Lewis Hill - Print - Development Pro-forma

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Digital Graphic NarrativeDevelopment

ByLewis Hill

Shape Task

What did you like about your images?I like the fact that they were real life and I’ve turned them into a cartoon made of geometric shapes and some custom shapes. My best image is Kermit the frog because he turned out the best and the drop shadow I added to his collar works really well.What would you improve if you did it again?The image I least liked was my hippo, I would improve this by adding more detail to the body of the hippo as it is just one massive blob. I would add wrinkles to make the hippo look fatter and more like a hippo. The shark I would also improve because its mouth Is full of teeth whereas on the original the teeth are only on the top and bottom of the mouth, I will remove some of its teeth.



What did you like about your image?I really like this image because I think that I have captured David Tennant’s likeness in this cartoon rotoscope. My favourite part of the image is his shirt and tie as I have used the little details to make the image look more realistic. The background is of his TARDIS, which I put a filter on to make it look more cartoon like. What would you improve if you did it again?To improve this image I would add more little details to his face, like highlights and more shadows, I would also redo the mouth as I think it is a bit too small and pink. Finally I would edit his suit and add the blue lines on his jacket instead of keeping it brown, because it is a bit plain not like the original image.


Narrative Environment

What did you like about your image?To create this image I first started with a blank A4 canvas and rotated it by 90˚. I then used shapes like rectangles and ellipse tools to create the general shapes of the buildings. Then to create the feeling that your looking up at the buildings I used the ‘transform - perspective’ tool which tilted the buildings back. My favourite part of the image is the building second to the left, because it turned out the way I wanted it, on the side like your looking at the corner of it. What would you improve if you did it again?The main feature I would improve on this image would be adding more buildings or interesting structures to the cityscape. For example I could add Big Ben or the London Eye to the background.


Text Based

What did you like about your image?My favourite image in this compilation is the one where I multiplied the layers together to make the writing appear on the text, I choose the an image of the Lake District.What would you improve if you did it again?I improved this image by adding an inner glow to the words to make them stand out so the viewer can read it better because the text wasn’t that clear before I re-edited it.


Comic Book – Hulk vs Loki – Original

Comic Book – Edit 1

Comic Book – Edit 2

Comic Book – Edit 3

Comic Book – Edit 4

Comic Book – Ironman - Original

Comic Book – Edit 1

Comic Book – Edit 2

Skyfall - Original

Comic Book – Edit 1

Comic Book – Edit 2

Comic Book – Edit 3

Hunger Games - Original

Comic Book – Edit 1

What did you like about your image?I like the fact that the images go from real life into this cartoon look alike version. My favourite image is Skyfall Edit 3 because it looks really abstract and has lots of geometric shapes that build it up to create this London cityscape. Another one of my favourite images is Ironman Edit 1, as it looks rustic and his armour looks like its been damaged a lot. What would you improve if you did it again?I would improve my Hulk images by making the colours more defined, as edits 2 and 3 are too dark and lack in colour. I would also change my Hunger Games image by making it less abstract, because the colours are going through their


Photo Story

Photo Story – Edited

What did you like about your image?To create my Photo Story I first needed a story which was about a man finding a key and opening a door with middle-earth behind it. My favourite part of the image is when the door is open and it reveals this wonderful forest of elves. What would you improve if you did it again?I improved the image by adding text boxes to make the image more comic book like, I also added another image of my subject looking shocked at the magical door. Which tells the audience more about his reaction.


Illustration -What did you like about your image?What I like about this image is how cleaver technology can be, for example scanning something in real life and then producing a digital image of that very same photo/drawing.What would you improve if you did it again?I would improve the drawing as I did it as a fast drawing and it turned up looking like a young child had drawn it. If I were to do it again I would spend more time drawing the image and actually thinking about how and what I’m going to draw.


Field of Dreams

What did you like about your image?What I like about this image is that it is very creative and I used my whole imagination to try and come up with a very relevant creation to quite a difficult quote. “I’m 36 years old. Etc.” I went with the create what you see strategy, and I created something vibrant and actually quite nice to look at.What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this again I think I would change the quote to a more likable one, like “I’ll be back” (Terminator) or “Which would be worse: To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?” (Shutter Island). This would give me a better vision of what to create and they are more likeable then something from an old film, ‘Field of Dreams’.


Initial IdeasSlides 32 - 40

Idea Generation

More ideas:• Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs – Tina the T-Rex and the 7 Raptors• Alice in Wonderland – Mark in Foreverland• Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Houston and the Three Aliens • Peter Pan – Perry Pan • Hansel and Gretel Go to Mars• Cinderella – Modern Day

Mind Map – Perry Pan

The Story – Perry Pan

My story is based on the well known tale of Peter Pan, although I have called it Perry Pan the Penguin.

