List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    List of 570 Indian Journals indexed in Scopus


    (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal

    Sl.No. Title of the Journal Name of the Publisher  

    1 Administrative Change Center for Administrative Change

    2 Advanced Materials Letters VBRI Press

    3 Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics Pushpa Publishing House

    4 Advances in Vibration ngineering !rishtel eMaging "olutions

    5 African #ournal of Paediatric "urger$ %olters !lu&er Health

    6 A!C International #ournal of 'raphs and Combinatorics !alasalingam (niversit$

    7 Allelopath$ #ournal International Allelopath$ Foundation

    8  Anil Aggra&al)s Internet #ournal of Forensic Medicine and*o+icolog$ Anil Aggra&al

    9 Animal ,utrition and Feed *echnolog$ Animal ,utrition Association

    10 Annals of African Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    11 Annals of Agri Bio Research Agri Bio Research Publishers

    12 Annals of Arid -one "cientific Publishers

    13 Annals of biochemistr$ and e+perimental medicine Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    14 Annals of Biolog$ Agri Bio Research Publishers

    15 Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia %olters !lu&er Health

    16 Annals of Indian Academ$ of ,eurolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    17 Annals of Librar$ and Information "tudies

    ,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources .,I"CAIR/

    18 Annals of ,eurosciences Indian Academ$ of ,eurosciences


     Annals of Pediatric Cardiolog$ %olters !lu&er Health20

     Annals of "audi Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    21 Annals of *horacic Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    22 Annals of *ropical Medicine and Public Health %olters !lu&er Health

    23 Anthropologist !amla0Ra1 nterprises

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    51 Bulletin of Pure and Applied "ciences 0 "ection F'eological "ciences A8!8 "harma4 d8 ; Pub8

    52Bulletin of the Astronomical "ociet$ of India Astronomical "ociet$ of India

    53 Bulletin of the Indian Institute of Histor$ of Medicine.H$derabad/ B8 Rao for the Central Council for Research inIndian Medicine and Homoeopath$54

    Bulletin of the Institute of Medicine .H$derabad/B8 Rao for the Central Council for Research inIndian Medicine and Homoeopath$

    55 Bulletin4 Postgraduate Institute of Medical ducation andResearch4 Chandigarh

    Postgraduate Institute of Medical ducation andResearch Chandigarh

    56Carbon 0 "cience and *echnolog$ Applied "cience Innovations Private Limited

    57Chemical ngineering %orld "cientific Publishers

    58China Report "A'


    Cla$ Research *he Cla$ Minerals "ociet$ of India60Clinical Rhinolog$ #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    61Colourage Colour Publication Pvt8 Ltd8

    62Conservation and "ociet$ "A'

    63Contributions to Indian "ociolog$ "A'

    64Current euro!iolo"# "cientific Publishers of India

    65Current Paediatric Research "cientific Publishers

    66 Current "cience Indian Academ$ of "ciences67

    Current *opics in Peptide and Protein Research Research *rends

    68Current *opics in Pharmacolog$ Research *rends

    69Current *opics in *o+icolog$ Research *rends

    70Current *rends in Immunolog$ Research *rends

    71C$to#ournal %olters !lu&er Health

    726efence "cience #ournal

    6efence "cientific Information ; 6ocumentationCentre

    73$ental %#&ot'eses %olters !lu&er Health

    74 $(S)$*C Journal of +i!rar# and )nformation Tec'nolo"#

    6efence "cientific Information ; 6ocumentationCentre .6"I69C/


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    77 6onald "chool #ournal of (ltrasound in 9bstetrics and'$necolog$ #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    786rug Invention *oda$ Association of Pharmaceutical Innovators

    79colog$4 nvironment and Conservation nviro Media

    80 conomic and Political %ee3l$ "amee3sha *rust81

    0#ournal of Chemistr$ %orld %ide %eb Publications .P/ India

    82lectricit$ Conservation =uarterl$ 6ev3i R;6 ngineers

    83lectronics Information and Planning IPA'

    84lectro0*echnolog$ "ociet$ of lectronic ngineers

    85+ploration and Research for Atomic Minerals

     Atomic Minerals 6ivision4 6epartment of Atomicnerg$4 'overnment of India

    86 ,ar (ast Journal of (lectronics and

    Communications Pushpa Publishing House87Far ast #ournal of Mathematical "ciences Pushpa Publishing House

    88'ender4 *echnolog$ and 6evelopment "A'

    89'lobal #ournal of Fle+ible "$stems Management 'lobal Institute of Fle+ible "$stems Management

    90 -lo!al Journal of .ure and A&&lied/at'ematics Research India Publications

    91 -uarat Journal of *tor'inolar#n"olo"# and%ead and ec Sur"er#  Association of 9torhinolar$ngologists of India


    Centre for Herpetolog$4 Madras Crocodile Ban3*rust

    93Health and Population2 Perspectives and Issues ,ational Institute of Health and Famil$ %elfare

    94Health for the millions Health for the Millions *rust

    95Hepatitis B Annual %olters !lu&er Health

    96Himala$an 'eolog$ %adia Institute of Himala$an 'eolog$

    97Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd8

    98I6MA Bulletin Indian 6rug Manufacturers) Association


    I* #ournal of Research %olters !lu&er Health100 I* *echnical Revie& .Institution of lectronics and

