Low-loss high-confinement waveguides and microring ... · Low-loss high-confinement waveguides and microring resonators in AlGaAs-on-insulator LUISA OTTAVIANO, MINHAO PU*, ELIZAVETA

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Low-loss high-confinement waveguides and microring resonators in AlGaAs-on-insulator

Ottaviano, Luisa; Pu, Minhao; Semenova, Elizaveta; Yvind, Kresten

Published in:Optics Letters

Link to article, DOI:10.1364/OL.41.003996

Publication date:2016

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

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Citation (APA):Ottaviano, L., Pu, M., Semenova, E., & Yvind, K. (2016). Low-loss high-confinement waveguides and microringresonators in AlGaAs-on-insulator. Optics Letters, 41(17), 3996-3999. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.003996

Low-loss high-confinement waveguides and microring resonators in AlGaAs-on-insulator LUISA OTTAVIANO, MINHAO PU*, ELIZAVETA SEMENOVA, AND KRESTEN YVIND* DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 343, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark *Corresponding author: mipu@fotonik.dtu.dk, kryv@fotonik.dtu.dk

Received XX Month XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month XXXX; posted XX Month XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published XX Month XXXX

AlGaAs is a promising material for integrated nonlinear photonics due to its intrinsic high nonlinearity. However, the challenging fabrication of deep etched AlGaAs devices makes it difficult to realize high performance devices such as low-loss dispersion engineered waveguides and high quality microring-resonators. Here, we reported a process to make high quality AlGaAs-on-insulator wafers where high confinement waveguides can be realized. Using optimized patterning processes, we fabricated AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguides with propagation losses as low as 1 dB/cm and microring resonators with quality factors up to 350,000 at telecom wavelengths. Our demonstration opens new prospects for AlGaAs devices in integrated nonlinear photonics. © 2016 Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: (130.0130) Integrated optics; (230.7390) Waveguides, planar; (140.4780) Optical resonators.


Integrated nonlinear photonics has recently drawn increasing research interests as it provides compact solutions compared with conventional fiber devices. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) has been proposed as a promising platform due to its high material nonlinearity and its compatibility with the CMOS industry [1]. The enhanced device effective nonlinearity induced by the strong optical field confinement and the low linear losses ensured by the mature silicon fabrication enable various nonlinear applications such as optical signal processing [2], parametric amplification [3], supercontinuum generation [4] and frequency comb generation [5]. However, silicon suffers from two-photon absorption (TPA) when operated below 2.2 μm, which hampers its applications at e.g. telecom wavelengths (around 1.55 μm). Aluminum gallium arsenide (AlxGa1-xAs) is also believed to be a promising nonlinear material [6,7]. It has a large transparency window and its intrinsic material Kerr (χ(3) ) nonlinearity (on the order of 10-17 m2W-1) [8-10] is larger than that of silicon. Due to its non-centrosymmetric crystal structure, AlGaAs also exhibit strong χ(2) effects [11,12]. Moreover, the bandgap of the AlGaAs material can be engineered by altering the aluminum composition (x) to

