Light Energy Conversion by Mesoscopic PbS Quantum Dots/TiO … · 2016-04-26 · Light Energy Conversion by Mesoscopic PbS Quantum Dots/TiO2

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ETGAR ET AL. VOL. XXX ’ NO. XX ’ 000–000 ’ XXXX


CXXXX American Chemical Society

Light Energy Conversion byMesoscopic PbS Quantum Dots/TiO2Heterojunction Solar CellsLioz Etgar,†,* Thomas Moehl,† Stefanie Gabriel,‡ Stephen G. Hickey,‡ Alexander Eychmuller,‡ and

Michael Gratzel†

†Laboratoire de Photonique et Interfaces, Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Station 6, CH-1015,Lausanne, Switzerland, and ‡Physical Chemistry/Electrochemistry, TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany

Quantum dots (QDs) have attractedgreat research attention due totheir attractive opto-electronic

properties, in particular large optical crosssections and tunable band gap due to thequantum size effect.1�6 QDs have beenintensively investigated in a variety ofphotovoltaic device architectures, includingnanocrystal (NC)�polymer hybrid solar cells,NC�Schottky solar cells, NC�sensitized tita-niumdioxide (TiO2) solar cells, and NC hybridbilayer solar cells.7�18

Semiconductor QDs belonging to groupIV�VI such as PbS and PbSe are known asgood absorbers in the visible and in the nearIR regime. They have high dielectric con-stants and a small electron and hole effec-tive mass, corresponding to excitons with arelatively large effective Bohr radius (18 and46 nm, respectively).19�23 Interband opticalstudies of PbS and PbSe QDs reveal band-edge excitonic transitions tuned between0.3 and 2 eV, relatively large ground statecross section of absorption (∼10�15 cm2),long excitonic lifetime (ca. 200�800 ns), andexceptionally high quantum efficiency ofthe luminescence (80%).24

Recent reports of PbS and PbSe QDSchottky solar cells show power conversioneffiencies (PCEs) of 1.8�2.1% under AM1.5Gillumination.7,25,8 These results suggest thatPbS and PbSe QDs films exhibit p-typesemiconductor behavior after thiol treat-ment and form Schottky junctions whencontacted with metals.While QD Schottky solar cells reach high

short circuit current densities (Jsc) their opencircuit voltage (Voc) remains low. For exam-ple a Voc of ∼0.05 V was obtained in a PbSeQD Schottky solar cell with an Au contact,due to thehighwork functionof theAu.8 As aresult air sensitive contacts of Ca orMgmetalcoated with Al were required to increase the

Voc of the Schottky junction (0.2�0.3 Vof Voc).

8 Further increase in the QD Schottkysolar cell efficiencywas reported lately reach-ing a Voc of 0.51 V by introducing an Al/LiFcontact.26

Recently Alivisatos and co-workers havedeveloped Schottky solar cells incorporat-ing PbSxSe1�x ternary QDs, in order to im-prove the Voc and Jsc. These ternary Schottkysolar cells yield PCEs of 3.3% under AM 1.5illumination.9 In addition two recent worksemploy a heterojunction device architec-ture of placing oxide NCs as a thin spacerlayer between the QDs and the FTO.27,28

* Address correspondence

Received for review December 9, 2011and accepted March 12, 2012.

Published online10.1021/nn2048153


Solid state PbS quantum dots (QDs)/TiO2 heterojunction solar cells were produced by

depositing PbS QDs on a 500 nm thick mesoscopic TiO2 films using layer-by-layer deposition.

Importantly, the PbS QDs act here as photosensitizers and at the same time as hole conductors.

The PbS QDs/TiO2 device produces a short circuit photocurrent (Jsc) of 13.04 mA/cm2, an open

circuit photovoltage (Voc) of 0.55 V and a fill factor (FF) of 0.49, corresponding to a light to

electric power conversion efficiency (η) of 3.5% under AM1.5 illumination. The electronic

processes occurring in this device were investigated by transient photocurrent and photo-

voltage measurements as well as impedance spectroscopy in the dark and under illumination.