    *elecommunication ngineers4 India/ %olters !lu&er Health

    101IIMB Management Revie& Indian Institute of Management

    102))*AB Journal

    Institute of Integrative 9mics and AppliedBiotechnolog$ .II9AB/

    103IIP" ne&sletter International Institute for Population "ciences

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    104Immunome Research 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    105Indian Concrete #ournal "cientific Publishers

    106Indian 6rugs "cientific Publishers

    107 Indian conomic and "ocial Histor$ Revie& "A'108

    Indian Forester "cientific Publishers

    109Indian 'eotechnical #ournal Indian 'eotechnical "ociet$

    110Indian Heart #ournal Cardiological "ociet$ of India

    111Indian #ournal of Agricultural Biochemistr$ Indian "ociet$ of Agricultural Biochemists

    112Indian #ournal of Agricultural conomics "cientific Publishers

    113)ndian Journal of A"ricultural esearc'  Agricultural Research Communication Centre

    114Indian #ournal of Agricultural "ciences

    Indian #ournal of Fisheries for the Indian Councilof Agricultural Research

    115Indian #ournal of Agronom$ "cientific Publishers

    116Indian #ournal of Anaesthesia %olters !lu&er Health

    117Indian #ournal of Animal Research Agricultural Research Communication Centre

    118Indian #ournal of Animal "ciences "cientific Publishers

    119Indian #ournal of Applied conomics Indian #ournal of Applied conomics .I#A/

    120Indian #ournal of Biochemistr$ "cientific Publishers

    121Indian #ournal of Biochemistr$ and Bioph$sics "cientific Publishers

    122Indian #ournal of Biotechnolog$ ,ational Institute of "cience Communication

    123Indian #ournal of Cancer %olters !lu&er Health

    124Indian #ournal of Chemical *echnolog$ "cientific Publishers

    125Indian #ournal of Chemistr$ Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    126 Indian #ournal of Chemistr$ 0 "ection A Inorganic4Ph$sical4 *heoretical and Anal$tical Chemistr$ "cientific Publishers

    127 Indian #ournal of Chemistr$ 0 "ection B 9rganic andMedicinal Chemistr$ "cientific Publishers

    128Indian #ournal of Clinical Biochemistr$ Association of Clinical Biochemists of India

    129Indian #ournal of Communit$ Health

    Indian Association of Preventive and "ocialMedicine (ttar Pradesh and (ttara3hand.IAP"M(P(!/ "tate Chapter 

    130Indian #ournal of Communit$ Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    131Indian #ournal of Critical Care Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    132Indian #ournal of 6ental Research %olters !lu&er Health

    133Indian #ournal of 6ermatolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    134 Indian #ournal of 6ermatolog$ and Venereolog$ %olters !lu&er Health135 Indian #ournal of 6ermatolog$4 Venereolog$ and

    Leprolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    136Indian #ournal of arth "ciences Indian "ociet$ 9f arth "cience

    137Indian #ournal of colog$ Indian cological "ociet$

    138Indian #ournal of ngineering and Materials "ciences "cientific Publishers

    139Indian #ournal of nvironmental Health

    ,ational nvironmental ngineering ResearchInstitute

    140Indian #ournal of nvironmental Protection "cientific Publishers

    141Indian #ournal of +perimental Biolog$ "cientific Publishers

    142Indian #ournal of Fibre and *e+tile Research "cientific Publishers

    143)ndian Journal of ,inance

     Associated Management Consultants PrivateLimited

    144Indian #ournal of Fisheries

    Indian #ournal of Fisheries for the Indian Councilof Agricultural Research

    145Indian #ournal of Forensic Medicine and *o+icolog$ Aall India Institute of Medical "ciences

    146Indian #ournal of 'astroenterolog$ Indian "ociet$ of 'astroenterolog$

    147 Indian #ournal of 'ender "tudies "A'148

    )ndian Journal of -enetics and .lant Breedin" Indian "ociet$ of 'enetics ; Plant Breeding8149

    Indian #ournal of 'eo0Marine "ciences,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources .,I"CAIR/

    150)ndian Journal of -eosciences

    'eological "urve$ of India4 Ministr$ of Mines4'overnment of India

    151Indian #ournal of Hematolog$ and Blood *ransfusion Indian "ociet$ of Hemotalog$ and Blood

    152Indian #ournal of Heteroc$clic Chemistr$ ,ational Academ$ of Chemistr$

    153Indian #ournal of Horticulture Horticultural "ociet$ of India

    154Indian #ournal of Human 'enetics %olters !lu&er Health

    155Indian #ournal of Indigenous Medicines "ociet$ for Ph$tomedica

    156Indian #ournal of Labour conomics (niversit$ of Luc3no&

    157Indian #ournal of Lepros$

    Indian Lepros$ Association>Hind !usht ,ivaran"angh

    158 Indian #ournal of Malariolog$ Indian Council of Medical Research

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    159Indian #ournal of Marine "ciences "cientific Publishers

    160)ndian Journal of /aretin"