avoid TPA at telecom wavelengths. In addition, the linear refractive index of AlGaAs (around 3.3) is also similar to silicon, which makes it potentially suitable for high-index contrast waveguides. Conventional AlGaAs waveguides are realized by deep-etching a thick layer stack epitaxial grown on a GaAs substrate. The layer stack typically consists of AlxGa1-xAs layers with different aluminum composition (x) where the index of the waveguiding layer is slightly larger than that of its adjacent top and bottom layers [8-10]. The fabrication of such waveguides with very high and narrow mesa structures is challenging, and increased sidewall roughness as the etch depth is increased is typically seen which severely affects the linear loss and thus the nonlinear efficiency. Significant efforts have been taken to improve the fabrication process over past years [6-12]. Recently, Porkolab et al. demonstrated low loss deep-etched AlGaAs waveguide by using a resist reflow technique [13]. However, more advanced designs than simple waveguide such as microring resonators with integrated waveguides are still difficult to realize with high performances. For instance, the achieved quality factors (Q) of AlGaAs microring resonators [15-17] are much lower than those of silicon devices [5]. Therefore, most of the nonlinear processes such as second harmonic generation (SHG) [11,12] and four-wave mixing (FWM) [8-10] are demonstrated in straight AlGaAs waveguides. In addition, the low vertical index-contrast of such AlGaAs waveguides limits its effective nonlinearity in spite of high intrinsic nonlinearity. We propose an AlGaAs-on-insulator (AlGaAsOI) platform [18,19] where a thin AlGaAs layer on top of an insulator layer resides on a semiconductor substrate allowing device patterning using an easy shallow etching process. In addition, thanks to the high index contrast in AlGaAsOI, strong light confinement waveguides can be realized to enhance device effective nonlinearities. However, compared with the conventional low-index contrast waveguides, the surface roughness control become more critical for high index contrast waveguides due to the stronger light fields at the waveguide-cladding interfaces. In this letter, we report a newly developed wafer bonding and substrate removal process to fabricate AlGaAsOI wafers with high quality surfaces. We also optimize patterning processes such as electron-beam lithography (EBL) and dry etching to get smooth device sidewalls. We fabricated sub-micron cross-sectional dimension waveguides with a linear loss as low as 1 dB/cm. We


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Fig. 1 FabricatioGaAs wafer wemiconductor carGaAs wafer and b). The two waferhe thick GaAs surotected by the eyer, AlGaAsOI waonded wafer withe GaAs substrateThe fabricationrstly, an epitaxiaas grown in a loMOVPE) reactorafer temperaturyrometer (RealT10°C. High qualrowth to obtain al interfaces wheterruption was O2 layer is deeposition (PECVxide (BOX) layersed as the adhesnd another semcilitate precise co thick BCB layeaving and inefhile a too thin Bxtremely sensitivdversely affect emoval processromotor® was he BCB adhesioacuum (~3 × 10-r 1 hour, while aubsequently, theeps including

microring resobtained an intresonator.

n process for AlGwith epitaxial grrier wafer (a). A a thin BCB layerrs are then bondubstrate is wet-etetch-stop layer (afers are ready foh InGaP as the etce is removed and an process of the Aal stack includinow-pressure Mer Emcore D125re was regulateTemp®) and thity GaAs substran atomic smooere group V gas introduced to peposited by plaVD) on the AlGar. A 90 nm-thicksive layer for bomiconductor carcleaving). The BCyer (e.g. >1 μm)fficient thermal BCB layer (e.g. <5ve to the cleanlinthe yield of thes. A thin SiOalso deposited on. The bondin-4 mbar) in an EVa force of ~750 Ne GaAs substratan one-hour f

sonators with trinsic Q of 350

GaAs-on-insulatogrown AlGaAs 3-μm SiO2 layer r is spun on top oded (c) and annetched with the A(e). After wet-etcor device fabricatch-stop layer befoafter all etch-stopAlGaAsOI wafer ng AlxGa1-xAs andetalorganic vapo5 on (100) GaAed using an emhe AlGaAs layer rates are essentoth surface for thwas changed aprevent intermixasma enhancedaAs layer to bek Benzocyclobuteonding between rrier wafer (InPCB thickness is a) results in diffidissipation for 50 nm) makes tness of the wafehe wafer bondinO2 layer and Aon the carrier wng process is pVG NIL bonding N is applied to the is removed infast etch step

integrated b0,000 for a 17-μ

or wafer starts witop layer and is deposited on tof the carrier wafealed at 250 ⁰C (AlGaAs layer beiching the etch-sttion (f). Photos oore (g) and after (p layer removal (iis shown in Fig.d etch-stop layeour phase epitaAs substrates. Thmissivity correctwas deposited tial in the MOVPhe AlGaAs layer.a 2-second growxing. A 3-μm thid chemical vapecome the buriene (BCB) layerthe AlGaAs wafP in this casealso critical sinceficulties in sampr the final devicthe wafer bondinr surface and thng and substraAP3000 adhesiowafer to enhanperformed undmachine at 250he bonded wafen two wet etchinwith a sulfur

