Living with Tableau Machine - Ubicomp 2008 talk

Post on 08-May-2015






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Talk slides from UbiComp 2008 (Seoul, SK). Presented by Zachary Pousman and Mario Romero. The slides gives a brief technical overview of Tableau Machine, a curious mirror of domestic life and then details the results of three eight-week deployments of TM into homes in Atlanta, GA (USA). The householders found TM curious at first, but began to appreciate its strange and abstract statements and to form intimate attachments to the system over time.


Living with Tableau Machine: A longitudinal

investigation of a curious domestic intelligence

Zachary Pousman, Georgia Tech

Mario Romero, Georgia Tech

Adam Smith, UC Santa Cruz

Michael Mateas, UC Santa Cruz

Living with Tableau Machine: A longitudinal

investigation of a curious domestic intelligence

Zachary Pousman, Georgia Tech

Mario Romero, Georgia Tech

Adam Smith, UC Santa Cruz

Michael Mateas, UC Santa Cruz

Everyday domestic lifeCapture it (Computer vision)

Interpret it (Artificial Intelligence)

Represent it (Generative Graphic Design, HCI)

Conversation, reflection

A social ‘actor’


A mirror of life

Say hello to Tableau Machine

Tableau MachineSystem Implementation Overview

Tableau MachineSystem Implementation Overview




Tableau MachineSystem Implementation Overview

Quiet times(watching TV, reading...)

Active times alone(vacuuming, exercising...)

Social times(family meals, homework, games...)

Wild times(play, fighting, parties...)


Tableau MachineLongitudinal Investigation

• Three households in Atlanta GA

• 6-8 weeks

• Elicitation techniques:

• Interviews

• Feltboard

• Wordgame

• Print outs

• Broken (misconfigured) TM

Household A

Household B

Household C

The Broken TM Household A

The Broken TMTrajectory of Appreciation, Gaver et al. 2005

Household A

The Broken TMTrajectory of Appreciation, Gaver et al. 2005

“Natural Experiment”

Household A


Household AAndrew: No pictures are ever two the same. I’ve already tried to do that.

Interviewer: Is that right? You tried to do that? How did that work?

Andrew: ... So yeah, no, there was no one else in the house. So I just sat right here and I was just [he mimes holding still],

and I was looking at it and looking at it and...

But I could never get it, the same exact image. ... Well that’s what I’m trying to figure out, if it’s taking numbers, images, from [the cameras], then why is it not the same picture every time? You know?

Household A

Waving at the cameras (kids)

Turning off and on lights

Household C

Waving at the cameras (kids)

Wailing on the floor while momwatched from the dining room


Household C


Household B


Household A

Household C

Household B

Average 1.46 / day

Average 3.16 / day

Average 12.64 / day

Deepening of Reflection

Household C

(Hints of) Personality

Household C

Feelings of being watched

Charlie: [pointing up] his spies...

Carla: Yeah, he calls it Niko and his spies.

Interviewer: Really, ‘Niko and his spies’?

Carla: Yeah.

Household A

Household C

Household B

Household C

- All 3 Mothers changed behaviors

- Aloneness as privacy

Implications for Ubicomp designCo-interpretation

Implications for Ubicomp designActivity Recognition + Activity Characterization

Household Management

Outdoor ActivitiesIndoor Activities

Household life


Cleaning Yard work



you c



Attribute you care about

Exterior maintenance

Implications for Ubicomp designActivity Recognition + Activity Characterization

Household Management

Outdoor ActivitiesIndoor Activities

Household life


Cleaning Yard work

Exterior maintenance



you c



Attribute you care about

Implications for Ubicomp designCameras in the home

Thanks! Questions?

We acknowledge the support of NSF IIS-0752684. We also want to thank our participant families, our advisors (John Stasko and Gregory Abowd), draft readers, reviewers and shepherd.

Zach Pousman :

Mario Romero :

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