Light and Opaque Objects

Post on 27-Apr-2015






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I. Title

What happens when light strikes an opaque objects?

II. Message to the learners

Hello! How are you, children? By the way, I am your module friend “Sunny”. I am going to teach you something about the light and an opaque object. Do you want to know what happens when my light strikes an opaque object? You will find out as you turn my pages. But, please handle me with care. Be careful not to torn my pages or my cover. Now, start knowing me. Go!

III. Objectives

I want to learn how to..

a. Explain what happens when light strikes an opaque object.

b. Identify opaque object.

IV. Check-up Test

Now, start answering my exercises on your Science notebook.Do not write anything on my paes.

1. Identify opaque objects from the following pictures. Encircle them

Draw the effect and explain (2 points)

2. What happens to light when it strikes a piece of wood?




3. What happens to light when it strikes a concrete wall?




V. Science Concepts

I want you to name the different objects you see.

These objects are opaque materials or objects.When light strikes thes object, they absorb the light. They do not allow th light to pass. Opaque objects cast shadow.


A. Reviewing Science word/s

Objects that do now allow light to pass

B. Let’s Discover

Observe the pictures. Tell what happens to light when it strikes each objects.

When the light strikes the ball. 1. Does the ball allow the light to pass through the ball?

2. Does the ceramic jar allow the light to pass through?

C. Explore! Which of these objects do not allow the light to pass through them. Check ( ) them

D. Move –on! Write Yes if the object is opaque. Write No if the object is not.

1. ________________ 4. ________________

2. ________________ 5. ________________

3. ________________

E. Challenge Your mother asks you to buy something in the department store. She wants you to buy some opaque objects.

soap colore bottle shampoo in transparent bottle

comb cotton colored plastic

coloring a bottle loaf of bread books of vinegar

white T-shirt notebook cardboardF. Enrich your knowledge Draw five (5) opaque objects you see inside your classroom.

VII. Assess Yourself Draw the effect and explain. (2 points)1. What happens to light when it strikes a piece of wood?

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What happens to light when it strikes a concrete wall? (2 points)


3. Identify opaque objects from the following pic-tures. Encircle them.


IV. Check-up Test:1. Stone, book 2.

Light absorbs


Light absorbs

VI. Learning Activities A. 1. Opaque objects B. 1. No, it absorbs the light 2. No, it absorbs the light C. Explore:

D. Move-on 1. yes 2. no 3. yes 4. yes 5. no E. Challenge soap loaf of bread comb card board coloring booksF. Enrich your knowledge Possible answers books table picture frames bag vase black board desk

VII. Asses yourself!1. Light absorbs2. Light absorbs3. Stone and book

Congratulation!If you got..

5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good / Fair 2 – Poor 1 – Needs to study

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