Loop TheIncident wk 1 EmceeGuide · EMCEE GUIDE Week 1: The Incident What is bullying? Countdown/Hangout (15 Seconds) Purpose: When the countdown begins, prepare kids to wrap up their

Post on 19-Mar-2020






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Offering (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Recap teaching video lesson in one sentence. Explain offering and pray over it while it’s collected. Sample Script: Bullying is the exact opposite of how God wants us to treat other people. Every single one of us matters to God because He loves us and created us. Now, let’s show some worship back to God by giving our tithes and offerings. Why is that worship? Because worship is anything that puts God first in our lives. So, when we give, we’re showing God that He matters more to us than our money or our things. Let’s pray for our offering. God, thank You for loving us unconditionally and wanting the best for us. We also thank You for the opportunity to give back to You. We pray that You would use these offerings to help more people come to know You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Week 1: The Incident What is bullying?

Countdown/Hangout (15 Seconds)

Purpose: When the countdown begins, prepare kids to wrap up their free time and find their small group leader. Sample Script: What’s up, Loop?! I’m so glad you’re here! Let’s get this party started by going to our small groups to talk about the icebreaker question.

Announcements (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Celebrate salvations, announce upcoming

events, share series Bible Plan, and transition to activity. Sample Script: If you made a decision to follow Jesus, congratulations! Make sure to tell your small group leader so that they can celebrate with you and give you some great next steps. Now, listen up for some announcements!

o Our YouVersion Bible Plan this week is called 8 Habits of an Influential Person. Be sure to check it out! You can even do it with your Loop group or your family through Plans with Friends in the Bible App.

o 6th graders, did you know there are exciting opportunities for you outside of Loop? There are! You can be a part of Switch on Wednesday nights, and you can be a part of Swerve on the weekends. That means you can serve on the weekends. Your small group leaders can tell you more about that!

o 5th graders, you can follow along with Switch on Instagram or YouTube. Just search for “lcswitch” to check it out.

Now, it’s time for the best part of Loop—your small group time! We’ll get things going with a fun activity!

Welcome (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from the icebreaker to worship. Sample Script: Okay, Loop! My name is ______, and I’m your emcee. But there’s someone else you should know, too. Shout out your small group leader’s name on three! One … two … three! Awesome! Okay, we’re here to have a great time, so to help you do that, there are only three rules. Respect your leaders, respect others, and respect the room. Now, let’s stick with our small groups and get ready to worship!

Transition to Message (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from worship to teaching video. Sample Script: I love worship, but even more importantly, God loves it when we worship Him! Now, guess what? It’s time to kick off a new series, and this one is gonna be good. Raise your hand if you or someone you know has ever dealt with a bully or been a bully. I’m pretty sure that’s all of us, right? We can all face bullying sometimes, so let’s check out this video and learn what bullying is and ways we can handle it!

Offering (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Recap teaching video lesson in one sentence. Explain offering and pray over it while it’s collected. Sample Script: Bullying can be a super hard subject to deal with. But if we know why it happens, we can learn how to stop it! Now, let’s shift gears and worship God by giving our tithes and offerings. Why is that worship? Worship isn’t just singing songs to God. Worship is anything we do that puts God first. Giving is a great way to do that because when we give, we’re trusting that God will meet our needs and showing Him that He matters more to us than anything in this world. Now, let’s pray for our offerings. God, help us understand why bullying happens. You say that we should love our enemies, so help us love everyone—even when they aren’t kind to us. God, we also thank You for the opportunity to give back to You. We pray that You’d bless this offering and use it to help more people come into Your family. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Week 2: The Incident Why does bullying happen?

Countdown/Hangout (15 Seconds)

Purpose: When the countdown begins, prepare kids to wrap up their free time and find their small group leader. Sample Script: Hey, Loop! My name is ____, and I’ll be your emcee. We’re so glad you’re here! We’ll get things going by getting into our small groups to talk about the icebreaker.

Announcements (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Celebrate salvations, announce upcoming

events, share series Bible Plan, and transition to activity. Sample Script: If you made a decision to follow Jesus, congratulations! We are so excited for you! Make sure to tell your small group leader so that they can celebrate with you and give you some great next steps. Now, listen up for some announcements!

o Our YouVersion Bible Plan this week is called 8 Habits of an Influential Person. Be sure to check it out! You can even do it with your Loop group or your family through Plans with Friends in the Bible App.

o 6th graders, be sure to check out Switch on Wednesday nights and ask your small group leader about being a part of Swerve on the weekends.

o It’s always a good week to bring someone with you to Loop! Think about someone you can invite, and consider bringing them to join in the fun next weekend.

Now, it’s time for the best part of Loop—your small group time! We’ll get things going with a fun activity.

Welcome (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from the icebreaker to worship. Sample Script: OK, Loop! Sounds like you guys had some great discussions in your small groups already! Go ahead and give someone in your group a high five for starting off strong. Now, let’s keep having fun by going over the only three rules of Loop: Respect your leaders, respect others, and respect the room. Not bad, huh? Now, stay with your groups and get ready to bust out your praise voices!

