Location ~ Worsley Nature Reserve

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Location – Worsley Nature Reserve

By Amanda Davidson - 0554Centre Number - 33751

These are the photos that I gathered for our group, this was done to allow us to see whether Worsley Nature Reserve was the correct location for our setting in the

music video filming session. Each photo will include a description of where we may use this particular area into our music video and why it is a good photo or what

could be done to change it and make it better etc. This will then help when it comes to deciding the location that will best suit our song and lyrics.

The three photos here illustrate the bridge that is located within the worsley nature reserve, this could be used within the video as a starting point to the music video. Maybe having the people walk up the bridge and towards the path, zooming in with the camera to get their expression and body language.

Here we can photos showing the trees within the reserve, we can see that there are light areas as well as dark areas within the nature reserve. This could be useful when trying to complete a different type of lighting towards the lyrics being sung.

There are a lot of photos being illustrated on this page as they are all rather similar and are representing the same thing – is being the trees. I believe this could be an affective area for us to film if we end up choosing this particular location.

This particular photo would be useful for the music video as we could use two people; one appearing from each side of the tree allowing a different image to be created. They could then both be singing or one singing, as they both walked towards the camera. Then they could meet and break into the chorus, this could be interact better with the listeners’ as they could be stood together looking at each other and then using body language to interact and involve the audience within the lyrics and music video.

Another photo like this is shown on the next slide/page allowing you to see the opposite direction and see another two way path.

This shows the other photo that looks similar to the one on the previous slide/page. This would also be a useful filming place as you can actually see through this tree allowing you a peek of what each person is doing. This could be very effective if presented in the correct way and using the correct editing to illustrate what needs to be represented.

These six photos show another bridge as well as the bridge water canel, this shows what worsley nature reserve has to offer and also what it could do for the music video. We could use the bridge in the video by filming from a low angle looking up at them on top of the bridge this could create a really good scene. However, we probably wouldn’t use the canel that much

as it will be hard to film the correct spot as the canel isn’t the prettiest place to look at. Yet we could film from the bridge looking alongside the canel and watching the people walk alongside it, with their back to the camera or even walking towards the camera.

The steps aren’t as good as the ones we have seen in Heaton Park, however, they are good as they have a winding path that hides away through the trees. As we can see in the first photo, faintly there is a fencing which we could position the camera on to keep it steady while we film the steps if we use them.

These are photos looking at the sunset, this could be used in the music video either like this or we could get a closer shoot and try and get a better look at the sun set.

The Sun Set Near The Canel We Could Try And Find This Closer And Then Use This Within Our Music Video.

Photo Of The Canel Would Definitely Consider Using This Within Our Music Video.

Another Photo Of The Canel – Showing Opposite Side To The Bridge.

Here are two photos of the sky allowing you to see what colour the sky presents at this time of day – 4:00pm. They have didn’t colour blue presented in them, also looking at the photo right from this text shows the different colours being presented within the sky and also makes it pretty with the trees also being in the photo. The bottom left photo is of the trees and fence that can we seen exiting/entering the nature reserve (depending on which way you enter or exit the reserve), this could be used in the filming at the beginning or end of the music video.

Thank You For Watching!

You can now see why we wanted to see if Worsley Nature Reserve was the right location for us to use as it shows great

potential for the music video.

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