     Associated Management Consultants PrivateLimited

    161 Indian 1ournal of maternal and child health 2 officialpublication of Indian Maternal and Child Health Association4 Indian Maternal and Child Health Association

    162)ndian Journal of /at'ematics  Allahabad Mathematical "ociet$

    163Indian #ournal of Medical and Paediatric 9ncolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    164Indian 1ournal of medical ethics Forum For Medical thics "ociet$

    165Indian #ournal of Medical Microbiolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    166Indian #ournal of Medical Research Indian Council of Medical Research

    167 Indian #ournal of Medical Research Indian Council of Medical Research168 Indian #ournal of Medical Research 0 "ection A Infectious

    6iseases Indian Council of Medical Research

    169 Indian #ournal of Medical Research 0 "ection BBiomedical Research 9ther *han Infectious 6iseases Indian Council of Medical Research

    170Indian #ournal of Medical Research4 "upplement Indian Council of Medical Research

    171Indian #ournal of Medical "ciences %olters !lu&er Health

    172 Indian #ournal of Meteorolog$4 H$drolog$ and'eoph$sics Controller of Publications

    173Indian #ournal of Microbiolog$ "cientific Publishers

    174Indian #ournal of ,atural Products and Resources

    ,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources

    175Indian #ournal of ,ephrolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    176Indian #ournal of ,uclear Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    177 Indian #ournal of 9ccupational and nvironmentalMedicine %olters !lu&er Health

    178Indian #ournal of 9phthalmolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    179Indian #ournal of 9rthopaedics %olters !lu&er Health

    180Indian #ournal of 9tolar$ngolog$ Association of 9tolar$ngologists of India

    181 Indian #ournal of 9tolar$ngolog$ and Head and ,ec3"urger$ Association of 9tolar$ngologists of India

    182Indian #ournal of 9tolog$ Indian Institute of ar 6iseases

    183Indian #ournal of Palliative Care %olters !lu&er Health

    184Indian 1ournal of patholog$ ; bacteriolog$ Indian Association 9f Pathologists

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    185Indian #ournal of Patholog$ and Microbiolog$

    Indian Association of Pathologists andMicrobiologists

    186Indian #ournal of Pediatrics Indian #ournal of Pediatrics

    187Indian #ournal of Petroleum 'eolog$ Indian Petroleum Publishers

    188 Indian #ournal of Pharmaceutical ducation andResearch Association of Pharmaceutical *eachers of India189

    Indian #ournal of Pharmaceutical "ciences %olters !lu&er Health

    190Indian #ournal of Pharmacolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    191Indian #ournal of Pharmac$ Indian Pharmaceutical Association

    192Indian #ournal of Ph$sics Indian Ph$sical "ociet$

    193Indian #ournal of Ph$siolog$ and Pharmacolog$ All India Institute of Medical "ciences

    194Indian #ournal of Plastic "urger$ %olters !lu&er Health

    195Indian #ournal of Practical Pediatrics Indian Academ$ of Pediatrics

    196Indian #ournal of Ps$chiatr$ %olters !lu&er Health

    197Indian #ournal of Ps$chological Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    198Indian 1ournal of public health Indian Public Health Association

    199 )ndian Journal of .u!lic %ealt' esearc' and$eelo&ment

    R8!8 "harma4 Institute of Medico0LegalPublications

    200Indian #ournal of Pure and Applied Mathematics "cientific Publishers

    201 Indian #ournal of Pure and Applied Ph$sics "cientific Publishers202

    Indian #ournal of Radio and "pace Ph$sics Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    203Indian #ournal of Rheumatolog$ lsevier  

    204Indian #ournal of "cience and *echnolog$ Indian "ociet$ for ducation and nvironment

    205Indian #ournal of "ericulture Central "ericultural Research ; *raining Institute

    206Indian #ournal of "e+uall$ *ransmitted 6iseases %olters !lu&er Health

    207Indian #ournal of "ocial %or3 *ata Institute of "ocial "ciences

    208Indian #ournal of "urger$ "cientific Publishers

    209Indian #ournal of "urgical 9ncolog$ "pringer  

    210Indian #ournal of *echnolog$ Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    211Indian #ournal of *echnolog$ Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    212 Indian #ournal of *e+tile Research Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

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    213Indian #ournal of *horacic and Cardiovascular "urger$

     Association of *horacic and Cardiovascular"urgeons of India

    214Indian #ournal of *raditional !no&ledge

    ,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources

    215 Indian #ournal of *uberculosis *uberculosis Association of India216

    Indian #ournal of (rolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    217Indian 1ournal of venereal diseases and dermatolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    218Indian #ournal of Virolog$ Indian Virological "ociet$

    219Indian medical tribune #8!8#ain

    220Indian Minerals "cientific Publishers

    221Indian Pacing and lectroph$siolog$ #ournal Indian Pacing and lectroph$siolog$ 'roup

    222Indian Pediatrics "cientific Publishers

    223Indian "il3 Ministr$ of *e+tiles

    224Indian Veterinar$ #ournal Indian Veterinar$ Association

    225Industrial Research ; 6evelopment *echnical Press Publications

    226 International #ournal of Agricultural and "tatistical"ciences 6ev College

    227 International #ournal of Applied Business and conomicResearch "erials Publications

    228 )nternational Journal of A&&lied C'emistr# Research India Publications229

    International #ournal of Applied ngineering Research Research India Publications

    230International #ournal of Applied nvironmental "ciences Research India Publications