The investigations showed a high resistivity for the QD/metal back contact, which reduces

drastically under illumination. EIS also indicated a shift of the depletion layer capacitance

under illumination related to the change of the dipole at this interface.

KEYWORDS: quantum dots . photovoltaic . impedance . transient



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The present work employs PbS QDs as light harvest-ers in conjunction with films composed of 18 nm-sizedTiO2 nanocrystals containing both meso-and macro-pores. The PbS acts at the same time as a holeconductor, rendering superfluous the use of an addi-tional p-type material for transporting positive chargecarriers. Strikingly, this very simple PbS (QD)/TiO2

heterojunction solar cell prepared and measured inambient air achieves remarkable photovoltaic perfor-mance, with an impressive short circuit photocurrentof 13.04 mA/cm2 and a light to electric power conver-sion efficiency of 3.5% under AM1.5 illumination usinga metal mask with an aperture area of 0.12 cm2. EIS aswell as transient photocurrent and photovoltage mea-surements are used here for the first time to unravelthe mechanism of photoelectric conversion occurringin these very interesting new photovoltaic energyconversion systems.


Device Performance. Figure 1A shows a scheme of thedevice architecture. The bottom layer is composed ofcompact and mesocopic TiO2 layers acting as electroncollectors. Light is absorbed by the 1.39 eV band gapPbS QDs with Au as the top contact without additionalelectron blocking layers. The energy level diagram ofthe solid state QDs solar cell (ss-QDs SC) is shown inFigure 1B; the conduction and valence bands of the1.39 eV PbS QDs permit electron injection and holetransportation to the TiO2 and the gold, respectively.Figure 1C shows the cross section of the device wherethe different layers can be observed. The PbS QDs forma NC layer on top of the TiO2 film, very few of the QDspenetrating into the porous network of the TiO2 film ascan be seen by the energy-dispersive X-ray spectros-copy (EDX) measurements in Figure 1D.

Figure 2 presents the photovoltaic results obtainedfor 1.39 eV PbS QDs. We obtain the best performancewith quantum dots having a diameter of about 3.2 nm(1st excitonic peak at 895 nm, Eg = 1.39 eV) ThesePbS quantum dots produce an open-circuit voltageof 0.548 V, a short circuit current density of 13.04mA cm�2, and a fill factor of 49% corresponding to apower conversion efficiency of 3.5% under AM1.5.The PCE at a light intensity of 10 mW/cm2 was 4.4%with a Voc of 0.47 V, a fill factor of 49.5% and a Jsc of1.9 mA/cm2. The photocurrent density at full sun issignificantly lower than the extrapolated value of19 mA/cm2 expected for a device with linear responseto light intensity. This is due to a charge carrier collec-tion problem as will be shown later by the impedanceexperiments.

The open circuit voltage, fill factor, and photocur-rent decrease with increasing the QDs size, howeverinterparticle electron transfer is facilitated in filmsmade of the larger QDs, because for a given film

thickness there is a smaller number of particle bound-aries to cross until the electrons arrive at the TiO2.According to Matt Law and co-workers,29 the mobilityof electrons and holes increase by 1�2 orders ofmagnitude with increasing QD diameter. The size-mobility trends seem to be driven primarily by thesmaller number of hops required for transport througharrays of larger QDs but may also reflect a systematicdecrease in the depth of trap states with decreasingQD band gap. These authors also observed that thecarrier mobility is independent of the polydispersity ofthe QD samples. This fact is rationalized in terms of thesmaller-band gap, that is, larger diameter QDs carryingmost of the current in these QD solids, if they can forma percolation network.

The number of QD layers deposit on the TiO2 playsan important role for the photovoltaic performance. Ifthe QD layer is too thick, the collection of photogen-erated charge carriers will be incomplete, while toothin QD layers show poor light harvesting. It appearsthat depositing 12 layers of QDs as described in theExperimental Section is a reasonable compromise tosatisfy both the light absorption and carrier collectioncriteria.

