
The Story of Nine Brave Children from Little Rock, Arkansas

By Gladys Gonzalez, Haley Honcharenko, Maddy Goodnough, Courtney King and Summer Dodd

Group Documentary

Youth Division

The Little Rock Nine

• The Little Rock Nine were nine black teenagers who went to an all white school on September 23, 1957 in Little Rock Arkansas.

• This matters because before then blacks were not allowed to attend white schools.

What Happened

• The nine teenagers were assigned to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

• The white students were protesting because of the black kids going to their school.

The Riots

• During the riots some people started tipping over cars and protesting against integration.

They were famous for…

• They were famous for going to an all white school.

• They felt that they needed to be brave. • The whites wanted the blacks to leave

their school. It caused some white students to stab Melba Patillo and spray acid in her eyes, almost blinding her for the rest of her life.

• Almost all of the whites were against it.


• The conflict was between Governor Faubus and President Eisenhower. President Eisenhower had declared a law that stated to stop segregation in schools throughout the United States. Governor Faubus however did not want to follow this law so he made a law stating no integration.


• After a long while Blacks were finally allowed to be treated as equals in schools throughout the United States of America.

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