Lesson 6 Connie Liao Main Menu Strength-Bombing A Matching Game Reading Analysis Grammar Focus Extension Activity.

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Lesson 6

Connie Liao

Main Menu Strength-Bombing A Matching Game Reading Analysis Grammar Focus Extension Activity

Pre-reading Activity

What is good at?

Please name as many things

is good at as you can.

Different Types of Intelligence

How Are You Smart

Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

Ability to use words and language

Skills listening, speaking, writing, story telling, explanation, teaching, using humor…

Possible career paths poet, writer, journalist, teacher, lawyer, politician, translator

Visual/Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)

Ability to think in pictures, visualize the result

Skills puzzle building, understanding charts/graphs, a good sense of direction, sketching, painting, designing practical objects, constructing…

Possible career paths navigators, sculptors, visual artists, photographers, architects, interior designers…

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence (Number Smart)

Ability to use reason, logic,and numbers

Skills problem solving, classifying and categorizing information, working with abstract concepts, doing controlled experiments…

Possible career paths scientists, engineers, computer programmers, researchers, accountants, mathematicians

Bodily/Physical Intelligence (Body Smart)

Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully

Skills dancing, physical co-ordination, sports, hands-on experimentation, using body language, crafts, acting, miming, using hands to create…

Possible career paths athletes, dancers, actors , physical education teachers, firefighters, artisans

Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence (Music Smart)

Ability to produce and appreciate music

Skills singing, whistling, composing music,playing musical instrument, remembering melodies, understanding the structure and rhythm of musicPossible career paths musician, disc jockey(DJ), singer, composer

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)

Ability to relate and understand others

Skills seeing things from other perspectives, listening, using empathy, counseling, noticing other people’s moods, co-operating with groups…

Possible career paths counselor, salesperson, politician, business person

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)

Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one’s inner state of being

Skills recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses, reflecting and analyzing themselves, awareness of their inner feelings, desires and dreams, reasoning with themselves…

Possible career paths researchers, theorists, philosophers

Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart)

Ability to recognize flora and fauna

Skills categorizing and organizing a living area, planning a trip, preservation and conservation

Possible career paths farmers, botanists, biologists, conservationists, environmentalists

Different Kinds of Intelligence(Smart)

1. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

2. Visual/Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)3. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence(Number smart)4. Bodily/Physical Intelligence (Body Smart)

5. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence (Music Smart)

6. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)

8. Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart) (1996)

A Matching Game

Please match the following famous people with the kind of intelligence they have.


Michael Jordan

Einstein Mozart



Mother Teresa


Visual/Spatial Intelligence;

Picture Smart

Good job!

Michael Jordan

Bodily/Physical Intelligence;Body Smart



Logical/Mathematical Intelligence;

Number Smart



Intelligence;Music Smart


Naturalist Intelligence;Nature Smart

You got it!


Intrapersonal Intelligence;

Self SmartBravo!


Intelligence;Word Smart

Good for you!

Mother TeresaInterpersonal Intelligence;

People Smart

Nice work!

Reading Analysis




Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 7

Paragraph 8

Paragraph 1--

A High I.Q. = Success in Life

Howard Gardener (1984)

Paragraph 2--

earning good grades in school success in life

being successful in school a better chance of being successful in life

Paragraph 3--doing well in one’s future

a special quality ( intelligence )

The definition of intelligence--

Problem-solvingBeing creative

Contributing to the world

Different Forms of Intelligence

Paragraph-- 4 What are the two most common kinds of intelligence people think of when they say someone is “smart”?

Linguistic intelligence.

Mathematical/Logical intelligence.

Paragraph 5--

Visual/spatial intelligence.

Musical intelligence.

Paragraph 6--

Physical intelligence.

Paragraph 7--

Interpersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal intelligence.

Paragraph 8--

• Everyone is intelligent in some way.

• How to become a well-rounded intelligent person?


*What is the first step toward becoming a well-rounded intelligent person?

* Then, what should you do next?

Grammar Focus

associate A with B ( 把 A 與 B 聯想在一起;關聯 ) Line 2

1. White carnations are associated with death in the Japanese culture.

2. I associate summer with various kinds of ice treats.

Your turn!


Education is the key to future success. (… 的關鍵 ) Line 4

1. the answer to the question

2. the solution to the problem

On your own!


3. a new approach ( 方法 ) to cancer treatment

on the other hand…

1. On the one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand I can’t bear the thought of moving.

2. Mr. Wang works awfully slowly, but on the other hand, he does nice careful work.

On your own!


Musically intelligent people have such characteristics as loving to sing,ability to play an instrument, and good sense of rhythm. LL.32~34

1. I love to eat such juicy fruit as watermelons, oranges, and pineapples.

2. Such food as hamburgers and French fries is very high in calories but low in nutrition.

On your own!


would rather + VR…than + VR... L.34 ( 寧願…而不願… )

1. I would rather be punished than tell lies.

2. He would rather starve than beg for food.

On your own!


S + V…so that S + V…. L. 57 (so that- clause serves as a ‘purpose clause’)

1. Mom exercises regularly so that she can stay in good health.

2. I am now taking three part-time jobs and trying hard to save money, so that I can realize my dream of traveling around the world someday.

On your own!


Supplementary Reading Material:

Multiple Intelligence: A Principal’s Perspective

I. Two things the principal likes about his school--

(1)The feeling of community among parents and teachers who are working together

(2)the climate of collegiality among the teachers

II. The vision of the school--

(1)How has intelligence been defined for a long time?

(2)According to Principal Hoerr, the school’s job is to ____________.

(1)Intelligence has been for a long time defined in terms of mathematical and linguistic intelligence.

(2)the school’s job is to identify the kids’ talents and nurture them.

III. How the school communicates the vision to parents--

(1)The principal sends a letter out to all the parents every Friday. So do all the teachers.

(2)They integrate multiple intelligence into the language they use on the report card.(3)Every teacher begins the school year by teaching multiple intelligence theory.

IV. What the teachers in The New City School are like--

(1)They are a committed, creative, hard-working group.

(2)They develop their own curricula.

(3)They are not just disseminators of knowledge; they create situations in which students can learn constructively.

V. What a typical classroom in the New City School looks like--

(1)15 to 17 kids per teacher

(2)The kids sit at tables that are usually grouped in fours.

(3)There are risers or lofts in the classes.

V. Examples of how students strengthen their various intelligences--

(1)They try to integrate the intelligences into all classes. (a) the personal skills (b) intrapersonal intelligence(2)Example


(a) First graders

(b) Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence

(c) Naturalistic intelligence

Opinion Sharing--

If you were a parent, would you send yourkids to a school where linguistic intelligenceand mathematical intelligence are the mainconcern or would you like your kids to learnin a school where multiple intelligence theoryis put into practice? Why?

Follow-up Activity--

Email your English teacher andshare how you feel with her.

Translation--1. I can’t think of his name at this moment.

2. It’s a myth to associate earning good grades with success in life.

2. He doesn’t associate with politicians.

3. Constant practice is the key to learning lanuages.

5. It requires/takes courage to tell the truth.

4. Apparently he is a child with multiple intelligences.

6. I don’t doubt his ability to handle the case.

7. an English-speaking country a trouble-making child an eye-opening journey a man-eating tribe

8. Einstein contributed a lot to the advancement of science.

9. he lived in which he lived in in which he lived

10. They are no longer opposed to the plan.

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