The incident photon to current conversion effi-ciency (IPCE), or external quantum efficiency, specifiesthe ratio of extracted electrons to incident photons at agiven wavelength. The IPCE spectrum and the PbS QDsabsorption spectrum (Figure 3A) are plotted as afunction of wavelength of the light. Figure 3B showsthe absorption spectrum of the PbS QDs deposited onthe TiO2 film. The solid state QDs cell shows a goodresponse from the visible through the near-infrared(NIR), the IPCE reaching itsmaximumof 80% at 470 nm.Photons of these wavelengths are converted mostefficiently as they are absorbed by PbS particles lo-cated close to the TiO2 interface. A wide size distribu-tion of the QDs can be seen in the IPCE spectrum. Theexcitonic peak of the PbS QDs can be observed at970 nm corresponding to an IPCE of 14%, this peakwasred-shifted as a result of the device preparation. Thepeak at 810 nm can be assigned to an optical inter-ference fringe as a result of optical mode in this thinfilm solar cell as described previously by M. Law et al.30

Integration of the IPCE spectrum over the AM1.5 solaremission yields a photocurrent density of 15 mA/cm2

in reasonable agreement with the measured value.

EIS and Transient Photovoltage and Photocurrent Decay.Two different small perturbation measurement tech-niques have been applied to analyze the internalelectrical parameters of the QD/TiO2 solar cell, that is,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and thephotocurrent and photovoltage decay technique de-veloped by O'Regan et al.44 The latter technique wasapplied to crosscheck the EIS results obtained underillumination since the EIS measurements are made



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over time periods of many hours, which could affectthe properties of the QD/TiO2 solar cell.

Few investigations on the internal electrical para-meters of this type of QD/metal oxide heterojunctiondevices can be found in the literature (Beard31 andSargent28). Beard et al. investigated PbS/ZnO nano-crystal solar cells on the basis of a two-diode model,one diode describing the TiO2/QD heterojunction in-terface whereby the other diode describes a Schottkyjunction at the QD/metal contact. The authors ob-served a “roll over” and a “cross over” effect in the JV

characteristic of their devices commonly observed alsoin other systems like CdTe thin film32 or CuInS2�TiO2

heterojunction solar cells.33 These effects appear de-pending on QD size and back contact material, whichcontrol the formation of a back contact hole-injection

barrier due to alignment of the Fermi level of the holeconductor with that of the metal contact.

The present work employs PbS QDs with an energygap of 1.39 eV and gold as contacting material, whichshowed only very few cases of cross over in the J�V

characteristic. These results are in accordance with theobservations of Beard et al.31 for this QDs size con-tacted to gold. However roll over effects may appear athigher forward bias voltages than those applied in thepresent study.

The transient measurements determined the cur-rent and voltage decay at a given bias potential orcurrent, respectively. The voltage decay is in this caseonly dominated by recombination and thus givesdirect access to the electron lifetime. The lifetime ofthe current decay is a combination of electron trans-port time (τtrans) and electron lifetime (τe) and enableswith the τe of the voltage decay the calculation of thetransport time (1/τsignal = 1/τtrans � 1/τe).


Figure 4 compares the electron lifetimes and theelectron transport times measured by the time-resolved perturbation techniques. We can observe aninitially constant electron lifetime of about 5 ms whichdecreases from 0.3 V on. The transport time is at lowbias potentials nearly 10 times lower, securing >90%charge collection. It is also constant up to 0.3 V andstarts then to increase. Similar shapes of the lifetimeand transport time could be observed also for solidstate dye sensitized solar cells.45,34

The Nyquist plots of an EIS measurement are pre-sented in Figure 5. On closer examination of Figure 5Bthreedifferent features canbeobserved, a high frequency

Figure 1. (A) The architecture of the PbS(QD)/mesocopic TiO2 photovoltaic device; the light is incident through the glass. (B)Energy level diagram of the solar cell for PbS quantum dots of 3.2 nm size. (C) Cross sectional HR-SEM of the photovoltaicdevice. It can be seen that the PbS QDs form a nanocrystalline layer on top of the TiO2 film with very few of the QDspenetrating into the porous network of the TiO2 film. The scale bar is 200 nm. (D) EDX measurement. The elementaldistribution through the cross section of the device can be observed.

