Lord Jocelyn

Post on 13-May-2015






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Lord Jocelyn https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/284860 http://www.lulu.com/shop/lara-biyuts/lord-jocelyn/ebook/product-20694915.html http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17371264-lord-jocelyn


novella by Lara Biyuts

Lord Jocelyn

“I navigate and stop where I want, in command of my caprice, creative works and leisure; it’s difficult to imagine a greater and more sensible authority in the vital endeavour of consciousness full of constant movement. This power in its exclusiveness and absoluteness is equal to power of a sorcerer. Really, an author wakes people’s imagination, the imagination begins working and the people take the imaginative for real, for a moment, at least. An image turns into a vision, which scores the place of honour in any vivid imagination, by right of an actual reality, however odd it sounds. No other business could so successfully fuse into a single whole all treasures of life while preserving inviolable the most delicate design of my every effervescent joy.

excerpt from the book:

Jeopardy and omens, the forces of nature and my own ardour, the lights of a distant town and a wondrous unknown, fleeting liaisons blossoming in rendezvous and partings and the fascinating turmoil of grand passion, faces, events and all the endless variety of life, while up above in the sky was now the sun, shining kindly or clouded, and the firm ground of knowledge, views and notions underfoot. All the continents are at my disposal, though my carriage is replete with my wondrous mighty homeland in shape of the books, which I had read or should read years ago,


paintings, which I could not stop thinking about, my well-appointed room, and the flowers under glass. The silken strand of hair in a gold locket on my manly chest crowns my joy.” (Lara Biyuts. “Lord Jocelyn”)


The book Lord Jocelyn

is a sequel of

the novel Silver

Thread Spinner,

by Lara Biyuts.

Set in Europe, nowadays, the novella is a tasteful collection of stories. Some of the narrations are centered around the main character, some of them are from his writings, historical, paranormal adventures, or gay romances. The main plot continues the story of the boy of the name of Jocelyn.

Welcome reviewers: larisabee@yahoo.com


Outpouring his fluid goodness over the dark water surface,God Lunus calls his Ocean. Ocean sighs and reaches upwards. Over the star-spangled fields, in the space of mysteries, the ripen clusters of constellations beckon by the distant lights.

poem from the book Lord Jocelyn

Through the darkened world portal, music of spheres begins to sound.The spheres ring,in chime with the current mood,making think of a lost romanceor missed game. Lunus calls Ocean, and he reaches to him. But the low tide is still.


Stronger than all our earthly desires, Gaea holds her sons, and he cannot rise upwards. Over and over again,God Lunus is calling.


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