Lenten Resources 2012

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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a handout of resources for Lent 2012


LENT 2012

Area Programs and Events

The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas

How will you observe a Holy Lent this year? Will you attend the events in

your area, or add a study or prayer resource to your daily routine? It is

difficult to make a choice unless you have the information you seek. As a

service to the Diocese we have compiled a list of resources available to

Episcopalians and non-Episcopalians in the Diocese of NW Texas. We

hope you find it useful as we approach this most reverent season of

reflection and growth.

Lenten Events and Series– St. Andrew’s Amarillo

Annual Pancake Supper– Come Join the Fun!

Tuesday, February 21, 5:30– 7:00pm in the Parish Hall

Pancakes and bacon!

All Proceeds will go to teens and their Holy Pilgrimages and

Mission Trips in 2013.

Please support our youth!

Lenten Series– February 29– March 28- Come to any or all

5:30 pm Eucharist in the Children’s chapel

6:00pm Light Potluck Supper– Parish Hall

6:30– 7:30pm Programs– Nursery available

ADULT LENTEN SERIES– DVD Presentation of From Jesus to Christ– an exciting presenta-

tion that will enlighten and challenge the viewer.

YOUTH LENTEN SERIES– Wizards and Wonders- Mark and Marcy McKay will lead this ex-

ploration of issues through the use of the popular Harry Potter series, such as : identity, alliances,

teamwork, spiritual gifts, life’s direction, temptations, moral choices, courage and faith.

LENTEN SERIES– Centering Prayer

Mondays at 5:3opm orientation, 6:00– 7:00 in Children’s Chapel

Come practice this ancient discipline, as well as examine how this deeply spiritual discipline re-

lates to our classic tradition of Christian contemplation. As a guide, the group will use the book

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault. (Available for $10) Childcare

will be available.

The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas

Lent 2012 Series at Church of the Heavenly Rest– Abilene

For this year’s Lenten program, we will be taking a journey across the pond to the hallowed halls

of Oxford University. During Lent, join us at Heavenly Rest to learn about some of Anglican his-

tory’s most important writers with some of the finest scholars in the area. We will be exploring

these modern Anglican Divines in the context of Evensong, a choral service of Evening Prayer

that is one of Anglicanism’s great gifts to the Christian tradition. We hope that you will be able to

join us to experience and learn more about our rich Anglican heritage.

GEORGE MACDONALD Wedneday, February 29 at 6:30 pm in the nave

Larry Fink, Professor of English at Hardin-Simmons University, will begin our Lenten series by introducing us to

George MacDonald, a Scottish author and clergyman whose work influenced many of the great Christian writers of

the twentieth century.

DOROTHY SAYERS Wedneday, March 7 at 6:30 pm in the nave

Chris Willerton, Professor of English at Abilene Christian University, will continue our series by discussing Dorothy

Sayers, an English author known for her diverse and prolific output ranging from crime novels to devotional writings.

J.R.R. TOLKIEN Wednesday, March 14 at 6:30 pm in the nave Mikee Delony, Assistant Professor of English at Abilene Christian University, will continue our Lenten exploration by

teaching us about J.R.R. Tolkien, who is best known as the author of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.


Wednesday, March 21 at 6:30 pm in the nave

Ronald Schuchard, C. White Professor of English at Emory University, will discuss the Lenten experience in T.S.

Eliot’s life and work.

Thursday, March 22 11:30 am luncheon in the parish hall. Please make reservations for lunch via email or call 325-677-2091.

4:00 pm university seminar in the parish hall. All are welcome to attend. The general theme of Schuchard's talks will be Eliot and spirituality, with a focus on the conflicts of the intellectual

soul, the nature and difficulty of spiritual progress, the inextricability of doubt and belief, the necessity of humility,

and the action of the will, as developed in his poetry and essays.

C.S. LEWIS Wedneday, March 28 at 6:30 pm in the nave Ken Herfurth, Adjunct Professor of Religion and Ethics at McMurry University, will conclude our series with a dis-

cussion of C.S. Lewis, a Christian apologist known widely as one of the most imaginative Christian writers of the

twentieth century.