    231 International #ournal of Applied Mathematics and"tatistics

    Centre for nvironment4 "ocial ; conomicResearch

    232International #ournal of Applied Pharmaceutics International #ournal of Applied Pharmaceutics

    233International #ournal of Artificial Intelligence C"R Publications

    234International #ournal of A$urveda Research %olters !lu&er Health

    235International #ournal of Chemical "ciences "adguru Publications

    236International #ournal of Chem*ech Research "phin+ !no&ledge House

    237 International #ournal of Computer "cience and Applications *echnomathematics Research Foundation

    238 )nternational Journal of Control T'eor# andA&&lications "erials Publications

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    239 )nternational Journal of Current.'armaceutical eie and esearc' Publishers4 In0I#CPR

    240International #ournal of C$ber Criminolog$ !8 #aishan3ar  

    241International #ournal of 6iabetes in 6eveloping Countries %olters !lu&er Health

    242International #ournal of 6rug 6evelopment and Research

    International #ournal of 6rug 6evelopment andResearch

    243International #ournal of arth "ciences and ngineering Cafet0Innova *echnical "ociet$

    244International #ournal of colog$ and 6evelopment

    Indian "ociet$ for 6evelopment and nvironmentResearch .I"6R/

    245 International #ournal of colog$ and nvironmental"ciences International "cientific Publications

    246International #ournal of conomic Research "erials Publications

    247International #ournal of ngineering and *echnolog$ ngg #ournals Publications


    International #ournal of 'reen Pharmac$ %olters !lu&er Health249

    International #ournal of Human 'enetics !amla0Ra1 nterprises

    250International #ournal of Imaging

    251International #ournal of Imaging and Robotics C"R Publications

    252 )nternational Journal of )nfertilit# and ,etal/edicine #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    253International #ournal of Integrative Biolog$ 9mics Publishing 'roup

    254 International #ournal of Medical *o+icolog$ and LegalMedicine All India Institute of Medical "ciences

    255International #ournal of 9ceans and 9ceanograph$ Research India Publications

    256International #ournal of Performabilit$ ngineering RAM" Consultants

    257 )nternational Journal of .erio&eratieltrasound and A&&lied Tec'nolo"ies #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    258International #ournal of Pharma and Bio "ciences International #ournal of Pharma and Bio "ciences

    259 International #ournal of Pharmaceutical =ualit$ Assurance In0I#P=A

    260 )nternational Journal of .'armaceuticalSciences R R College of Pharmac$

    261 International #ournal of Pharmaceutical "ciences Revie&and Research 'lobal Research 9nline

    262 International #ournal of Pharmacognos$ andPh$tochemical Research

    International #ournal of Pharmacognos$ andPh$tochemical Research

    263 International #ournal of Pharmac$ and Pharmaceutical"ciences

    International #ournal of Pharmac$ andPharmaceutical "ciences

    264 )nternational Journal of .'armac# and Tec'nolo"#

    International #ournal of Pharmac$ and*echnolog$.I#P*/

    265International #ournal of Pharm*ech Research "phin+ !no&ledge House

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    266International #ournal of Plastics *echnolog$ "pringer  

    267International #ournal of Regulation and 'overnance *ata nerg$ Research Institute

    268 International #ournal of Research in A$urveda andPharmac$ Mo3sha Publishing House

    269 International #ournal of Research in Pharmaceutical"ciences #! %elfare ; Pharmascope Foundation270

    International 1ournal of sociolog$ of the famil$ M6 Publications Pvt Ltd8

    271International #ournal of "tructures ,em Chand ; Bros

    272 International #ournal of "$stems Assurance ngineeringand Management "pringer  

    273International #ournal of *omograph$ and "imulation C"R Publications

    274International #ournal of *omograph$ and "tatistics

    Indian "ociet$ for 6evelopment and nvironmentResearch


    International #ournal of *richolog$ %olters !lu&er Health276International #ournal of Vehicle "tructures and "$stems

    MechAero Foundation for *echnical Research ;ducation +cellence .MAF*R/

    277International "tudies "A'

    278 IPP*A2 =uarterl$ #ournal of Indian Pulp and Paper*echnical Association Indian Pulp and Paper *echnical Association

    279Irrigation and Po&er #ournal "cientific Publishers

    280I"* #ournal of arth

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    293Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    294#ournal of Algebra and 6iscrete "tructures "A" International Publications

    295#ournal of Anaesthesiolog$ Clinical Pharmacolog$

    Research "ociet$ of Anaesthesiolog$ 0 ClinicalPharmacolog$

    296 #ournal of Anal$sis and Applications "A" International Publications297

    Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    298Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals 9mics Publishing 'roup

    299#ournal of Applied Animal Research 'aruda "cientific Publications

    300#ournal of Applied Horticulture "ociet$ for Adancement of Horticulture

    301 Journal of A&&lied .'armaceutical Science MediPoeia

    302Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    303#ournal of Astroph$sics and Astronom$ Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    304 Journal of A#ureda and )nte"ratie /edicine %olters !lu&er Health

