

Legal Agreements Simplified

Investors Agreement

• If you are entering into a business relationship which involves shares, or are already in such a business relationship, you can use an Investors Agreement to help secure your basic interests. Whether you're the one investing capital, or you own a business backed by investors, an Investors Agreement can help keep you protected.

Agreement for assignment of Copyright

•A copyright Assignment transfers the ownership of a copyrighted work from one party to another, giving them the rights to copy, sell, and distribute the work.

Agreement with graphic designer

• It highlights the Terms and Conditions set between a designer and the client for a project, relevant details along with the submission deadlines and the description of services that the designer has agreed to render.

Non disclosure agreement

•A legally enforceable contract that creates a confidential relationship between a person who holds some kind of trade secret and a person to whom the secret will be disclosed.

Partnership Deed

•A partnership deed, also known as a partnership agreement, is a document that outlines in detail the rights and responsibilities of all parties to a business operation. It has the force of law and is designed to guide the partners in the conduct of the business.

Product supply agreement

• The product supply agreement is made between a manufacturer and a buyer whereby the buyer purchases products from the manufacturer for distribution.

Marketing Agreement

•An agreement between the Client Company and a marketing consultant for the provision of marketing services. The agreement should include the specific terms for the services the marketing consultant has agreed to render as well as restrictive data such as non-disclosure of confidential information and ownership of work product.

Memorandum Of Understanding

•MOUs specify mutually-accepted expectations between two or more people or organizations as they labour together toward a common objective. And here are two other touchstones of MOUs - generally they're not legally binding, in part because neither party wants to deal with the ramifications of a binding agreement, and they don't involve the exchange of money.

Share Holders Agreement

•A shareholder’s agreement is a contract entered into between a company and some or all of its shareholders. It can deal with all aspects of the relationship between the parties, including the personal rights and obligations of the shareholders. Together with the company’s articles of association a shareholders’ agreement creates internal “rules” by which a company is governed.

Terms Of Use

• Terms of service (also known as terms of use and terms and conditions, commonly abbreviated as TOS or TOU) are rules which one must agree to abide by in order to use a service. Terms of service can also be merely a disclaimer, especially regarding the use of websites.

• The terms-of-service agreement is mainly used for legal purposes by websites and internet service providers that store a user's personal data, such as e-commerce and Social networking services. A legitimate terms-of-service agreement is legally binding, and may be subject to change.

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