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Fig. 2patternlayers: hard mablue colA criof etch-very selayers iresistanhydrogwet-etccomparpreparethat theAlAs eobservedifferenIn the A[AlFn(HAs2O3 coxygenInGaP byprodsmooththis purwith HCIn thlayer coThe etH2SO4/surfaceFig. 3(aon the the sursurfacehigh eGaAs/Inroughnlayer isroughnlosses cetching

ydrogen peroxidlow etch step inn (C6H8O7:H2O2=were wet-etchtion. Fig. 1(g-i) sifferent wet etchge of the AlGaAsO

2. Scanning elecns on AlGaAsOI w(a) AlAs (b) InGaask and AlGaAs mlour in both pictuitical element in-stop layer as thensitive to surfaincluding AlAs ance to the citricgen fluoride (HFch the AlAs and rison of patteed using AlAs ae top surface ofetch-stop layered in the case ofnce may due to AlAs etching proH2O)6-n](3-n)+ are hcan also be genn concentration etching procesducts such as Alh surface. Thererpose. AlternativCl being the etchhe substrate remonsisting of twotching of the /H2O2 etching) ise. As shown in a), a root mean stop surface afterface roughnesse, an extra GaAsetching selectivinGaP and InGaPness of the top s estimated to ness has insignifcompared with ag processes [23].

de solution (H2Sn a selective cit=4:1) [20]. After hed, the AlGaAsOshow photos forhing steps. Only aOI wafer as show

ctron microscopwafers fabricatedaP. Etch mask hymaterial are denoures. n the substrate rhe high-index coace roughness. Wand InGaP. Both c acid/hydrogenF) and hydrogend InGaP layers, rerns fabricatedand InGaP as thf the AlGaAs laywhile a smoof an InGaP etch-byproducts in tocess, the solid bhard to dissolvenerated on the in the HF etcss, the etchant Cl3, GaCl3, whichefore, HCl-based vely InAlP can bhant [21]. moval process, wo InGaP layers wthick GaAs sus not uniform anatomic force msquare (RMS) roer removing InGs to a sub-nanoms/InGaP layer stvity of C6H8O7:HP/AlGaAs layer surface after rbe 0.5 nm as sficant influencea typical sidewa.

SiO4:H2O2=5:4) tric acid/hydrogthe etch-stop laOI wafer is readr a bonded wafea few defects arewn in Fig. 1(i).

py (SEM) picturd by using differydrogen silsesquoted by the artificremoval processntrast device peWe tested differeAlAs and InGaPn peroxide solun chloride (HCl)respectively. Fig.d using AlGaAe etch-stop layeyer is rough in thoth top AlGaA-stop layer. This these two etchinbyproducts suche into the solutiAlGaAs surfacechant [22]. WheHCl creates hih makes it easiewet-etching is pbe used as the etwe introduce a duwith a GaAs layerubstrate (especnd leaves a very microscopy (AFoughness of 1.8 nGaP layer. In ordmeter level as ttack is necessaryH2O2 and HCl stacks respectivremoving the seshown in Fig. 3(e on waveguide all roughness ind

and a seven-gen peroxide ayers (AlAs or dy for device er before and e observed at

res of etched rent etch-stop uioxane (HSQ) cial purple and s is the choice erformance is ent etch-stop P exhibit high ution. Diluted ) are used to . 2 shows the AsOI wafers er. It is found he case of an As surface is large surface ng processes. h as AlF3 and ion [21], and e with a high ereas, in the ighly soluble er to obtain a preferred for tch-stop layer ual-etch-stop r in between. cially in the y rough InGaP FM) image in nm is present der to reduce the as-grown ry. Due to the etchant for vely, the RMS econd InGaP (b). This low propagation duced by dry-

etcdimsuDoHS95do(Athsethbeintpareis EBa sinadpaseThsmwa


Fig. 3. Schematicch-stop layer (amensional atomurface after the coFor device patow Corning FOSQ layer is spun 500FS) is used osage ~10,00AZ 400K:H2O=1:he device patteregments to fit thhe sub-deflector etween those troduce extra roatterns as showesist/BOX chargirequired for thBL process can bprocess, the dongle-pass EBL ddition, the deviass in such a waegments do noherefore, any smeared out byaveguide patter