Transition to Message (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from worship to teaching video. Sample Script: Worshiping with you guys every week is my favorite! Even better, God loves it when we come together and give Him praise. Now, guess what? We have an awesome message today! We’re continuing on to week two of our series, The Incident! Let’s play close attention to figure out why bullying happens!

Offering (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Recap teaching video lesson in one sentence. Explain offering and pray over it while it’s collected. Sample Script: You have power! All you have to do is use it for good. Now, let’s get ready to worship God by giving our tithes and offerings. What’s a tithe? It means “tenth.” We give 10 percent of the money we get back to God to show that He is first in our lives. Offerings are anything more than that. Why do we do this? It’s not about the money—it’s about your heart! When we give, we’re showing God that we trust Him to take care of us and that He means more to us than anything in the world. Let’s pray for our offering. God, give us the power we need to stop bullying. Help us be kind to everyone we meet, and give us wisdom about when to ask for help. God, we also pray for this offering. We pray You would bless it, multiply it, and use it to help more people here and around the world know You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Week 3: The Incident How can we stop bullying?

Countdown/Hangout (15 Seconds)

Purpose: When the countdown begins, prepare kids to wrap up their free time and find their small group leader. Sample Script: Welcome to Loop! My name is ____, and I’ll be your emcee. Let’s kick things off by getting into our small groups to discuss the icebreaker question.

Announcements (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Celebrate salvations, announce upcoming

events, share series Bible Plan, and transition to activity. Sample Script: If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we’re so excited for you! Make sure to tell your small group leader so they can celebrate with you and give you some great next steps. Now, listen up for some announcements!

o Our YouVersion Bible Plan this week is called 8 Habits of an Influential Person. Be sure to check it out! You can even do it with your Loop group or your family through Plans with Friends in the Bible App.

o 6th graders, did you know there’s a place just as fun as Loop for you during the week? There is! Check out Switch on Wednesday nights. You can also ask your small group leader about Swerving on the weekends.

Now, it’s time for the best part of Loop—your small group time! Get your train of thoughts ready because we’re kicking it off with a fun activity!

Welcome (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from the icebreaker to worship. Sample Script: Okay, Loop! Sounds like you guys had a super time with the icebreaker, huh? Get it? Super?! Okay, I promise the rest of Loop will be way more fun than my jokes. So, to keep having fun, there are only three rules here: Respect your leaders, respect others, and respect the room. Now stick by your small group and get ready to worship loud and proud!

Transition to Message (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from worship to teaching video. Sample Script: Worship is a great way to show God that He is first in our lives, and I love getting to do that with you guys every week! Now, let’s get ready for week three of our series The Incident. If you weren’t here last week, we learned about why bullying happens. This week, we’ll learn how we can stop it! And hint—you might already have the power. Let’s check it out!

Offering (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Recap teaching video lesson in one sentence. Explain offering and pray over it while it’s collected. Sample Script: You, yes you, can make a difference and change someone’s life! Speaking of changing someone’s life—let’s worship God now through our tithes and offerings. Did you know that when you give, you’re helping the church reach more people here and around the world? Talk about life-changing! We also give as an act of worship and obedience to God because giving is a great way to show God that we put Him first and care about Him more than our money or stuff. Let’s pray for our offering. God, thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit and the power to do what’s right. We pray that You would use this offering in a special way to help more of Your kids start a relationship with you here and around the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Week 4: The Incident How can you make a difference?

Countdown/Hangout (15 Seconds)

Purpose: When the countdown begins, prepare kids to wrap up their free time and find their small group leader. Sample Script: What’s up, Loop?! It’s great to see you all today! We’ll start off by getting into our small groups to talk about the icebreaker question.

Announcements (60 Seconds)

Purpose: Celebrate salvations, announce upcoming

events, share series Bible Plan, and transition to activity. Sample Script: If you made a decision to follow Jesus, congratulations! Make sure to tell your small group leader so that they can celebrate with you and give you some great next steps. Now, listen up for some announcements!

o Our YouVersion Bible Plan this week is called 8 Habits of an Influential Person. Be sure to check it out! You can even do it with your Loop group or your family through Plans with Friends in the Bible App.

o 6th graders, if you love Loop, you’re gonna love Switch! Check it out on Wednesday nights. Also, ask your small group leader about Swerve.

o We wrapped up a series today, and we’ll have a special guest next week. So, invite a friend to join you at Loop next weekend!

Now, it’s time for the best part of Loop—your small group time! We’ll get things going with a very active activity!

Welcome (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from the icebreaker to worship. Sample Script: Okay, Loop! My name is ______, and I’m your emcee. But your small group leader is the real MVP. They’re here for you every week because they care about you. Give it up for your small group leader! Awesome! Okay, we’re here to have a great time, so to help you do that, there are only three rules. Respect your leaders, respect others, and respect the room. Now, stay with your small group and get ready for a great time of worship!

Transition to Message (30 Seconds)

Purpose: Transition kids from worship to teaching video. Sample Script: I love worship, but even more importantly, God loves it when we worship Him! Raise your hand if you love worship too. Awesome! Well, tonight we’re going to jump right into the fourth and final week of The Incident, where we’ll learn how to make a difference.

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