    305#ournal of Bamboo and Rattan !erala Forest Research Institute

    306Journal of ioanal!sis and iomedicine 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    307Journal of ioequivalence and ioavailabilit! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    308 Journal of Bio&esticides Crop Protection Research Centre

    309#ournal of Biosciences Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    310#ournal of Camel Practice and Research Camel Publishing House

    311#ournal of Cancer Research and *herapeutics %olters !lu&er Health

    312Journal of Cancer Science and Therap! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    313#ournal of Carcinogenesis %olters !lu&er Health

    314 Journal of Cardioascular $isease esearc' %olters !lu&er Health

    315#ournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research #9CPR

    316#ournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical "ciences "PB Pharma "ociet$

    317#ournal of Chemical "ciences Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    318#ournal of Clinical and 6iagnostic Research #C6R Research and Publications .Pvt/ Limited

    319Journal of Clinical and "#perimental Cardiolo$! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    320 #ournal of Clinical Imaging "cience %olters !lu&er Health

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    321#ournal of Clinical 9rthopaedics and *rauma lsevier  

    322#ournal of Communicable 6iseases

    Indian "ociet$ for Malaria and 9therCommunicable 6iseases

    323 #ournal of Computational Mathematics and 9ptimi?ation "A" International Publications324

    #ournal of Conservative 6entistr$ %olters !lu&er Health

    325 Journal of Cranioerte!ral Junction and S&ine %olters !lu&er Health

    326#ournal of Creative Communications "A'

    327#ournal of Current 'laucoma Practice #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    328#ournal of C$tolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    329 #ournal of 6atta Meghe Institute of Medical "ciences(niversit$ 6atta Meghe Institute of Medical "ciences

    330#ournal of 6harma 6harmaram College

    331#ournal of 6igital Information Management 6igital Information Research Foundation

    332 #ournal of 6iscrete Mathematical "ciences andCr$ptograph$ *AR( Publications

    333#ournal of coph$siolog$ and 9ccupational Health Academ$ of nvironment Biolog$

    334 Journal of (mer"encies Trauma and S'oc %olters !lu&er Health

    335 Journal of (ntomolo"ical esearc' Malhotra Publishing House

    336#ournal of nvironmental Biolog$ Academ$ of nvironmental Biolog$

    337#ournal of nvironmental "cience and ngineering

    ,ational nvironmental ngineering ResearchInstitute

    338#ournal of ssential 9il0Bearing Plants Har !rishan Bhalla ; "ons

    339#ournal of Financial Management and Anal$sis

    9m "ai Ram Centre for Financial ManagementResearch

    340#ournal of Food "cience and *echnolog$ "cientific Publishers

    341#ournal of Forensic Medicine and *o+icolog$ Indian Academ$ of Forensic Medicine

    342Journal of %enerali&ed 'ie Theor! and Applications 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    343#ournal of 'enetics Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    344 Journal of -lo!al )nfectious $iseases %olters !lu&er Health

    345 Journal of -lo!al .'arma Tec'nolo"# #ournal of 'lobal Pharma *echnolog$

    346#ournal of '$necological ndoscop$ and "urger$ %olters !lu&er Health

    347 #ournal of Hindu "tudies 9(P

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    348#ournal of Human colog$ !amla0Ra1 nterprises

    349#ournal of Human Reproductive "ciences %olters !lu&er Health

    350 #ournal of Indian Academ$ of Forensic Medicine Indian Academ$ of Forensic Medicine351 #ournal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent

    Mental HealthIndian Association for Child and AdolescentMental Health

    352#ournal of Indian Association of Pediatric "urgeons %olters !lu&er Health

    353#ournal of Indian Prosthodontist "ociet$ %olters !lu&er Health

    354#ournal of Indian "ociet$ of Periodontolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    355#ournal of Indian %ater %or3s Association Indian %ater %or3s Association

    356#ournal of Industrial Pollution Control nviro Media

    357#ournal of Interdisciplinar$ Mathematics *AR( Publications

    358#ournal of Internal Medicine of India Association of Ph$sicians of India

    359  Journal of ris'na )nstitute of /edicalSciences niersit# !rishna Institute of Medical "ciences (niversit$

    360#ournal of Ma+illofacial and 9ral "urger$ "pringer  

    361#ournal of Medical Ph$sics %olters !lu&er Health

    362Journal of (icrobial and iochemical Technolo$! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    363 #ournal of Mines4 Metals and Fuels Boo3s ; #ournals Private Ltd8364

    #ournal of Minimal Access "urger$ %olters !lu&er Health

    365Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnolo$! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    366#ournal of ,atural Remedies ,atural Remedies Private Ltd8

    367  Journal of atural Science Biolo"# and/edicine %olters !lu&er Health

    368 Journal of eurosciences in ural .ractice %olters !lu&er Health


    #ournal of 9bstetrics and '$necolog$ of India

    Federation of 9bstetric ; '$naecological

    "ocieties of India370

    #ournal of 9ptics .India/ 9ptical "ociet$ of India

    371#ournal of 9ral and Ma+illofacial Patholog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    372#ournal of Parasitic 6iseases Indian "ociet$ For Parasitolog$

