Local Legends & Lore

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Local Legends & Lore. Kentucky Studies. Riverside Cemetery. Burial place of Edgar Cayce Civil War Officer killed in Hopkinsville by Union sympathizer One of the Bell Children Screams are heard Strong smell of lilac (even in the dead of winter) Figures seen staring through the entrance gate. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Local Legends & Lore

Kentucky Studies

Riverside Cemetery• Burial place of Edgar Cayce• Civil War Officer killed in

Hopkinsville by Union sympathizer

• One of the Bell Children• Screams are heard• Strong smell of lilac (even

in the dead of winter)• Figures seen staring

through the entrance gate

Edgar Cayce• Born 1877• Called “The Sleeping Prophet”• Supposedly had the power to

diagnose illness, offer remedy, predict the future, and shed light on the past while in a trance

• 705 W 7th street• Devout member of the Disciples

of Christ• Became world famous• Considered by many to be the

founder of the new age movement

The Kelly Incident

• Also called the Kelly green men incident or the Kelly goblin case

• Kelly (just outside Hopkinsville)

• Fall, 1955• Sutton family farm

between Kelly and Hopkinsville

Kelly Cont.• Dozens of eyewitnesses

including policemen and state troopers

• Credible enough it was investigated by the USAF

• Became the basis for much of the mythology around UFO sightings (flashing lights, little green men, saucer shaped crafts, etc.)

Kelly Cont.

• Two families in the farmhouse

• Claimed to be harassed by little green men throughout the night

• Since been dubbed “Hopkinsville goblins”

• 3 ft. tall, pointed ears, thin limbs, long arms, and large, clawed hands

Kelly Cont.

• Creatures never entered the house

• Popped up at windows and doorways

• Families fled the house to the local police station

• Sheriff returned with 20 other officers

Kelly Cont.• Officers continued to witness

strange lights and sounds from the surrounding area for the rest of the night

• Significant damage to home from claw marks and gunfire

• Other people from the surrounding area witnessed similar sights and sounds for several weeks after the incident at the Sutton Farm

Waverly Hills Sanitorium

Waverly Hills• Sanitorium, live in patients

treated for tuberculosis (not to be confused with a sanitarium, another name for an mental health facility)

• Opened in 1910• Closed in 1962• 1962-1982 operated as a

nursing home• Legends say 100,000 people

died here (highly unlikely)

Waverly Hills Cont.

• The Death Tunnel or body chute

• Used to transport the bodies of dead patients out of the building and off the grounds

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_3Yrge8U4&feature=relmfu

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