Officers for a job well done this past year. It was a rough year but we all hung in there and got the job done.

Fraternally yours, Ted Thames, Governor

Hyacinthe Manns May 07 Earthel Nance May 12 Estella Lewis May 14 Pat Peacock May 14 Margarita Butler May 21 Denise Darnell May 23 Dianne Beath May 24 Tracey Lane May 24 Hildegard Boardley May 25 Muriel Gantt May 25 Linda Moeller May 25 Joan Elkins May 26 Connie Philbrook May 26

May Birthdays -4- - 17 -

Outgoing (2009 -2010) DEAR CO-WORKERS, WELL ANOTHER YEAR GONE, WHERE DID IT GO? I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THE WOTM MEMBERSHIP FOR A MOST WONDERFUL YEAR, WITHOUT YOU IT WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN THE SAME. TO ALL MY OFFICERS, I WISH TO GIVE ALL MY LOVE AND THANKS FOR A JOB VERY WELL DONE. TO SHIRLEY, ALM A, LINDA, AND GINNY ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT YOU ALL HAVE A HEART OF GOLD AND NEVER CHANGE! TO MY MENTOR, SANDIE, WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM YOU ,I CAN ONLY HO PE TO FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS, TO HELP GUIDE THE WAY YOU HAVE SHOWN ME! THANK YOU IS JUST NOT ENOUGH.. TO ALL MY WONDERFUL LADIES WHO HELD CHAIRS THIS YEAR I GIVE MY GREATEST THANKS WITHOUT YOU WE COULD NOT HAVE HAD THIS W ONDERFUL YEAR. I WISH ALL THE INCOMING OFFICERS ALL THE BEST AND I KNOW IF WE ALL KEEP WORKI NG TOGETHER, WATCH OUT BECAUSE WE WILL CONTINUE TO GROW AS A CHAPTER AND A MOOSE FAMILY. FRATERNALLY YOURS, SHIRLEY PRUITT Incoming (2010 - 2011) Dear Co-workers, My first article is not going to be too informative, but hopefully my next one will be better. I want to thank all of you for attending the installation in April. The new Board of Officers and chairmen will be working along with the new LOOM Officers to make this year a fun and productive time. I encourage all members who can, to attend the Memorial service, May 8th. Remember the Lodge's 21st anniversary on May 15th. Come enjoy the celebration! Be sure to keep checking the lodge website and at the lodge for updates on new and planned activities through the months. I want to wish you Moms a Happy Mothers Day and all the Dads a Happy Fathers Day! Fraternally, Bev Twedt

Senior Regent’s Corner

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Administrator's Comments

Incoming Administrator (2010-2011) Thanks for the vote of confidence for the position of Administrator. I know I will have a tough act to follow, with Gene Humphrey staying on the Board of Officers; he has assured me I have him to ask for any needed help and advice.

I do not anticipate any changes in the way we run the Lodge business except for input from the members and Board of Officers for any the benefit to our Lodge. The Ladies of our Lodge are the greatest gift of caring, giving, and achieving in our district. The LOOM members should give them your thanks for all they have done and are going to continue at a pace we will all marvel.

This message is short, and I hope with all my might that we will succeed in all we do in the coming year and the years to follow. With all respect to the members and Ladies of 2357 Jack Carlson, Administrator

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Our Cub Scout Pack was acknowledged at the April 5th meeting of the Rancho Cordova City Council in honor of their participation in the April 17th Creek Week clean up day. The Bears and Webelos from Pack 305 conducted the Flag Ceremony and lead the pledge of allegiance at the City Council Meeting. Scouts who were part of the color guard were: John Elkins - Elijah Castrence - Ananath Mepperla Thomas Ballard - Nicholas Myers - Christopher Maruca ------------------------------------------------------------

PACK 305 BLUE & GOLD DINNER Our 2nd annual Blue and Gold dinner was held on March 20th. We hope you enjoyed spending the evening learning more about what your scouts do every week and visiting with other Pack 305 families. A Special thank-you goes out to the Rancho Cordova Moose Lodge for the use of their facility, bottomless pitchers of soda and assisting with dinner and the fun BINGO game. I hope you can see why we love our Charter Organization... they rock!!! Thank you to Derek Chen and his family for donating the delicious pack 305 cake for our dinner! Thank you to the Westlings & the Beals families for setting up and decorating! For the families who were unable to attend, you were all missed!