His enemy will be Captain Claw the polar bear, and he will be in charge of his iceberg vessel.

Wendy I have changed into Wonda the arctic fox.

The plot of the story is that Perry ventures out to find Wonda, who has been put under a sleeping curse by the wicked captain. So Perry goes out into the arctic circle to find and save Wonda from her sleeping curse.

Perry the PenguinPatty the Penguin

Captain. Claw the Polar Bear

Geoff the Walrus

ProposalDimensionsI will have 8-14 pages in my book and each page will be sized at 26cm x 24cm.

Story OverviewThe plot of the story is that Perry ventures out to find Wonda, who has been put under a sleeping curse by the wicked captain. So Perry goes out into the arctic circle to find and save Wonda from her sleeping curse. At the end he kisses her and she wakes up from her sleep and they all live happily ever after.

Export FormatJPEGAdvantages: Compresses images so the file size is reduced.Disadvantages: Compressing an image also reduces the quality of the image.Using a JPEG will also convert the layers used into one layer.


The deadline is on the 15th January 2016.

AudienceMy target audience for this project are children aged 5-8 years old. It will also be unisex (for both genders), and I will aim to sell my books children in English speaking countries (like England, America or New Zealand). I chose the age range of children aged 5-8, because the younger audience will learn words and how to read. Whereas the slightly older audience will be taught more words and read the book themselves.

Production MethodsTo produce my pages I will use Photoshop because it is the leading software in the photo editing market, it also has lots of tools to use like the Clone Stamp Brush (Shortcut – C), this allows the use of a selected area to be repeated onto another area. Photoshop has also got Custom Shapes Tool, to build my characters from scratch, like rectangles or speech bubbles. Finally, to make my characters stand out more off the page I could use a Drop Shadow or a Stroke to out line them which makes them more noticeable.


What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The strengths that the proposal has lots of detail on how the book is going to be developed. It includes a good overview of all the techniques that are going to be used in the making like the types of software used on the production.

Put in the proposal what sized text will be in the book as most children's books use different fonts depending on the age group the book is aimed at.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There are loads of images on the characters which is god because then there are multiple sources that the characters can be based around giving different ideas and styles for the characters.

Test Subject One

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The strengths are that the plot follows the basic story line to sleeping beauty an Like the fact that you have changed the characters and scenery and by shortening or simplified the story to be able to fit it into 8-12 pages.

Maybe identify why you have decided to aim your book at that certain age and why your book would appeal to that age category.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The strengths are that you have considered lots of different ideas and how you could put your own twist on it.

Maybe add a little more detail to the idea generation.

Test Subject Two

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I really like how you have changed the story, and made it something entirely different. You have a lot of detail on the techniques you are going to use to create your story.

The only thing you could improve about your proposal is simply adding more to the story overview.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You have really clear ideas of every character and how you want them to look. I also really like that all the characters are different animals. You also have good good ideas for the scenery in your story and I think it will look good as a setting.

You could add more detail to your idea generation mind map, the same amount that you have for the peter pan story.

Test Subject Three

Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.The people who gave me feedback, all stated that the detail I in the story is good and they like the fact that I have used different animals as the characters and how I have changed the whole setting of Peter pan.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with all of it, because I do need to add more to my idea generation and that I need to state why I have chosen that certain age group. And I also need to add what kind of font and font size I am going to use.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?I don’t disagree with any of it, because I will use all the feedback I’ve got to make it better.

Original Script

Once upon a time there lived a good king and his queen. They had no children for many years and were very sad.Then one day, the queen gave birth to a lovely baby girl and the whole kingdom was happy. There was a grand celebration and all the fairies in the kingdom were invited. But the king forgot to invite an old fairy. She came to the celebrations but was very angry. Soon it was time to gift the baby with special wishes. The good fairies wished her well and said, “May she grow to be the most beautiful girl in the world! She will sing sweetly and dance so well! She will live happily!” All the fairies blessed the baby and gave her beautiful gifts.When it was the old fairy’s turn, she said, “When the baby is sixteen she will touch a spindle, and die!” The king and queen were shocked and begged the fairy to forgive them and take her words back but the fairy refused to do so. When the other fairies saw the king and queen crying, they said, “We cannot undo what the old fairy has spoken. But we certainly can make it different. Your child shall not die when she touches the spindle. But she will fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years. Then, a prince will come along and wake her up.” Hearing this, the king and the queen were relieved. The king forbade everyone from spinning so that the princess would never touch a spindle.The princess grew up to be a kind girl and helped people in need. Everybody loved her. Years passed. When the princess was sixteen years old, she was walking in the woods when she saw an old lady spinning. “What is this? May I try?” she asked The old lady said, “Of course, my pretty little child!” And the princess sat down to spin. But the moment she touched the spindle, she fell to the floor in a deep slumber. The old lady took her back to the palace and the king and queen laid her on her bed and tucked her in. They were very sad and called the good fairies. The fairies felt sorry for them and cast a spell over the whole kingdom so that when the princess woke up after a hundred years, she would not be alone in the palace. Everyone, including the guards and the servants and the animals were now fast asleep. For a hundred years, they all slept soundly.A hundred years passed. There came a prince from a far off land. He, along with his servants, went deep into the forest and crossed many rivers. Once the prince lost his way and was separated from the rest of the travellers. He came to the sleeping kingdom and was amazed. The guards, the servants, the cats and the cows were all fast asleep and snoring.The prince reached the palace and entered it. No one moved. The prince then found the sleeping princess. She was such a beautiful girl that the prince kissed her. By that time, a hundred years had passed by and everyone was waking up, one by one. The princess yawned and opened her eyes. She saw the prince and smiled. She asked him “Are you my prince?” He was happy to hear her speak. The prince and the princess fell in love with each other. The prince wanted to marry the princess so they went to ask for permission from their parents.The king and the queen arranged for a royal wedding. All the clothes the bride wore were a hundred years old, but she looked beautiful. Soon, they were married and then they rode away to the prince’s kingdom far, far away.http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/sleeping-beauty/

