
Lesson ElevenAvoiding Plagiarism


1Robert Rauschenberg Satellite, 1955

By the end of the lesson, you should know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

Today’s Objective

Week 11 Example Text  

Week 12Example Text/ Introductions

First Draft / Outline

Week 13 Avoiding Plagiarism

Week 14 Introductions / Conclusions  

Week 15 Peer Review 1Second Draft /

Formal Outline / Reading notes

Week 16 Peer Review / Editing Peer Review 2

Week 17 Argument in Life Final Portfolio

Week 18 Preparation for Final Exam Short Reflection

20% Participation / Portfolio

80% Final Exam / Final Draft

Note: your final draft will count as the essay portion of your final exam.


“Plagiarism is the use of facts, opinions, and language taken from another writer without acknowledgement. In its most sordid form, plagiarism is outright theft or cheating…”

-Pg 267 in text

What is plagiarism?

Let’s look at page 267 in our text.A Brief Introduction to Plagiarism

The key to avoiding plagiarism is to make sure you give credit where it is due.

When Do We Give Credit?

1. Words or ideas presented in a magazine, book, newspaper, song, TV program, movie, Web page, computer program, letter, advertisement, or any other medium

What needs to be credited or documented?

2. Information you gain through interviewing or conversing with another person, face to face, over the phone, or in writing

What needs to be credited or documented?

3. When you copy the exact words or a unique phrase

What needs to be credited or documented?

4. When you reprint any diagrams, illustrations, charts, pictures, or other visual materials

What needs to be credited or documented?

5. When you reuse or repost any electronically-available media, including images, audio, video, or other media

What needs to be credited or documented?

The bottom line: document any words, ideas, or other productions that originate somewhere

outside of you.

What needs to be credited or documented?

What does not need to be credited or documented?

1. Writing your own lived experiences, your own observations and insights, your own thoughts, and your own conclusions about a subject

What does not need to be credited or documented?

2. When you are writing up your own results obtained through lab or field experiments

What does not need to be credited or documented?

3. When you use your own artwork, digital photographs, video, audio, etc.

What does not need to be credited or documented?

4. When you are using "common knowledge," things like folklore, common sense observations, myths, urban legends, and historical events (but not historical documents)

What does not need to be credited or documented?

5. When you are using generally-accepted facts, e.g., pollution is bad for the environment, including facts that are accepted within particular discourse communities, e.g., in the field of composition studies, "writing is a process" is a generally-accepted fact.

Every direct quotation, summary, and paraphrase needs to be documented with

an in-text note (264).

Every essay needs a Works Cited page at the end (281).

Now that we know which sources to document, how do we document


Writer’s family name

(Smith 32)

Page number in original text where

information was found

In-Text Notes

Writing Direct Quotations

Let’s look at page 264 in our text get a general idea about how to use direct quotations.

Writing Direct Quotations

1. Keep the source author's name in the same sentence as the quote

Writing Direct Quotations

2. Mark the quote with quotation marks, or set it off from your text in its own block, per the style guide your paper follows

Writing Direct Quotations

3. Quote no more material than is necessary; if a short phrase from a source will suffice, don't quote an entire paragraph

Writing Direct Quotations

4. To shorten quotes by removing extra information, use ellipsis points (...) to indicate omitted text

Writing Direct Quotations

5. To give context to a quote or otherwise add wording to it, place added words in brackets, []; be careful not to make any additions that skew the original meaning of the quote

Writing Direct Quotations

6. Use quotes that will have the most rhetorical, argumentative impact in your paper; too many direct quotes from sources may weaken your credibility, as though you have nothing to say yourself

Remember, only about 10% or less of your paper should be direct quotes.

Writing Paraphrases or Summaries

1. Use a statement that credits the source somewhere in the paraphrase or summary, e.g., According to Jonathan Kozol, ....

Writing Paraphrases or Summaries

2. If you're having trouble summarizing, try writing your paraphrase or summary of a text without looking at the original, relying only on your memory and notes

Writing Paraphrases or Summaries

3. Check your paraphrase or summary against the original text; correct any errors in content accuracy, and be sure to use quotation marks to set off any exact phrases from the original text

Writing Paraphrases or Summaries

4. Put quotation marks around any unique words or phrases that you cannot or do not want to change

Example: “Savage inequalities" exist throughout our

educational system (Kozol).

Let’s look at page 267 in our text.Note Forms

Let’s look at page 268 in our text.In-Text Citations

Let’s look at page 269 in our text.Works Cited

Writer’s family name

Blair, Walter. Mark Twain & Huck Finn. Berkeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1962.

Year of publication

Works Cited

Publishing companies’ name

Place of publication

Writer’s given nameTitle of book

Nowadays, women are no longer looked down upon by society, for they are playing an important part in many fields, which cause society to advance.

Thesis Statement

Nowadays, women are no longer looked down upon by society, for they are playing an important part in many fields, which cause society to advance.

Thesis Statement

This paper tells us Chinese traditional culture. It is divided into several aspects: the first aspect is lead-in, it is not the most important one but give us a general beginning; the second aspect shows excellent points of Chinese traditional culture; the third aspect shows some negative points; the last aspect is a conclusion but not a simple conclusion. The whole paper shows us the author's idea on Chinese traditional culture and how to judge the culture. The author uses relative method.

Thesis Statement

In this article we will discuss the situation of graduates' employment in China by analyzing the reasons and measures of their unemployment.

Thesis Statement

The quality of college student need to be further improved because, on the one hand, the quality of college students is showing obvious decreasing due to different reason in recent years. on the other hand the fierce competition raises the standard for human resource.

Thesis Statement

With the development of the education, more and more students are able to get the college education, but for same reasons, some of them are dishonest, in the long run, dishonest is really horrible, college students should be honest.

Thesis Statement

Sex education is necessary for the teenagers because the growing incidence of teenage pregnancies and the rise in HIV.

Thesis Statement

You must include the following in your second and final drafts of your paper:

1. In-text citations (pg 268-269)2. Works cited at the end (pg 269; 281)

Review the following pages in your text:

Pg. 267 – 270

Pg. 272 – 274

Pg. 281

Also, preview Introductions / Conclusion handouts

Reading Assignment

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