LENT LUNCHES Church Stockbury - hugofox.com

Post on 20-Mar-2022






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Not that I’m wishing the time away,

and at risk of sounding like a bah-

humbug yet again, I’ll be glad when Spring arrives as

I’ve had enough of snow already. I hope that by the

time you’re reading this the white-stuff has gone!

Maybe it was because of needing something to while

away those cold, snowy days I was asked if I could put

in a slightly more difficult crossword this month? Does

being bigger make it more difficult? I hope the one

I’ve squashed onto page 3 fits the bill. I’m always

happy to consider requests for items for the Observer.

Please contact me with any suggestions or ideas.

Tickets for the second year of the lottery for the

Church repairs went on sale during January and I

understand they are selling well. See page 9 for details

of how to buy your ticket and don’t forget to mention

Gift Aid if you’re a tax payer.

In this month’s edition:

Regulars: St Mary Magdelene and South Green

Service dates; Poet’s Corner; Puzzle Corner; Cottage

Gardeners; Letters;

Features: Mistakes (1)

Reports from: Masked Ball; St Mary Magdelene

Church Draw; Book Club

Notices & Dates: Fun Quiz; Library, Community Bus

schedule; 2013 Stockbury Observer Deadline dates;

Lent Lunches; Pie Lunch; Cricket Club

Sue Gardner


By John Cockett

Something my mother had said

Keeps going round in my head

When autumn has gone

It’s “winter draws on”!

Or a hot water bottle in bed!

February 2013—Editor’s notes


In view of the difficult weather conditions likely in February, services will be held in member’s homes at the usual time of 10am each Sunday. If you would like to attend any of the services please ring 01795 842978 for details of venue.

Diary for February

All events at the Memorial Hall unless otherwise shown

Fri 1st Dancing Club 8 pm

Sun 3rd Bowls 3-5 pm

Tue 5th Bowls 2-4 pm

NSYC 7.30 pm

Wed 6th Pilates 9.30-10.30 am

Thu 7th Gardeners 8 pm

Fri 8th Dancing Club 8 pm

Sat 9th Fun Quiz 7.30 pm

Sun 10th Bowls 3-5 pm

Tue 12th Bowls 2-4 pm

Wed 13th Pilates 9.30-10.30 am

WI 7.30 pm

Thu 14th Bowls match 7.30 pm

Fri 15th Dancing Club 8 pm

Sun 17th Bowls 3-5 pm

Tue 19th Bowls 2-4 pm

NSYC 7.30 pm

Wed 20th Pilates 9.30-10.30 am

Parish Council 7.30 pm

Thu 21st Bowls 7.30 pm

Fri 22nd Dancing Club 8 pm

Sun 24th Bowls 3-5pm

Tue 26th Bowls 2-4 pm

Wed 27th Pilates 9.30-10.30 am

Thu 28th Bowls 7.30 pm

Stockbury Parish Council Minutes

The full unapproved minutes will be

published on www.stockbury.org.uk as soon

as they are available. These unapproved

minutes will be approved at the next Parish

Council meeting to be held on

Wednesday 20th February 2013

Page 2

The services in the church for February 2013 are planned as follows:- 3 February - 3 pm Sung Communion 17 February – 3 pm Sung Communion Also:- 13 February – Ash Wednesday – there will be services in Iwade & Newington churches at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. If we experience extreme weather, these details may change, so please check with the church notice board or contact The Revd Liz Cox. Details of the range of services held within the six parish cluster, to which Stockbury belongs can also be found on the parishes' website – www.thesix.org.uk. or contact The Revd Liz Cox. For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact The Revd Elizabeth Cox - tel. 01795 - 844241 Penny Stevens, PCC secretary

St Mary Magdalene Church Stockbury

Stockbury WI

No report this month for the WI except

to mention advance notice of our very

popular Pie Lunch which is to be held on Saturday 20th

April. As usual, there will be two sittings and tickets are

now on sale. Please see page 6 for more details.

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7.30

pm and have a full programme available for 2013, details to

appear in future issues of the Stockbury Observer. Why not

come along and try us out?