What's Happening Around Your Lodge

The following Co-workers received their Academy of Friendship Degree at the California/Nevada mid- year conference held at the Atlantis Resort In Reno, These ladies earned this honor under Senior Regent Sandie Marlow. Congratulations to all! Joey Bellows * Trudy Blandford * Jeanne Boss Patricia Brown * Donna Rowe

WANT TO LEARN HOW TO USE A COMPUTER? One of our members has graciously offered to conduct a beginner’s computer class for our members, their families and guests. Call Calvin Bardwell for information (916-363-7675). Class date to be determined in the near future based on response from the members.

Cub Scout Pack #305

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"Tommy Moose" is a community service program of the Moose. This unique, soft and cuddly Moose wearing a red sweater with "Tommy" embroidered on front is designed to be donated to Public Safety Agencies, such as the Police and Fire Departments, to carry in their vehicles and given to calm young children in crisis situations. On Monday April 26th, during member appreciation night, our Lodge hosted members of the Rancho Cordova Police and Metro Fire Departments, and presented each with 18 "Tommy Moose" for use locally in crisis situations. Both Departments expressed thanks and explained how useful these toys are in dealing with young children.

June Birthdays LOOM WOTM Paul Reeg 6/1 Sidney Newman 6/2 George Winters 6/2 Doug Davis 6/3 Darel Williams 6/4 Phillip Derry 6/8 Gary Watkins 6/8 Theodore Thames 6/10 Elmer Vota 6/13 Johnnie Brannon 6/15 Damian Pea 6/16 David Davis 6/17 John Nemeth 6/17 Cecil Minge 6/18 Bob Solorio 6/18 Jim Anderson 6/19 Donovan Olson 6/20 Ernest Gardner 6/21 Donald Garton 6/21 Arthur Pruitt 6/22 Ward Jones 6/23 Vivian (Doc) Smith 6/24 Jay Kilewer 6/25 Amos Gonzales 6/26 George Hannum 6/27 Steven Sternquist 6/27 Lee Schultz 6/29 Gordon Dunlap 6/30 Chris Romanotto 6/30

June Birthdays

Gloria Masse June 1 Jordis Wangen June 3 Patricia Matson June 4 Ruth Scarborough June 4 Pamela Tate June 4 Georgia Reeg June 5 Joan Boyd June 6 Janet Carter June 6 Sue Doss June 6 Myra Golson June 9 Betty Brady June 11 Janette Leonard June 14 Patricia Vogel June 15 Joann Thomason June 16 Genevieve Chapman June 17 Carol Green June 20 Barbara Krabbenhoft June 20 Winnie Williamson June 20 Janice Butters June 21 Christina Redmond June 21 Ruby Walters June 22 Patti Templeton June 22 Ryoko Lottritz June 24 Judy Shippey June 24 Lisa Shulz June 26 Isolde Sams June 25 Debora Hirschler June 26 Joann Power June 26 Terri Sambocetti June 29

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Moose Legion News Greetings, Another month, another article; hopefully not a repeat of the same stuff. Our lodge, like a few others, was visited by the General Governor and other dignitaries, in April. An enrolment was held and a delicious meal was served to round out a very full day. Thanks to all those from other lodges that attended; your presence added to the significance of the day. Our legion committee will see some changes in the next few weeks; our chairman, Jack Carlson, will take over as Lodge Administrator and therefore we may need a chairman. Also, I will be the Governor for this year (prayers are in order) and may not continue as Assistant Secretary. By the time this is read, we will have had a special meeting of the LOOM members to receive a report from the kitchen committee and to approve a resolution which will allow us to proceed to the next phase of this process and to begin obtaining permits and contractor selection. Finally, there is light (and food) at the end of the tunnel. During the past few months the position of administrator has been filled by Gene Humphrey who has done an excellent job, with the help of our members and the Chapter ladies, of bringing us to where we are now. (Behind every good man is a great woman, thanks Jackie!)