    373#ournal of Pediatric ,eurosciences %olters !lu&er Health

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    374#ournal of Pharmaceutical ,egative Results %olters !lu&er Health

    375#ournal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care %olters !lu&er Health

    376#ournal of Pharmaceutical "ciences and Research PharmaInfo Publications

    377  Journal of .'armacolo"# and.'armacot'era&eutics %olters !lu&er Health378

     Journal of .'armac# and Bioallied Sciences %olters !lu&er Health379

     Journal of .'armac# esearc' Informatics India Ltd380

     Journal of .'#sical T'era #ournal of Ph$sical *herap$381

    #ournal of Plant Biochemistr$ and Biotechnolog$ "ociet$ for Plant Biochemistr$ and Biotechnolog$

    382#ournal of Pol$mer Materials 9+ford ; I8B8H8 Publishing Co8 Pvt8 Ltd8


    #ournal of Population Research ,ational Institute of Famil$ Planning384

    #ournal of Postgraduate Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    385#ournal of Prenatal 6iagnosis and *herap$ Indian "ociet$ for Prenatal 6iagnosis and *herap$

    386Journal of Proteomics and ioinformatics 9mics Publishing 'roup

    387 #ournal of Pun1ab Academ$ of Forensic Medicine and*o+icolog$

    Pun1ab Academ$ of Forensic Medicine and*o+icolog$

    388#ournal of Pun1ab "tudies "A'

    389#ournal of Pure and Applied Microbiolog$ 9riental "cientific Pub8 Co8

    390 #ournal of Rural 6evelopment Ministr$ of Rural 6evelopment4 ,ational Instituteof Rural 6evelopment391

    #ournal of "AF9' #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    392 #ournal of scientific ; industrial research8 C8 Biologicalsciences Council of "cientific and Industrial Research

    393#ournal of "cientific and Industrial Research "cientific Publishers

    394#ournal of "outh Asian 6evelopment "A'

    395#ournal of "outh India Medicolegal Association "outh India Medicolegal Association


    #ournal of "pacecraft *echnolog$

    Indian "pace Research 9rganisation "atellite

    Centre397  Journal of Stem Cells and e"eneratie

    /edicine ,ichi0Hep? !en3o .,H!/ "ervices Private Limited398

    #ournal of "tructural ngineering .Madras/ "tructural ngineering Research Centre

    399#ournal of "urface "cience and *echnolog$

    Indian "ociet$ for "urface "cience and*echnolog$

    400 Journal of Sur"ical Tec'niue and Case e&ort %olters !lu&er Health

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    401#ournal of the All0India 9phthalmological "ociet$ All India 9phthalmological "ociet$

    402#ournal of the Anatomical "ociet$ of India Anatomical "ociet$ of India

    403#ournal of the Bomba$ ,atural Histor$ "ociet$ Bomba$ ,atural Histor$ "ociet$

    404 #ournal of the 6iabetic Association of India 6iabetic Association of India405

    #ournal of the 6iabetic Association of India 6iabetic Association of India

    406#ournal of the 'eological "ociet$ of India 'eological "ociet$ of India

    407#ournal of the Indian Academ$ of Applied Ps$cholog$ Indian Academ$ of Applied Ps$cholog$

    408#ournal of the Indian Chemical "ociet$ "cientific Publishers

    409#ournal of the Indian 6ental Association Indian 6ental Association

    410#ournal of the Indian Institute of "cience Indian Institute of "cience

    411 Journal of t'e )ndian /at'ematical Societ# Indian Mathematical "ociet$

    412 #ournal of the Indian "ociet$ of Pedodontics andPreventive 6entistr$ %olters !lu&er Health

    413#ournal of the Indian "ociet$ of Remote "ensing Indian "ociet$ of Remote "ensing

    414 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part CP2Computer ngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    415 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part MM2Metallurg$ and Material "cience 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    416 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part MM2Mining and Metallurg$ 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    417#ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part MR2Marine ngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers

    418 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part PR2Production ngineering 6ivision Institute of ngineers India

    419 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/4 Part *72*e+tile ngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    420 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Aerospacengineering #ournal Institution of ngineers .India/

    421 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Agriculturalngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    422 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Architectural ngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers

    423 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Chemicalngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    424 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Civilngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers

    425 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 lectricalngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    426 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2nvironmental ngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers

    427 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers .India/2 Mechanicalngineering 6ivision Institution of ngineers .India/

    428 #ournal of the Institution of ngineers8 India8 Mining Institution of ngineers

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    ngineering 6ivision

    429#ournal of the Palaeontological "ociet$ of India *he Palaeontological "ociet$ of India

    430#ournal of the Ramanu1an Mathematical "ociet$ Ramanu1an Mathematical "ociet$

    431 #ournal of the *e+tile Association *e+tile Association .India/432

    #ournal of *raditional and Complementar$ Medicine %olters !lu&er Health

    433#ournal of *ropical Agriculture !erala Agricultural (niversit$

    434Journal of )accines and )accination 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    435#ournal of Vector Borne 6iseases

