

Tree Topping: An Unsafe Approach

If you've observed that the trees around your home are starting to grow up, their area, then you should call to the professional arborist. However, if you are willing to do it by your own then should know the whole method to resolve your problem.

Topping of trees is considered as the method and it is dangerous for the health of a tree. Leaf bearing crown of the tree is eliminated Around 50 to 100% .By doing this you can reduce the size of the tree and some people think that tree topping provides a solution but in reality it creates extra problems. According to the New York Daily News Storm Damage affect Long Island.


The nourishing procedure of a tree stops when the leaves of a tree are removed so quickly. Leaves are a food and nutrients source for the tree and without the entire nutrients tree have nothing to eat. By this procedure a tree will be totally damaged and strained in fact die if it does not stored the proper amount of energy.

A stressed tree also increases its weakest level to defend from viruses and diseases. A tree uncovered the Open cuts and if it is previously weakened, it might not have the energy to defend from the attacks. Topping raises the chances of the possibility of decay. Moreover, this process also weaker the tree and more impressionable to being defeated during rainstorms or high breezes. In a one year one should not remove tree's foliage more than 25% Else you might carriage a lot of harms to yourself.WWW.LILUMBERJACK.COM

If you made up your mind to follow this then you should hire a professional company for the Tree Topping Service Long Island. Only professional arborist is able to handle such sort of job and make sure the arborist is also trained and use the right tools to accomplish the task. Before hiring the professional company collects all the useful information about this method and risks.In the tree industry tree topping is one of the most popular and the, most damaging practice. People follow this procedure despite the proof delivered by experts in the field. For trees and people who live nearby them Tree topping is unhealthy and unsafe practice.

In the surrounding of the Suffolk County Land   clearing services is reachable for everyone. As well as the tree size is concerned Tree topping is not an appropriate solution. As compared to other options it is dangerous and pointless.WWW.LILUMBERJACK.COM


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