Sleeping beauty

Original Script

One night Peter Pan took Wendy, John, and Michael to his home, Never Never Land. His fairy friend Tinker Bell dusted the children with fairy dust so they could fly.The children were very happy playing there. Suddenly they found themselves surrounded by pirates! They huddled together in fear. “Put your hands by your side. March in a line!” ordered the captain.All the children followed the captain as he led them to an old ship. Tinker Bell was passing through and saw them. She rushed to inform Peter Pan.Peter and Tinker Bell found the children tied to the mast of the ship. They got ready to attack. “Beware! Here I come!” said Peter with a great cry as he jumped on the railing and challenged the captain to a fight. “Help me!” cried the old captain losing his balance and going overboard. “Hurrah!” the children and Tinker Bell cheered heartily for Peter Pan.http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/peter-pan/

Peter Pan

Flat Plans

Part 1: Wonda gets kidnaped by Capt. Claw and he puts a sleeping curse on Wonda.

Part 2: Introduces Perry Pan the Penguin by him sliding on the ice.

Part 3: He finds a note on his door saying “Your Penguin is under a curse… Come find her on my ship! Muahahahahahahaha! Captain Claw.”

Part 4: Perry sets off on his adventure. He says “I’m going on an adventure.”

Part 5: Perry walking along the ice with his backpack and he meets Geoff.

Part 6: Geoff tells him “Claw’s ship is just over there.”

Part 7: Perry confronts Captain Claw and shouts at him, “Where is Wonda?”and Claw says “She is below deck but you’ll never get to her. Hahahahaha!”

Part 8: Perry hits Claw over the head with his flipper and Claw gets knocked out.

Part 9: Perry goes below deck and is stood by Wonda, who is asleep.

Part 10: Perry kisses Wonda and she wakes up.

Part 11: They lived happily ever after… (Running off into the sunset)

Story Plan

Page 1: Once upon a time in an arctic waste land far far away, there once was a penguin who was put under a sleeping curse by the wicked, Captain Claw. Who was a rare, angry polar bear. He then took her to his ship.

Page 2: Oh, Look! Here comes Perry Pan the Penguin who is slip and sliding down the iceon his back.

Page 3: Perry comes up to the front of his house and surprisingly finds a note nailed to his door. “Your fox is under a curse… Come find her on my ship! Muahahahahahahaha! Captain Claw.”

Page 4: Perry sets off on his adventure to go and save his friend Patty. (He says “I’m going on an adventure.”)

Page 5: Perry is wandering through the cold arctic and suddenly comes across a walrus called Geoff. Perry asks Geoff if he knows where Captain Claw’s ship is. (Geoff answers “Yes it is just through these icy rocks”).

Page 6: Though the icy rocks Perry saw the magnificently scary ship of the wicked Captain Claw.

Page 7: Perry runs up to Captain Claw and confronts him face to face. Captain Claw, “You will never get her back, , muhahahaha!” Perry says “Where is she you wicked bear!” Page 8: Crash! Bang! Hit! Whack! Smack! Slap! Perry slaps Claw in the face and knocks him out cold.

Page 9: Perry ventures into the Captains Quarters and finds his sleeping beauty laying on a bed. Perry starts weeping and leaping towards Wonda.

Page 10: Perry slowly reaches for Wonda and kisses her on the beak. She wakes up from her curse, Perry is relived. “Lets go, otherwise the sharks will be out to get us!”

Page 11: They both lived happily ever after…

Page 12: The End! Or is it...

Final Script

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