LIVERPOOL PUBLIC SCHOOL - liverpool … · The school has recently ma ... Next time you are talking to your child about school, ... 51 Liverpool Public School students attended the

Post on 27-Aug-2018






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EST 1863



Teachers return Term



Children return Term 2


ANZAC Day Public



SRC Crazy Hair Day


NAPLAN Parent Forums


Parent Forum 1-6


7/5/12 – 11/5/12

Mothers Day Stall

15/5/12 – 17/5/12

NAPLAN Years 3 & 5


Senior dance group

performing at Regional

Dance Festival


NAPLAN make up day


Year 5 Excursion


Year 6 Excursion


Parent Forum OC Test


Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students and Staff,

Congratulations and thankyou to everyone for a

highly successful Term 1. There have been a

number of new initiatives and programs that

the school has initiated this year and

indicators are that the student learning

programs will be enhanced as a result.

As I indicated to you last year the school has

received an additional $680,000.00 through

the Federal Government’s National Partnership

(NP). This significant amount of money is to be

used to develop programs that will improve

student learning outcomes. After a very

rigorous evaluation of school based data two of

the areas that were most in need are literacy

and community engagement.

This term we have implemented a very detailed

and intensive three year professional learning

program to improve student literacy skills. All

students from Year 1 – 6 have had their

reading fluency and comprehension assessed

individually using a standard process and we

look forward to reporting their progress over

the year.

The school has also tried to engage more

effectively with parents and caregivers. The

NP funding has allowed us to employ a

Community Liaison Officer (CLO), two days per

week. Mrs Naffa (Maysoun) is at school

Monday and Friday and works with ALL

parents. She has organised parent programs

that run almost every Monday with sessions

being held in English and Arabic.

Last week we held our first parent teacher

conferences for 2012 and it was great to see

so many of you throughout the year. The

teachers have said that they really enjoyed

meeting with parents/caregivers and that

spreading the conferences over the week

meant more time could be spent with you.

Please let us know if you found this more

valuable. Thank you for taking the time to work

with us in educating your children.

School holidays begin on Thursday so I ask

June 2018


Every Monday

Playgroup – 9am

Every Monday

Friends of Liverpool –


Every Friday

Assembly Even weeks: 3-6 Odd weeks: K-2


Multicultural public speaking finals – Stage 2


Taronga Zoo excursion –

Year 3


Multicultural public speaking finals – Stage 3


Questacon excursion –

Year 5


Questacon excursion – Year 6


Featherdale excursion –

Stage 1


PSSA and SRC photographs


Scenic World excursion –

Year 4


Reports sent home

Multicultural Day


Last day of term


I had a wonderful series of meetings this week with students from our Student

Representative Council (SRC) to discuss their ideas about making our school a

better place. I was impressed by their vision of what a great school looks like

and ability to articulate their ideas clearly. The students have been listening to

the ideas of their peers and are developing plans to make them happen. I

invited some of the SRC representatives to a staff meeting so they could share

their plans with all the staff at Liverpool Public School which they gladly

accepted. What a great example of student leadership!

Over the last two weeks our Year 3 and Year 5 students have been completing

NAPLAN. Unlike in previous years, our students were part of the first group of

New South Wales schools to complete these assessments online. Feedback

from students was positive and they enjoyed completing them online! A great

feature of the new platform is for the assessments to adapt to a student’s

responses. This means parents and carers and schools receive a more

targeted assessment of students’ literacy and numeracy ability. Another benefit

of the new platform is that results are due to be received much earlier than in

previous years. Thank you to the staff who were heavily involved in the trialling

and setting up over the last six months in preparation for a successful


Parents and carers should have received a letter from the school outlining this

year’s voluntary school contributions. As mentioned in the letter, the money that

we receive from contributions is used to pay for each student’s subscription to

Reading Eggs and Mathletics. These programs can be accessed at school and

at home. If parents and carers were to subscribe to these independently, the

cost would be over $100 for each child. Thank you to all those parents and

carers who have already paid their voluntary contribution.