    Malaria Research Centre .Indian Council ofMedical Research/

    436#ournal of Veterinar$ Parasitolog$

    Indian Association for the Advancement ofVeterinar$ Parasitolog$

    437Journal of )eterinar! Science and Technolo$! 9MIC" Publishing 'roup

    438#ournal of :oung Pharmacists %olters !lu&er Health

    439#ournal4 Indian Academ$ of Clinical Medicine Indian Academ$ of Clinical Medicine

    440 Journals of )ntellectual .ro&ert# i"'ts

    ,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources .,I"CAIR/

    441#P #ournal of Algebra4 ,umber *heor$ and Applications Pushpa Publishing House

    442 J. Journal of -eometr# and To&olo"# Pushpa Publishing House

    443#P #ournal of Heat and Mass *ransfer Pushpa Publishing House

    444Legume Research "ashi 9ffset Press

    445Lepros$ in India

    Indian Council of *he British mpire Lepros$Relief Association

    446Lung India %olters !lu&er Health

    447Man in India Man In India

    448Man0Made *e+tiles in India "$nthetic and Art "il3 Mills) Research Association

    449Manushi Manushi *rust

    450Mapan 0 #ournal of Metrolog$ "ociet$ of India "pringer  

    451Mausam "cientific Publishers

    452Media %atch 6eepa3 Ran1an #ena

    453Medical #ournal Armed Forces India Armed Forces Medical "ervices

    454Medico0Legal (pdate 6r8 R838 "harma

    455 Medieval Histor$ #ournal "A'

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    456Memoires 0 'eological "ociet$ of India "cientific Publishers

    457Mens "ana Monographs %olters !lu&er Health

    458 Metals Materials and Processes Meshap "cience Publishers459

    /iddle (ast African Journal of *&'t'almolo"# %olters !lu&er Health460

    ,ational Academ$ "cience Letters ,ational Academic of "ciences

    461,ational Famil$ Health "urve$ bulletin International Institute for Population "ciences

    462 ,ational #ournal of 9torhinolar$ngolog$ and Head and,ec3 "urger$ M8 P8 "hah Medical College

    463 ,ational #ournal of Ph$siolog$4 Pharmac$ andPharmacolog$ Mrs 6ipi3a Charan for Med"cience Publishers

    464,ational Medical #ournal of India All India Institute of Medical "ciences

    465,atural Product Radiance

    ,ational Institute of "cience Communication andInformation Resources

    466,ature nvironment and Pollution *echnolog$ *echnoscience Publications

    467,eurolog$ India %olters !lu&er Health

    468,IHA bulletin ,ational Institute of Health and Famil$ %elfare

    469,oise and Health %olters !lu&er Health

    470ort' American Journal of /edical Sciences %olters !lu&er Health

    471ucleus )ndia: "pringer 

    472*man Journal of *&'t'almolo"# %olters !lu&er Health

    4739nline #ournal of Health and Allied "ciences Light House Pol$clinic

    474 *&en Access Journal of /edicinal andAromatic .lants Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India

    4759riental #ournal of Chemistr$ "cientific Publishers

    4769torhinolar$ngolog$ Clinics #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd


    Pacific and Asian #ournal of nerg$ *ata nerg$ Research Institute478Perinatolog$ Prism Boo3s Pvt8 Ltd

    479Pestolog$ "cientia Publications

    480.'arma esearc' "udarshan Publications

    481Pharma *imes Indian Pharmaceutical Association

    482 Pharmaceutical Revie&s PharmaInfo Publications

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    483Pharmacognos$ #ournal Pharmacognos$ ,et&or3 %orld&ide

    484Pharmacognos$ Maga?ine %olters !lu&er Health

    485 Pharmacognos$ Research %olters !lu&er Health486

    Pharmacognos$ Revie&s %olters !lu&er Health

    487Ph$siolog$ and Molecular Biolog$ of Plants *he "ociet$ of 'reen %orld

    488Ph$tomedica "cientific Publishers

    489 Ph$tomorpholog$2 An International #ournal of PlantMorpholog$ "cientific Publishers

    490Plant Archives 6r8 R8"8 :adab

    491Plant Cell Biotechnolog$ and Molecular Biolog$ *he "ociet$ for Biolog$ and Biotechnolog$

    492Plant Ph$siolog$ and Biochemistr$ "ociet$ for Plant Ph$siolog$ and Biochemistr$

    493Pollution Research nviro Media

    494 Population geograph$ 2 a 1ournal of the Association ofPopulation 'eographers of India H P C Publishers 6istributors Pvt8Ltd8

    495Population Revie& Indian Institute for Population "tudies

    496.otato Journal *he Indian Potato Association

    497Pramana 0 #ournal of Ph$sics Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    498Pravara Medical Revie& 6eemed (niversit$

    499 Proceedings of the Indian Academ$ of "ciences 0 "ection A Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    500 Proceedings of the Indian Academ$ of "ciences4 arthand Planetar$ "ciences Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    501 Proceedings of the Indian Academ$ of "ciences2Chemical "ciences Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    502 Proceedings of the Indian Academ$ of "ciences2Mathematical "ciences Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    503 Proceedings of the ,ational Academ$ of "ciences India"ection A 0 Ph$sical "ciences "pringer  