Figure 2. Measured J�V characteristics for the solid statePbS QDs device. An aperture area of 0.12 cm2 was placedover the device. The horizontal line parallel to the voltageaxis is for guiding your eye.



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arc (frequency range ∼1 MHz to 100 kHz), whose sizedepends strongly on the applied bias potential, an inter-mediate element visible atmediumtohigher forwardbias(frequency range ∼100 kHz to several kHz) and a lowfrequency arc (frequency range∼kHz to mHz). Owing tolack of an overall model describing all processes andinterfaces in the device, we focused on the high and thelow frequency response of the EIS. Both elements in thesefrequency ranges can be separately fitted by a simple RCelement (with the R and C in parallel). Surely the lowfrequency response can be assigned to the TiO2/PbSinterface since the resistance of this element mirrors theobserved dark or photocurrent, respectively. The highfrequency response can be either related to the Au/QDsinterface28 or to the transport in the QD layer (similar tothe transport in a polymer like P3HT35). We adopt in thispublication the “classical” interpretation used also bySargent et al.28 which assumes full or nearly full depletionin the QD layer and attributes the high frequency re-sponse to the Au/QD interface. Further investigations areconducted for clarification.

The assignment of the EIS response in the mediumfrequency range requires further analysis. At this stage

it is clear that the resistance associated with this circuitelement decreases with increasing forward bias.

Figure 6A presents results from the fitting of theimpedance measurements in the dark and underillumination for the low frequency element.

Taking a closer look at the low frequency RC elementin the dark we can observe the following: The lowfrequency capacitance (CLF) at potentials up to 0.3 V isnearly constant and increases slowlywith forwardbias. Atabout 300 mV the capacitance starts to increase to reacha plateau at about 500 mV. This capacitance originatesfrom the depletion layer capacitance at the QD/TiO2

Figure 3. (A) Spectral response curves of the photocurrent for the solid state PbSQDs device. The external quantumefficiencyor incident photon to current conversion efficiency is plotted as a function of wavelength of the incident light (blue) and theabsorbance spectra of the PbS QDs measured in solution of tetrachloroethylene at a low concentration of approximately3 mg/mL. (B) Absorption spectrum of the PbS QDs deposited on the TiO2 film.

Figure 4. Comparison of electron lifetimes and the electrontransport times measured by time-resolved perturbationtechniques at 50% sun.

Figure 5. Nyquist plots derived from the EIS measurementsin the dark at different bias potentials with the indication ofthe frequencies employed (A) at low bias potentials and (B)at high forward bias.



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interface similarly to a p�n junction.28 A Mott�Schottkyplot (1/C2) of this capacitance yields the built in potentialof this junction (∼440 mV). As also observed by Sargentet al.36 this measured built in potential is slightly lowerthan the actual observed photovoltage although thedeviation in our devices is higher. The recombinationresistance (RLF) decreases from0Von showing ineffectiveblocking and therefore a shunt which reduces the FF andtherefore the overall efficiency of the device.

Under illumination the capacitance rises earlier(about 200 mV) then in the dark to reach its plateauat about 300mV bias potential. Such a displacement ofthe capacitance under illumination could also be ob-served for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. Thereason is so far not fully understood but could be dueto the accumulation of minority charge carriers at slowreacting surface states. This can induce a change at theionic dipole layer present at the interface and leads

consequently to an unpinning and shifts of thebands.37,38 Though if we compare the slope of the plotof 1/(CLF)

2 in the dark and the slope of the illuminatedsample, we observe the same slope indicating nochange in doping.