February Sudoku (medium) Solutions on

page 10


(soup, jacket potatoes etc.)

Stockbury Village Hall

12.30—2 pm



6th March

13th March

20th March

There will be a bring and buy stall

Everyone welcome

(Proceeds to Christian Aid and

Stockbury Church)

MASKED BALL New Year’s Eve in the Village

Hall saw party-goers arriving in

disguise. However, most masks

were discarded by the time the

first course was served– it seems

that soup and masks don’t mix!

The food was as delicious as

usual, prepared by Sue Porter and

Jacqui Harman ably assisted by

Treena Field, Kirstie Monk,

Harriet Averns, Sam Martin and

Ella and maybe some party-goers were a bit full-up with so

much yummy food to make it to the dance floor despite the

Five Star Swing band swinging!

The tables were decorated to the high standard we’ve

come to expect and the prize went to the table in the

corner—picture above. I’m glad I didn’t have to choose!

Midnight brought a few more revellers to the dance floor

and a rendition of Auld Lang Syne raised the rafters

followed by a fireworks display on the green, despite the

weather trying to dampen a few squibs.

Sue Gardner

Members of the winning table (see page 11 for more photos)

Page 3

February Crossword

To contact the editor: Email: stockburyobserver@googlemail.com

All stories, notices, letters, recipes, articles and pictures


All contributions must have a genuine name and contact

details otherwise the article will not be considered for


Please try to write your article as concisely as possible. The

Editor may have to change your layout etc. in order to

fit the space onto the pages.

Deadline third Friday of the month, see page 4 for

details. Please provide your articles sooner if possible please.

All emails will be acknowledged.

Views expressed by contributors are those of the author and not

necessarily those of the Editor or Parish Council. However, the

Editor reserves the right to publish, shorten articles/letters or

reduce the size of notices.

Solutions on page 10

Page 4

Visit us on: www.stockbury.org.uk

You get more with the

on-line Stockbury Observer!

Colour! More photos!

Available after the 1st of each month


2013 Please note the following deadlines which are the 3rd

Friday of the month with the exception of March,

August and November when it will be the 4th Friday.

I would much appreciate it if you didn’t leave your

submission to the absolute deadline as frequently

happened in 2012. Many thanks for your

consideration. The Editor

March 22nd August 23rd

April 19th September 20th

May 17th October 18th

June 21st November 22nd

July 19th December 20th

Stockbury Book Club

Book: Me Before You

Author: Jo Jo Moyes

Our Verdict: 9/10

This book sparked much debate at our book club meeting

this month. So much so, that we were hard pushed to

'rein it in' so that we could disperse and go home at the

end of the evening! It tells the story of a young, active

man, Will, who after being in a road accident faces a life

of paralysis confined to a wheelchair. Along comes Lou,

who becomes his carer and thus begins their journey

together - the ending unknown until the very last pages.

Although predictable in parts, this book is emotive,

credible, and totally engaging. Its story-line touches

upon mismatched love, family relationships, and the

highly topical subject of assisted dying. It's not all

kleenex and sniffles though. Many humorous incidents

are conjured up by the author, resulting in the reader's

feelings being sent oscillating from one emotion to the


All our members said they loved it and were moved by

it. Comments were made that, out of all the books we

have read so far, this one evoked more debate, discussion

and opinions than any other. Easy to read, thought

provoking and gripping. Give it a go!

Denise Summer

Page 5






M B Farms Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 8.00 am—5.00 pm

Sunday 8.00 am—3.00 pm

Post Office hours Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 9.00 am—5.00 pm

Wed—9.00 am—4.00 pm

Sat—9.00 am—12.30 pm

Saturday Freighter Service

Stockbury Village Hall

Next collection date:

2nd February, 10:15—11:00 am.

