Lloyds TSB International Private Banking manages content with Magnolia

Post on 08-May-2015






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Lloyds TSB International Private Banking offers personalized investment solutions directly from its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland to clients in more than 100 countries. Magnolia, the bank's open source content management system of choice, allows for content re-use within the bank's public website, Intranet and personalized client sites. For example, business analysts provide recommendations for investment products with background information on the bank's Intranet, while relationship managers use such information in client communication. Clients might also find some of those recommendation papers in their personalized website space once they bought one of the recommended products. Other recommendations might be of general interest and would thus be published on the public website. The open source CMS has been adopted by 700 employees, with 50 of them regularly creating content.


Lloyds TSB | for the journey…

Lloyds TSB IPBUses MagnoliaOctober 2008



This presentation was given at the “Open Source Meets Business” conference In January 2009

It was written in October 2008

This is a light version of the initial presentation.





Switzerland (Geneva, Zurich)







…Lloyds TSB International Private Banking operates on a global basis.




Lloyds TSB International Private Banking



Lloyds and Open Source

Where a Lloyds TSB standard, strategic, approved product that meets an application’s requirements already exists, it must be used - whether open source or proprietary

The selection process for OSS is similar to that for any third party offering, but with some additional considerations to accommodate criteria specific to OSS.

Lloyds TSB Group IT will not normally undertake to participate in Open Source developer communities, or commit to contribute to open source projects.

To avoid complicating both environments and licensing responsibilities, LTSB users will not ordinarily make direct changes to any Open Source code acquired.


Why having chosen Magnolia?

We needed to re-factor our Intranet for the following reasons:

It had grown faster than expected

It had become very uneasy to maintain

It had become very uneasy to manage

We had very labour intensive publishing processes

Users prepared documents/information (content)

Web master took the content, developed pages and deployed it on test

Users had to validate it in the test environment

Web master had to deploy it in production

We had multiple publishing processes and they were error prone

We had a lot of duplicates between the Internet site and the Intranet site

Business people did not really own the content. IT did

We had to start a very expensive re-branding project


Why having chosen Magnolia?

We then defined the following targets:

Chose a tool that will let us

Simplify the publishing processes

Give to business people the ownership of the Intranet/Internet content

Publish the same information on different sites

Define different look and feels (e.g. Intranet different that Internet)

Easily manage and publish documents

Easily validate the content


Why having chosen Magnolia

The choice was made in 2005

With the following main constraints

Very limited budget -> Focused on Open Source solutions

Had to integrate well with our J2EE based environment

Support Multi-site publication

I have rejected all the XML/XSL based CMS

Based on standards



Ease of use. More intuitive than other tools

Ease of installation

Very flexible programming model

This eased the integration with our existing applications


Why having chosen Magnolia?

Offered professional support

Swiss based product

Why not encouraging a local Open Source product?

Ease of contact

Operating within the same business hours than us

They were able to immediately provide a Senior developer to help us

We finally choosed their professional offer.


Magnolia Usage


100% managed by Magnolia

2000 pages

3000 documents

35 contributors

4 content validators


“Blog like” news system

Help desk web site

Financial Markets Web Site

Containing all the investment advices, analysis, performance reports, ...

Internal control web site

Shared information/documents with Internet

“Wiki like”. Simple pages/site management using Magnolia

Image galleries


Magnolia Usage

Public Internet Web site (http://www.lloydstsb-ipb.com/w3/en/home)

100% managed with Magnolia


Products & Offers



Private Internet Web site

Web content and documents are managed with Magnolia


Special product offers

Product factsheets

Financial information


Investment policies


Publishing to multiple web sites

Using Magnolia publishing mechanism we can publish the different information to different sites at the same time.

This is true for documents/content that has to be published both

To the Intranet

To the public Web site

To the private Web site

This is also true for recommendations given to the clients via the private Web site. The same information is published both:

To the Intranet

To the Private Web site

Our product offers are published both:

To the Intranet

To the Private Web site


Multi-languages Internet web site


Reusing/Sharing the information

Using Magnolia we can centralize the access to the most meaningful information

Relationship managers now have a direct access to

Product information


Recommended products

Investment policies


These documents are managed by Magnolia and easily made available

Full integration (documents or services)

Contributors regularly update the information

This information is used to provide better information/recommendations to the clients


Benefits of using Magnolia

Simplification of the publication processes

One single repository of information

Shared documents: Intranet/Internet/Private Internet

Users now own the business content

Business people can now update the business content without the help of the IT department

Because of Magnolia’s flexibility we have been able to provide different kind of support to the users

Web pages / Portal

Document management



Easy to use



Mainly on the IT side

Need very good IT skills (Java, Web)

Need for more documentation

Product evolving quickly

Need to adapt to the changes. Not always easy to change too often in a big company

More infrastructure management than expected

This is getting much better with the latest releases

We are a big company with specialized departments (IT infrastructure, IT Development, …). IT Infrastructure had to understand how to manage Magnolia.

Users now own the content and are fully involved in the publishing process.

The challenge is not to use Magnolia, but to understand the process.


Best practices

Focusing on users

By making sure they have a good understanding of what “Web” or “web content management” really means

By training them to Magnolia and Web Content Management

Use of Magnolia must be made easy

By providing trainings and documentation

By providing appropriate templates

By getting feedbacks and assessing the way they work

Avoid misuses or misunderstandings (e.g. html formatting is not MSWord formatting)

Make them understand what they are responsible for (content) and what the Webmaster is responsible for (pages, navigation, templates, layouts, …)

Monitoring site evolution

Users don’t understand the impacts of their activity on the overall system. Don’t let sites grow without management.

Being proactive with users

Magnolia provides the flexibility to adapt to user needs and offer very rich information.


Best practices

Defining new business processes

New actors (not Web master centric as it was before)

User’s part of the process becomes more important, IT part becomes less important

Defining a scalable architecture

Support site growth (number of pages, number of documents, number of users) and new needs

It is going to grow faster than expected

Integrating with Magnolia

Magnolia to be used for Web Content Management

Other applications must reuse Magnolia but don’t have to be based on Magnolia

Carefully planning the migration to new Magnolia releases

This can be a very lengthy process (especially with a huge amount of pages and a big number of users to be migrated). You may should consider being helped by Magnolia people to do that.

Letting the Webmaster be free to innovate

To benefit from flexibility


Best practices

Do not under estimate the infrastructure workload

Machines availability, backup, number of sites, security aspects

Monitoring the changes

Keep informed of the releases

Keep informed of the new features

Implement the most important releases (but not all)

Keeping it simple


Best practices – For Open Source solution providers

When wanting to be used by big companies

Sticking to the standards (J2EE standards in this case)

E.g: JSR 170

Your products must run on the industry standard platforms

E.g: Running on IBM Websphere, with an Oracle database

Offering professional support

Must be easy to use

Must be easy to install

Keep in mind that your product will be subject to a stronger validation process than a non open source product

Sticking to the standard and running on standard platform becomes a real plus

Making a real effort on documentation


Questions and Answers

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