The determined recombination resistance at theinterface is as expected drastically reduced underillumination. The recombination at this interface is fast.We can calculate the effective lifetimes (Figure 6B) bythe product of RLF and the CLF and observe the strongchange of lifetime from dark to illumination condi-tions.39 The lifetime under illumination itself is rela-tively constant from 0 to 450 mV, reducing with in-creasing dark current. Comparing the electron lifetimedetermined by transient techniques and the impe-dance (Figure 6C) one can see that the lifetime deter-mined by the latter is shorter than by the formertechnique. The reason is the change of the deviceperformance under continued illumination leading tohigher Voc and lower Jsc and FF (for an explanation seethe following).

In Figure 7 one can observe the behavior of the highfrequency resistance RHF and capacitance CHF attribu-ted to the Au/PbS QDs interface. The contact betweenthe gold and the QDs should match by its workfunction and Fermi level yielding an ohmic contact.Thoughwhat we observe for this interface in the dark isa strongly potential-dependent behavior indicatingthat this interface is more complicated than expectedas also observed by Beard et al.31 The band alignmentat this interface shows a more Schottky-type character(which can be due to surface states) in the dark40

resulting in an unfavored band bending and thereforein a partial blocking of the charge carriers at thiscontact. This is reflected in the high RHF. The situationchanges drastically under illumination. The RHF underillumination reduced near short circuit conditions sev-eral decades and is nearly constant over the wholepotential range (around 10 ohm cm2). Although theresistance at this interface reduced due to illuminationit still represents part of the overall series resistance ofthe device, thus reducing the FF.

Figure 6. Results of the EIS measurements in the dark andunder illumination for the low frequency response (A) andthe calculated lifetimes (B); the lifetime under illuminationby transient measurements and EIS (C).

Figure 7. Resistance and capacitance of the high frequencyRC element from EIS in the dark and under illumination.



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In conclusion we can say that although still a lot ofunknown effects in these devices appear and moreexperiments have to be performed to finally under-stand the processes taking place, the EIS and transientmeasurements offered a deeper view inside the TiO2/PbS heterojunction solar cell.

The increase in the Voc after longer illuminationtime can be explained in terms of a photoinducedproton consumption reaction, which was revealed byFTIR spectroscopy as shown in Figure 8. The FTIR datapresented include a reference spectrum for MPAmethanol solution. The rest of the data are FTIR spectraof MPA attached to the PbS (QDs) /TiO2 films withoutthe gold contact measured at different illuminationtimes.

The CdO mode of the carboxylic acid group isassigned to the band at 1703 cm�1, and the CO2

asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of PbSand TiO2 coordinated carboxylate group appear at1520 and 1400 cm�1 respectively.41 The intensity ofthose bands is changed during illumination of the PbS(QD)/TiO2 film. The CdO mode decreases, while theCO2

� asymmetric and symmetric stretching modesincrease in intensity. The asymmetric stretching modealso does not appear in the MPA solution spectrum.

These changes in peak intensity suggest that car-boxylic acid groups are converted to carboxylate groupsunder illumination of the device. As the environmentbecomes less acidic due to proton consumption theconduction band of the TiO2 shifts upward and hencethe Voc increases.

42 An upward shift of the conductionband edge of the metal oxide leads to a barrier formedin the depletion region in between the QDs to the TiO2,which should ultimately reduce the photocurrent as isindeed observed. While the detailed mechanism for thelight induced proton consumption remains to be un-raveled it is likely to involve photocorrosion of PbS,producing sulfur and excess conduction band electronthat could reduce protons to hydrogen.

