
Letter from the United States

Canadian roses in America

• I have had great success with my Canadian Roses. The climbers are (2) Explorer Roses (John Davis, trained on trellis) and the shrub roses are the Parkland Series Rose (Winnipeg Parks). The roses are quite beautiful and very hardy. I never have any die-back in the spring. In late March, I fertilize the roses with a systemic, Bayer 3 in 1, just as the roses are coming out of dormancy. Then every three weeks or so, I alternate next with an organic fertilizer composed of 3 parts Rose-tone and 1 part Milorganite. In so doing, I will have had two systemic feedings and two organic feedings by the first week of June. Perhaps the biggest aide this year, was the fact, that there was no frost in our area, once the plants had started to bud.

• It is hard to believe, that in early spring, just as the John Davis, were coming out in bud, I trimmed the plants back to 7 feet tall and 3 feet deep. They have just experienced tremendous growth this year.


• I hope you enjoy the pictures. Please feel free to post them on your website, if you permit.

•  » Sincerely,» Mr. Brian L. Marien» 804 Independence Ct.» Valencia, Pa 16059» USA»

•  =

Winnipeg Parks, Morden series

John Davis, climbing Explorer

John Davis, climbing Explorer

Editor’s note: images from this website

• John Davis American Rose Society rating

of 8.7

• Winnipeg Parks--- American Rose Society

ratingof 8.0

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