
Line, Texture, Pattern

• Effective images demand attention and communicate feeling

• Photographer must utilise elements from art and design

• Line, texture and pattern are three main elements

• All your images for 1st assignment must contain at least one


• lines create depth in a composition

• add dynamism to a photo • attract attention to areas

of interest • imply motion and create a

sense of direction or orientation

• lines can be: leading, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved and converging or implied. Each one has a different impact upon a photograph and create a certain mood

Alex Majoli


W. Eugene Smith

Christopher Anderson

Andres Gursky

ROBERT CAPA icp 405 Near Zhengzhou. June/July, 1938

Henri Cartier BressonBehind saint-lazaree station, Paris, 1932


• Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object - smooth, rough, soft, etc. Textures may be actual (felt with touch - tactile) or implied (suggested by the way an artist has created the work of art). Texture is often emphasized in oblique lighting as it strikes the objects from one side.

Bill Brandt

Ansel Adams

David Bailey

William Henry Fox Talbot

Helen Chadwick


• Made up of Lines and Shapes.

• In colour photography, lines and shapes are often formed entirely by colour.

• Patterns exist almost every where. You only have to open your heart and mind to discover them

• Emphasis and break up patterns

Bruce Webber

Gregory Crewson

William Klien

Susan Derges

Gustav Le Gray

Alec Soth

David Allen Harvey

Renne Burri


• Head to the library and begin to research into suitable artists that you feel show the elements as well as that interest you

• You should have found at least one and copied/scanned/took the book out (finish as HW if not)

• Remember to reference

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