Next time you are talking to your child about school, ask them about some of

the new technology we have in classrooms. The school has recently made a

large investment upgrading technology across the school. On the last Staff

Development Day, at the beginning of Term 2, a representative from Google

spent the full day exploring with staff the potential of the technology to support

learning in our school. More upgrades are planned to ensure our school

continues to provide a quality learning environment that supports students as

learners in the 21st century.

Mr Ian Tapuska





BOOK AWARD Brayden 5K Ashlea 6D

MEDAL AWARD Mustafa 4M Dani 6C Shrinivas 6C

PRINCIPAL’S AWARD Esha 1C Madalene 2S Maja 5F

Jeyarshan 1S Rishab 4G Jannat 5K

Lakshanaa 2R Rohanah 4G Zahra 6C

TEAM LEADER AWARD Sam KP Eshal 2N Nabanya 4G

Freeman KP Hayato 2N Syed 4W

Tijana KP Anika Manya 2N Nikittah 4W

Wardie KP Adarsh 2N Zecharaiah 4W

Simarleen KP Nevadah 2N Elet 4W

Dorcas Cynthia KP Mallak 2N Sama 5F

Alaskah KP Mila 2R Manahil 5F

Varti KT Sai 2R Dakota 5F

Mohammed 1C Rachel-Rose 2R Maja 5F

Abdulkarim 1C Maryna 2R Jaanvii 5F

Tasneem 1C Samvrita 2R Jims 5F

Sreejit 1C Madalene 2S Rawan 5K

Aayush 1C Larita 2S Lorin 5K

Juayria 1C Chella 2S Shamma 5K

Yona 1C Linda 3M Jannat 5K

Esha 1C Sama 3M Issa 5K

Gladiolus 1C Christopher 3M Mariam 5K

Sai 1C Nemanja 3M Lorenzo 5K

Tanmay 1M Ujala 3M Tina 5S

Mohammed 1M Vlado 3M Aaliyah 5S

Kathlyn 1M Tamara 3S Emrah 5S

Martin 1M Khushi 3S Ivana 5S

Khloe 1S Osamah 3V Imran 5S

Ayat 1S Honey 3V Johnny 5S

Holly 1S Aseel 3V Aeon 5S


Christopher 1S Anhar 3V Sam 6C

Roz 2K Taksheel 3V Darlene 6C

Narmin 2K Batul 3V Justin 6C

Sanawbar 2K Manraj 3V Aishata 6C

Yashmita 2K Arav 3V Sona Varssini 6C

Milav 2L Renita 4G Zahra 6C

Sar 2L King 4G Dina 6C

Zainab 2L Rishab 4G Jwanah 6C

Eshan 2L Govana 4G Jusleen 6D

Lana 2L Masa 4G Riyam Nazar 6P

Aksh 2L Asala 4G Lakeesha 6P

Wardiah 2L Rohanah 4G Aishwarya 6P

Sharoan Raja 2L Sheran 4G Aashna 6P

Priya 6P


Date Topic Year

Group Permission Required

Return Date

21/05/18 Scholastic Book Club K-6 Yes 15/06/18

21/05/18 The School Dentist Week K-6 Yes 29/06/18

21/05/18 Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) K-6

02/05/18 School Cross Country Carnival (Reminder) 3-6 Yes 03/05/18

02/05/18 Winter PSSA Off-Site Training 3-6 Yes 04/05/18

02/05/18 Collecting Students after School PSSA

Training 3-6

16/05/18 Zone Cross Country Carnival 3-6 Yes 24/05/18

03/05/18 K-2 Cross Country K-2

22/05/18 Stage 3 Swimming Program 5-6 Yes 28/06/18

22/05/18 Year 2 Swimming Program Yr 2 Yes 27/06/18

25/05/18 PSSA Sports Jerseys 3-6

07/05/18 Year 6 Questacon Excursion Yr 6 Yes 13/06/18

07/05/18 Year 5 Questacon Excursion Yr 5 Yes 13/06/18

24/05/18 Stage 3 Camp – Reminder 5-6 Yes 28/05/18

24/05/18 Year 4 Scenic World Excursion Yr 4 Yes 21/06/18

24/05/18 Year 1 Featherdale Parl Excursion Yr 1 Yes 18/06/18

09/05/18 Year 3 Taronga Zoo Excursion Yr 3 Yes 04/06/18



Liverpool PS is hosting the cross country and athletics carnivals. The events see students competing not only for themselves, but also for their sport houses. We have four sport houses (Bass, Flinders, Macquarie and Philip). Sport houses are becoming bigger and better each year and therefore our houses need captains to run them effectively and motivate their team to their full potential.