Sunday, April 1 at 9:30 am in the library - Ken Herfurth will continue our dialogue about C.S. Lewis as special Sun-

day school event.



The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas

2012 Lenten Luncheon Series- Lubbock

Held weekly at

St. Paul’s on the Plains Episcopal Church

1510 Ave. X

This year our preachers are Episcopal clergy serving in Lubbock, speaking about

their favorite Lenten hymns:

Feb 29--The Rev. J. David Perdue, Rector of St. Stephen's: Hymn 150

Mar 7--The Rev. J. Edson Way, Rector of St. Christopher's: Hymn 147

Mar 14--The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, Bishop of NW Texas: Hymn 149

Mar 21--The Rev. Patricia Russell, Canterbury Chaplain: Hymn 143

Mar 28--The Rev. James P. Haney V, Rector of St. Paul's: Hymn 142

SERMONS followed by Soup and Sandwiches

We will begin at noon with a short devotion, then a sermon. Everyone is invited to stay for a meal of soup and sand-

wiches immediately following. There is no charge for the meal, but donations are gratefully accepted.

For more information call the church office at 806-762-2893.

Lenten Soup Suppers– Holy Trinity Midland

Through the generous donation of their time and abilities five volunteers have offered to prepare a

Lenten Soup Supper. Soup Suppers will be offered on Wednesday, February 29th, and continue

all through Lent. Our last Soup Supper will be served on Wednesday, March 28th.

The Soup Suppers will begin at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall. The menu will be soup, bread, and

beverages. There will be a class at 6:00 pm Introduction to the Bible taught by Father John.

Please join us for soup and fellowship!

Lenten Events– St. Mary’s Big Spring

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parish Hall– 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Ecumenical Lenten Luncheons

Begin Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Noon– 1:00pm

Rev. Bill Ivins from 1st United Methodist will speak. Lunch Provided by ECW.

The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas

Wednesday Evening Lenten Study Series– St. John’s Odessa

“Surprised by Hope; Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church” is a study that

addresses the question of our ultimate Christian hope and the hope for change, rescue, transformation, and new possi-

bilities within in the world at this present time. The DVD and discussion lead study is based on work of N.T. Wright.

Study Sessions

Hope for the World-Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hope of the Resurrection-Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Hope of Heaven-Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Hope of Jesus’ Second Coming-Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Hope of Salvation-Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Hope of the Church-Wednesday, March 28, 2012

N.T. Wright is one of the world’s top biblical scholars, a prolific author, and Bishop of Durham in the Church

of England. His book, Jesus and the Victory of God, is widely regarded as one of the most significant studies on the

historical Jesus. Among his many published works are Simply Christian, The Challenge of Jesus, The Meaning of

Jesus (Coauthored with Marcus Borg), and What Saint Paul Really Said.

Please let Cheri know if you are planning to attend so that we can order participant guides for everyone. The

cost of the study guides are $11 each. If you are unable to purchase a guide for yourself, let us know and we will make

other arrangements for you. All of the sessions will be held in Angel Hall at St. John’s, 401 N County Road West. We

will enjoy a light soup, bread and dessert supper followed by our Lenten Study Sessions. All are welcome!

Lenten Events– St. Barnabas’ Odessa

Feb 29 St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Church, 4141 Tanglewood

(Life in Grace Lutheran Preparing the Meal)

Speaker Rev Joseph Uecker

Theme I AM the light of the world Text- John 8:12

Mar 7 Bethany Christian Church, 4522 N. Everglade Ave.

Speaker Rev. Courtney Johnson

Theme I AM the door Text- John 10:7

Mar 14 Highland United Methodist Church, 1808 Dixie

Speaker Rev. Michael Mueller

Theme I AM the good shepherd Text- John 10:11-14

Mar 21 First Presbyterian Church, 1401 Sam Houston

Speaker Rev. Steven Kelley

Theme: I AM the resurrection and the life Text- John 11:25

Mar 28 St. John’s Episcopal Church, 401 N. County Rd West

Speaker Rev. Steve Digby

Theme I AM the way the truth and the life Text- John 14:6

Apr 4 First Christian Church, 601 N. Lee Ave.