There is no collection in March

For more information : http:/www.maidstone.gov.uk/



Local Electrician

Domestic electrical installation

& repair work

undertaken to a high standard

No job too small

Part P BS7671 Qualified

Free Estimates

Call - Graham Seymour

Tel:01622 884288

Mobile:07522 666116

The Harrow Pub For your diary

Please note:

Fish & Chips Night will be held on

Saturday 2nd February

from 6 pm till 9. 30 pm (last booking)

Bookings only

Cod, Rock, Haddock

Phone 01795 842546

Valentines Day menu available—please ring for

enquiries Charles and Maxine would like you to join them on 22nd February to celebrate their joint birthday party

Live music and a complimentary buffet 7.30 for 8 pm

All are welcome

Community Bus

Weekly Schedule

Mondays – Sittingbourne

Tuesdays – Maidstone

incl. Lockmeadow Market

Thursdays – Hempstead Valley Shopping

Centre (Savacentre)

Pick ups from 9.30 a.m.

close to where you live

Call 07551-454702 to book your seat

Sponsored by

Mobile Library The mobile library stops out front of Stockbury Village Hall

every Thursday between 10.00 and 10.30 am.

Page 6

FUN QUIZ In aid of Stockbury Church



February 2013


Stockbury Village Hall

7.30pm start

£5.50 per person includes soft drinks and nibbles

(Bring own glasses)

Team of 6-8 per table

Contact Brenda Mace 01622 884746

Pie Lunch

Date for your diary

Stockbury Village Hall

Saturday 20th April

11.45am to 1.15pm


1.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Adults £7.00 Children under 12yrs £4.00

Include a dessert, and tea or coffee

For tickets please telephone

Mary Clarke: 01795 842991


Brenda Mace: 01622 884746

planting in the garden.

When the ground is a little drier than it has been lately,

carefully remove each bean plant along with some soil. Try

not to damage or separate the roots and plant out as per the

instructions on the seed packet following guidance for

spacing and row width. If you have a bigger plot you can

even plant up several lengths of guttering.

There is NO excuse now for missing a planting date for

broad beans!!!


Winter cabbage and Brussels may still be standing so on a

dry day try to pick up old leaves from under the mature

heads and pull from the plants any yellowing leaves. This

will give the slugs less chance of getting a feed, as we have

had such a wet period. I have noticed the increased

population of small black slugs.

If you have a greenhouse or conservatory you could steal a

march on your neighbours by planting some tomato seeds.

However, remember that they germinate really fast so they

will require a lot of all-round light and warmth so, leave

them until later if you do not have facilities.

Lettuce can be planted now in the greenhouse and they put

out under cloches when ready to transplant. I always grow

the sweet and crisp Little Gem. Lettuce is one of the few

seeds that will NOT germinate if they are too hot, so a cool

greenhouse or windowsill will get them going.

Last month I reminded you to plan your planting. There is

still time to order seeds. Next year remember that ALL

Stockbury gardeners receive a 40% discount if you order

through the society in December.

Do not forget our meeting is on 7th February.

Tip of the month: it’s a great idea to compost kitchen

vegetable waste but do NOT use leek, onion , or garlic as

you could introduce disease into the garden.

If you have any questions on either the Gardeners’ society

or general growing queries, please come along on the 7th

and ask. Someone will always know the answer. If it’s

your first time, you can come as a guest. Annual

membership is only £10 which is terrific value.

Chris Spree

See page 7 for our programme from Feb-Jun

‘Things to do with a big lawnmower!’


If you are like me and forgot to plant broad beans in

October, you can always cheat by copying me.

First take a 6 foot length of old plastic guttering, and

tape up each end with gaffer tape/duct tape. I normally

use old tomato compost, break it up and lay it in the

gutter. Moisten the compost and plant the bean seeds

about 3 inches apart along the length.

Keep the guttering in a warm conservatory or

greenhouse until the bean plants are about 2 inches in

height; it will take about 2-3 weeks. Take care not to

allow them to stay indoors for too long or they will

become “leggy”.

They need to be put outside to acclimatise prior to

Page 7

Letters Dear Editor,

Has anyone else told you that they saw an Emu or Ostrich

running around in the field next to the White House on A249?