Fig. 4. EBL patteattern in develop) standard singleThe device patsing a boron tricn inductive coumachine. To ensuraight and sm

c illustration of wa) and the seconic force microscorresponding InGtterning, we useOX-15) as electron the top of thto define the p00 μC/cm2 and3) is used for drn is fractured e sub-field writiin the EBL systsegments afteroughness on thewn in Fig. 4(a). Thing [24] since anhe low-sensitivitbe applied to mise for each pascase, which inice pattern is alay that most of tot overlap withsmall stitching y other passesrning can be real

rning comparisoed e-beam resiste-pass EBL procesttern was then tchloride (BCl3)-bupled plasma ure a good selmooth wavegu

wet etching of InGnd etch-stop laycopy (AFM) pictuGaP layer is remove hydrogen silseron-beam resiste AlGaAsOI wafepatterns in HSQd a KOH-bdevelopment of by the EBL soing size (4×4 μmtem. We observr HSQ develope sidewalls espehe stitching effen ultra-high electty HSQ. A multitigate the stitchs is much lowenduces less relso fractured dithe edges of the h those in anoccurred in o. In this way,lized as shown in

n. Top-view SEMt HSQ with differss, (b) multi-pass transferred intobased dry etchinreactive ion eectivity towarduide sidewalls,

GaP layer as the firyer (b) and threures for the wafved. esquioxane (HSt. A 350 nm-thier. EBL (JEOL JBQ with an averaased developf the HSQ. In EBftware into smm2) determined bved small stitchinping, which wecially for bendinect may be due tron beam dosati-pass (exposurhing effect. In sur than that in thesist charging. ifferently for eafractured pattenother EBL paone pass will b, smooth curvn Fig. 4(b).

M pictures of curvrent EBL processeEBL process. o the AlGaAs layng process [25] etching (ICP-RIds the HSQ mascritical etchin

rst ee-fer SQ, ick BX-age per BL, mall by ng will ng to age re) uch the In ach ern ss. be ed

ved es: yer in IE) sk, ng

parameoptimizfor our sidewathe wavusing Poutput efficienHSQ is propertaffect dwill also

Fig. 5waveguMeasurdimenstransforlong waThe mewith diwaveguTo tewavegusectioncladdedfor the sectionpropaginfluenscatteriroughnpropagstrengtin a dichangecharactare tapthus FaFig. 5(c(300 nmFig. 5(c(corresamplitu

eters including czed (pressure: r specific SPTS ICall surface is smoaveguide. FinallyPECVD, and thefacets where tnt chip-to-fibre ckept on top orties of HSQ is vdevice performao attack the SiO2

5. (a) SEM picturuide (denoted inred insertion lossion (300 nm ×rm of a measureaveguide (300 nmeasured propagatifferent widths uide loss theory [2est the performauides and micron of a fabricated d in SiO2 and Figfundamental Tnal dimension bgation loss is aronce of waveguiing is normally tness [28]. For higgation loss is deth of light field aifferent scatteries. Here, we terization [29]. Aered to 4 μm at abry-Pérot fringc) shows such am × 600 nm). Tc) shows high osponds to a rouude ratio (HA

chamber pressu10 mTorr, coil/CP tool. As showooth with only sy, a 3-μm thick Se chip was cleatapers or invercoupling for chf the AlGaAsOI very similar to ances [27]. In ad2 under the AlGa

re showing the n artificial blue s of waveguides 600 nm) but ded transmission m × 600 nm) wittion loss of 300 n(from 400 nm 28] is used for thance of our AlGaoring resonatord AlGaAsOI nanog. 5(b) shows thTE mode for wabut with differound 1.36 dB/cide width on the main sourcegh-index contraependent on theat the AlGaAs-Siing intensity asutilized FouriAll the waveguidthe chip facets tges in the transma transmission fThe Fourier traorder harmonicund-trip length LAR) (correspond

ure, coil and plate/platen power: wn in Fig. 2(b), thsmall roughnessSiO2 cladding waved to form thrse nano-tapersaracterization. Tdevices since tSiO2, and will ndition, HF basedaAs devices.

