

Global Career Infotech was established in 2003. It's foundation and purpose is to provide and construct

programs for existing companies and provide new and exciting updates to primitive bases technology.

Global Career Infotech started in Mohali which is situated in Punjab India. and was the one of the first to

be opened in the vicinity. Global Career Infotech first started with the education in India, through their

curriculum we were able to negotiate a service that was accessible to all students and post Graduates (this

continued with great success). we also provide study materials i.e program languages C, C++,Visual C++,

VB, VB.Net, ASP.Net, XML, Oracle 9i, Sql Server 2000, ASP, Java, Advance Java, Multimedia(Flash

MX,Director MX,Fireworks MX,Dreamweaver Mx). We now expand our network to other countries.

Such as England, USA, This has been meet with much appreciation & support. Global Career Infotech

now in entering its 4th successful year. Through networking we are able to provide a service to all races of




C++ is an object oriented programming language. C++ is the fastest and easiest way to create

application for Microsoft Windows. C++ provides you with a complete set of tools to simplify rapid

application development.


C++ is basically C with extention of Oops concept.

Why introduce C++ when C can be used to make all the programs which C is capable of?

Programs in C++ are shorter in length as compared to programs in C. Hence decreasing the

amount of memory used by the program.

Programs in C++ more readable, reliable, less complex and are easy for th programmer to



Classes and Objects:

Class defines the properties of an object. It is the group of similar objects. It defines data member

and member functions. Variables of the class are called objects, each object has it own separate

memory. Object is also called instance of a class when it is initialized.


It means binding of data members and member function in a class.

Data hiding: We always the data members as private and member functions as public. Private

members are not accessible outside the class they can only be accessed through the public member


Data Abstraction:

We always define the essential properties of an object without going to the background details.

ADT(abstract data types): A class defines only the essential properties of an object without going

to th ebackground details.



We can inherit all the properties of a class instead of redefining all these properties again.

Hence, inheritance provides the programmer with following facilities:

1. Reusability of code.

2. Saves programmers time and effort.

3. It increases the reliability.

4. It reduces the complexity.

5. It saves the memory and decreases the length of program.


Ability to have multiple formsone thing may perform multiple actions. For example: ‘+’ operator

is used to add the sum of the two integers but we can also make it perform other functions like

concatination of the two strings.



Compile Time Run Time

Operator Overloading Function Overloading Virtual Functions



The first module of system provide all information about the personal records of the members

such as students, teachers and other and 2nd module automate all the process of controlling

management of books in the library.

This project is aimed to overcome the drawbacks of the existing manual Library management

system and related queries. In the software data related to issue of books to the students/teacher and

other staff and their fine payments are put to use efficiently to generate all kinds of reports


Appropriate inbuilt checks in the Software minimize the chance of wrong data input. Software

incubates alerts and is loaded with password facility for authorized user only. Varied screens are

incorporated for reports, queries and edition of records.

A computerization system to handle various manual works was thought of to save energy, time etc.

We have tried my level best to serve the computerized needs of the project.




This project is to develop software for a library. The first module is about the personal records

of the Books, members.

This project is aimed to overcome the drawbacks of the existing Library Management system

and related Queries. In the software data related to issue of books to the students/members are put to

use efficiently to generate all kinds of reports periodically.Appropriate inbuilt checks in the software

minimize the chance of wrong data input. Varied screens are incorporated for reports, queries and

edition of records.

The 2nd module of this project is to automate all the functioning of library management system

or may be for other organization with minor modifications.

We have tried our best and all the efforts to computerize the system after keenly conducted

system study.





Main Menu

Master Issue Return Report Exit

Book Member Exit











The library management program is menu driven graphical program which on running gives user 5

options: Master, Issue, Return, Report, Exit.

1) Master: under this option the user gets the facility of adding a book or member, modifying a book or

member, checking out the list of members or books, canceling members.

2) Issue: Book ID and member ID are entered and book with entered ID is issued to the entered member


3) Return: Book ID and member ID are entered and book with entered ID is returned by the member with

entered ID.

4) Report: Report gives the shows the user the list of all the issued books and the members to whom they

are issued.

5) Exit: Exit either exits the program or opens up the previous menu.

The following classes were declared and used:

1) Book: It has all the fields like name,total copies,author’s name and book number as the data members

which are private and can not be accessed out of the class.

All the functions of this class were declared as public. The functions are:

1.1) Setbookno: It gets the book number as the input from the user and returns its value for further use.

1.2) Setbook: It gets the name of the book, author’s name and total number of copies as input from the


1.3) Show: It displays the book number, book’s name, author’s name and total number of copies on the


2) Member: It has all the fields like member name,member number, member address and member city as

the data members which are private and can not be accessed out of the class.

All the functions of this class were declared as public. The functions are:

2.1) Setmemberno: It gets the member number as the input from the user and returns its value for further


2.2) Setmember: It gets the name of the member, member’s address and member’s city as input from the


2.3) Show: It displays the member number, member’s name, member’s address and member’s city on the


3) Issue: It has all the fields issue number, book number and member number as it’s data members which

are private.

The member functions are public and are:

3.1) Setbookno: It gets the book number as the input from the user and returns its value for further use.


3.2) Setmemberno: It gets the member number as the input from the user and returns its value for further


3.3) Show: It displays the member number and book number.

