Les barbares attaquent la santé ! Par Oussama Ammar, Cofondateur et Partner de TheFamily

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Toutes les autres vidéos et les prochains Barbares sur: http://bit.ly/1FAGlLc Ne ratez aucun événement de TheFamily, inscrivez-vous sur: http://www.thefamily.co/education Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Youtube de TheFamily: https://www.youtube.com/user/Startupfood On pourrait croire à tort que la santé résisterait aux attaques des barbares. Ceux ci seraient-ils assez insolents pour prendre d'assaut la vie humaine ? Ne devrait-elle pas rester entre les mains de docteurs formés de longues années durant, aux savoirs profonds et aux lourdes responsabilités, adossés à des hôpitaux, structures, et organisations, ayant fait leurs preuves? Et pourtant, la première opération de l'appendicite sans intervention humaine a eu lieu il y a quelques mois. La Big Data permet de prédire l'avenir médical, et les outils numériques remplacent les médecins dans les diagnostics et suivis des patients. Avec les progrès de l'Intelligence Artificielle et de la bionanotechnologie, certains nous prédisent l'immortalité. Google s'y est d'ailleurs attelé. Ne ratez aucun événement de TheFamily, inscrivez-vous sur http://www.thefamily.co/education Visitez le site des Barbares Attaquent: http://bit.ly/1yVdkF0


Barbares attaquent la santé !

Many thanks to:

Our world is very promising

Health technologies are exponentiallyFaster, Smaller, Cheaper & BETTER

Information & Data Driven Health

Digitization of Medicine

Augmedix: a service for medical doctors that's powered by Google Glass

Electronic health records


Quantified Self

Big data techniques explosion

One of the world’s biggest healthcare databases. They’ve created applications that tap into the more than 100 billion data points in their database. Their solutions help clinicians analyze troves of data from disparate sources, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and payor financial data, in real time.

Patients like me

Watson, this is a revolutionOnly 20 percent of the knowledge physicians use to make diagnosis and treatment decisions today is evidence based. The result? One in five diagnoses are incorrect or incomplete and nearly 1.5 million medication errors are made in the US every year.

Watson uses natural language capabilities, hypothesis generation, and evidence-based learning to support medical professionals as they make decisions.

Personalized medicine

Low cost genomics

23 and me23andMe

Ion Torrent







Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring



Bio Hackers Labs

La paillasse

Regenerative medicine

Printing organs

Printing teeth



Google Calico

Laura Deming: The Longevity Fund

The Future of Intervention

Robotic Surgery


Intuitive surgical

Bionic Limbs

Health through the mind

Real time brain imaging

The billion-dollar European brain project

Brain computer interface

Behavioral Medicine

Positive Social Pressure

Pharmaceutics under attack too

We can say it’s very clear there is a big bang of technology

Image d’iceberg, pas de txt

The Problem: How can all of that access the market?

Imagine a portable, low-intensity X-ray machine that can be wheeled between offices

on a small cart. It creates images of such clarity that pediatricians, internists, and

nurses can detect cracks in bones or lumps in tissue in their offices, not in a hospital.

It works through a patented “nanocrystal” process, which uses night-vision technology

borrowed from the military. At 10% of the cost of a conventional X-ray machine, it

could save patients, their employers, and insurance companies hundreds of thousands

of dollars every year.

Great innovation, right? Guess again. When the entrepreneur who developed the

machine tried to license the technology to established health care companies, he

couldn’t even get his foot in the door. Large-scale X-ray equipment suppliers wanted no

part of it. Why? Because it threatened their business models.

A little story...

Very sad, but very common story

The healthcare industry lives outside the market

The classical path to innovation

But this traditional path seems broken

The High-End Disruption

Given the obstacles to low-end disruption, health care’s

true disruptive innovation may come from the opposite

side of the economic spectrum: the patients with

the best health insurance coverage (or that

don’t care of the money involved).

Most demanding patient

The least cost-sensitive patients

They value:- Reaching medical experts anytime, anytime

- They would be willing to pay more themselves

Here’s the funny trick: They won’t have to pay more since even the most sophisticated expertise available through web-

based and video technology will cost less to provide.

High-ends individuals realize digital care and technology is easier and much less expensive

It will become evident

Doctors and hospitals can continue to practice under the current model

for a few more years. After all, even high-end disruption will take several

years to unfold. But at some point – and I predict sooner than later –

industry-wide disruption will begin. Once it does, the pace will be rapid.

The Political Opportunity in France

La Sécurité Sociale

Obamacare on the way of innovation


You are Welcome to Join the Adventure


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