FTIR spectra over a wider frequency range areshown in the inset of Figure 8. The solution spectrumexhibits CH2 stretching vibrations of MPA at 2900 cm�1

and the S�H stretching band at 2550 cm�1 in the MPAspectrum. The latter disappears once the MPA isassociated with the PbS QDs. There are two absorptionbands appearing in the MPA spectrum that are due tothe MPA molecules forming dimers in the liquid state.These are the bands at 2669 and 941 cm�1, which areascribed to the O�H stretching and out-of-planebending modes, respectively.41


The salient features of PbS QD/TiO2 solar cells wereexamined to elucidate the principles of operation ofthese intriguing new mesoscopic devices. These cellsare composed of a layer of PbS quantum dots depos-ited onto amesoporous TiO2, a transparent conductingoxide, and gold forming the front and back contact ofthe device, respectively. The cells give a Jsc of 13.04mA/cm2, a Voc of 0.548 V, a FF of 0.49 corresponding toa solar to electric power conversion efficiency (η) of3.5% under AM1.5 light intensity. The electronic prop-erties of the cell were scrutinized by electrochemicalimpedance spectroscopy and transient photocurrentand photovoltage measurements. Though not all fea-tures of these devices could be understood so far andmore investigations have to follow, a deeper under-standing of the internal processes could be achieved.


Methods and Device Fabrication. Colloidal PbS QDs were synthe-sized according to the method reported by Hines et al.20As-prepared PbS QDs were capped with oleic acid (OA). The firstexcitonic absorption bands of QDs were tuned by controllingreaction temperatures and the concentrations of precursors.The PbS QDs were stored in nitrogen glovebox.

During device fabrication, a thin blocking layer of compactTiO2 was first deposited by spray pyrolysis onto a precleanedFTO glass substrate using a solution of titanium diisopropoxidebis(acetylacetonate) in ethanol as precursor. Subsequently, aporous TiO2 layer was deposited by doctor blading from a diluteaqueous paste containing a mixture of 18 nm sized TiO2

particles and 500 nm sized polystyrene beads. The polystyrenewas burned during the subsequent sintering step performed for30 min at 450 �C producing macropores of 200 nm pore size. Inaddition, the 500 ( 50 nm thick titania film contained 23 nm-sized mesopores generated from the TiO2 nanoparticlenetwork.43

The procedure for the deposition of the PbS QDs film issimilar to the one reported by Sarjent et al.28 with severalchanges. The PbS QDs were subsequently deposited layer bylayer on the porous TiO2 film by spin coating a 50 mg mL�1

solution in octane under ambient atmosphere. Each layer wascast at a spinning rate of 2500 rpm applied for 10 s and treatedthereafter briefly with a solution of 10% 3-mercaptopropionicacid (MPA,g99.0% fromSigmaAldrich) inmethanol using again

Figure 8. FTIR spectra of the MPA solution in methanol andthe solid state QD solar cell without the gold contact underdifferent illumination times. Inset: the complete measuredrange of the FTIR spectra.



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2500 rpm rotational speed for 10 s. This treatment displaced theoleate ligand completely and rendered the QD insoluble, whichallowed thin films of 300 nm thicknesses to be created using 12successive deposition cycles. Each layer was rinsed with anhy-drous methanol and anhydrous octane (purchased from SigmaAldrich) to remove excess of MPA and PbS QDs. Finally, a goldback contact of ca. 100 nm thick was deposited by evaporationthrough a shadow mask. The device was then completed byencapsulation in argon atmosphere. The encapsulation of thedevice was made by placing a 2 mm glass on top of the activearea of the device using a piece of hot melt Surlyn (25 μm thick)as a spacer. After encapsulation the device was stable under air.

The cell architecture and a cross section of the device mea-sured by scanning electron microscopy are shown in Figure 1panels A and C, respectively. The cross section of the device wasmeasured by Zeiss Jemini FEG-SEM, using 1.8 kVwith amagnifica-tion of 120KX. The SEM picture confirms that PbS QDs form anoverlayer on top of themacroporous TiO2 film. Only a fewparticlespenetrate in the pores of the oxide.

A Cary 5000 (Varian) spectrophotometer was used to obtainthe absorbance of the PbS QDs.