We did but got nowhere with our enquiries. Did it belong to

the White House, had it got out from somewhere? We hope it

managed to find its way home because it would not last long

in the snow.

This is a true story.

Frank and Brenda Mace

Parish Council Funding - Council Tax

It is with great regret that Stockbury Parish Council feels that

it has no alternative but to raise the Parish element (the

precept) of the coming year’s council tax.

We recognise that, in the middle of a recession, this is an

unwelcome change for all Parishioners and would like to

explain why this decision has been reached.

A significant part of the income received by Stockbury

Parish Council comes in the form of funding from Maidstone

Borough Council (MBC). This money is intended to pay for

services that the Parish Council provides which, more urban

Parishes within the Borough would have centrally funded by

MBC. An example would be street cleaning.

Stockbury Parish Council has been working hard with the

group of Parishes around Maidstone, to encourage Maidstone

Borough Council to improve its approach to Parish funding

and to be more open about how it spends the money it

receives from all of us in the form of Council Tax.

Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to achieve this.

In order to balance its books, MBC has significantly

reduced the funding to its Parishes for 2013 and will continue

to reduce it over the coming years. This will help MBC keep

its element of your council tax the same, but gives us the

choice, either to stop certain services in the Parish, or raise

our element of the Council Tax.

You may be aware that we have already asked the Village

Hall Committee and Church to reduce their reliance on

funding from the Parish Council. This will allow Stockbury

Parish Council to significantly reduce the pressure on the

Parish budget this year.

Along with other measures, we have reduced the Parish

Council’s planned expenditure for 2013-2014 by 19% when

compared to the current year. We must however plan for

funding reductions by MBC in future years.

By raising the Parish element of the Council Tax now,

Stockbury Parish Council is confident that the effects of

reduced funding from MBC, can be offset over the next 3


Please be assured that the Parish Council will continue

working hard with other Parishes in the Borough in order to

maintain pressure on MBC, to be more open about its


The amount of your council tax which comes directly to

the Parish is small, for a band E property, it is £40.00 per

year, approximately 2% of your total council tax bill. The

estimated amount of increase per week for each council tax

band for 2013-2014 is shown below.

Council Tax Band Amount of increase Per week (Est.)

A £0.07

B £0.08

C £0.09

D £0.10

E £0.13

F £0.15

G £0.21

H £0.22

Stockbury Parish Council

Stockbury Cricket Club

in association with Hartlip CC

It still feels like winter, but the cricket season is not far

away. Now is the time to start brushing up on your

batting and bowling skills so why not join us for net


Where: The Howard School

When: Tuesday evening 7.00-8.30pm

5th Feb—26th Mar

Everyone 14yrs. and over is welcome to come along

Please call the captain Tom Bulbrook for more

details: 07780440526

2013 Programme 7th February 8pm ‘Quiz’ A general knowledge fun quiz

7th March 8pm ‘Growing Exhibition

Potatoes with Sherie Plumb’ - DVD presention featuring

one of the top exhibitors in the show world explaining how she

grows potatoes – useful information for growing in containers.

4th April 8pm Talk: ‘Ranscombe Farm

Reserve’ Mr Richard Moyse—A nature reserve, working

farm & country park occupying an area of 560 acres in Cuxton.

Wed 24th April 7.30pm ‘Annual Gardening Quiz’ - A visit to Faversham Horticultural Society to support our quiz


Wed 1st May 8pm ‘Hanging Basket Workshop’

- Bring baskets/liners and purchase plants (compost/feed/water-

storing granules supplied).

6th June 6.30pm Visit to ‘Blacker & Moore

Cut Flower Farm’ - A specialist nursery supplying scented

roses and peonies for weddings.

Sat 22nd June 2pm Sweet Pea & Rose Show A special year for us, as we celebrate the 60th year of this show.

Lex Levermore (Secretary)

Page 8


by Ann Rich

We all make mistakes at some point in our lives

(unless of course you are perfect!) some more

serious than others. Usually none of them are well

publicised. However other individuals are not so

fortunate. I thought, for your interest, I would

relate some of those serious errors over the next

few months, events you will no doubt remember

from history lessons...

