Level of Tumor Protein Indicates Chances Cancer Will Spread and Structural Details of a Key Protein for Cellular Signal Transduction

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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Corte intrducción

•High levels of a particular protein in cancer cells are a reliable indicator that a

cancer will spread

•. CPE-delta N protein, a variant of CPE, was present in high amounts in tumors that

had spread

•Cancer cells can break away from a primary tumor and spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body, where they form

new tumors

•"Testing for CPE-delta N, if combined with existing diagnostic methods, offers the possibility of more accurately estimating the chances that a cancer will spread," said Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D

•The researchers tested for CPE-delta N indirectly, by measuring levels of a molecule that assists in manufacturing the protein. RNA (ribonucleic acid) works with the information in a gene to make a particular protein, in this case, CPE-delta

• Sam 68 carry out important tasks in the signal-regulated processing of genetic information

and its translation into protein

• Sam68 regulates specific processes linked to the cell cycle and apoptosis and plays a key role in the pathogenesis of cancer.

With this news we can see the importance of knowing the molecular structure of a protein and the role that each part of this structure plays in a circuit superior organization..

1. Poder establecer Tratamientos mas enfocados y específicos para pacientes con cáncer que actúe de acuerdo a las características del

mismo y por ende optimizar el resultado A favor del bienestar del paciente.

2. Proponer nuevas medicamentos que neutralicen expresiones no favorables para el tratamiento de el cáncer.

1. Establecer molecularmente el foco del problema que en rute una búsqueda en pro de

reparar alteraciones estructurales para que no se afecte la funcionalidad de una proteína que conlleve a el desequilibrio de todo un sistema

2. gran beneficio en la prevención de una pandemia Como lo es hoy el cáncer

• MARTINES S., Lina María. Biología Molecular. 6.ed. Medellín : UPB, 2011. 105p.

• Science News. Structural Details of a Key Protein for Cellular Signal Transduction [ en línea ]. <Disponible http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110201122218.htm> [ consulta : 17 FEB. 2011]

• Science News.Level of Tumor Protein Indicates Chances Cancer Will Spread Transduction [ en línea ]. <Disponible http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100910083350.htm > [ consulta : 17 FEB. 2011]

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