cross-section of colour) claddedwith the same cdifferent lengthsspectrum (insetth strong facet rnm-high AlGaAsOto 1 μm). The e fitting (σ=2.8 nmaAsOI devices, wrs. Fig. 5(a) showo-waveguide (30he measured insaveguides with srent lengths. Thcm. We also invpropagation le for propagatioast AlGaAsOI wave waveguide widiO2 interface vars the waveguidier analysis fodes used for Fouto get a strong rmission spectra.for a 3-mm lonansform of thes with constantL) and a constads to the rou

en power are 300W/50W) the fabricated s at bottom of was deposited he input and [26] enable The masking the dielectric not adversely d wet etching

f an AlGaAsOI d in SiO2. (b) cross-sectional s. (c) Fourier t) for a 3-mm reflections. (d) OI waveguides Payne-Lacey m, LC=50 nm). we fabricated ws the cross-00×600 nm2) sertion losses such a cross-he extracted vestigated the loss. Surface on loss due to veguides, the dth since the ries resulting de dimension or the loss urier analysis reflection and . The inset of ng waveguide spectrum in t separations ant harmonic und-trip loss

including propagation and reflection losses) for adjacent harmonics. For the waveguides with different widths, the propagation loss difference with respect to the 600 nm-wide waveguide is then extracted by comparing the HARs for different waveguides as they all have the same chip facet reflections. As shown in Fig. 5(d), the propagation loss decreased from 2.3 dB/cm to 1 dB/cm when the width for 300 nm-thick waveguides is increased from 400 nm to 1 μm. The limit at 1 dB/cm may be attributed to top and bottom roughness or surface absorption [30].

1562.75 1562.80 1562.850.0



Data Fit


er (



Wavelength (nm)

5.7 pm

(a) (b)

200 nm

34 μm


1565 1570 1575-10









on (


Wavelength (nm) Fig. 6. (a) Top-view SEM image of the AlGaAsOI microring-resonator with an integrated bus waveguide. (b) Zoomed SEM image of the coupling region of this microring resonator. Measured (normalized) transmission spectrum of the microring resonator over a 20 nm wavelength range (c) and around the resonance at 1590 nm (d) with a loaded quality-factor (Q) of ~269,500. Fig. 6(a) shows the SEM image of a fabricated 17-μm radius microring resonator. The waveguide widths for the bus and microring are 430 nm and 700 nm, respectively. The bus-to-ring coupling gap is 240 nm as shown in Fig. 6(b). Fig. 6(c) shows the transmission spectrum of this device for the TE polarization where two mode families were observed. Fig. 6(d) shows the resonance for fundamental TE mode at 1562.8 nm, which has a line-width about 5.7 pm corresponding to a loaded Q of ~269,500. In the characterization, the power coupled onto chip is kept at microwatt level to avoid thermal effects. The microring resonator is operated in the under-coupling condition and the intrinsic Q can be calculated by = /(1 − ) [31], where T0 is the fraction of transmitted optical power measured at the resonance. The intrinsic Q for the fundamental TE mode of our device is then estimated to be ~3.5×105, which is the highest reported Q for microring resonators fabricated using III-V materials. In summary, we realized an integrated AlGaAsOI platform by using a newly developed process. We fabricated low-loss sub-micron waveguides and high quality factor microring resonators in this platform. The high confinement induced by the high-index contrast makes the AlGaAsOI platform very promising in various nonlinear applications such as optical signal processing [18] and frequency comb generation [19]. Acknowledgment. We thank Yi Zheng at Technical University of Denmark for his help on AFM measurements. Villum Fonden (Centre of Excellence: NATEC) and Teknologi og Produktion, Det Frie Forskningsråd (FTP 11-117031) funded the work.

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