You probably don’t know Thomas Farynor by

name but if I mention Pudding Lane next to it then

you may have

a clue as to

this person’s


mistake and



misjudgements too.

Fraynor was a well respected, royal baker to

Charles II and had been for five years. His bakery

was in Pudding Lane adjacent to a largely non-

residential area of old London. His working days

were long and arduous. Each night he would douse

the fire ovens and take his candle up to bed. On

the night of September 2nd 1666 he failed (it is

supposed) to extinguish the embers and at around

two in the morning sparks from them kindled a

fire, which spread rapidly, fanned by a strong

wind. Now the rest you might say is history for the

conflagration which followed destroyed the City

of London and became known as the Great Fire of


However Farynor’s mistake, oversight,

carelessness, call it what you will was not the only

error committed that year and which culminated in

the huge, destructive fire.

The 1666 summer had been exceptionally hot

and the close built wooden structures of London

were tinder dry. Fires, albeit small frequently

broke out and were quickly quenched, but despite

warnings as to the dangers no measures were taken

by the authorities to consider emergency


When Pudding Lane caught light it was assumed

by some influential people including the Mayor of

London, Sir Thomas Bloodworth, to be just

another minor problem. Pepys, the diarist, woken

by his maid in the early hours dismissed the

visible smoke as to be nothing of consequence.

But by dawn the dwellings on London Bridge

were burning.

Having lost the opportunity to take evasive

action before dawn, later that morning Pepys

walked to the Tower of London and when he

observed the path of the flames, immediately

informed the King who subsequently ordered the

mayor, to begin demolition of as many houses as

necessary to form a fire break. The mayor dithered

about what action to take and was slow to take

account of the gathering strength of the east wind.

By the following dawn the fire still raged and now

the Duke of York took control, using the militia to

fight the fire and stop looting, to no avail.

Tuesday saw the destruction worsen. Cheapside

burned, Ludgate and Newgate prisons were

destroyed, Fleet Street and Chancery Lane were on

fire and eventually St Paul’s Cathedral went up in

flames, the heat melting the roof and the molten

lead flowed down Ludgate Hill. The temperature

was such that stones from the building exploded

and in a very short time the building was a ruin. By

the end of Wednesday the wind had changed

direction, the fire had slowed and it headed towards

the river where eventually it died. By Thursday the

embers still smouldered but the remains of the fire

were contained. It has been suggested that even six

months later some of London’s cellars were still

being cooled down.

Around 13,000 houses were burned, 84 churches,

and 44 company halls lost and 100,000 people were

made homeless. However one could say that despite

the errors good came out of the destruction.

London’s worst slums where the great plague of

1665 had raged, were destroyed. Planned

reconstruction of the City could take place and not

least Sir Christopher Wren had a chance to rebuild

St Paul’s Cathedral.

Ref: Bruce Robinson Camb. Univ. ‘London’s Burning’

Nigel Blundell ‘Mistakes of the world’

Page 9



Cost of one draw entry for each of TEN months (March to December)

= ONE payment of £10, payable in January / early February 2013

Prizes Each month - March to December £ 30 . £ 20 . £ 15

plus one additional prize

March, June & September £ 50

plus one additional prize

December £ 100

If 200 or more tickets are sold by 30 November 2013 a further prize of £50 will be paid in

December (233 tickets were sold in 2012)

The draws will take place on the second Saturday of each month - March to December:

at MB Farms Village Shop, Stockbury at 12 noon sharp.

All proceeds, after the payment of prizes, will go to the Save Stockbury Church Fund.

One or more draw tickets at £10 each may be bought. Each draw ticket will be allocated a number

which will stand for the duration of the draw.

Draw ticket holders do not have to live in or have connections with Stockbury.

Ticket numbers will be allocated as follows:

For people who bought tickets for the 2012 draw:

If you wish to buy the same number of tickets as for 2012 you will be allocated the same

numbers for 2013. No application form needs to be filled in.