This year our Sport Captains are:

Captains: Janait 6P and Desmond 6C

Vice Captains: Zaenab 5/6M and Rani 6D

Captains: Aishata 6C and Pranav 5/6M

Vice Captains: Shahana 6P and Vasanth 6C

Captains: Hussein 6P and Anita 5/6M

Vice Captains: George 6P and Jomellyn 6C

Captains: Vedant 5/6M and Priya 6P

Vice Captains: Hashmad 6P and Leona 5/6M

Congratulations to all these students as they lead their houses throughout the year.


PRIMARY CROSS COUNTRY On Thursday 10 May, Liverpool Public School hosted its annual Primary Cross Country Carnival at Woodward Park, Liverpool. The day started off unexpectedly with a group of cheeky cockatoos eating the witch’s hats that lined the running course.

Energetic students from Years 2-6 arrived at the venue and completed a fun Zumba workout with Miss Maharaj. Sports House Captains assembled their fellow peers and led a series of war cries that could be heard in neighbouring suburbs.

It was time for the races to commence and nervous participants stepped up to the starting line. Every student in every race gave 110% and should be proud of their efforts.

Congratulations to the following age champions who placed first in their respective race:

Girls Boys

8 Year Olds Jasmine 3M Gunveer 2L

9 Year Olds Kawthar 3/4T Ahmadzia 4W

10 Years Olds Govana 4G Jims 5F

11 Year Olds Lakeesha 6P Nemanja 5K

12/13 Year Olds Leona 5/6M Vedant 5/6M

Ms Comer and Miss Fatrouni


ZONE CROSS COUNTRY On Tuesday 29 May, 51 Liverpool Public School students attended the Zone Cross Country Carnival at South Park, Chipping Norton. It was a long and gruelling event that truly tested the endurance and willpower of each and every student. We had 5 students who placed in the top 8 for their age group and as a result, have qualified for the Sydney South West Regional Cross Country Championships. This will be held on Thursday 14 June at Hurlstone Agricultural High School. The following students will be representing the Liverpool Zone at this event:

Name Place

8/9 Year Old Girls Govana 4G 7th

11 Year Old Boys Nemanja 5K 2nd

12/13 Year Old Boys Vedant 5/6M 2nd

12/13 Year Old Boys Hussein 6P 4th

12/13 Year Old Girls Leona 5/6M 8th

Congratulations and best of luck to these students. We are very proud of your efforts. Ms Comer and Mr Wann





