Location SDK by Impromptu Media Ltd

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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(our code in your app)


About Impromptu Media

The Software Development Kit

SDK: Return On Investment


NPD & Beacons5





About Impromptu


About Impromptu Media

Impromptu Media are all about Location, Motion & Action based insights and


Our solution brings together Consumers,

Retailers and Marketing Organisations keen to

provide ‘in the moment’ geographical based

Marketing and Market Research services.

We use both traditional and new location services such as Beacons and Wi-Fi fingerprinting to ensure that the context of any transaction that takes place is accurate and correct.

Our ExpertiseBeacons, Location Tracking, Digital Mapping, Marketing,

Market Research, WiFi Fingerprinting, Wireless

Human Behaviour

Technology & Expertise

We’re the most accurate on the market. Location estimates of 50m, could be the other side of a building, on another road or in a different postcode.

The SDK can capture locations to ~2m accuracy throughout a user’s journey.


Location Accuracy

The SDK can stay with you for days without charge, capturing 100's of data points an hour whilst using little more power than standby.

The SDK implements a sophisticated proprietary system of software which uses multiple sources of device information e.g. ambient signals to record where someone is - using less battery power.

This benefits the user by efficient and accurate delivery of information without killing the battery like some geolocation SDK’s.

Battery Friendly

The Software Development

Kit*our code in your app

Our code can provide you with the ability to prompt your users within moments of them reaching the front door of a retailer with an offer.

This gives you the ability to convert customers in real time.

Sending offers when they are on site will increase conversions and also, more importantly, the amount of transactions.

SDK: Notification Example

What do we do for you? We provide you with our SDK to trigger messages based on the location of your app users in real-time

How does this help you? It allows you send timely and relevant messages e.g. coupons, adverts & promotions

What’s the benefit to you?Increases your customer engagement and sales.

SDK: For App Owners

...your app then notifies your users of special offers, when they are within your chosen location…

…We train you to build your campaigns and set your target locations…

…The user can accept a special offer and save money on their purchase…

On receiving a order we provide you with a web link…

…Integrate simply by ‘drag n drop’ of our SDK code into your app…

…We provide you with access to the back office…







SDK: How To Get It

SDK: Return On


Market Research companies, Outdoor media owners and Brand owners are always looking to gain insight at the point of contact with the brand. We can allow MR firms to contact your users for market research studies bases on a fixed amount per interview.

This means you could earn a price of a few pounds per interview. This gives your app users another benefit from using the app, as well as providing you with a new source of revenue.

In the Moment Market Research

Outdoor Media owners, who have a plethora of outdoor advertising sites, have difficulty in monitoring the amount of people that walk past their sites and indeed whether they recall the adverts. You/we can provide these companies with a unique source of respondents and the amount of people that pass these sites on a regular basis.

Frequency & Footfall


Deliverables are simple and beautifully visual. Available in the form of an interactive dashboard with ‘Drill Down’ capabilities or MS Excel export


Main Dashboard

Frequency & Footfall

Public Transport Networks

Triggers by Roadway

Localised Surveys

International Coverage

The location SDK collects data from whatever territory you are in

allowing us to trigger events from South Africa to California to Germany to the UK for the best in the moment notification service application The

Imp can provide you with what you need any time

any place any where.

NPD & Beacons

We are constantly developing new tools. Most recent is User Definable Geo-Triggering. A long name for something very simple in that it allows you to define the shape of the area in which you want the geo trigger to execute. Generally geo-trigger areas are round but with The Imp they can be any shape you want.



Stores are now commonly implementing Bluetooth Beacons around service areas and retail environments.

The Imp makes intelligent use of mobile technologies to take advantage of this without the need to add additional expensive infrastructure.


Impromptu Media Ltd

+44 7887 600 353


Jason More - Co-Founder

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