Other functions used in the program are:

1) Bookdetail: It displays “Book No. ”, “Book Name” , “Book Author” and “Total number of copies” on

the screen as written in the quotes.

2) Addbook: It is for adding a new book as a record. It is done by going to the end of the file, entering the

record and then writing it to the file.

3) Modifybook: It is for changing the information of a book.It is done by entering the book number of the

book which is to be modified. Then it is compared to each and every book number starting from the

beginning of the file. When it is found the required changes are made.

4) Deletebook: It is for deleting the entire record of a particular book from the file. It is done by creating a

new file and then transferring all the records except the one which is to be deleted.

5) Listbook: It is for displaying all the records in the file. It is done by going to the beginning of the file

and reading all the records till the end of file.

6) Memberdetail: It displays “Member No. ” , “Member Name”, “Member Address” and “Member city”

on the screen as written in the quotes.

7) Addmember: It is for adding a new member as a record. It is done by going to the end of the file,

entering the record and then writing it to the file.

8) Modifymember: It is for changing the information of a member.It is done by entering the member

number of the member which is to be modified. Then it is compared to each and every member number

starting from the beginning of the file. When it is found the required changes are made.

9) Deletemember: It is for deleting the entire record of a particular member from the file. It is done by

creating a new file and then transferring all the records except the one which is to be deleted.

10) Listmember: It is for displaying all the records in the file. It is done by going to the beginning of the

file and reading all the records till the end of file.

11) Issuebook: It displays "Book ID to be Issued " on thhe screen as written in the quotes.

12) Issuemember: It displays "Member ID " on the screen as written in the quotes.

13) Returnmember: It displays "Member ID want to return " on the screen as written in the quotes.

14) Returnbook: It displays "Book ID " on the screen as written on the quotes.



This project is applicable to work of persons working in the School office who collect fine,

issue books and receives books and do the work of data storage, and the accountants who create

reports. Till now they used to follow the old manual methods of storing and collecting data through

registers which was very tedious and time consuming. This software can be easily used by them as it

aims at providing them with a record of all the students and teachers which are in the school and also

help them in feeding relevant information about them which can be recalled whenever required. It also

generates relevant reports and queries which may be required by them. Thus, it can be successfully

used by the end users i.e. office bearers.




Due to manual procedure, existing system does not work according to specifications. The slow

processing due to manual procedure leads to inefficient and inconsistency of the system.

If in the current system some entries are done at more than one place, which leads to

wastage of manpower, time and cost.

If any updating has to be done in the present system, the changes have to be done at so

many places. Entries have to be done in a number of registers, which makes the

procedures very cumbersome.

In Existing system, there is no way to restrict unauthorized access to the date except

putting the files under lock and key.

Present System does not support any type of integrity constraints e.g. it does not specify

any data type for any data item. i.e. even alphabetic entries can be done where only

numeric are allowed.

In existing system user can skip any valuable information.

It is very difficult to get up to date information in the existing system. If any

information is required for any specific purposes, all these sorting has to be done

manually and data is re-entered at some other places in the stored order.



After thoroughly analyzing the existing system, following objectives of the proposed system

have been set:

Controlling redundancy in storing the same data multiple times.

Smooth flow of data without many hurdles.

Adequate validation checks for data accuracy.

Facilitate input of data efficiently and accurately.

Facility to update the data from time to time.

Prompt and specific retrieval of data.

Flexibility in the system according to changing environment.

Adequate security of data.

Application must be most informative to users.

To develop an easy and efficient solution to record the information about the students and

teachers in the school.

Generating Reports periodically for better decisions

In order to overcome difficulties faced in present system a new system is proposed. The new system

involves the complete computerization of School Information-cum-Automation System. The

computerization comprises of development of software, which maintains and updates the complete

database of School. Software is being developed in VB and Oracle. This project is aimed to overcome

the drawbacks of the existing annual fee management system and related queries. This project can

manage overall records of students and teachers and information about the fee structure of the students

and reports.



1) Main Screen: This screen comes when the software is started.


2) Master: This screen will come if we press enter key on master.


3) Book: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on book.


4) Add: This screen comes when enter is pressed on add.


5) Modify: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on modify.


6) Delete: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on delete.


7) List: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on list.


8) Member: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on member.

9) Add: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on add.


10) Modify: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on modify.



11) Delete: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on delete.

12) List: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on list.


13) Issue: This screen is displayed when enter is pressed on issue.



14) Return: This option is displayed when enter is pressed on return..


15) Report: This option is diaplayed when enter is pressed on report.



The proposed system with its efficiencies in reducing processing speeds, better quality

services and superior decisions will be worth implementing for future applications. This system will

be used to handle a lot of works which in turn will save Energy; Time & Provide better services to

the Staff of the library. This software can be easily used by them as it aims at providing them with a

record of all the members and also helps them in feeding relevant information about them which can

be recalled whenever required. It also generates relevant reports and queries, which may be required

by them. Thus, it can be successfully used by the end users i.e. Office bearers.

Thus, the main advantages of the proposed system will be Speed, Accuracy & quality of

services in generating reports and queries for better decisions.




1) Let us c

Yashvant Kanetkar

2) Let us C++

Yashvant Kanetkar

3) C++








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