Week 1 - 18 May 2018Team Played Result Player of the

Day Junior Touch Football (game 1) LPS vs Holsworthy PS Lost 0-2 Maximus 4W

Junior Touch Football (game 2) LPS vs Marsden Rd PS Lost 3-4

Senior Touch Football (game 1) LPS vs Holsworthy PS Won 3-1 Aishata 6C

Senior Touch Football (game 2) LPS vs Marsden Rd PS Lost 2-3

Junior Boys Soccer LPS vs Newbridge Heights PS Won 1-0 King 4G

Senior Boys Soccer LPS vs Newbridge Heights PS Won 7-1 Yazen 6P

Junior Girls Soccer LPS vs Holsworthy PS Won 4-1 Riya 3/4T

Senior Girls Soccer LPS vs Holsworthy PS Won 2-0 Leona 5/6M

Junior Rugby League LPS vs Casula PS Lost 30-6 Zechaiariah 4W

Senior Rugby League LPS vs Casula PS Lost 52-0 Ambross 6D

Junior Netball (Ms Vo) LPS vs Nuwarra PS Lost 5-1 Mustafa 4M

Senior Netball (Ms Vo) LPS vs Nuwarra PS Lost 20-0 Karengelina 5/6M

Junior Netball (Ms Nguyen) LPS vs Prestons PS Lost 0-0 Nikittah 4W

Senior Netball (Ms Nguyen) LPS vs Prestons PS Lost 32-0 Natasha 5S

Week 2 - 25 May 2018Team Played Result Player of the

Day Junior Touch Football (game 1) LPS vs Chipping Norton PS Lost 3-0 Pranav 4W

Junior Touch Football (game 2) LPS vs Casula PS Drew 0-0

Senior Touch Football (game 1) LPS vs Chipping Norton PS Lost 2-3 Katarina 6D

Senior Touch Football (game 2) LPS vs Casula PS Won 4-2

Junior Boys Soccer BYE - -

Senior Boys Soccer BYE - -

Junior Girls Soccer LPS vs Newbridge Heights PS Won 6-0 Batul 3V

Senior Girls Soccer LPS vs Newbridge Heights PS Won 2-1 Helena 6P

Junior Rugby League LPS vs Wattle Grove PS Lost 32-4 Cecilia 3/4T

Senior Rugby League LPS vs Wattle Grove PS Lost 40-4 Abigail 6C

Junior Netball (Ms Vo) LPS vs Prestons PS Won 2-0 Nethra 4W

Senior Netball (Ms Vo) LPS vs Prestons PS Lost 30-0 Christian 5F

Junior Netball (Ms Nguyen) LPS vs Wattle Grove PS Lost 4-1 Sara 3V

Senior Netball (Ms Nguyen) LPS vs Wattle Grove PS Lost 15-1 Suzette 5F



Our school is participating in Scholastic Book Club this year.

Up to twice a term, during the school year, we will send

home a Club catalogue with a different selection of books

offered for all ages.

You’ll find award-winning books and bestsellers, as well as

old and new favourites. We recommend them because the

books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and

interests and because they are inexpensive (some books cost as little as $2).

It is easy to order. The Book Club LOOP platform for parents allows you to pay by credit card. Your child’s

order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class. You can place

your child’s order at or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the

App Store or Google Play. Or you can send the order into the school with the order slip cut out from the

catalogue with cash.

Orders for this catalogue are due no later than Friday 15 June 2018.

Examples of some of the $2 books available in this catalogue:


This term the Stage 3 debating team has been busy spending their break times learning the skills needed

to be confident, persuasive speakers. Students have had the opportunity to showcase their learning from

class in building strong arguments in order to persuade both their audience and an adjudicator.

Our first debate was held on Wednesday 30 May at Dalmeny Public School. Before arriving at the venue

neither team were aware of the topic or which side they would be debating. Students were given the topic

‘Today’s children spend too much time in front of a screen’ and successfully secured the affirmative side of

the argument. Students utilised their skills and were able to win their first debate of the season!

Congratulations team! You did an amazing job and we wish you luck in your future debates.

Matilda, Shahana, Sona and Zaenab

15 June 2018


COMMUNITY LANGUAGE INFORMATION Arabic classes have resumed this term! We have a new Arabic teacher, Mrs Amal Diab. Welcome to Liverpool PS! This semester in Community Language class, Year 3 Students are learning about our local area and how it has changed in Hindi/Arabic. Year 4 students are learning about ‘Day and Night’. They are practicing their speaking and reading skills. They are also learning to identify and use some persuasive language in their target language. They are learning to state a fact and an opinion in Hindi/Arabic. Stage 3 students are exploring the topic ‘Australia as a Nation.’ They also participate in language learning activities to further enhance their speaking, reading and writing skills in Hindi/Arabic. “Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world.”-Nelson Mandela



As the weather turns colder, please remember to label any of your child’s new school uniform items. Don’t forget that students should wear black school shoes when it is not their sport day.


MOBILE PHONES AT SCHOOL PROCEDURES Below are details from our new procedures. A copy of these will be sent home to students who currently bring mobile phones to school. If you wish for your child to bring a mobile phone to school and do not receive a copy, please contact the school office. These procedures will begin on Monday 21 May, 2018.

Mobile Phones at School Procedures Overview

Liverpool Public School recognises that as a communication device, mobile phones, when used

appropriately, can offer students and their parents and carers many advantages in terms of ease

of communication and a sense of personal safety when children are travelling to and from school.

However, mobile phones have the capacity to have a negative impact on the learning environment

and the safety and wellbeing of students.

