
Jonathan Lampron“Night at the Museum”

Friday, December 16, 11

Issue 1: Too Open

The map is too open, so there is a lot of

wasted space. The player really has no

reason to not take the quickest path, so the design is inefficient.

Friday, December 16, 11

Issue 2: No Wayfinding

It is really easy to get lost in the map because

there is no sense of direction.

Friday, December 16, 11

Issue 3: No Sense of Location

The player really can’t tell where they are. The

map has no sense of identity.

Friday, December 16, 11

Friday, December 16, 11


•When the Zombies did show up

•Spending a lot of time on it and then going back to the drawing board

•How hard it is to make something that lasts a while

•The textures and the lighting

•The lack of zombies

Friday, December 16, 11

Key Learnings

•Planning is (super) important

•It is better to layout first, then spruce it up

•Watching playtesting is the best way to improve

•Everything will work exactly the way you don’t want it to at first

Friday, December 16, 11

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