    504 .roceedin"s of t'e ational Academ# of

    Sciences )ndia Section B ; Biolo"ical Sciences "pringer 505Ps$cholog$ and 6eveloping "ocieties "A'

    506.urus'arta "chool of Management "ciences


  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    509Rasa$an #ournal of Chemistr$ Rasa$an #ournal

    510Research and 6evelopment .Barrington4 Illinois/ *echnical Press Publications

    511Research #ournal of Biotechnolog$ Research #ournal Biotechnolog$

    512 Research #ournal of Chemistr$ and nvironment International Congress of Chemistr$ andnvironment513 Research #ournal of Pharmaceutical4 Biological and

    Chemical "ciences R#PBC"

    514Research #ournal of Pharmac$ and *echnolog$ A and V Publication

    515Research on Crops

    'aurav "ociet$ of Agricultural ResearchInformation Centre

    516Resonance Indian Academ$ of "ciences

    517Rheedea Indian Association for Angiosperm *a+onom$

    518 Rup3atha #ournal on Interdisciplinar$ "tudies in

    Humanities "reecheta Mu3her1ee519 "adhana 0 Academ$ Proceedings in ngineering"ciences Indian Academic of "ciences

    520"an3h$a2 *he Indian #ournal of "tatistics Indian "tatistical Institute

    521Saudi Journal of Anaest'esia %olters !lu&er Health

    522"audi #ournal of 'astroenterolog$ %olters !lu&er Health

    523"cience4 *echnolog$ and "ociet$ "A'

    524"ocial Change Council for "ocial 6evelopment

    525 "ociological bulletin Indian "ociological "ociet$526

    Sout' Asian Journal of Cancer %olters !lu&er Health527

    "outh Asian "urve$ "A'

    528 "PA #ournal of "chool of Planning and Architecture4 ,e&6elhi "PA #ournal of "chool of Planning ; Architecture

    529"pinnovation Premium *e+tile Components

    530Strate"ic Anal#sis Institute for 6efence "tudies and Anal$ses

    531"tudies in Histor$ "A'

    532"tudies in histor$ of medicine and science #amia Hamdard>Hamdard (niversit$

    533"tudies on thno0Medicine !amla0Ra1 nterprises

    534"ugar *ech %orld Media

    535Sur"ical eurolo"# )nternational %olters !lu&er Health

    536 S#stematic eies in .'armac# %olters !lu&er Health

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    537*e+tile 6$er and Printer "eva3 Publications

    538*e+tile Maga?ine 'opali ; Co8

    539 *e+tiles *rends astland Publications .Pvt8/ Ltd8540

    *he astern Anthropologist thnographic and Fol3 Culture "ociet$

    541*he Indian 1ournal of chest diseases Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute

    542*he Indian 1ournal of chest diseases ; allied sciences (niversit$ of 6elhi

    543*he Indian 1ournal of child health Association of Pediatricians of India

    544*he #ournal of the All India 6ental Association All India 6ental Association

    545*he #ournal of the Association of Ph$sicians of India Association of Ph$sicians of India

    546*he ,ursing 1ournal of India *rained ,urses Association of India

    547 *I6 .*eri Information 6igest on nerg$ andnvironment/ *ata nerg$ Research Institute

    548*o+icolog$ International "ociet$ of *o+icolog$

    549*ransactions of the Indian Ceramic "ociet$ Indian Ceramic "ociet$

    550*ransactions of the Indian Institute of Metals "cientific Publishers

    551*ransactions of the Institute of Indian 'eographers Institute of Indian 'eographers

    552 *ransactions of the "A"* ."ociet$ for Advancement oflectrochemical "cience and *echnolog$/

    "ociet$ for Advancement of lectrochemical"cience and *echnolog$

    553*rends in Biomaterials and Artificial 9rgans "ociet$ for Biomaterials and Artificial 9rgans

    554*rends in Carboh$drate Research

     Association of Carboh$drate Chemists and*echnologists

    555*ropical colog$ "cientific Publishers

    556 *ropical gastroenterolog$ 2 official 1ournal of the 6igestive6iseases Foundation 6igestive 6iseases Foundation

    557(ltrasound International % A !arol Bagh

    558(rban and Rural Planning *hought "chool of Planning and Architecture

    559rolo"# Annals %olters !lu&er Health

    560Vegetos Bareill$ College

    561Veterinar$ Practitioner 

    562Veterinar$ %orld Veterinar$ %orld

    563 Virus6isease "pringer  

  • 8/19/2019 List of 570 Indian Journals Indexed in Scopus Database


    564%ater and nerg$ International "cientific Publishers

    565%ool and %oollens of India Indian %oollen Mills ) Federation

    566 %orld #ournal of 6entistr$ #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd567

    %orld #ournal of ndocrine "urger$ #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    568%orld #ournal of Laparoscopic "urger$ #a$pee Brothers Medical Publishers .P/ Ltd

    569:o1ana Ministr$ of Information and Broadcasting

    570-oos) Print #ournal -oo 9utreach 9rganisation

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