If you wish to buy fewer tickets than in 2012 you can choose whichever numbers you would

like from your 2012 tickets. No application form needs to be filled in.

If you wish to buy more tickets than in 2012 you will need to fill in a new application form

for these extra tickets only.

Angela Brown at MB Farms Post Office has a list of all tickets sold in 2012—by ticket number and by

surname—and can tell you what numbers you had in 2012.

For people who did not buy tickets for the 2012 draw, please ask Angela for an application form.

Cash payments should be left with Angela at the Post Office of MB Farms Village Shop, Stockbury—

envelope and receipt will be provided

Cheque payments payable to ‘Save Stockbury Church Fund No 2 a/c’ should be left with Angela, as

above, or sent to MB Farms, c/o Angela Brown, Parsonage Farm, Stockbury, Sittingbourne,

Kent ME9 7UJ—Tel: 01795 842401, or sent to

David Williams, Beaux Aires Cottage, Yelsted Road, Stockbury, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 7QY

Tel: 01622 737392

The winners will be notified individually and published in the Stockbury Observer.

People joining after the March draw to pay £1 for each month not yet drawn - minimum £5.

The draw is registered as a lottery with Maidstone Borough Council.

Any decision requiring arbitration will be made by Stockbury Parochial Church Council.

NOTE The FIRST prize in the FIRST draw in March 2013 will be £50, as above

Page 10


Cricket Club—Mike Lee 01795 842532

Church Matters—St Mary Magdelene

Revd Liz Cox 01795 844241

South Green Methodist

Church Steward—Freddie Davey 01795 842978

Community Bus—Booking line 07551 454702

Dancing Club—Sue Carey 01634 387478

Dog Club—Mick Bingham 01795 842480

Electricity Problems 0800 7838866 Environment Agency—Incident hotline 0800 807060

Fly Tipping & Waste Collection

Including bulky items 01622 602162

Gardeners—Lex Levermore 01795 842741


Golf Society—Jeff Hall 01795 843296

Hall Bookings—Brenda Cockett 01622 737782

Maidstone BC Councillor Daphne Parvin 01622 673209

07967 224839

MB Farms stores and Post Office 01795 842401

Neighbourhood Watch—

Local co-ordinator—Tony Kerr 01795 844077

Not So Young Club—Shirley Moss 01795 842691

Kent Messenger correspondent Claire Adams 01795 841140


Pétanque Club—Mick Bingham 01795 842480

Photographic Club—Tim Arnold 01795 843049


Stockbury Observer Editor

Sue Gardner—Stockburyobserver@googlemail.com

Police – Emergency only 999



& ALL General enquiries

Police Community Support Officer for Stockbury PCSO Siobhan De Búrca 07772 226099

Crimestoppers (confidential) 0800 555111

Public Footpaths – PROW Officer—John Pelham

01732 872829

ext 4

Roads, potholes etc (manned 24 hours)

Kent.highwayservices@kent.gov.uk 08458 247800

RSPCA 0300 1234999

Short Mat Bowls—Sue Finnis 01795 844524

South East Water emergency 0845 6032603

South Green Rendezvous Club

Ken Elgar 01795 424827

W. I.- Brenda Mace 01622 88 4746

Oil Boiler Specialists

Can I just advise all home owners in and around Stockbury that

Oil boilers only need to be serviced once a year.

This will be news to some of you I’m sure.

A service should comprise of changing the nozzle,

replacing the flexible oil line,

changing/cleaning any and all oil filters,

removing all the baffles and

cleaning the INSIDE of the boiler.

Once this has been done and the boiler is rebuilt it should be fired

up and the emissions tested with a gas analyzer and the settings

adjusted to give you the most efficient boiler you can have.

It is your oil - burn it wisely.

Changing the nozzle and vacuuming out the front is not a service,

it is a rip off!

Call us and we will be happy to talk to you about our service with

only friendly advice and no selling.

01795 842291 or 07894067151

OFTEC registered and certified

Puzzle Solutions:

Page 11



Eve 2012



Photos © Sue Gardner

December 2012

top related