Speaker Rev. Clay Porter

Theme I am the true vine Text- John 15:1, 5

Apr 6 Stations of the Cross - Begins at Noel Plaza at 1:00

Suggested donation for meal $5.00 per person (These monies cover the cost of the food.)

Schedule Lunch 11:15 a.m. – Noon Worship 12:05 – 12:45 p.m.

Offerings, which are gathered at each Worship Service, will go to Family Promise of Odessa.

The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas

Lenten Events– Good Shepherd, San Angelo

February 21st at 6:00 p.m. the Episcopal Vestry will cook a pancake supper for everyone.

February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. we will have our Ash Wednesday service.

February 29th we will begin our Wednesday Lenten services at 5:30 p.m. with a church service.

At 6:00 p.m. we will have our soup/salad dinner followed by a book study of

40-day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer at 6:45 p.m.

This will continue every Wednesday through March 28th.

Our email address is goodshepherdepiscopal1@gmail.com.

Lenten Programs for Emmanuel Episcopal Church– San Angelo Mission/Living our Faith

Wednesday, February 29-“Lenten Gathering”- 6:45, The Great Room

Sunday, March 4-The Reverend Dr. Jane Patterson

8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Sermon Topic-“A Saving Life”

9:30 a.m., The Great Room

Informal Discussion with Jane Patterson

Adult Classes, Older Youth Everyone is Welcome!

Wednesday, March 7-6:45, The Great Room

Craig Meyers, local humanitarian, co-pastor, 23 years, St. Paul Presbyterian Church

Wednesday, March 14-6:45, The Great Room

Katy Hoskins, Director, “Promises for Families” Foundation

Gloria Neumeyer, sharing her story of the Adams’ Houses

Wednesday, March 21-6:45, The Great Room

Charles Camp and Tom Porter Recent Mission trip to Honduras

Wednesday, March 28-6:45, The Great Room

As we have looked for new signs of hope in our personal lives and

in the church, we will have a “wrap-up” session of our Lenten theme.

The Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas


SoSA 2012- Lenten Devotions Program - “Living Proof”

The Society of St. Andrew invites your congregation to participate in their 2012 Lenten devotion and giving pro-

gram, “Living Proof”. In keeping with the traditions of Lent, the Society of St. Andrew invites your congregation to

participate in a program of spiritual reflection, prayer, and giving. SoSA’s Lenten devotion program challenges the

reader to take seriously the scriptural injunctions to care for the poor, while also providing an opportunity to feed our

hungry neighbors.

For more information, visit http://www.endhunger.org/lent.htm.

CREDO 2012- Lenten Series

CREDO invites you to join a thoughtful, daily audio series that raises the im-

portant questions of the Lenten season: What is our Identity in Christ and how

do we remain in community with God, others, and ourselves?

Each day during Lent, join author and CREDO faculty member Michael Battle

for a brief, incisive and galvanizing reflection on the powerful spiritual mes-

sages of the Lenten season. Daily reflections are offered in audio, text and pdf

for printing and taking with you.

Sign up now to receive a daily e-mail that delivers these Lenten reflections directly to your inbox.The several-step

process (which is designed to reduce your spam) just takes two minutes and will be well worth the trouble.

Listen to Michael's introduction to Seeking First the Kingdom of God: Encountering Others as Ourselves


ERD invites you to commemorate Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on the

first Sunday in Lent, February 26, 2012, or another convenient date during the Lenten


To help you or your congregation prepare for this special Sunday and for the Lenten

journey, we encourage you to order the 2012 Lenten Meditations guide. Available in

English and Spanish, this year’s devotional provides a particular emphasis on promot-

ing health and fighting disease while preparing ourselves for healing. The daily readings

are co-authored by a group of leaders from across the Episcopal Church, who bring a

range of perspectives as they reflect on Scripture and other sources of spiritual wisdom.

For more information, please visit the ERD website.

Lenten Devotional Booklet (order or download). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .More

Sign up for a daily devotional message during Lent . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signup

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