Photovoltaic Characterization. Photovoltaic measurements em-ployed an AM 1.5 solar simulator equipped with a 450 W xenonlamp (model no. 81172, Oriel). Its power output was adjusted tomatch AM 1.5 global sunlight (100 mW/cm2) by using areference Si photodiode equipped with an IR-cutoff filter (KG-3,Schott) in order to reduce themismatch between the simulatedlight and AM 1.5 (in the region of 350�750 nm) to less than 2%with measurements verified at two PV calibration laboratories[ISE (Germany), NREL (USA)]. I�V curves were obtained byapplying an external bias to the cell and measuring the gener-ated photocurrent with a Keithley model 2400 digital sourcemeter. The voltage step and delay time of photocurrent were 10mV and 40 ms, respectively. A similar data acquisition systemwas used to determine themonochromatic incident photon- to-electric current conversion efficiency. Under full computercontrol, light from a 300 W xenon lamp (ILC Technology,U.S.A.) was focused through a Gemini-180 double monochro-mator (Jobin Yvon Ltd., U.K.) onto the photovoltaic cell undertest. The monochromator was incremented through the visiblespectrum to generate the IPCE (λ) as defined by IPCE (λ) =1240(Jsc/λj), where λ is the wavelength, Jsc is short-circuitphotocurrent density (mA cm�2), andj is the incident radiativeflux (mW cm�2). Photovoltaic performance was measured byusing a metal mask with an aperture area of 0.12 cm2.

Transient Photocurrent and Photovoltage Decay Measurements.White light bias was generated by an array of diodes (Lumiledmodel LXHL-NWE8 whitestar) in combination with red lightpulsed diodes (LXHLND98 redstar, 0.2 s square pulse width, 100ns rise and fall time) for the perturbation excitation, controlledby a fast solid-state switch. The voltage dynamicswere recordedvia a Keithley 2602 source-meter. The light source for theperturbation was set to a low light intensity to achieve mono-exponential voltage decay kinetics. The voltage decay measure-mentswere performed from zero current (Voc) over a range of fixedcurrents intervals on the photocurrent�voltage curve tomimic theI�V characteristic of the device while measuring the transients.Small perturbation transient photocurrent measurements wereperformed in a similar way to the open-circuit voltage decaymeasurements but here holding a fixed potential while measuringthe photocurrent transients. To check on the RC limitation of themeasurement setup the pulse charge rate and the voltage decayrate were compared and showed no limitation.44,45

Electrochemical Impedance Measurements (EIS). Impedance mea-surements employed an Autolab PGSTAT30 (EcoChemie B.V.,Utrecht, Netherlands) over a frequency range from 1MHz downto 0.1 Hz at bias potentials between 0 and 0.6 V (with a 10 mVsinusoidal AC perturbation). For the impedance measurementsunder illumination a LED (Lumiled model LXHL-NWE8 whitestar)was used. All measurements were done at 20 �C. The resultingimpedance spectra were analyzed with Z-view software (v2.8b,Scribner Associates Inc.).

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Measurements. FTIR measure-ments were performed with a Digilab FTS 7000 series spectro-meter, using 64 scans with a 2 cm�1 resolution step. Samples

were prepared as discussed in methods and device fabricationexcept that no gold was evaporated. The 10%MPA inmethanolsolution was measured by placing a drop on the FTIR diamond.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competingfinancial interest.

Acknowledgment. L. Etgar acknowledges the Marie CurieActions;Intra-European Fellowships (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IEF)under Grant Agreement No. 252228, project “Excitonic SolarCell”. This research was also funded by the European Commu-nity's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) underGrant Agreement No. 227057, Project 00INNOVASOL00 . M.Graetzelacknowledges the ECR advanced Grant Agreement No. 247404under the CE-Mesolight project funded by the European com-munity's 7th FWP. The authors acknowledge Dr. V. Shklover(Department of Materials of ETH Zurich) and K. Kunze (ElectronMicroscopy of ETH Zürich) for helping with the HR-SEMmeasurements.

Supporting Information Available: Bode plots in the dark andunder illumination. This material is available free of charge viathe Internet at

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