These procedures establish guidelines for mobile phones at Liverpool Public School and outline

how the school responds to the inappropriate use of mobile phones by students.


Any parent or carer who would like their child to bring a mobile phone to school is required

to inform the school by completing a Request to Carry a Mobile Phone form and handing it

to the school office.

Mobile phones must be turned off between the hours of 8:30am and 3:00pm and be stored

in the student’s school bag.

The mobile phone is not to be used to take photographs or record students, staff or parents

and carers on school grounds, or on the way to/from school.

Mobile phones are not permitted on school excursions.

Parents and carers acknowledge that students bring mobile phones to school at their own

risk. Liverpool Public School will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to mobile

phones or for investigating loss or damage of mobile phones.

Consequence for Not Following Expectations

Where students do not follow school expectations, the following will apply:

If a staff member hears a mobile phone, sees a phone, or has good reason to suspect that

a student is using a mobile phone, the staff member will ask the student to turn the phone

off and place it in their bag.


If there is a subsequent use of the mobile phone, the staff member will direct the student to

the Deputy Principal who will manage the incident in line with the school’s discipline code

and policy. Consequences may include:

o confiscation of the mobile phone by the Principal or Deputy Principal

o attendance in the Reflection Room

o formal interview with parents and carers

o suspension or expulsion as per Department of Education procedures

Inappropriate Use of Mobile Phones

Inappropriate use has a wide meaning and will include being used in a way that is:

contrary to any applicable school rules,

disruptive to the school's learning environment,

a risk to the safety or wellbeing of students, staff or other people,

contrary to any reasonable direction given by school staff about the use of the item,

illegal or otherwise of a nature that causes significant concern for staff.

Inappropriate use of a mobile device such as a phone could include a wide range of behaviour

such as:

bullying, intimidating or otherwise harassing others through SMS or text messaging or

through photographic, video or other data transfer systems available on the phone;

recording of conversations, including lessons, without the knowledge and permission of the

teacher or those involved in the conversation;

downloading or otherwise accessing inappropriate material on the internet such as child

abuse or pornographic or other offensive material;

filming of fights or other criminal behaviour involving students that occur at school, during

school activities or while on the way to or from school;

using it in a way that threatens or is likely to threaten the safety or wellbeing of any person;

using it in a way that disrupts an individual's learning or is likely to disrupt the learning

environment for others or interfere with the operation of the school; or

use that is in breach of any law.

Consequence for Inappropriate Use

Where mobile phones are used inappropriately, the school will manage the incident in line with the

school’s discipline code and policy and, where relevant, the anti-bullying plan. Investigation of

inappropriate use will be conducted by the Deputy Principal and consequences may include:

confiscation of the mobile phone by the Principal or Deputy Principal

attendance in the Reflection Room

formal interview with parents and carers

suspension or expulsion as per Department of Education procedures

referral to police


Liverpool Public School Railway Street

Liverpool NSW 2170 Ph: 9602 7882 Fax: 9821 3030

Request to Carry a Mobile Phone

Student’s name:


Brand of mobile:

Make and model:

Colour of phone:

Mobile number:

Conditions of use:

Any parent or carer who would like their child to bring a mobile

phone to school is required to inform the school by completing a

Request to Carry a Mobile Phone form and handing it to the school


Mobile phones must be turned off between the hours of 8:30am

and 3:00pm and be stored in the student’s school bag.

The mobile phone is not to be used to take photographs or record

students, staff or parents and carers on school grounds, or on the

way to/from school.

Mobile phones are not permitted on school excursions.

Parents and carers acknowledge that students bring mobile

phones to school at their own risk. Liverpool Public School will not

accept responsibility for any loss or damage to mobile phones or

for investigating loss or damage of mobile phones.

I have read and understood the Mobile Phones at School Procedures.

I understand that if the conditions of use are not followed my child will lose the privilege of

being able to have a mobile phone at school.

I understand that this request is valid for the time my child is in the class written above and

must be renewed each year.

Student’s signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ………………

Parent/Carer’s signature: ……………………………………… Date: ………………


Liverpool Public School’s newsletter contains paid advertisements which assist with the cost of publication. The publication of such advertisements does not imply endorsement of any product or service by the NSW Department of Education or Liverpool Public School.

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