Lewisham reading champions 2012

Post on 12-May-2015






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Lewisham Libraries' Service Development Manager Jo Moulton gave us an insight into her experiences of the Summer Reading Challenge and the benefits that it has brought to children, volunteers and librarians.


Lewisham Reading Champions

Celebrating reading and success in Lewisham

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Success So Far

40 Reading Champions

6,000 children participating over last 2 years

Developed local and national partnerships

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Our Approach

Consider what the Service needs

Work with a local partner

Use existing networks

Write it down

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham


Sharing books with children

The Summer Reading Challenge and libraries

Child protection

Inter-personal skills

Support materials and incentives

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Staff Support

Clarification of roles

Who, where, when


Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Benefits for Young People

Experience of working with and promoting books and reading materials

Experience of working with the public, particularly children and families

Experience of working with library staff

Experience of being in a work environment, including using inter-personal skills

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Benefits for Young People

The opportunity to involve local young people

The opportunity to strengthen local and national partnerships

The opportunity to provide local young people with new and exciting experiences and to learn and develop new skills

The opportunity for young people to be positive role models for younger children, particularly around books and reading

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Outcomes – Young People

‘It was worthwhile and I will always remember what it was like to work with children of different abilities as well as staff members.’ (Young person)

‘It was lovely. I enjoyed every minute of it. I felt like I had been doing it for years.’ (Young person)

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Outcomes – Readers

‘Over the weeks I certainly saw her develop more confidence being in a library environment. She would use her initiative helping customers. I felt she really became part of the team.’ (Librarian)

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham


Celebrate success and achievement

Certificates, refreshments, photos

Share experiences

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Role of the Library Service

To enable

To empower

To develop

To engage

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

New Developments

6-week programme with practical experience

Involving new partners

Reaching new audiences

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham


Work in partnership, locally and nationally

Have written policies and guidelines so roles are clear

Prepare the young people and staff

Consider the opportunities for the Service

Have fun and enjoy!

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

Contact Me

Any questions, contact me:

Jo Moulton


020 8314 7176

Jo Moulton - London Borough of Lewisham

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