We have a new jukebox (just like Folsom), a pool table, hot popcorn and cold beer. With a combination like that, why not drop in and partake. We are in process of having the State Lottery as an addition to our amenities. So if you feel like "scratching" something this might just be the ticket. (no pun intended!) Like all legion committees we are trying to increase membership. But, as mentioned before, it is understandable why this is more difficult since the new eligibility requirements went into effect. Too bad there isn't some way these could be modified. The intent was great the results aren't. Congratulations to the new legion officers. Give them all the support you are able. Thanks to the outgoing officers for your time, talent and sometimes your treasure. When you find yourself in the area of Rancho Cordova and you need a place to go where "everybody knows your name" (moose member) drop in at 10124 Coloma Rd. and enjoy the Best in the West. Cheers....Bob Timberlake, Asst. Secty. - 12 -

WOTM Chapter #1941 Newly Enrolled Members Welcome! We hope to see you at our meetings held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month.

NEW MEMBERS SPONSOR Paula Dennis Tari Martinez Alice Pruitt Shirley Pruitt Wendy Stephans Shirley Pruitt

LOOM #2357 NEW ENROLLEE SPONSOR William Mayfield Cal Bardwell Cecil Minge Ted Thames Leo Gomez Gene Humphrey Welcome! We hope to see you at our meetings held on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Wednesday each month. -9- -

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 WOTM * Ritual Practice * Joint Officers 6:30 * Calendar 7:00 pm

2 WOTM * Orientation 6:30 * Enrollment 7:00

3 4 * Bingo 7:00 pm


6 7 WOTM * Officers Meeting

8 9 LOOM * Officers 7:00 pm * House Committee (to follow)

10 LOOM * Orientate 6:30 pm * Enrollment 7 pm

11 * Bingo 7:00 pm

12 * Park lot Clean-up 8:00 am

13 14 15 * Legion Meeting 7:00 pm

16 WOTM * Business Meeting 7:00 pm

17 18 * Bingo 7:00 pm

19 * Cub Scouts - 9 am

20 * Father’s Day

21 22 * VFW Meeting 7:00 pm

23 LOOM * General Meeting 7:00 pm

24 25 * Bingo 7:00 pm


27 * District 4 Meet 1:00 pm Oro Madre

28 29 30

June 2010 Calendar Correct as of:

Rancho Cordova Lodge # 2357 Rancho Cordova, CA

NOTICE : Dates or times of scheduled activities are subject to change. Check our website at mooselodge2357.org or the Lodge for updates & changes. All meetings start at 7:00 pm unless noted.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

2 LOOM * Officer Training 9:00—3:00 pm

3 WOTM * Ritual Practice

4 * Joint Officers 6:30 * Calendar 7:00 pm

5 WOTM * Orientation 6:30 * Enrollment 7:00

6 7 * Bingo 7:00 pm

8 * Park lot Clean-up 8 am * Annual Memorial Service 1:00 pm

9 Mother’s Day

10 WOTM * Officers Meeting

11 12 LOOM * Officers 7:00 pm * House Committee (to follow)

13 LOOM * Orientate 6:30 pm * Enrollment 7 pm

14 * Bingo 7:00 pm

15 * Cub Scouts - 9 am * Wedding Reception 12:00————5:00 pm * Lodge Anniversary 7:00 pm

16 * Legion Celebration Yuba City > 11:30 am <

17 18 * Legion Meeting 7:00 pm

19 WOTM * Business Meeting 7:00 pm

20 21 * Bingo 7:00 pm

22 * Wedding Reception 2:00 pm

23 * District 4 Meeting Grass Valley 1:00 pm

24 25 * VFW Meeting

26 LOOM * General Meeting 7:00 pm

27 28 * Bingo 7:00 pm


30 31 Memorial Day

May 2010

NOTICE : Dates or times of scheduled activities are subject to change. Check our website at mooselodge2357.org or the Lodge for updates & changes. All meetings start at 7:00 pm unless noted.

Updated as of: Rancho Cordova Lodge # 2357 Rancho Cordova, CA

Memorial Day May 31st

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